This page is part of the Radiation Dose Summary for Diagnostic Procedures on FHIR (v0.1.0: STU 1 Ballot 1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. No current official version has been published yet. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions
This chapter describes the scope of this guide, provides background information about the radiation dose summary IG, key concepts, and describes the use cases supported by this implementation guide.
The IHE Dose Reporter actor from the IHE REM profile gathers Radiation information and dose reports from modalities. However, there is no standardization of the exposure of the gathered data to third parties in a light API based format.
Dose Management systems need to share information related to the exam to multiple third parties:
The RDSRs have a complete and a strong structure for sharing the dose information from the modalities to the Dose Consumer/Reporter actors, and also between the Dose Reporter and the Dose Registry systems. However, most of third party applications have a very light needs for the Dose report. For example, RIS systems in France need only, for CT exams, the Dose Length Product Total data from the CT RDSR, in order to fit local regulations.
The emergence of HL7 FHIR simplified the exchange between backend applications and third parties through the exchange of normalized resources having stable structures. This analysis allows to share minimal dose information through FHIR resources.
Out Of Scope:
Dealing with sharing details of radiation procedures, like the X-Ray parameters, the modality configuration, etc., is out of scope. Also, sharing the details of enhanced dose data, like the size specific dose estimation, is also out of scope. Other means exist to share this detailed information, mainly the DICOM Radiation Structured Reports (RDSRs).
Radiotherapy procedures are not covered by the scope of this work, only diagnostic imaging radiations is covered by this work.
Three use cases were identified.
This use case is very common within RIS systems not supporting dose management modules. In fact, gathering of dose information from modalities can be very complex:
It is the role of the Dose management system to provide the RIS with the right information regarding the dose administered to the patients. Reporting the minimal dose information inside the final imaging report is recommended by many stakeholders and organizations, and sometimes it is a regulation. For example, in France there are the Order of 22 September 2006 relating to the radiation information to be included in an act report using ionizing radiation, from the French Minister of Health and Solidarity, and describing some dose information that needs to be present in the final report.
The same kind of regulations exists in California in the US about the CT exams, which is the Senate Bill No. 1237.
The exposure of the Dose Summary as FHIR resources opens the doors to the mobile applications to gather the dose information from the Dose management systems, or from the EMR if the Dose Summary is propagated to the EMR. Many applications may benefit from this additional patient data in order to add tracking of the patient dose information. Some patient facing applications can track the dose summary through multiple facilities. Other practitioner mobile applications can benefit from the Dose Summary data in order to collect more data for practitioner, or to improve their Clinical Decision Support (CDS) component.
The exposure of the Dose Summary as a FHIR resources is beneficial for Business Intelligence applications exposing metrics on dose data. In fact, multiple metrics can be normalized within a FHIR server collecting the Dose Summary resources, like:
In this paragraph, we analyze the mapping between the identified minimal dose information and some specifications on dose information reporting coming from multiple stakeholders:
The analysis of the different specifications allowed to obtain the following coverage between the minimal dose information and these specifications/guidelines:
Dose Information |
Modality |
PS3.20 |
PS3.16 |
Finland |
France |
CT |
XA |
RF |
MG |
NM |
X-Ray RDSR |
TID 2008 |
Irradiation authorizing Person |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Pregnancy Observation |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Indication Observation |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Device |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Irradiation Issued Date |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Associated Procedure |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Dose measurements - Study level |
Dose (RP) Total |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Accumulated Average Glandular Dose |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Dose Area Product Total |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Fluoro Dose Area Product Total |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Acquisition Dose Area Product Total |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Total Fluoro Time |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Total Number of Radiographic Frames |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
CT Dose Length Product Total |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Administered activity |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Radiopharmaceutical Agent |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Radionuclide |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Radiopharmaceutical Volume |
Y |
Y |
Route of administration |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Dose measurements - Irradiation Event level |
Mean CTDIvol |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Target Region |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
CTDIw Phantom Type |
Y |
Y |
Y |
The identified minimal dose information that should be collected by the dose management system and shared with third parties applications are divided into contextual information data and dose measurements data.
