HL7 FHIR® Implementation Guide: Ophthalmology Retinal, Release 1
0.1.0 - STU 1 Ballot

This page is part of the HL7 FHIR® Implementation Guide: Ophthalmology Retinal, Release 1 (v0.1.0: STU1 Ballot 1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. No current official version has been published yet. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

ValueSet: Ophthalmology SNOMED Procedures ValueSet


Defining URL:http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/eyecare/ValueSet/procedure-snomed
Title:Ophthalmology SNOMED Procedures ValueSet
Status:Experimental as of 2019-05-01

This ValueSet represents procedure codes for clinical purposes.

Publisher:HL7 International - Patient Care WG

This value set includes content from SNOMED CT, which is copyright © 2002+ International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation (IHTSDO), and distributed by agreement between IHTSDO and HL7. Implementer use of SNOMED CT is not covered by this agreement

Source Resource:XML / JSON / Turtle


Logical Definition (CLD)

This value set includes codes based on the following rules:

  • Include codes from http://snomed.info/sct where concept descends from 371548008 (Procedure on eye region (procedure))
  • Include codes from http://snomed.info/sct where concept descends from 371560009 (Procedure on visual system (procedure))



This value set has >1000 codes in it. In order to keep the publication size manageable, only a selection (1000 codes) of the whole set of codes is shown

