HL7 FHIR® Implementation Guide: Ophthalmology Retinal, Release 1
0.1.0 - STU 1 Ballot

This page is part of the HL7 FHIR® Implementation Guide: Ophthalmology Retinal, Release 1 (v0.1.0: STU1 Ballot 1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. No current official version has been published yet. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Artifacts Summary

This page provides a list of the FHIR artifacts defined as part of this implementation guide.

Structures: Resource Profiles

These define constraints on FHIR resources for systems conforming to this implementation guide

Observation Base

A profile describing an Observation for ophthalmology

Visual Acuity

A profile for the visual acuity observation


A profile describing the observation for intraocular pressure of Eye

Body Structure Eye

Profile of body structure appropriate for ophthalmology usage/

Base Condition for Ophthalmology

A profile describing a Condition for ophthalmology

Ophthalmic diagnostic test report
Ophthalmic OCT Report
Ophthalmic OCT RFNL Report
Ophthalmic Visual Field Report
Ophthalmology Eye Region Finding

Observable finding for eye region

Ophthalmology CDR observation

A profile for the CDR observation

OCT macular observations

OCT Macular panel observations

OCT RFNL observations

An OCT RNFL test will produce a number of observations

Visual field observations

A profile for the visual field observations

Base Procedure for Ophthalmology

A profile describing a Procedure for ophthalmology

Terminology: Value Sets

These define sets of codes used by systems conforming to this implementation guide

Final States Value Set

Codes providing the status of an observation. Only final states.

Observable Entities Value Set

This ValueSet represents all of the observations that are descendants of the Eye/Vision observable SNOMED CT concept

IOP Methods Value Set

IOP Methods

Qualifiers Value Set
Ophthalmology Body Site Eye

Body sites related to the eye

Ophthalmology Condition ICD10 and SNOMED codes ValueSet

Clinical findings for the eye region.

OCT Macula Observable Entities ValueSet

OCT Macula observations coding

OCT RNFL Observable Entities ValueSet
Ophthalmology VA Observable Entities ValueSet

This ValueSet represents all of the observations that are descendants of the Visual Acuity observable SNOMED CT concept

Visual Field Observable Entities ValueSet

Visual field observation codes

Ophthalmology CPT Procedures ValueSet

This ValueSet represents procedure codes for billing purposes.

Ophthalmology SNOMED Procedures ValueSet

This ValueSet represents procedure codes for clinical purposes.

Ophthalmology Visual Acuity Methods ValueSet

Ophthalmology Visual Acuity Methods ValueSet

Terminology: Code Systems

These define new code systems used by systems conforming to this implementation guide

IOP Methods Code System

IOP additional method types

Body Structure Qualifiers

Additional body site qualifiers

Visual field test parameter observations

Visual field observation additional codes

Example: Example Instances

These are example instances that show what data produced and consumed by systems conforming with this implementation guide might look like

Right Eye Body Structure
Left Eye Body Structure
Practitioner Example
Patient Example
Media Example
Media Example
Example Condition - condition-ophthal-glaucoma
Example DiagnosticReport - diagnostic-report-visual-field-test-re-0
Example DiagnosticReport - diagnostic-report-visual-field-test-le-0
Example Observation - observation-iop-goldman-re-0
Example Observation - observation-iop-goldman-le-0
Example Observation - observation-iop-icare-home-re-0
Example Observation - observation-iop-icare-home-le-0
Example Observation - observation-refraction-re-0
Example Observation - observation-refraction-le-0
Example Observation - va-snellen-distance-re-0
Example Observation - va-snellen-distance-le-0
Example Observation - va-snellen-corrected-re-0
Example Observation - va-snellen-corrected-le-0
Example Observation - va-snellen-best-corrected-re-0
Example Observation - va-snellen-best-corrected-le-0
Example Observation - vf-false-positives-re-0
Example Observation - vf-false-positives-le-0
Example Observation - vf-fixation-loss-re-0
Example Observation - vf-fixation-loss-le-0
Example Observation - vf-mean-deviation-re-0
Example Observation - vf-mean-deviation-le-0
Example Observation - vf-pattern-standard-deviation-re-0
Example Observation - vf-pattern-standard-deviation-le-0
Example Observation - vf-test-duration-re-0
Example Observation - vf-test-duration-le-0
Example Procedure - perimetry-24-2-perimetry-test