HL7 FHIR® Implementation Guide: Ophthalmology Retinal, Release 1
0.1.0 - STU 1 Ballot

This page is part of the HL7 FHIR® Implementation Guide: Ophthalmology Retinal, Release 1 (v0.1.0: STU1 Ballot 1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. No current official version has been published yet. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

ValueSet: Observable Entities Value Set


Defining URL:http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/eyecare/ValueSet/observable-entities
Title:Ophthalmology Observable Entities ValueSet
Status:Experimental as of 2019-05-01

This ValueSet represents all of the observations that are descendants of the Eye/Vision observable SNOMED CT concept

Publisher:HL7 International - Patient Care WG

This value set includes content from SNOMED CT, which is copyright © 2002+ International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation (IHTSDO), and distributed by agreement between IHTSDO and HL7. Implementer use of SNOMED CT is not covered by this agreement

Source Resource:XML / JSON / Turtle


This value set is not used here; it may be used elsewhere (e.g. specifications and/or implementations that use this content)

Logical Definition (CLD)

  • Include codes from http://snomed.info/sct where concept descends from 363926002 (Eye/vision observable (observable entity))



This value set contains 375 concepts

Expansion based on SNOMED CT International edition 31-Jan 2021

All codes from system http://snomed.info/sct

4187002Dark adaptation curve
7423001Critical fusion frequency
9995004Hue discrimination
17441009Resolution threshold
18332003Scotopic dominator curve
31763002Ocular motility
36459006Vernier acuity
39122004Quadrantic visual field
40137007Pupil light reflex
41633001Intraocular pressure
45832002Pupil afferent light reaction
47446005Achromatic interval
48441002Vision depth of focus
55070006Chromatic threshold
55591008Conjunctive eye movement
57503003Secondary visual deviation
59236006Temporal visual field
60747006Doll's head reflex
64607003Coordinated eye movement
65077007Disjunctive ocular movement
68015005Receptive field
68362006Binocular vision
70697002Sensitivity of retina
71964006Primary visual deviation
73750009Visual field
74155003Field of fixation
76700007Nasal visual field
77219005Saccadic eye movement
81758000Threshold visibility curve
84917001Indirect light pupillary reflex
91444001Smooth pursuit movement
113147002Pupil reaction to light
225567004Appearance of cornea
225568009General appearance of eye
225898008Position of artificial lens
246223004Prism base direction
246612009General visual responses
246613004General reaction to light
246620006Visual alertness
246621005Visual attentiveness
246624002Visual behavior
246633000Distance vision, general quality
246646005Quality of visual image
246647001Clarity of visual image
246648006Visual image size
246649003Brightness of visual image
246683005Ocular head posture
246692008Eye movement with both eyes open
246693003Range of movement of both eyes open
246704007Eye movement with one eye open
246705008Range of movement of one eye open
246706009Ocular convergence
246707000Convergence on approaching object
246710007Convergence near point
246716001Ocular divergence
246719008Quality of focus
246721003Speed of focus
246724006Position of pupil light reflex
246765006Patterns of eye movement
246776005Reflex eye movement
246777001Horizontal doll's head reflex
246778006Vertical doll's head reflex
246785005Associated movements on eye movement
246786006Movement of globe on eye movement
246787002Movement of lids on eye movement
246788007Movement of head on eye movement
246790008Sounds associated with eye movement
246792000Eye measure
246793005Height of upper lid above pupil center
246794004Height of palpebral fissure
246795003Degree of levator lift
246796002Eye meridian
246797006Eye meridian start point
246820009Position of eyelid
246847004Movement of eyelid
246851002Tear drainage
246853004Fluorescein tear drainage
246858008Apposition of lower lacrimal punctum
246859000Opening of lower lacrimal punctum
246861009Opening of upper lacrimal punctum
246889007General appearance of limbal conjunctiva
246900007General appearance of palpebral conjunctiva
246917000Position of eyeball
246933002Corneal epithelial staining pattern
246974002Color of sclera
246979007Scleral vascularity
247014003Rate of pupil reaction to light
247016001Pupil motor light reaction
247018000Pupil reaction to dark
247019008Pupil near reaction