Contextual Information data:
Contextual Information | Identifier | Level |
Irradiation Authorizing Person | EV (113850, DCM, Irradiation Authorizing) | Procedure |
Pregnancy Observation | EV (82810-3, LN, Pregnancy status) | Procedure |
Indication Observation | EV (18785-6, LN, Indications for Procedure) | Procedure |
Irradiating Device | EV (113859, DCM, Irradiating Device) | Procedure |
Irradiation Issued Date | EV (113809, DCM, Start of X-Ray Irradiation) | Procedure |
Related Imaging Study | EV (110180, DCM, Study Instance UID) | Procedure |
Dose measurements data:
Dose Measurements | Identifier | DICOM TID | Level | Type | Unit |
Dose (RP) Total | EV (113725, DCM, Dose (RP) Total) | TID 10007 | Procedure | Quantity | mGy |
Accumulated Average Glandular Dose | EV (111637, DCM, Accumulated Average Glandular Dose) | TID 10005 | Procedure | Quantity | mGy |
Dose Area Product Total | EV (113722, DCM, Dose Area Product Total) | TID 10007 | Procedure | Quantity | mGy.cm2 |
Fluoro Dose Area Product Total | EV (113726, DCM, Fluoro Dose Area Product Total) | TID 10004 | Procedure | Quantity | mGy.cm2 |
Acquisition Dose Area Product Total | EV (113727, DCM, Acquisition Dose Area Product Total) | TID 10004 | Procedure | Quantity | mGy.cm2 |
Total Fluoro Time | EV (113730, DCM, Total Fluoro Time) | TID 10004 | Procedure | Quantity | s |
Total Number of Radiographic Frames | EV (113731, DCM, Total Number of Radiographic Frames) | TID 10007 | Procedure | Integer | |
CT Dose Length Product Total | EV (113813, DCM, CT Dose Length Product Total) | TID 10012 | Procedure | Quantity | |
Administered activity | EV (113507, DCM, Administered activity) | TID 10022 | Administration | Quantity | MBq |
Radiopharmaceutical Agent | EV (349358000, SCT, Radiopharmaceutical agent) | TID 10022 | Administration | CodeableConcept | |
Radionuclide | EV (89457008, SCT, Radionuclide) | TID 10022 | Administration | CodeableConcept | |
Radiopharmaceutical Volume | EV (123005, DCM, Radiopharmaceutical Volume) | TID 10022 | Administration | Quantity | cm3 |
Route of administration | EV (410675002, SCT, Route of administration) | TID 10022 | Administration | CodeableConcept | |
Mean CTDIvol | EV (113830, DCM, Mean CTDIvol) | TID 10013 | Irradiation Event | Quantity | mGy |
DLP | EV (113838, DCM, DLP) | TID 10013 | Irradiation Event | Quantity | |
Target Region | EV (123014, DCM, Target Region) | TID 10013 | Irradiation Event | CodeableConcept | |
CTDIw Phantom Type | EV (113835, DCM, CTDIw Phantom Type) | TID 10013 | Irradiation Event | CodeableConcept |
The following terms and initialisms/acronyms are used within the Radiation Dose Summary IG:
Term | Definition |
ATNA | Audit Trail and Node Authentication |
CDA | Clinical Document Architecture |
CDS | Clinical Decision Support |
CT | Computed Tomography |
CTDI | Computed Tomography Dose Index |
DAP | Dose Area Product |
DICOM | Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine |
DLP | Dose Length Product |
EHR | Electronic Health Record |
EMR | Electronic Medical Record |
FHIR | Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources |
HAS | French High Authority of Health |
HL7 | Health Level Seven |
IG | Implementation Guide |
IHE | Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise |
IOD | Information Object Definition |
IPS | International Patient Summary |
MG | Mammography |
MPPS | Modality Performed Procedure Step |
NM | Nuclear Medicine |
OCR | Optical Character Recognition |
RDSC | Radiation Dose Summary Consumer |
RDSP | Radiation Dose Summary Producer |
RDSR | Radiation Dose Structured Report |
REM | Radiation Exposure Monitoring |
REM-NM | Radiation Exposure Monitoring for Nuclear Medicine |
RF | Radio Fluoroscopy |
RIS | Radiology Information System |
RP | Reference Point |
RRDSR | Radiopharmaceutical Radiation Dose Structured Report |
SFR | French Society of Radiology |
SR | Structured Report |
SSDE | Size Specific Dose Estimation |
TID | Template ID |
TLS | Transport Layer Security |
UID | Unique identifier |
URL | Uniform Resource Locator |
URN | Uniform Resource Name |
VR | Value Representation |
XA | X-Ray Angiography |
XDS-I.b | Cross-enterprise Document Sharing for Imaging |