Expansion based on SNOMED CT International edition 31-Jan 2021

All codes from system http://snomed.info/sct

121005Retrobulbar injection of therapeutic agent
295001Nonexcisional destruction of cyst of ciliary body
316002Partial dacryocystectomy
645008Diagnostic procedure on vitreous
670008Electrosurgical epilation of eyebrow
1019009Removal of corneal epithelium
1315009Reconstruction of eyebrow
1413003Penetrating keratoplasty with homograft
1683003Direct closure of laceration of conjunctiva
1746005Scleral buckling with implant
1753001Resection of uveal tissue
2242005Reconstruction of eyelid
2322003Suture of recent wound of eyelid, direct closure, full-thickness
2442008Incision of lacrimal canaliculus
2536007Injection of medication in anterior chamber of eye
2670001Diagnostic procedure on cornea
2903001Diagnostic procedure on anterior chamber of eye
2914003Anterior sclerotomy
3047001Kowa fundus photography
3249005Surgical construction of filtration bleb
3499006Aspiration of vitreous with replacement
3605001Reduction of ciliary body
3664004Repair of scleral fistula
3688002Anesthesia for lens surgery
3700004Erysiphake extraction of cataract by intracapsular approach
3740005Removal of foreign body of canthus by incision
3826004Blepharotomy with drainage of abscess of eyelid
3938007Cerclage for retinal reattachment
4143006Injection of anterior chamber of eye
4323007Destruction of lesion of sclera
4350002Removal of implant of cornea
4407008Slitting of lacrimal canaliculus for passage of tube
4503005Removal of foreign body of sclera without use of magnet
4516005Iridencleisis and iridotasis
4593001Cauterization of sclera with iridectomy
4765003Insertion of ocular implant following or secondary to enucleation
4877004Extracapsular extraction of lens with iridectomy
5057003Radical orbitomaxillectomy
5130002Extraction of primary membranous cataract by discission
5212002Excision of lesion of lacrimal gland by frontal approach
5671007Magnet extraction of foreign body from ciliary body
5721002Repair of eyebrow
5787001Elevation of bone fragments of orbit of skull with debridement
5961007Division of blood vessels of cornea
6005008Transplantation of vitreous by anterior approach
6363006Dilation of lacrimal punctum with irrigation
6438007Exploration of ciliary body
6444006Enlargement of eye socket
6486000Curettage of sclera
6519001Operation on multiple extraocular muscles with temporary detachment from globe
6568001Diagnostic procedure on eyelid
6650009Radionuclide lacrimal flow study
6889000Shortening of sclera by scleral buckling
7268007Injection of vitreous substitute
7433009Diagnostic procedure on orbit
7553005Excisional biopsy of eye
7663009Repair of injury of eyeball
7776005Reopening of canthorrhaphy
7798001Conjunctivoplasty with conjunctival graft
7898005Destruction of lesion of retina by cryotherapy
8082002Removal of foreign body of lacrimal gland by incision
8255002Repair of filtering bleb by suture
8561003Destruction of epithelial downgrowth of anterior chamber of eye
8693001Radionuclide identification of eye tumor
8813000Removal of intraocular foreign body from anterior segment of eye with use of magnet
8891002Partial removal of vitreous by anterior approach
8920006Repair of retina for retinal detachment
9137006Discission of membranous cataract, secondary
9255007Removal of foreign body from anterior chamber of eye without use of magnet
9555008Incision of chalazion
9624009Tenectomy of eye
9719003Operation on extraocular muscle and tendon
9722001Removal of implanted material from anterior segment of eye
9754005Repair of laceration of sclera with synchronous repair of conjunctiva
9812004Injection of lens
10006000Repair of retinal detachment with xenon arc photocoagulation
10178000Extracapsular extraction of cataract by inferior temporal route
10529001Repair of filtering bleb by suture with conjunctival flap
10624004Complete dacryocystectomy
10807008Scleral reinforcement with graft
10831003Direct closure of laceration of conjunctiva with nonperforating scleral laceration
10872001Manipulation of eyelid
11215007Closed reduction of fracture of orbit, rim or wall
11276004Lysis of adhesions of eyelid
11819005Ocular thermography
11895000Tracer study of eye
11912002Scraping of trachoma follicles
12044003Operation on lacrimal system
12072005Maxillectomy with orbital exenteration
12093008Excisional biopsy of orbit
12113005Scleral buckling with vitrectomy
12163000Needling of secondary cataract
12651006Sclerectomy for retinal reattachment
12762001Suture of eyelid
12868007Revision of operative wound of anterior segment of eye
13060007Repair of ectropion by blepharoplasty and excision of tarsal wedge
13097002Constriction of globe for scleral buckling
13303004Posterior sclerotomy
13346001Operative procedure on anterior chamber of eye
13767004Removal of foreign body from choroid without use of magnet
13769001Multiple tenotomies of eye, two or more tendons
13793006Extracapsular extraction of lens
13895009Repair of punctum of lacrimal system
13927007Posterior sclerotomy with iridectomy
13955006Operation on posterior chamber of eye
14265004Revision of exenteration of eye cavity with secondary graft
14324001Stretching of eyelid
14387005Reconstruction of eyelid with mucous membrane flap
14392007Cauterization of lacrimal canaliculi
14400005Lysis of adhesions of vitreous by anterior approach
14446005Z-plasty of eyelid
14480008Incision of tarsal gland
14553004Destructive procedure of orbit
14707009Lamellar resection of sclera for retinal reattachment
14727005Closure of filtering bleb
14881004Tonography with provocative tests
14946002Diagnostic procedure on extraocular muscle
15043000Adjustable suture technique during strabismus surgery
15090003Reattachment of choroid and retina by photocoagulation
15366008Ciliectomy of ciliary body
15590005Operation on single extraocular muscle
15872003Retrobulbar injection of alcohol
15912005Destruction of lesion of conjunctiva
15915007Destruction of lesion of retina by laser photocoagulation
16306001Ocular photography for medical evaluation and documentation, slit lamp photography
16511003Donor keratectomy
16658002Repair of retina for retinal tear or defect by cryotherapy
16938001Reconstruction of eye socket
16942003Probing of lacrimal canaliculi with irrigation
17179006Refractive keratoplasty
17245003Repair of ectropion by suture
17280004Freeing of entrapped extraocular muscle
17314000Narrowing of palpebral fissure
17348004Operative procedure on posterior segment of eye
17632005Division of vitreous cicatricial bands by anterior approach
17639001Operation on extraocular muscle
17850001Division of palpebral ligament
17868003Incisional discission of anterior hyaloid
18023005Repair of lacrimal system
18137003Extracapsular extraction of lens by aspiration and irrigation technique
18188000Ophthalmoscopy under general anesthesia
18242003Shortening of eyelid margin
18274005Reopening of iris in anterior chamber of eye
18281003Fitting of spectacles, monofocal
18405007Iridectomy with corneal section, optical
18476009Intracapsular extraction of lens with iridectomy and enzymes