247022005Pupil movement
247026008Position of iris
247029001Iris pigmentation
247030006Color of iris
247046003Position of ciliary body
247050005Position of lens
247053007Cataract form
247063004Cataract maturity
247073002Lens capsule clarity in pseudophakia
247088007Vitreous morphology
247104005General appearance of retina
247110005Retinal artery appearance
247116004Retinal vein appearance
247166005Status of macula in subtotal retinal detachment
247222003Optic disc cup
247225001Optic cup/disc ratio
250905001Optokinetic response
251685007Photostress recovery time
251686008Contrast sensitivity
251687004Monochrome contrast sensitivity
251688009Color contrast sensitivity
251691009Corneal thickness
251692002Ocular axial length
251693007Tear film break-up time
251694001Wetting distance
251696004Lacrimal patency
251706001Lacrimal sac access
251709008Corneal measurement
251710003Corneal curvature radius
251711004Corneal curvature meridian
251712006Corneal diameter
251713001Horizontal corneal diameter
251714007Vertical corneal diameter
251716009Endothelial cell density
251717000IOL determination
251718005Refractive power
251719002Intraocular lens implant refractive power (observable entity)
251720008Central retinal artery pressure
251721007Angle patency
251727006Angle appearance
251739003Distance visual acuity
251742009Distance visual acuity - binocular
251743004Near visual acuity
251746007Near visual acuity - binocular
251747003Near visual acuity - Jaeger's types
251750000Near visual acuity Jaeger's types - binocular
251761008Prism fusion range
251762001Prism strength
251771005Optical axis alignment
251772003Optical axis deviation
251777009Ocular accommodation power
251778004Ocular accommodation near point
251781009AC/A ratio
251782002Visual suppression area
251783007Visual suppression density
251784001Ocular fixation
251787008Ocular fixation preference
251788003Ocular fixation projection
251791003Field of binocular single vision
251793000Field of uniocular fixation
251795007Power of sphere
251796008Spherical addition
251797004Power of cylinder
251799001Axis of cylinder
251800002Back vertex distance
251801003Reading distance
251802005Intermediate distance
271731004Regularity of pupil
271733001Pupil reaction
301992006Ability to close eyes
311528003Visual scanning speed
313088003Ocular muscle balance
314541000Physiological nystagmus
359750002Stereoscopic acuity
363927006General characteristic of eye
363928001Moistness of eye
363929009Eyelid observable
363930004Appearance of eyelid
363931000Eye closing feature
363932007Measure of eyelid
363933002Palpebral fissure observable
363934008Measure of palpebral fissure
363935009Globe observable
363936005Appearance of eyeball
363937001Size of globe
363939003Measure of globe
363940001Conjunctival observable
363941002Limbal conjunctiva feature
363942009Palpebral conjunctival feature
363943004Corneal observable
363944005Corneal epithelium feature
363945006Corneal epithelial staining feature
363946007Anterior chamber observable
363947003Appearance of anterior chamber
363948008Depth of anterior chamber
363949000Observable of angle of anterior chamber
363950000Measure of anterior chamber
363951001Pupil observable
363952008Appearance of pupil
363953003Size of pupil
363954009Pupil shape
363955005Equality of pupils
363956006Iris observable
363957002Appearance of iris
363958007Ciliary body observable
363959004Crystalline lens observable
363960009Cataract feature
363961008Feature of lens capsule in pseudophakia
363962001Feature of artificial lens
363963006Sclera and episclera observable
363964000Anterior sclera feature
363965004Vitreous cavity observable
363966003Feature of red reflex
363967007Retina/choroid observable (observable entity)
363968002Retinal vessel feature
363969005Retinal artery feature
363970006Retinal vein feature
363971005Optic disc observable
363973008Lacrimal punctum feature
363974002Lower lacrimal punctum feature
363975001Upper lacrimal punctum feature
363976000Lacrimal sac feature
363978004Measure of lacrimation
363981009Color vision observable
363983007Visual acuity
363984001Orthoptic observable
363985000Characteristic of focusing (ocular)
363986004Feature of ocular balance
363987008Device of eye observable
363988003Prosthesis of eyeball (observable entity)
370937003Vertical cup disc ratio (observable entity)
370938008Horizontal cup disc ratio (observable entity)
370954006Corneal curvature refracting power (observable entity)
370959001Lens thickness (observable entity)
