This page is part of the Da Vinci Clinical Documentation Exchange (v1.1.0: STU1.1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. The current version which supersedes this version is 2.1.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions
This page provides a list of the FHIR artifacts defined as part of this implementation guide.
The following artifacts define the specific capabilities that different types of systems are expected to have in order to comply with this implementation guide. Systems conforming to this implementation guide are expected to declare conformance to one or more of the following capability statements.
Data Consumer Client CapabilityStatement |
This CapabilityStatement describes the expected capabilities of a Da Vinci CDex Data Consumer in Client mode when requesting clinical data from the Data Source during clinical data exchange. The capabilities include one or more of the following interactions:
Data Consumer Server CapabilityStatement |
This CapabilityStatement describes the expected capabilities of a Da Vinci CDex Data Consumer in Server mode when responding to a Data Source or one of its proxies during clinical data exchange. The capabilities include one or more of the following interactions:
Data Source Client CapabilityStatement |
This CapabilityStatement describes the expected capabilities of a Da Vinci CDex Data Source in Client mode during clinical data exchange with a Data Consumer. The capabilities include one or more of the following interactions:
Data Source Server CapabilityStatement |
This CapabilityStatement describes the expected capabilities of a Da Vinci CDex Data Source in Server mode when responding to a Data Consumer during clinical data exchange. The capabilities include one or more of the following interactions:
These are custom operations that can be supported by and/or invoked by systems conforming to this implementation guide
Submit Attachment Operation |
This operation is used to submit attachments (additional documentation) for claims or prior authorization. This operation accepts the clinical/administrative attachments and the necessary information needed to associate them to the claim or prior authorization and returns a transaction layer HTTP response. The operation may be invoked before, at the same time as, or after the claim or pre-authorization has been supplied to the Payer. This operation can be used by any HTTP endpoint, not just FHIR RESTful servers. The input parameters are:
There are no output parameters. |
These define constraints on FHIR resources for systems conforming to this implementation guide
CDex Patient Demographics Profile |
This Profile is defined to be contained within the CDex Task Attachment Request Profile or CDex Task Data Request Profile. It is referenced when additional patient demographic data is communicated for a clinical data request (for example, to verify patient identity for HIPAA compliance regulations). It constrains the following elements to be mandatory (min=1):
and the following element to be must support (min=0):
CDex Signature Bundle Profile |
This Bundle profile enforces the various elements of signature documented in the CDex guide. It adds the following mandatory (min=1) constraints:
In addition, the following mandatory (min=1) element is inherited from the base standard:
CDex Task Attachment Request Profile |
This Task based profile is used by Payers to request additional documentation for claims or prior authorizations. It constrains the Task resource to minimal necessary data elements needed to request attachments and is compliant with HIPAA Attachment rules for CMS and an alternative to the X12n 277 and 278 response transactions. It constrains the following elements to be mandatory (min=1):
and the following elements to be must support [min=0]:
and the following elements to be optional:
CDex Task Data Request Profile |
This Task profile is based upon the Da Vinci HRex Task Data Request. It adds the following must support constraints for CDex:
In addition, the following optional constraint:
These define sets of codes used by systems conforming to this implementation guide
CDex Purpose of Use Value Set |
The set of purpose of use codes for the requested data (the output of the task). This code set is composed of FHIR core Purpose of Use security labels and additional codes defined by this Guide. |
CDex Claim Use Value Set |
The purpose of a Claim resource and the reason for attachments. It includes the codes “preauthorization” and “claim”. |
CDex Identifier Types Value Set |
Identifiers type for providers and organizations limited to NPI or US Tax id. |
CDex Work Queue Value Set |
The set work queue tags that the provider may use in their workflow to process requests. This code set is composed of codes defined by this Guide. |
These define new code systems used by systems conforming to this implementation guide
CDex Temporary Code System |
Codes temporarily defined as part of the CDex implementation guide. These will eventually migrate into an officially maintained terminology (likely HL7’s UTG code systems). |
These are example instances that show what data produced and consumed by systems conforming with this implementation guide might look like
CDEX Document with Digital Signature Example |
Digital signature example showing how it is used to sign a FHIR Document. The CDEX use case would be the target resource in response to a Task-based request where a digital signature was required. If no signature was required, the response would typically be in the form of an individual resource. |
CDEX Document with Electronic Signature Example |
Electronic signature example showing how an image file can be used to sign a document Bundle. The CDEX use case would be the target resource in response to a Task-based request where an electronic signature was required. If no signature was required, the response would typically be in the form of an individual resource. |
CDex Parameters Example1 |
CCDA Attachment Example: Parameters Resource example showing how it is used to submit attachments using the |
CDex Parameters Example 2 |
Signed FHIR Document Attachment Example: Parameters Resource example showing how it is used to submit attachments using the |
CDex Parameters Example 3 |
PDF Attachment Example: Parameters Resource example showing how it is used to submit attachments using the |
CDex Parameters Example 4 |