18551005Incision of conjunctiva with drainage of cyst
18752000Magnet extraction of intraocular foreign body from anterior chamber of eye
19174005Excision of lesion of ocular tendon
19208002Extraction of secondary membrane by discission
19279009Fitting of spectacles, low vision aid, single element
19320007Nonexcisional destruction of lesion of ciliary body
19519000Anesthesia for ophthalmoscopy
19629004Reconstruction of eyelid, partial-thickness, involving lid margin
19731001Ultrasound study of eye
19740002Extracapsular extraction of lens by inferior temporal route
19802006Destruction of lesion of lacrimal sac
19875009Diagnostic aspiration of vitreous
19941009Division of lacrimal canaliculus
19999005Slitting of lacrimal canaliculus for removal of streptothrix
20019002Rolling of conjunctiva
20067007Ocular fundus photography
20321003Bilateral blepharoplasty of upper eyelids
20397006Chemical tattooing of cornea
20452001Reattachment of choroid and retina
20466006Excision of pterygium with graft
20647004Removal of foreign body from vitreous without use of magnet
20885004Repair of orbit
20975004Tattooing of cornea
21115002Ligation for closure of lacrimal punctum
21442007Revision of enucleation of socket
21491001Removal of foreign body of ciliary body without use of magnet
21596009Repair of uveal hernia
21608006Destruction of cyst of iris
21685006Ocular photography for medical evaluation and documentation, stereophotography
21748007Mechanical tattooing of cornea
21820000Open reduction of orbital floor blowout fracture by transantral approach
21965005Removal of retinal implant
22074007Excision of fistula of lacrimal gland
22127001Extraction of secondary membrane by mechanical fragmentation
22623003Reconstruction of cornea
22647005Repair of blepharoptosis by orbicularis oculi muscle sling
22768003Suture of retina for reattachment
22871000Injection of anterior segment of eye
22895003Adjustment of lid position
23084000Revision of exenteration of cavity of orbit
23112007Repair of retina for retinal tear or defect by xenon arc photocoagulation
23598001Discission of vitreous strands by posterior approach
23805000Curettage of eyelid
23897002Open reduction of fracture of orbit
24670001Transplantation of conjunctiva for pterygium
24914003Construction of canthorrhaphy with transposition of tarsal plate
25019004Reposition of iris
25039000Tenectomy of eye, multiple, two or more tendons
25212003Reopening of blepharorrhaphy
25291006Dissection of orbital fibrous bands
25302008Biopsy of iris
25316003Destruction of lesion of cornea
25444001Destruction of lesion of choroid by diathermy
25806002Incision of eyebrow
25853004Reattachment of choroid and retina by laser photocoagulation
26506001Excision of lesion of extraocular muscle
26633008Operation on choroid
26661002Probing of lacrimal canaliculi
26786002Scleral buckling
26816003Repair of eyelid laceration
27178004Iridectomy with scleral thermocauterization
27267003Repair of entropion by suture
27374006Closure of lacrimal punctum
27491009Medial canthoplasty
27533007Lengthening of extraocular muscles, two or more muscles
27652007Excision of meibomian gland
27668001Insertion of keratoprosthesis
27695006Scarification of conjunctiva
27964001Destruction of lacrimal sac
27998005Repair of laceration of sclera by application of tissue glue
28003005Repair of symblepharon with free graft of buccal mucous membrane
28114005Incision and drainage of lacrimal sac
28242004Repair of filtering bleb by corneal graft
28524008Repair of entropion by thermocauterization
29137007Indentation of sclera for buckling
29358007Revision of orbital implant
29560008Repair of eyeball socket with graft
29634001Dacryocystorhinostomy via internal approach with laser
29654000Excision of lesion of eyelid, major, partial-thickness
29664009Iridectomy with scleral trephination
29747000Evisceration of ocular contents with implant into scleral shell
29795009Open reduction of orbital floor blowout fracture by periorbital approach
29911008Cryotherapy of iris
29942003Iridotomy by stab incision with transfixion for iris bombé
30100003Anesthesia for procedures on eye
30104007Needling of lens capsule
30113009Removal of foreign body of anterior chamber of eye by incision
30246007Injection of liquid in anterior chamber of eye
30252008Fitting and dispensing of spectacles
30355007Removal of calculus of lacrimal gland by incision
30486002Sling operation on tarsus muscle of eyelid
30823003Excision of lesion of cornea by partial keratectomy
30842004Ophthalmoscopy with medical evaluation, extended, with fundus photography
30880003Trabeculectomy ab externo
30931009Repair of choroid
30946002Encircling procedure of sclera for buckling
30957007Magnetic resonance imaging of orbit
31222007Paracentesis of anterior chamber of eye
31230008Electrocoagulation of retina for repair of tear
31530007Removal of foreign body of iris without use of magnet
31560002Correction of trichiasis by epilation with electrosurgery
31705006Extraction of cataract by rotoextraction with aspiration by posterior route
31754004Orbitotomy with insertion of implant
31931003Radiography of supraorbital area
31944008Chemocauterization of corneal epithelium
32424008Excision of lesion of eyelid, minor
32529000Reconstruction of eyelid, full-thickness, involving lid margin
32579002Obliteration of lacrimal canaliculi
32645005Removal of foreign body of lacrimal gland
32673007Probing of nasolacrimal duct with irrigation
32783004Excision of lacrimal gland tumor by frontal approach
32787003Cauterization of eyelid
32788008Lamellar resection of sclera with implant
33095001Fistulectomy of cornea
33397002Reattachment of choroid and retina by diathermy
33412005Closure of fistula of cornea
33474001Correction of trichiasis by epilation with cryotherapy
33481008Mechanical fragmentation of secondary membrane
33810006Injection of eye
33925007Probing of lacrimal punctum
34098008Repair of symblepharon with free graft of conjunctiva
34321002Tenotomy of eye
34489002Free graft to conjunctiva
34524006Anterior sclerotomy with iridectomy
34854007Repair of filtering bleb
34866001Exploration of lacrimal gland
34867005Closure by buckling
35009002Destruction of lesion of retina
35137007Photocoagulation of ciliary body
35317000Tonometry-tonography with evaluation
35552007Repair of nonperforating laceration of cornea with removal of foreign body
35710000Orbital fasciotomy
35717002Discission of congenital cataract
35781006Removal of calculus of lacrimal gland
35829002Removal of orbital implant
36239005Destruction of lesion of eyelid
36436000Excision of lesion of eyebrow
36783002Paracentesis of anterior chamber of eye with therapeutic release of aqueous
36811004Suture of extraocular muscle
36844005Ophthalmoscopy with medical evaluation, extended, with ophthalmodynamometry
36895007Exploration of orbit
37002005Destruction of chorioretinal lesion by cryotherapy
37152004Removal of calculus of nasolacrimal duct
37182005Corneoscleral suture
37256008Repair of eye for eyeball rupture
37271007Repair of symblepharon