370962003Orbit observable (observable entity)
373642008Extraocular eye movement (observable entity)
386708005Visual acuity - left eye (observable entity)
386709002Visual acuity - right eye (observable entity)
386711006Near visual acuity - left eye (observable entity)
386712004Near visual acuity - right eye (observable entity)
386714003Distance visual acuity - right eye (observable entity)
386716001Distance visual acuity - left eye (observable entity)
386729001Near visual acuity Jaeger's types - left eye (observable entity)
386730006Near visual acuity Jaeger's types - right eye (observable entity)
392145005Horizontal diameter of optic disc (observable entity)
392158006Vertical diameter of optic disc (observable entity)
392159003Neuroretinal rim observable (observable entity)
392160008Neuroretinal rim color (observable entity)
392161007Neuroretinal rim width (observable entity)
392162000Neuroretinal rim slope (observable entity)
397252009Eye glasses observable (observable entity)
397253004Pantascopic angle (observable entity)
397254005Optical center distance (observable entity)
397255006Centration distance (observable entity)
397256007Fitting point position (observable entity)
397257003Fitting point height (observable entity)
397258008Interpupillary distance (observable entity)
397259000Monocular pupillary distance (observable entity)
397260005Overall diameter of intraocular lens (observable entity)
397261009Optic diameter of intraocular lens (observable entity)
397262002Intraocular lens model (observable entity)
397263007A-constant of intraocular lens (observable entity)
397264001Refractive index of intraocular lens (observable entity)
397265000Intraocular lens optic material (observable entity)
397266004Intraocular lens haptic material (observable entity)
397267008Intraocular lens haptic angulation (observable entity)
397268003Intraocular lens design (observable entity)
397269006Intraocular lens optic edge design (observable entity)
397270007Intraocular lens form (observable entity)
397271006Clarity of anterior chamber (observable entity)
397272004Bulbar conjunctiva feature (observable entity)
397273009General appearance of bulbar conjunctiva (observable entity)
397274003Exophthalmometry measurement (observable entity)
397280006Back vertex power (observable entity)
397281005Front vertex power (observable entity)
397282003Reading addition power (observable entity)
397288004Feature of spectacle lens (observable entity)
397289007Spectacle lens material (observable entity)
397290003Contact lens observable (observable entity)
397291004Contact lens type (observable entity)
397292006Contact lens manufacturer (observable entity)
397293001Contact lens model (observable entity)
397294007Contact lens fitting parameter (observable entity)
397295008Contact lens base curve (observable entity)
397296009Contact lens power curve (observable entity)
397297000Contact lens diameter (observable entity)
397298005Contact lens power (observable entity)
397300005Contact lens material (observable entity)
397301009Contact lens center thickness (observable entity)
397302002Contact lens optic zone (observable entity)
397303007Contact lens chord diameter (observable entity)
397304001Contact lens posterior vertex power (observable entity)
397305000Contact lens internal optical zone (observable entity)
397306004Contact lens external optical zone (observable entity)
397307008Contact lens cylinder power (observable entity)
397308003Contact lens cylinder axis (observable entity)
397309006Contact lens addition power (observable entity)
397310001Contact lens tint (observable entity)
397311002Intraocular lens manufacturer (observable entity)
397312009Intraocular lens anterior chamber depth (observable entity)
397534005Corrected visual acuity - left eye (observable entity)
397535006Corrected visual acuity - right eye (observable entity)
397536007Corrected visual acuity (observable entity)
405088009Vision compensation behavior (observable entity)
413077008LogMAR visual acuity left eye (observable entity)
413078003LogMAR visual acuity right eye (observable entity)
413920005Corneal shape (observable entity)
414174009Eye observable (observable entity)
414513003Instantaneous radius of curvature (observable entity)
414534005Intraocular lens implant cylinder power (observable entity)
414656001Mean corneal curvature (observable entity)
414921003Oblate cornea (observable entity)
415180009Prolate cornea (observable entity)
415504005Sclerotic scatter (observable entity)
