This page is part of the FHIR Specification (v1.0.2: DSTU 2). The current version which supercedes this version is 5.0.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions
. Page versions: R5 R4B R4 R3 R2
5.27.9 Resource Appointment - Mappings 
Mappings for the appointment resource. Mappings for RIM ( 
Appointment | Act (ActMood = ActMoodAppointment or ActMoodAppointmentRequest) |
identifier | .id |
status | .statusCode |
type | .code |
reason | (encounter appointment).reason |
priority | .priorityCode |
description | .text |
start | .effectiveTime.low |
end | .effectiveTime.high |
minutesDuration | |
slot | Schedule-Slot (classCode=ACT, moodCode = SLOT) |
comment | |
participant | |
type | |
actor | performer | reusableDevice | subject | location |
required | performer.performIndicator |
status | | Mappings for HL7 v2 ( 
Appointment | |
identifier | SCH-1, SCH-2, ARQ-1, ARQ-2 |
status | SCH-25 |
type | |
reason | AIS-3, ARQ-7, SCH-7 |
priority | ARQ-12, SCH-11.6 / TQ1-9 |
description | NTE-3 |
start | ARQ-11.1, SCH-11.4 / TQ1-7 |
end | ARQ-11.2, SCH-11.5 / TQ1-8 |
minutesDuration | |
slot | |
comment | NTE-3 |
participant | PID, AIP, AIG, AIL |
type | AIP-4, AIG-4 |
actor | PID-3-Patient ID List | AIL-3 | AIG-3 | AIP-3 |
required | |
status | AIP-12, AIG-14 | Mappings for iCalendar ( 
Appointment | VEVENT |
identifier | UID |
status | |
type | |
reason | |
priority | PRIORITY |
description | DESCRIPTION |
start | |
end | |
minutesDuration | |
slot | |
comment | COMMENT |
participant | ATTENDEE component to be created |
type | n/a |
actor | ATTENDEE: (Need to provide the common name CN and also the MAILTO properties from the practitioner resource) where the participant type is not "information-only" |
required | ROLE=REQ-PARTICIPANT (roleparam) |
status | ATTENDEE;CN="Brian Postlethwaite"; (rsvpparam | partstatparam) |