37312005External ocular photography for medical evaluation and documentation
37332006Magnet extraction of foreign body from sclera
37581007Implantation of epikeratoprosthesis
37591001Cauterization of lacrimal gland
37625005Repair of entropion
37709009Thermocauterization of sclera with iridectomy
37741003Excision of lesion of anterior segment of eye
37958004Removal of foreign body of sclera by incision
38178005Diagnostic procedure on lacrimal system
38308001Enlargement of palpebral fissure
38330000Operation on pterygium
38487005Closure of fistula of cornea with lamellar autograft
38646003Transposition of pterygium with graft
38679003Destructive procedure of eyelid
38722003Excision of ring of conjunctiva around cornea
38948000Lamellar keratoplasty with autograft
38965009Rhytidectomy of upper eyelid
39029006Electromyogram examination of eye
39130003Placement of collagen shield on cornea
39153002Reconstruction of conjunctival cul-de-sac
39243005Mechanical fragmentation of cataract with extraction by posterior route
39299008Fistulization of orbit
39346000Excision of lesion of conjunctiva
39550008Diagnostic procedure on iris
39824000Plication of eye muscles, two or more muscles
40073002Penetrating keratoplasty in pseudophakia
40163002Extraction of secondary membrane with capsulectomy
40310003Diagnostic procedure on tendon of extraocular muscle
40395007Paracentesis of anterior chamber of eye with diagnostic aspiration of aqueous
40485001Operation on pterygium with corneal graft
40654000Operation on eyelid
40899005Cauterization of sclera
40967000Removal of calculus of lacrimal canaliculi
40997008Trephine sclerectomy with implant
41081007Recession of extraocular muscles, multiple, with advancement or resection
41258003Construction of median tarsorrhaphy with transposition of tarsal plate
41453009Strabismus surgery
41480002Excision of prolapsed ciliary body
41496004Ophthalmic echography with amplitude quantitation, A-mode
41515001Electrocoagulation of retina for destruction of lesion
41681008Destruction of chorioretinal lesion by xenon arc photocoagulation
42101009Penetrating keratoplasty
42156009Incision of abscess of sclera
42286009Destructive procedure on posterior segment of eye
42491007Repair of blepharoptosis by tarsolevator resection, external approach
42606003Reposition of cilia base
42910002Exploration of choroid
43046004Suture of Tenon's capsule
43111005Destruction of lesion of retina by implantation of radiation source
43135000Destruction of lesion of eyebrow
43334009Reformation of chamber of eye
43504003Reduction of overcorrection of ptosis
43582002Mechanical vitrectomy by anterior approach
43908008Magnet extraction of foreign body from choroid
43997009Destruction by neurolytic agent of trigeminal nerve, supraorbital
44102003Repair of orbit wound
44269004Curette evacuation of lens
44271004Ocular photography for medical evaluation and documentation, goniophotography
44291006Cauterization of meibomian gland
44317007Reattachment of choroid and retina by cryotherapy
44329003Excision of prolapsed iris
44410008Incision and expression of conjunctival follicles
44592003Cauterization of ulcer of cornea
44703001Trabeculotomy ab externo
44708005Removal of foreign body of lacrimal punctum
44712004Secondary procedure after removal of eyeball
44716001Biopsy of cornea
44819003Destructive procedure of lens
44958007Lysis of posterior adhesions of iris
45031008Fulguration of choroid
45094002Open reduction of orbital floor blowout fracture by combined approach
45097009Orbicularis oculi reflex test
45102007Surgical repair of posterior segment of eye
45172008Diagnostic procedure on canthus
45579009Construction of canthorrhaphy
45805007Repair of filtering bleb by scleroplasty
45817009Removal of foreign body from retina by incision
45847006Removal of foreign body of lacrimal canaliculi by incision
45919008Excision of secondary membrane
45937009Cryosurgical epilation of eyebrow
46082001Lateral orbitotomy
46142005Blepharoplasty of upper eyelid
46275005Outfolding of sclera for buckling
46309001Extraction of primary membranous cataract by excision
46426006Cryoextraction of cataract by inferior temporal route
46545004Removal of foreign body of lacrimal punctum by incision
46562009Incisional discission of secondary membranous cataract and anterior hyaloid
46641002Application of eye pad
46646007Exploration of eyelid
46697004Incision of zeisian gland
46718002Destruction of lesion of cornea by electrocauterization
46748004Elevation of orbital bone fragments of maxillary sinus
46790005Orbitotomy with bone flap by lateral approach, Kroenlein, with drainage
46792002Destructive procedure on extraocular muscle
46870009P32 tracer study of eye
46874000Diagnostic procedure on extraocular muscle and tendon with temporary detachment from globe
47130006Conjunctivoplasty with extensive rearrangement
47242009Excision of lesion of anterior chamber of eye
47418008Dilation of nasolacrimal duct with insertion of tube or stent
47470009Shortening of sclera for repair of retinal detachment
47487006Excision of lesion of iris
47541003Cauterization of lacrimal punctum
47920001Reconstruction of eyelid with tarsoconjunctival flap
48671003Injection of vitreous substitute, pars plana approach
48696000Provocative test for increased intraocular pressure for glaucoma
48933009Removal of foreign body from posterior segment of eye
49181006Paracentesis of anterior chamber of eye with removal of blood by irrigation
49194008Reconstruction of lateral canthus
49257005Destruction of chorioretinal lesion by laser photocoagulation
49288009Irrigation of anterior chamber of eye
49289001Injection of vitreous substitute for reattachment of retina
49320002Removal of foreign body of lacrimal canaliculi
49651002Complex surgical repair of eyelids, nose, ears and lips
49662002Repair of wound of extraocular tendon
49789002Injection of air in anterior chamber of eye
49999004Irrigation of eye
50119002Penetrating keratoplasty in aphakia
50141002Scleral buckling with vitreous implant
50238004Operation on tarsus
50369003Transconjunctival biopsy of orbit
50489001Repair of telecanthus
50518004Division of vitreous cicatricial bands by posterior approach
50538003Discission of membranous cataract, primary
50562008Diagnostic procedure on sclera
50586005Excision of extraocular muscle
50689005Fitting of spectacles, multifocal
50737005Magnet extraction of foreign body from vitreous
51081001Cauterization of superficial pannus
51281007Removal of superficial foreign body from conjunctiva
51628008Repair of entropion, extensive
51683002Radial keratotomy
51767009Chemodenervation of extraocular muscle
51811007Incision of hordeolum
51828005Repair of blepharoptosis by tarsolevator resection, internal approach
51839008Extraction of primary membranous cataract by needling
52150005Lysis of goniosynechiae
52318007Corneoscleral trephination
52650006Removal of foreign body of eyelid by incision
52920001Bilateral blepharoplasty of lower eyelids
53000009Transplantation of superior rectus tendon for blepharoptosis
53020005Implantation of vitreous for retinal reattachment
