Library Name | Name |
SupplementalDataElements |
SDE Sex |
define "SDE Sex": case when Patient.gender = 'male' then Code { code: 'M', system: '', display: 'Male' } when Patient.gender = 'female' then Code { code: 'F', system: '', display: 'Female' } else null end
Library Name | Name |
PVSComponent |
SDE Sex |
define "SDE Sex": SDE."SDE Sex"
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PVSComponent |
Numerator |
define "Numerator": exists ( [Immunization: "Pneumococcal Vaccine"] PneumococcalVaccine where PneumococcalVaccine.status = 'completed' and PneumococcalVaccine.occurrence as dateTime on or before end of "Measurement Period" ) or exists ( [Procedure: "Pneumococcal Vaccine Administered"] PneumococcalVaccineGiven where PneumococcalVaccineGiven.status = 'completed' and PneumococcalVaccineGiven.performed as Period on or before end of "Measurement Period" )
Library Name | Name |
PVSComponent |
Qualifying Encounters |
define "Qualifying Encounters": ( [Encounter: "Office Visit"] union [Encounter: "Annual Wellness Visit"] union [Encounter: "Preventive Care Services - Established Office Visit, 18 and Up"] union [Encounter: "Preventive Care Services-Initial Office Visit, 18 and Up"] union [Encounter: "Home Healthcare Services"] union [Encounter: "Discharge Services - Nursing Facility"] union [Encounter: "Nursing Facility Visit"] union [Encounter: "Care Services in Long-Term Residential Facility"] ) ValidEncounter where ValidEncounter.period during "Measurement Period" and ValidEncounter.status = 'finished'
Library Name | Name |
PVSComponent |
Initial Population |
define "Initial Population": Global."CalendarAgeInYearsAt" ( FHIRHelpers.ToDate ( Patient.birthDate ), start of "Measurement Period" ) >= 65 and exists "Qualifying Encounters"
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PVSComponent |
Denominator |
define "Denominator": "Initial Population"
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SupplementalDataElements |
SDE Payer |
define "SDE Payer": [Coverage: type in "Payer"] Payer return { code: Payer.type, period: Payer.period }
Library Name | Name |
PVSComponent |
SDE Payer |
define "SDE Payer": SDE."SDE Payer"
Library Name | Name |
SupplementalDataElements |
SDE Ethnicity |
define "SDE Ethnicity": (flatten ( Patient.extension Extension where Extension.url = '' return Extension.extension )) E where E.url = 'ombCategory' or E.url = 'detailed' return E.value as Coding
Library Name | Name |
PVSComponent |
SDE Ethnicity |
define "SDE Ethnicity": SDE."SDE Ethnicity"
Library Name | Name |
Hospice |
Has Hospice |
define "Has Hospice": exists ( [Encounter: "Encounter Inpatient"] DischargeHospice where DischargeHospice.status = 'finished' and ( DischargeHospice.hospitalization.dischargeDisposition ~ "Discharge to home for hospice care (procedure)" or DischargeHospice.hospitalization.dischargeDisposition ~ "Discharge to healthcare facility for hospice care (procedure)" ) and DischargeHospice.period ends during "Measurement Period" ) or exists ( [ServiceRequest: "Hospice care ambulatory"] HospiceOrder where HospiceOrder.intent = 'order' and HospiceOrder.authoredOn in "Measurement Period" ) or exists ( [Procedure: "Hospice care ambulatory"] HospicePerformed where HospicePerformed.status = 'completed' and Global."Normalize Interval"(HospicePerformed.performed) overlaps "Measurement Period" )
Library Name | Name |
PVSComponent |
Denominator Exclusions |
define "Denominator Exclusions": Hospice."Has Hospice"
Library Name | Name |
SupplementalDataElements |
SDE Race |
define "SDE Race": (flatten ( Patient.extension Extension where Extension.url = '' return Extension.extension )) E where E.url = 'ombCategory' or E.url = 'detailed' return E.value as Coding
Library Name | Name |
PVSComponent |
SDE Race |
define "SDE Race": SDE."SDE Race"