International Patient Access
1.0.0 - STU1 International flag

This page is part of the International Patient Access (v1.0.0: STU 1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. The current version which supersedes this version is 1.1.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Gaining Access to a Patient Record

An application is authorized to access a patient record using the SMART App Launch Protocol’s standalone launch sequence. See the required server and client SMART on FHIR capabilities on the security page. The use of SMART on FHIR is described below.

Client Process

A client application gets access to a patient record by following this general sequence of steps:

  • Register itself as a client application with the endpoint.
    • This may require a manual step on the part of the user or the developer, or the endpoint may support automatic registration (see OAuth 2.0 Dynamic Client Registration Protocol).
    • if the application supports automatic registration, the [url]/.well-known/smart-configuration will specify the endpoint.
    • Note that most healthcare systems exercise control over which clients can access healthcare records, and automatic registration is not supported.
  • Identifying the appropriate endpoint (url) for the IPA-compatible API.
    • Note that this specification does not specify how to find the endpoint; different countries will have different arrangements.
  • Fetch the system capability statement from [url]/metadata and check that it implements the IPA API

  • Fetch the endpoint configuration from [url]/.well-known/smart-configuration.

  • Follow the Smart App Launch Protocol using the authorization endpoint from the smart-configuration file and request the launch/patient scope.

  • At the end of the SMART App Launch Protocol, the application will have a token that provides access to a single patient record. Now, use that to retrieve patient information.


Scopes work as described in the SMART on FHIR specification. Servers MAY limit clients’ scopes to those configured at registration time. Servers SHOULD allow users to select a subset of the requested scopes at the approval time. The app SHOULD inspect the returned scopes and accommodate the differences from the scopes it requested and registered.

SMART on FHIR Obligations and Capabilities:

IPA conformant servers and clients SHALL support:

  • the resources as profiled by IPA to represent clinical information (Profile Support) and the RESTful FHIR API interactions defined for it (Interaction Support)
  • the SMART on FHIR obligations and capabilities

This section documents the SMART on FHIR obligations and capabilities. The Conformance page documents the support for IPA Profiles and their FHIR interactions.

SMART on FHIR Server Obligations

  • The server hosts a smart-configuration file at [url]/.well-known/smart-configuration that is available to both authenticated and unauthenticated clients.
  • Specific obligations for server support of SMART on FHIR capabilities are defined below. They include the server hosting a smart-configuration file at [url]/.well-known/smart-configuration that is available to both authenticated and unauthenticated clients.

SMART on FHIR Server Capabilities

Servers SHALL support the following SMART on FHIR capabilities:

Servers MAY support the other SMART on FHIR capabilities, such as:

SMART on FHIR Client Capabilities

Client apps will need to support a subset of the SMART on FHIR server capabilities to function:

SMART on FHIR Server Process

The steps described below are typically performed when a server grants access to a client:

  • The server conforms to the SMART App Launch specification and checks that the authenticated user of the application has access.
  • If the client requests access to a patient record, the server checks that the authenticated user of the application has access to the specified record.
  • If the authenticated user is authorized to access multiple patient records, the server typically requires that the user choose a single patient record to share. (A patient often has access to multiple records in the case of a parent or family caregiver).
  • The server ensures that the authenticated user has access to the record.
  • The server returns a Patient FHIR resource identifier as the patient SMART launch context parameter when authorization is granted and includes any patient/ scopes defined by the SMART App Launch Protocol.