53176004Transection of muscle of eye
53528007Curettage of conjunctiva for trachoma follicles
53570002Removal of foreign body from eye
53612009Repair of corneal laceration with conjunctival flap
53662004Closure of lacrimal fistula
53696006Operation on retina
53698007Partial removal of vitreous by anterior approach, limbal incision
53707000Resection of orbicularis oculi muscle
54042002Contrast radiography of nasolacrimal ducts
54085006Removal of foreign body of ciliary body by incision
54095004Myotomy of oblique or rectus muscle of eye
54211003Nonmagnetic extraction of foreign body from lens without extraction of lens
54305003Lens couching procedure
54362002Removal of intraocular foreign body from anterior segment of eye
54393001Iridectomy with corneal section and cyclectomy
54496005Construction of intermarginal adhesions
54513001Ophthalmic mucous membrane test
54755008Destruction of lesion of eye
54766001Conjunctival flap, total
54885007Extraction of cataract
54926006Epilation of eyebrow by forceps
55468007Ocular slit lamp examination
55615009Revision of extraocular muscle surgery
55663007Diagnostic procedure on posterior chamber of eye
55693001Lacrimal apparatus intubation for dilation
55837000Irrigation of lacrimal canaliculus
55931003Lysis of anterior adhesions of iris
56072006Ophthalmoscopy with medical evaluation, extended, for retinal detachment mapping
56130008Repair of blepharoptosis by tarsal technique
56358006Suture of recent wound of eyelid, direct closure, partial-thickness
56870004Avulsion of supraorbital nerve
56957009Reconstruction of eyelid, full-thickness
57103007Reattachment of retina by diathermy
57569002Opticociliary neurectomy
57677006Removal of calculus of lacrimal punctum by incision
57700002Removal of calculus of lacrimal punctum
57990001Repair of blepharoptosis by levator muscle technique
58030003Exploration of lacrimal sac
58076004Refractive keratoplasty by laser surgery
58082001Air contrast orbitography
58127007Iridectomy with corneoscleral section and cyclectomy
58245000Advancement of eye muscle, multiple, with resection or recession
58388006Repair of laceration of conjunctiva
58496000Restoration of eyebrow with graft
58519008Implantation of retinal attachment with buckling
58689006Magnet extraction of foreign body from lens
58835007Thermocauterization for destruction of lesion of cornea
58862004Repair of entropion with wedge resection
59234009Iridectomy with corneoscleral section, optical
59465003Destruction of lesion of cornea by cryotherapy
59493004Removal of foreign body of lacrimal sac by incision
59590004Excision of eye with implant and attachment of muscles
59669002Fistulization of sclera by trephination
59734008Biopsy of eyeball and orbit
59810006Excision of lesion of eyelid by halving procedure
59943006Cauterization of chalazion of eyelid
59959006Repair of eye
60060005Biopsy of extraocular tendon
60177007Mechanical vitrectomy
60204005Cauterization of conjunctival lesion
60656008Corneal transplant
60712003Excision of lesion of sclera
60953002Lateral canthopexy
61194000Reattachment of choroid and retina by electrocoagulation
61220009Removal of foreign body of external eye, scleral nonperforating (procedure)
61239004Excision of tarsal plate by wedge resection
61365002Multiple transections of muscles of eye, two or more muscles
61440000Repair of retina for retinal tear or defect by diathermy
61443003Excision of lesion of lacrimal sac
61553000Ophthalmic biometry by ultrasound echography, A-mode
61732007Trephine sclerectomy
61779007Reinsertion of implant of eyeball with conjunctival graft
61890007Cauterization of eyelid for entropion
62082008Removal of calculus of lacrimal passage by incision
62178009Cauterization of iris
62196000Destructive procedure of cornea
62236008Delimiting keratotomy
62392005Excision of nasolacrimal duct
62424000Removal of eye prosthesis
62428002Suture of cornea
62493001Anesthesia for vitrectomy
62553002Repair of blepharophimosis
62571009Diagnostic procedure on tarsus
62653006Suture of lacrimal canaliculus
62783009Exploration of orbit by transcranial approach with removal of lesion
62910009Correction of trichiasis by incision of lid margin
62935003Incision of cornea
63073008Grafting of temporalis muscle to orbit
63120005Lysis of adhesions of conjunctiva
63228006Resection of sclera with scleral buckling
63356004Capsulectomy of lens
63506005Destruction of lesion of choroid by radiation therapy
63604004Resection of extraocular muscle with suture of original insertion
63686000Prescribing, fitting and supply of ocular prosthesis
63726006Posterior sclerotomy with removal of vitreous
63913004Tonography with water provocation
64272000Removal of foreign body of lacrimal passage
64293002Blepharoplasty of lower eyelid
64340000Removal of foreign body from retina without use of magnet
64484001Resection of extraocular tarsal muscle for blepharoptosis
64522003Destruction of chorioretinal lesion by implantation of radiation source
64609000Linear repair of laceration of eyelid
64835001Extraction of after cataract with iridocapsulectomy
64854001Aspiration of lens
64907001Repair of ectropion by thermocauterization
64943007Destruction of lesion of choroid by photocoagulation
64971001Fulguration of retina
65513008Removal of calculus of lacrimal sac by incision
65812008Removal of secondary membranous cataract with iridectomy
65839000Ophthalmic ultrasonic foreign body localization
65841004Suture of ocular tendon
66045001Nasolacrimal anastomosis
66134002Magnet extraction of foreign body from cornea
66144000Fixation of palpebral ligament
66208000Repair of retina for retinal tear or defect by photocoagulation
66226002Extraction of after cataract with capsulotomy
66241002Repair of retina for retinal tear or defect
66359001Intracapsular extraction of lens by inferior temporal route
66366000Diagnostic procedure on anterior segment of eye
66382004Incision of extraocular muscle
66462004Suture of eyebrow
66542005Zonulolysis with lens extraction
66655001Conjunctival flap, bridge
66675005Magnetic resonance imaging of orbit, face and neck
66777008Multiple myotomies of eye, two or more muscles
66890006Reconstruction of eyelid, partial-thickness
66922009Division of goniosynechiae
66960000Suture of corneal laceration
67026001Operation on multiple extraocular muscles
67134009Repair of punctum of lacrimal system for eversion
67546003Removal of penetrating foreign body from eye
67554001Revision and reinsertion of ocular implant
67559006Expression of conjunctival follicles
67760003Extracapsular extraction of cataract by rotoextraction with aspiration
67835007Operative procedure on sclera
67991000Extracapsular extraction of lens by linear extraction technique
68012008Grafting of fascia of eyelid
68242000Injection of sympathetic ciliary ganglion
68304009Reconstruction of eyelid with graft
68364007Syringing of nasolacrimal duct
68366009Release of encircling material of posterior segment of eye
68371002Repair of symblepharon with free graft
68845007Transposition of eye muscle
68849001Iridotomy by photocoagulation