Laboratory Results Attachment Example: Parameters Resource example showing how it is used to submit multiple attachments using the |
CDEX SearchSet Bundle with Digital Signature Example |
Digital signature example showing how it is used to sign a search set Bundle. The CDEX use case would be a response to a Direct Query where a digital signature was required. |
CDex Task Example 1 |
Query String Request for Condition: Task to seek a patient’s active conditions using the CDex Profile query input. This example illustrates the use of business identifiers (instead of pointing to a FHIR resource) to references the various actors. |
Cdex Task Example 10 |
Coded Request for A1C Results: Task to seek a patient’s HbA1c test results using the CDex Profile query input. This example illustrates the use of FHIR resource references to the various actors. |
Cdex Task Example 11 |
Query String Request for Condition with Authorization: In this provider to provider request, a Task is used to request a patient active conditions using the CDex Profile query input. A reference to a formal authorization is provided. This example illustrates the use of business identifiers (instead of pointing to a FHIR resource) to references the various actors. |
Cdex Task Example 12 |
Completed Query String Request for Condition with Authorization: In this completed provider to provider request, a Task is used to request a patient active conditions using the CDex Profile query input. A reference to a formal authorization is provided. This example illustrates the use of business identifiers (instead of pointing to a FHIR resource) to references the various actors. |
Cdex Task Example 13 |
Free Text Request for Condition with Provenance: Task to seek a patient active conditions and its provenance using free text in the CDex Profile code input. This example illustrates the use of business identifiers (instead of pointing to a FHIR resource) to references the various actors. |
Cdex Task Example 14 |
Completed Free Text Request for Condition with Provenance: Completed Task to seek a patient active conditions and its provenance using free text in the CDex Profile code input. This example illustrates the use of business identifiers (instead of pointing to a FHIR resource) to references the various actors. |
Cdex Task Example 15 |
Query String Request for Condition with Provenance: Task to seek a patient active conditions and its provenance using query string in the CDex Profile query input. This example illustrates the use of business identifiers (instead of pointing to a FHIR resource) to references the various actors. |
Cdex Task Example 16 |
Completed Query String Request for Condition with Provenance: Completed Task to seek a patient active conditions their provenance using the CDex Profile query input. This example illustrates the use of business identifiers (instead of pointing to a FHIR resource) to references the various actors. |
Cdex Task Example 17 |
Query String Request for Signed Condition Data: Task to seek a patient active conditions using the CDex Profile query input and using the signature input to indicate a signature is required. This example illustrates the use of business identifiers (instead of pointing to a FHIR resource) to references the various actors. |
Cdex Task Example 18 |
Completed Query String Request for Signed Condition Data: Completed Task to seek a signed patient active conditions. This example illustrates the use of business identifiers (instead of pointing to a FHIR resource) to references the various actors. |
Cdex Task Example 19 |
Claim Attachment Request Example: Claim Attachment Request sent by payer to a provider requesting a signed Progress note (H&P) note |
Cdex Task Example 2 |
Completed Query String Request for Condition: Completed Task to seek a patient active conditions using the CDex Profile query input. This example illustrates the use of business identifiers (instead of pointing to a FHIR resource) to references the various actors. |
Cdex Task Example 20 |
Prior-Auth Attachment Request Example: Prior Authorization Attachment Request sent by payer to a provider requesting a signed History and physical (H&P) note |
Cdex Task Example 21 |
Coded Request for Surgical Operation Note: Task to seek a patient’s latest operative notes using the CDex Profile code input. This example illustrates the use of FHIR resource references to the various actors. |
Cdex Task Example 3 |
Completed Query String Request for Condition with Contained Output: Completed Task to seek a patient active conditions using the CDex Profile query input and using a contained resource for the output data. This example illustrates the use of business identifiers (instead of pointing to a FHIR resource) to references the various actors. |
Cdex Task Example 4 |
Free Text Request for Condition: Task to seek a patient active conditions using free text in the CDex Profile code input. This example illustrates the use of business identifiers (instead of pointing to a FHIR resource) to references the various actors. |
Cdex Task Example 5 |
Completed Free Text Request for Condition: Completed Task to seek a patient active conditions using free text for the input in the CDex Profile code input. This example illustrates the use of business identifiers (instead of pointing to a FHIR resource) to references the various actors. |
Cdex Task Example 6 |
Coded Request for Progress note: Task to seek a patient’s latest Progress notes using the CDex Profile code input. This example illustrates the use of FHIR resource references to the various actors. |
Cdex Task Example 7 |
Completed Coded Request for Progress note - PDF: Completed Task to seek a patient’s latest Progress notes using the CDex Profile code input. This example illustrates the use of FHIR resource references to the various actors. The output data is a contained DocumentReference with an inline base64 encoded PDF document. |
Cdex Task Example 8 |
Completed Coded RequestOperative note -CCDA: Completed Task to seek a patient’s Operative notes using the CDex Profile code input. This example illustrates the use of FHIR resource references to the various actors. The output data is a contained DocumentReference with an inline base64 encoded CCDA document. |
Cdex Task Example 9 |
Failed Coded Request for A1C Results: Task to seek a patient’s HbA1c test results using the CDex Profile query input with a failed status. This example illustrates the use of FHIR resource references to the various actors. |