This page is part of the Smart App Launch Implementation Guide (v2.1.0: STU 2.1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. The current version which supersedes this version is 2.2.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions
This page reflects non-normative best practices established at the time of publication. For up-to-date community discussion, see SMART on FHIR Best Practices on the HL7 Confluence Site
In 3rd-party authorization scenarios (where the client and the resource server are not from the same organization), it is a common requirement for authorization servers to obtain the user’s consent prior to granting the scopes requested by the client. In order to collect the required consent in a transparent manner, it is important that the authorization server presents a summary of the requested scopes in concise, plain language that the user understands.
The responsibility of supporting transparent consent falls on both the authorization server implementer as well as the client application developer.
Client Application Considerations
Authorization Server Considerations
Persistent access is important for providing a seamless consumer experience, and Refresh Tokens are the mechanism SMART App Launch defines for enabling persistent access. If an app is ineligible for refresh tokens, the developer is likely to seek other means of achieving this (e.g., saving a user’s password and simulating login; or moving to a cloud-based architecture even though there’s no use case for managing data off-device).
Client architectures where data pass through or are stored in a secure backend server (e.g., many confidential clients) can offer more secure {refresh token :: client} binding, but are open to certain attacks that purely-on-device apps are not subject to (e.g., cloud server becomes compromised and tokens/secrets leak). A breach in this context can be widespread, across many users.
Client architectures where data are managed exclusively on end-user devices (e.g., many public clients including most native apps today, where an app is only registered once with a given EHR) are open to certain attacks that confidential clients can avoid (e.g., a malicious app on your device might steal tokens from a valid app, or might impersonate a valid app). A breach in this context is more likely to be isolated to a given user or device.
The choice of app architecture should be based on context. Apps that already need to manage data in the cloud should consider a confidential client architecture; apps that don’t should consider a purely-on-device architecture. But this decision only works if refresh tokens are available in either case; otherwise, app developers will switch architectures just to be able to maintain persistent access, even if the overall security posture is diminished.