68999001Reattachment of retina by electrocoagulation
69167002Ocular photography, close up
69235008Infolding of sclera for buckling
69360005Extracapsular extraction of cataract by mechanical fragmentation with aspiration by posterior route
69477006Ophthalmic echography, contact B-scan
69724002Implantation of intraocular lens
69747001Cauterization of lacrimal punctum for eversion
69769008Repair of blepharoptosis
69881003Removal of calculus of lacrimal sac
70107009Repair of ocular lens
70202005Repair of scleral staphyloma with graft
70485006Repair of blepharoptosis by conjunctivo-tarso-levator resection, Fasanella-Servat type
70599007Construction of median tarsorrhaphy
70625001Excision of wart of eyelid
70656009Orbitotomy with bone flap
70796002Closure of fistula of cornea with lamellar homograft
70850001Myectomy of eye muscle, multiple
70969005Penetrating keratoplasty with autograft
71091006Cryotherapy of ciliary body
71153009Anesthesia for iridectomy
71184006Resection of extraocular muscle with advancement or recession of other eye muscle
71306000Lysis of adhesions of vitreous by posterior approach
71408000Repair of ectropion
71580008Correction of trichiasis by epilation with forceps
71688005Diagnostic procedure on conjunctiva
71842001Linear repair of laceration of eyebrow
71859006Repair of entropion with lid reconstruction
71887002Photocoagulation of orbital lesion
72019009Mechanical vitrectomy by posterior approach
72176009Reattachment of choroid and retina by xenon arc photocoagulation
72199008Removal of foreign body from vitreous by incision
72208004Operative procedure on cornea
72491000Repair of laceration of cornea with application of tissue glue
72528001Implantation of custodis eye
72713004Incision of conjunctiva
73039004Tarsectomy of eyelid
73070007Destruction of lesion of choroid by cryotherapy
73186002Transplantation of hair follicles of eyebrow
73200001Operative procedure on ciliary body
73582005Excision of lesion of orbit
73599006Destruction of chorioretinal lesion by photocoagulation
73689008Destruction of lesion of iris
73899001Diagnostic procedure on ciliary body
74004007Epilation of eyelid by forceps
74184007Incisional discission of lens capsule, initial
74220006Vitrectomy, complex
74316009Dilation of nasolacrimal duct, retrograde
74410004Subconjunctival injection
74490003Mechanical fragmentation of primary membranous cataract
74948004Magnet extraction of foreign body from retina
75170007Extraction of lens of eye
75227000Excision and prosthetic replacement of lens
75278007Destruction of chorioretinopathy
75318004Suture of laceration of sclera
75396001Conjunctivoplasty with reconstruction of cul-de-sac and extensive rearrangement
75489002Bilateral blepharoplasty of upper and lower eyelids
75588007Excision of lesion of cornea
75675001Diagnostic radiography of orbits
75734004Removal of foreign body from choroid by incision
75747009Revision of orbital implant outside muscle cone
75781003Diagnostic procedure on choroid
75787004Operative procedure on anterior segment of eye
75792002Transplantation of vitreous
75814005Erysiphake extraction of cataract by inferior temporal route
75903006Destruction of lesion of retina by xenon arc photocoagulation
75904000Cauterization of lacrimal sac
75985002Serial tonometry-tonography with evaluation
76135002Repair of conjunctiva
76143007Repair of canaliculus of lacrimal system
76167004Removal of ocular implant
76240002Lysis of corneovitreal adhesions
76458006Photocoagulation of iris
76508002Rhytidoplasty of eyelid
76824005Repair of conjunctiva for late effect of trachoma
76930006Ophthalmic echography, immersion B-scan
77184003Cauterization of conjunctiva
77772005Incision and drainage of eyeball
77950003Repair of retina for retinal detachment by cryotherapy
78002002Contrast dacryocystogram
78110003Destruction of lesion of choroid by implantation of radiation source
78191003Capsulotomy of lens with removal of foreign body by magnet extraction
78216001Corneoscleral suture with conjunctival flap
78254001Fitting of spectacles, bifocal
78290008Magnet extraction of foreign body from iris
78297006Transection of supraorbital nerve
78362007Removal of foreign body from conjunctiva
78397009Reconstruction of eyelid with hair follicle graft
78532002Operation on single extraocular muscle with temporary detachment from globe
78611003Z-plasty of epicanthus
78917001Repair of retina for retinal detachment by photocoagulation
79046000Repair of wound of Tenon's capsule
79059008Construction of intermarginal adhesions with transposition of tarsal plate
79107000Pleating of sclera for buckling
79126008Anesthesia for corneal transplant
79227006Cauterization of eyelid for ectropion
79259004Extraction of secondary membrane by needling
79278004Incision of lacrimal punctum
79540002Prescribing, fitting and supervision of ocular prosthesis
79611007Extracapsular extraction of cataract by curette evacuation
79707009Conjunctivorhinostomy with insertion of stent
79762000Intubation of nasolacrimal duct with irrigation
80000004Cauterization of fistula of cornea
80079004Catheterization of lacrimonasal duct
80206000Orbitotomy with bone flap by lateral approach, Kroenlein, with decompression
80245005Excision of lesion of eyelid by wedge resection
80442006Repair of wound of extraocular muscle
80632003Vitrectomy, complex, multiple procedures
80646003Reopening of cilia base
80671000Operation on canthus
80703007Removal of surgically implanted material from posterior segment of eye
80806006Scleral buckling with air tamponade
80823002Ophthalmic echography, B-scan, limited
80885007Rhytidectomy of lower eyelid
81046006Removal of foreign body of orbit by incision
81085004Destructive procedure of anterior segment of eye
81108001Excision of lesion of eyelid, major, full-thickness
81177005Destruction of lesion of choroid by laser photocoagulation
81198005Freeing of goniosynechiae with injection of air or liquid
81221004Removal of foreign body of lacrimal passage by incision
81451007Donaldson stereophotography
81924001Destruction of lesion of retina by photocoagulation
82027008Iridectomy with filtering operation for glaucoma
82036007Injection of posterior segment of eye
82155009Extracapsular extraction of cataract by emulsification with aspiration
82262008Obliteration of lacrimal punctum
82382005Subtotal removal of vitreous by anterior approach with mechanical vitrectomy
82446004Elevation of bone fragments for fracture of orbit
82499005Radiography of nasolacrimal duct
82524009Advancement of eye muscle
82627009Discission of vitreous strands by anterior approach
82643002Suture of conjunctiva
82819003Manipulation of eyeball
82948008Destruction of chorioretinal lesion by diathermy
83116001Excision of fascia of eyelid
83202004Repair of ciliary body
83211004Repair of postcataract wound dehiscence with conjunctival flap
83398006Operation on tendon of extraocular muscle
83639008Decompression of orbit
83694000Lamellar keratoplasty
83816004Operative procedure on the orbit and eyeball
83826006Palpebral ligament sling operation
83828007Ciliectomy of eyelid margin
