This page is part of the FHIR Specification (v0.01: Historical Archive Draft). The current version which supercedes this version is 5.0.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions


One basic operation performed with resources is to aggregate a group of resources into a single XML document. This is performed in many of the implementation frameworks. Aggregated resources are useful for grouping resources together for a variety of different reasons, including:

Resources are aggregated using the Atom format (, following this template:

<feed xmlns="" xmlns:gd="">
  <title mand type="string">text statement of purpose</title>
  <updated mand type="dateTime">when aggregation happened</updated>
  <id mand type="id">unique id for this aggregation</id>
  <link mand rel="via" href="aggregating application url"/>

  <entry gd:etag="version id">    <!-- Zero+ -->
    <title mand type="string">text summary of resource</title>
    <link mand rel="self" href="Master Location for Resource"/>
    <id mand type="id">Master Id for this resource</id>
    <updated mand type="dateTime">Last Updated for resource</updated>
    <published opt type="dateTime">Time resource sourced for aggregation</updated>
      <name mand type="string">Name of Human or Device that authored the resource</name>
      <uri opt type="uri">Link to the resource for the author</uri>
    <category term="[Resource Type]" scheme="urn:hl7-org:sid/fhir/resource-types"/>  
    <content mand type="text/xml">
      <[ResourceName] xmlns="">
         <id mand type="id">Resource Id (i.e. normal resource content)</id>
         <!-- Content for the resource -->
    <summary opt type="xhtml">
         <!-- Narrative from resource for a browser. Must be wrapped in a <div> -->
    <Signature xmlns="" opt>
         <!-- Enveloped Digital Signature (see Atom section 5.1) -->


Readers of the aggregated resources should always look through the resources in the atom feed when a resource reference is encountered. The resource reference will have the resource type and the id of the target, like this:


A reader trying to find this institution should always look through the entries in the atom feed prior to looking anywhere else for the institution. If that organization is in the feed, it would look like this:

   .. feed ..
    <category term="Organization" scheme="urn:hl7-org:sid/fhir/resource-types"/>

    <content type="text/xml">
      <Organization xmlns="">
         <!-- other Content for the resource -->
  ... feed ...

It would also be possible to locate the resouce by the url (todo: explanation of this method).

XML Ids in resources

FHIR resources make use of XML id attributes as targets for pointers elsewhere in the document. XML id attributes must be unique in the context of a single XML document, and the atom feed is a single XML document. it can be difficult and time consuming - or impossible in the presence of a digital signature - to fix the id attributes so they are unique when aggregating resources. For this reason, it is highly recommended that all XML id attributes are prefixed with the type and master id of the resource, like this: [Type]_[master id]_id (e.g. Person_23442_1).

JSON Format

For the same reasons as resources, it is useful to define a standard JSON representation of the atom format. Several existing JSON representations of the atom feed are in general use; this specification adopts the Google GData representation.

Note: All of the existing JSON representations of Atom are lacking in simplicity. The Google conversion is at least algorithmic.

RESTful support for Aggregations

The standard RESTful endpoints (such as [baseurl]/people/#{id}.xml for a Person resource, or [baseurl]/documents/#{id}.xml) handle the individual resources, and not aggregations (though, per the restful spec, they may serve up aggregations for the history and update operations). There is a special end-point for aggregations at the relative url "/assemblies", which supports the following operations:

readRetrieve an aggregation
vreadNot supported - aggregations have no version history
updateNot supported - aggregations never change
deleteDelete an aggregation
validateCheck that the content would be acceptable as an update
historyNot supported - aggregations never change
transactionNot supported
searchSearch the aggregations based on some filter criteria. Supported search parameters
  • - an id of a document. There should only be one aggregation for each document (optional, for systems that support documents)
  • - an id of a message. There is usually only one aggregation per message. (optional, for systems that archive messages and make them available in this fashion)
  • [ResourceType].id - an id of a resource that may be brought into an aggregation. Multiple aggregations should be expected in the response. (also optional)
createCreate an aggregation (i.e. post to the server. The ID is assigned by the client)
updatesGet a list of updates to resources of this type, optionally with some filter criteria
transactionNot supported
conformanceNot supported (no conformance statement for aggregations directly)
schemaNot supported (no schema for FHIR atom directly)

For all these resources, the id (as used in the RESTful transactions) is the unique id of the aggregation. Note that creating an aggregation does not mean that any apparent implied transactions in the resources found in the aggregation should be applied to the server resources and/or executed by any system - specific transaction are required, either using the RESTful or messaging frameworks, or a SOA implementation.

This is an old version of FHIR retained for archive purposes. Do not use for anything else
Implementers are welcome to experiment with the content defined here, but should note that the contents are subject to change without prior notice.
© 2011 - 2012. FHIR v0.01 generated on Mon, May 14, 2012 09:48+1000.