Radiation Dose Summary for Diagnostic Procedures on FHIR
0.1.0 - STU 1 Ballot

This page is part of the Radiation Dose Summary for Diagnostic Procedures on FHIR (v0.1.0: STU 1 Ballot 1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. No current official version has been published yet. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Example Observation: CTRadiationDoseSummary-139

Generated Narrative

Resource "139"

Profile: CT Radiation Dose Summary

identifier: SOP Instance UID: urn:oid:1.2.840.

partOf: ImagingStudy/342

status: final

code: Radiation exposure and protection information [Description] Document Diagnostic imaging (LOINC#73569-6)

subject: Patient/56: Pascale Dupont " DUPONY"

effective: 2015-01-01T22:23:30Z

performer: Practitioner/33: John Moore " MOORE"

device: Device/539: CT01



code: Procedure reported (DICOM#121058)

value: Computerized tomography (SNOMED CT#77477000)


code: CT Dose Length Product Total (DICOM#113813)

value: 203.12 mGy.cm