83977000Implantation of retinal attachment
84016007Removal of foreign body from lens
84072001Transposition of pterygium
84077007Reinforcement of sclera
84149000Aspiration of cataract by phacoemulsification
84542000Removal of foreign body of anterior chamber of eye by incision with use of magnet
84551008Overlapping of sclera for buckling
85070003Iridectomy with scleral fistulization
85145001Removal of foreign body of cornea with slit lamp
85231002Repair of retinal detachment by laser photocoagulation
85257004Destruction of chorioretinal lesion by radiation therapy
85622008Cryoextraction of cataract by intracapsular approach
85645002Repair of scleral staphyloma
85785001Capsulotomy of lens
86077009Operation for glaucoma
86106003Reinsertion of ocular implant with attachment of muscles to implant
86323000Injection of orbit
86494003de Grandmont operation
86556000Exenteration of orbit with removal of adjacent structures
86657003Removal of foreign body of lacrimal sac
86753005Excision of fistula of lacrimal sac
86948006Destruction of lesion of choroid
87021001Mechanical vitrectomy by pars plana approach
87539000Cryotherapy of eyelid
87639009Facilitation of intraocular circulation
87732007Revision of ocular implant
88044000Repair of perforating laceration of sclera not involving uveal tissue
88096002Capsulectomy with extraction of lens
88109000Attachment of rectus eye muscle to frontalis
88234006Removal of implant of lens
88282000Extracapsular extraction of cataract by mechanical fragmentation with aspiration
88752005Formation of pupil by iridectomy
88812000Excision of lesion of ciliary body
88840005Freeing of anterior synechiae with injection of air or liquid
88904009Repair of epicanthus
89038007Operative procedure on iris
89153001Extracapsular extraction of cataract by rotoextraction with aspiration by posterior route
89176003Implantation of vitreous for retinal reattachment with buckling
89370000Transplantation of hair follicles of eyelid
89572009Incision and drainage of lacrimal gland
89622002Removal of blood clot from anterior segment of eye
89788006Magnet extraction of foreign body from posterior segment of eye
89898009Tensing of orbicularis oculi muscle
89942008Removal of foreign body of iris by incision
89956005Removal of calculus of lacrimal canaliculi by incision
89957001Operation on lacrimal gland
89978003Intracapsular extraction of lens with iridectomy for dislocated lens
90155002Curettage of corneal epithelium with chemocauterization
90243001Destruction of lesion of retina by diathermy
90246009Probing of nasolacrimal duct
90284003Attachment of orbicularis oculi to eyebrow
90589009Removal of superficial foreign body from eye without incision
90854001Revision of filtering bleb
90871000Grafting of fascia to tarsal cartilage
90997007Removal of foreign body from posterior segment of eye without use of magnet (procedure)
91084003Gonioscopy with evaluation
91177008Eye examination under anesthesia
91301001Repair and refitting spectacles
91552000Postoperative revision of scleral fistulization procedure
91578009Recession of eye muscle
108143005Cornea excision
108147006Anterior segment of eye incision
108148001Anterior segment of eye excision
108150009Anterior segment of eye endoscopy
108152001Lens incision
108156003Posterior segment of eye excision
108245005Ocular photography AND/OR evaluation
108246006Tonometry AND/OR tonography procedure
110473004Cataract surgery
112794005Elevation of orbital bone fragments of frontal sinus
112955004Incision of eyelid margin
112956003Extensive blepharoplasty
112957007Conjunctival flap, partial
112958002Repair of blepharoptosis by superior rectus tendon transplant
112959005Reconstruction of eyelid with tarsoconjunctival flap from opposing lid
112960000Reconstruction of conjunctival cul-de-sac with graft
112961001Cryosurgical epilation of eyelid
112962008Repair of perforating laceration of cornea not involving uveal tissue
112963003Aspiration of cataract
112964009Extraction of cataract by rotoextraction with aspiration
112965005Diagnostic procedure on retina
112966006Operation on vitreous
112967002Incision of posterior segment of eye
112969004Repair of retina for retinal tear or defect by laser photocoagulation
112970003Destruction of lesion of choroid by xenon arc photocoagulation
113113000Ophthalmic echography, A-mode
118772009Procedure on lacrimal gland
118897002Procedure on eye
118898007Procedure on conjunctiva
118899004Procedure on cornea
118900009Procedure on iris
118901008Procedure on ciliary body
118903006Procedure on vitreous
118904000Procedure on sclera
118905004Procedure on choroid
118906003Procedure on retina
118908002Procedure on anterior segment of eye
118909005Procedure on anterior chamber of eye
118910000Procedure on posterior segment of eye
118911001Procedure on posterior chamber of eye
118912008Procedure on eyelid
118913003Procedure on canthus
118914009Procedure on lacrimal system
118915005Procedure on extraocular muscle
120085004Eye incision
120086003Eye excision
120090001Orbit closure
120092009Eye reconstruction
120094005Orbit transplantation
120095006Eye transplantation
120096007Transposition of tissue of orbit
120097003Orbit manipulation
120103005Eyelid injection
120105003Eyelid closure
120110004Eyelid transplantation
120112007Eyelid transposition
120113002Cornea injection
120114008Cornea closure
120117001Anterior segment of eye closure
120118006Anterior segment of eye reconstruction
120119003Anterior segment of eye repair
120121008Lens closure
120122001Lens reconstruction
120125004Posterior segment of eye closure
120126003Posterior segment of eye reconstruction
120127007Posterior segment of eye transplantation
120128002Extraocular muscles closure
120129005Extraocular muscles reconstruction
120131001Extraocular muscles transplantation
164741002Eye curvature measurement
164742009Schirmer's test
165012008Subconjunct. allergy challenge
165162000Diagnostic dye to eye
168800007Contrast radiography orbit
169425004Laser therapy lesion of retina
172132001Enucleation of eyeball
172133006Partial excision of bony orbit
172134000Total excision of bony orbit and contents
172139005Destruction of orbital lesion
172140007Cryotherapy to orbital lesion
172141006Cauterization of orbital lesion
172144003Insertion of external orbital prosthesis
172149008Revision of external orbital prosthesis
172150008Revision of prosthetic replacement for eyeball
172155003Reconstruction of orbital cavity with skin graft
172156002Reconstruction of orbital cavity with mucosal graft
172157006Reconstruction of orbital cavity with local skin flap
172158001Reconstruction of orbital cavity with distant skin flap
172159009Reconstruction of orbital cavity with microvascular transferred flap
172160004Suture of orbital cavity
172161000Reconstruction of orbital cavity with bone graft
172162007Correction of hypertelorism with orbital osteotomies
172163002Correction of hypertelorism with orbital osteotomies and facial bipartition
172164008Correction of hypertelorism with orbital osteotomies and nasal reconstruction
172165009Correction of hypotelorism with orbital osteotomies
