This page is part of the FHIRcast (v2.1.0-ballot: STU3 Ballot 1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. This version is a pre-release. The current official version is 2.0.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions
This page contains guidance to implementers and is not part of the normative-track.
FHIRcast enables the synchronization of healthcare applications user interfaces in real-time through the exchange of a workflow event to a small number of disparate applications. The notification message which describes the workflow event is a simple json wrapper around one or more FHIR resources. These FHIR resources can contain Protected Health Information (PHI).
FHIRcast ties SMART as the authnz layer together with WebSub for subscription and event notification.
SMART on FHIR profiles OAuth 2.0’s authorization code grant type and extends it by introducing an “EHR Launch Sequence”. The Argonaut Project performed a formal security review of SMART on FHIR, resulting in a Risk Assessment report.
FHIRcast builds on SMART by introducing a new syntax for standard OAuth 2.0 scopes, as well as two new SMART launch parameters of hub.url
and hub.topic
WebSub is a W3C RFC designed for the distribution of web content through a standardized web hooks architecture. FHIRcast uses WebSub to allow clients to subscribe and unsubscribe to the Hub and, for the Hub to notify subscribers of events.
Unlike WebSub, FHIRcast requires that both the Hub and the subscribing apps endpoints are exposed over https.
The below flow diagram illustrates each of the interactions.
The subscribing app can make three distinct API calls to the Hub. For each of these calls, the subscribing app authenticates to the Hub with the Hub’s authorization server issued SMART access_token
. Per SMART on FHIR, this access_token
is presented to the Hub in the HTTP Authorization header.
Authorization: Bearer i8hweunweunweofiwweoijewiwe
The Hub can make three distinct API calls to the subscribing app’s hub.callback
This flow diagram describes the actors and actions.
The subscribing app initiates the FHIRcast subscription, authenticating to the Hub with its bearer token, and providing the hub.secret
and hub.callback
url. The Hub verifies intent and ownership by performing an HTTP GET to the hub.callback
url, with a hub.challenge
. The subscribing app must echo the hub.challenge
in the body of an HTTP 202 response. Once a workflow event occurs, the Hub notifies the app of the event by POSTing to the subscribing app’s hub.callback
url. The Hub provides an HMAC signature of the previously provided hub.secret
in the X-Hub-Signature
HTTP header.
Host: subscriber
X-Hub-Signature: sha256=dce85dc8dfde2426079063ad413268ac72dcf845f9f923193285e693be6ff3ae
The client that creates the subscription may not be the same system as the server hosting the callback url. (For example, some type of federated authorization model could possibly exist between these two systems.) However, in FHIRcast, the Hub assumes that the same authorization and access rights apply to both the subscribing client and the callback url.
The WebSub RFC defines specific security considerations, including the below, which are listed here for emphasis or elevation from optional to mandatory.
url should be unique and unguessable.hub.secret
and validate the X-Hub-Signature
in the notification message.hub.challenge
as part of the intent verification GET.hub.secret
for the X-Hub-Signature
HTTP header, Hubs must use SHA-256 or greater and must not use SHA-1.hub.secret
must be unique, unguessable and securely stored by both the Hub and the app.To prevent a subscriber from continuing to receive information after its authorization has ended, if using OAuth 2.0, the Hub must limit the subscription’s lease_seconds
to be less than or equal to the access token’s expiration timestamp.
Below are the considerations for a websockets implementation.
Subscribers SHOULD only use and Hub’s SHOULD only accept connections made over the secure wss:// websocket protocol and not the unsecured ws:// websocket protocol.
The WebSockets standard defines an Origin
header, sent from the client to the server and intended to contain the url of the client. Subscribers using websockets may be running in a browser, in which case the browser enforces origin reporting to the Hub, or native apps in which the origin reported to the Hub can not be trusted. Therefore, a Hub exposing a websocket connection MUST not rely upon the origin sent by the subscriber.
While native app subscribers can send any standard HTTP headers, notably including Authorization: Bearer, browser-based subscribers are limited to only HTTP Basic Auth or cookies. Therefore, the typical use of the OAuth 2.0 access_token for bearer authentication does not consistently work with websockets. FHIRcast describes a “ticket”-based authentication system, in which the hub.topic
provided to the subscriber as part of the secured SMART app launch serves not only as a unique session identifier, but also as an “authorization ticket”. This authorization ticket effectively acts as a bearer token. The Hub should therefore take care to generate opaque and unique hub.topic
Unauthorized access to Websockets is also addressed by providing a Subscriber unique unguessable websocket endpoint with a limited lifetime.