415565009Spectacle lens base curve (observable entity)
415566005Spectacle lens ocular curve (observable entity)
415567001Specular reflection (observable entity)
415813002Vertex distance (observable entity)
415823006Vision observable (observable entity)
417323003Lacrimal drainage system observable (observable entity)
417624003Oculocephalogyric reflex (observable entity)
417949001Corneal optical zone (observable entity)
417977005Intermediate visual acuity - right eye (observable entity)
418423000Intermediate segment height (observable entity)
418553009Intermediate visual acuity (observable entity)
418772006Near reflex (observable entity)
419095003Range of accommodation (observable entity)
419309008Reading segment height (observable entity)
419419003Intermediate visual acuity - left eye (observable entity)
419475002Pinhole visual acuity (observable entity)
419775003Best corrected visual acuity (observable entity)
419821004Topographic optical zone (observable entity)
419862005Accommodative amplitude (observable entity)
420035005Intermediate visual acuity - binocular (observable entity)
420050001Uncorrected visual acuity (observable entity)
420160007Ocular tear film observable (observable entity)
420294002Nerve fiber layer (observable entity)
420346004Ocular accommodation far point (observable entity)
420443006Jerky pursuit movement (observable entity)
420534004Visual field index - loss variance (observable entity)
420598003Foveal sensitivity (observable entity)
420772006Index of refraction (observable entity)
420875001Visual field reliability (observable entity)
420962000Intercanthal distance (observable entity)
421140005Visual field index (observable entity)
421261009Eyelash observable (observable entity)
421362004Visual field index - pattern standard deviation (observable entity)
421507007Corneal endothelium observable (observable entity)
421528003Contact lens peripheral curve (observable entity)
421566000Corneal incision observable (observable entity)
421640006Confrontation visual field (observable entity)
421730004Lacrimal gland observable (observable entity)
421770006Corneal stroma observable (observable entity)
422149008Optic disc size (observable entity)
422162007Central corneal thickness (observable entity)
422347003Corneal graft appearance (observable entity)
422462002Margin reflex distance (observable entity)
422673001Snellen visual acuity (observable entity)
422746009Stage of retinopathy in retinopathy of prematurity (observable entity)
422859007Visual field index - mean deviation (observable entity)
423083007Visual field index - glaucoma hemifield test (observable entity)
423085000Accommodative response (observable entity)
423087008Scleral show measurement (observable entity)
423264007Lower eyelid margin reflex distance (observable entity)
423406008Inferior scleral show measurement (observable entity)
423436004Minimum perceptible acuity (observable entity)
423597007Upper eyelid margin reflex distance (observable entity)
423792003Lagophthalmos measurement (observable entity)
423817004Superior scleral show measurement (observable entity)
423833001Duration of eye contact (observable entity)
423945009Minimum visible acuity (observable entity)
423968000Episcleral venous pressure (observable entity)
424391002Hertel exophthalmometry measurement (observable entity)
424544008Tear meniscus height (observable entity)
424612002Minimum separable acuity (observable entity)
424622008Potential acuity meter visual acuity (observable entity)
424633006Minimum legible acuity (observable entity)
424804007Accommodative effort (observable entity)
425141002Brightness acuity testing visual acuity (observable entity)
699662005Keratometry steep power
699663000Keratometry steep axis
699664006Keratometry flat power
699666008Keratometry flat axis (observable entity)

Explanation of the columns that may appear on this page:

Level A few code lists that FHIR defines are hierarchical - each code is assigned a level. In this scheme, some codes are under other codes, and imply that the code they are under also applies
Source The source of the definition of the code (when the value set draws in codes defined elsewhere)
Code The code (used as the code in the resource instance)
Display The display (used in the display element of a Coding). If there is no display, implementers should not simply display the code, but map the concept into their application
Definition An explanation of the meaning of the concept
Comments Additional notes about how to use the code