172166005Correction of vertical orbital dystopia with orbital osteotomies
172167001Correction of rotational orbital dystopia with orbital osteotomies
172171003Biopsy of orbital lesion
172172005Drainage of orbit
172173000Removal of foreign body from orbit
172179001Transposition of ligament of orbit
172180003Removal of fixation from fracture of orbit
172181004Retro-ocular injection into orbit
172182006Open reduction of fracture of orbit and internal fixation
172183001Insertion of orbital floor implant
172184007Removal of orbital floor implant
172191005Operation on eyebrow
172192003Hair bearing skin flap to eyebrow (procedure)
172193008Incision of lesion of eyebrow
172196000Excision of lesion of canthus
172198004Destruction of lesion of canthus
172202002Cryosurgical destruction of lesion of canthus
172204001Curettage of lesion of canthus
172205000Repair of canthus with local skin flap
172206004Repair of canthus with mucosal graft
172207008Medial canthopexy
172211002Extirpation of lesion of eyelid
172212009Excision of lesion of eyelid
172213004Cauterization of lesion of eyelid
172214005Cryotherapy to lesion of eyelid
172216007Curettage of lesion of eyelid
172217003Total excision of eyelid
172226000Reconstruction of eyelid with local skin flap
172227009Reconstruction of eyelid with skin graft
172228004Reconstruction of eyelid with chondromucosal graft
172229007Reconstruction of upper eyelid with lower eyelid skin flap
172230002Reconstruction of eyelid with distant skin flap
172231003Reconstruction of eyelid with Tripier skin flap
172234006Correction of deformity of eyelid
172237004Correction of trichiasis
172243002Lateral tarsorrhaphy
172244008Medial tarsorrhaphy
172246005Revision of tarsorrhaphy
172247001Repair of ruptured palpebral ligament
172254007Frontalis muscle support operation
172257000Correction of eyelid ptosis using aponeurosis technique
172260007Incision of eyelid
172261006Drainage of lesion of eyelid
172264003Protective suture of eyelid
172265002Complete protective suture of eyelid
172266001Central protective suture of eyelid
172267005Lateral protective suture of eyelid
172268000Medial protective suture of eyelid
172269008Removal of protective suture from eyelid
172270009Tissue glue protective tarsorrhaphy
172277007Biopsy of lesion of eyelid
172278002Removal of foreign body from eyelid
172280008Insertion of gold weight into upper eyelid
172286002Radiotherapy to lacrimal gland
172288001Biopsy of lesion of lacrimal gland
172299004Biopsy of lesion of lacrimal sac
172304003Removal of tube from nasolacrimal duct
172309008Enlargement of lacrimal punctum
172310003Occlusion of lacrimal punctum
172311004Three snip procedure to eyelid
172318005Combined operation on eye muscles
172319002Medial rectus recession and lateral rectus resection
172320008Bilateral medial rectus recession
172321007Bilateral medial rectus resection
172322000Bilateral lateral rectus recession
172324004Bilateral lateral rectus resection
172330004Superior rectus recession
172331000Inferior rectus recession
172332007Superior oblique recession
172333002Inferior oblique recession
172334008Recession of combination of muscles of eye
172341002Superior rectus resection
172342009Inferior rectus resection
172343004Resection of superior oblique muscle of eye
172344005Inferior oblique myectomy
172345006Resection of combination of muscles of eye
172348008Partial division of tendon of muscle of eye
172350000Medial rectus central tenotomy
172351001Tenotomy of lateral rectus muscle of eye
172352008Tenotomy of superior rectus muscle of eye
172353003Tenotomy of inferior rectus muscle of eye
172354009Superior oblique tenotomy
3143004Visual field examination and evaluation, intermediate
7128000Supply of spectacles
7510005Color vision examination
7732003Pleoptic training with continuing medical direction and evaluation
15822000Ocular prosthetic service
16284004Prosthetic or spectacle service
16775003Eikonometric examination including prescribing lenses
16830007Visual acuity testing
17259005Ocular motility study
21862007Visual field examination and evaluation, limited
24985005Visual field examination and evaluation, extended
25434003Limited eye examination
36228007Ophthalmic examination and evaluation
43722003Neuro-ophthalmological procedure
44426009Ophthalmic service or procedure
53953003Dark adaptation study
60133000Color vision examination, extended
63107007Visual evoked potential study
63832006Orthoptic-pleoptic evaluation with medical interpretation
66902005Ophthalmic examination and evaluation, follow-up
69229008Facial measurement and fitting of spectacles, single focus
78831002Comprehensive eye examination
86944008Visual field study
88482003Orthoptic-pleoptic treatment
103751001Peripheral visual field examination
103753003Computed perimetry
103754009Prescribing change of spectacles
112948001Injection of optic nerve
164740001Ocular muscle balance testing
171571007Intracranial transection of optic nerve (II)
171572000Intracranial transection of oculomotor nerve (III)
171573005Intracranial transection of trochlear nerve (IV)
171574004Intracranial transection of abducens nerve (VI)
171596005Intracranial destruction of optic nerve (II)
171597001Intracranial destruction of oculomotor nerve (III)
171598006Intracranial destruction of trochlear nerve (IV)
171599003Intracranial destruction of abducens nerve (VI)
171609004Excision of lesion of optic nerve (II)
171610009Excision of lesion of oculomotor nerve (III)
171611008Excision of lesion of trochlear nerve (IV)
171613006Excision of lesion of abducens nerve (VI)
171623002Repair of optic nerve (II)
171624008Repair of oculomotor nerve (III)
171625009Repair of trochlear nerve (IV)
171626005Repair of abducens nerve (VI)
171637006Intracranial stereotactic neurolysis of optic nerve (II)
171638001Intracranial stereotactic neurolysis of oculomotor nerve (III)
171639009Intracranial stereotactic neurolysis of trochlear nerve (IV)
171640006Intracranial stereotactic neurolysis of abducens nerve (VI)
171652004Decompression of optic nerve (II)
171653009Decompression of oculomotor nerve (III)
171654003Decompression of trochlear nerve (IV)
171655002Decompression of abducens nerve (VI)
171671002Exploration of optic nerve (II)
171673004Exploration of oculomotor nerve (III)
171674005Exploration of trochlear nerve (IV)
171675006Exploration of abducens nerve

Explanation of the columns that may appear on this page:

Level A few code lists that FHIR defines are hierarchical - each code is assigned a level. In this scheme, some codes are under other codes, and imply that the code they are under also applies
Source The source of the definition of the code (when the value set draws in codes defined elsewhere)
Code The code (used as the code in the resource instance)
Display The display (used in the display element of a Coding). If there is no display, implementers should not simply display the code, but map the concept into their application
Definition An explanation of the meaning of the concept
Comments Additional notes about how to use the code