This page is part of the HL7 FHIR® Implementation Guide: Ophthalmology Retinal, Release 1 (v0.1.0: STU1 Ballot 1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. No current official version has been published yet. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions
Mappings for the procedure-base resource profile.
ProcedureBase |
Procedure | Entity. Role, or Act, Procedure[moodCode=EVN] |
text | Act.text? |
contained | N/A |
extension | N/A |
modifierExtension | N/A |
identifier | .id |
instantiatesCanonical | .outboundRelationship[typeCode=DEFN].target |
instantiatesUri | .outboundRelationship[typeCode=DEFN].target |
basedOn | .outboundRelationship[typeCode=FLFS].target[classCode=(various e.g. PROC, OBS, PCPR, ACT, moodCode=RQO].code |
partOf | .inboundRelationship[typeCode=COMP].source[classCode=SBADM or PROC or OBS, moodCode=EVN] |
status | statusCode |
statusReason | .reason.Observation.value |
category | .outboundRelationship[typeCode="COMP].target[classCode="LIST", moodCode="EVN"].code |
code | .code |
id | n/a |
extension | n/a |
coding | union(., ./translation) |
coding (cptCode) | union(., ./translation) |
id | n/a |
extension | n/a |
system | ./codeSystem |
version | ./codeSystemVersion |
code | ./code |
display | CV.displayName |
userSelected | CD.codingRationale |
coding (snomedCode) | union(., ./translation) |
id | n/a |
extension | n/a |
system | ./codeSystem |
version | ./codeSystemVersion |
code | ./code |
display | CV.displayName |
userSelected | CD.codingRationale |
text | ./originalText[mediaType/code="text/plain"]/data |
subject | .participation[typeCode=SBJ].role |
encounter | .inboundRelationship[typeCode=COMP].source[classCode=ENC, moodCode=EVN] |
performed[x] | .effectiveTime |
recorder | .participation[typeCode=AUT].role |
asserter | .participation[typeCode=INF].role |
performer | .participation[typeCode=PRF] |
id | n/a |
extension | n/a |
modifierExtension | N/A |
function | .functionCode |
actor | .role |
onBehalfOf | .scoper |
location | .participation[typeCode=LOC].role[classCode=SDLOC] |
reasonCode | .reasonCode |
reasonReference | .reasonCode |
bodySite | .targetSiteCode |
id | n/a |
extension | |
extension (bodySiteEye) | |
id | n/a |
url | N/A |
value[x] | N/A |
coding | union(., ./translation) |
text | ./originalText[mediaType/code="text/plain"]/data |
outcome | .outboundRelationship[typeCode=OUT].target.text |
report | .inboundRelationship[typeCode=SUBJ].source[classCode=OBS, moodCode=EVN] |
complication | .outboundRelationship[typeCode=OUTC].target[classCode=OBS, code="complication", moodCode=EVN].value |
complicationDetail | .outboundRelationship[typeCode=OUTC].target[classCode=OBS, code="complication", moodCode=EVN].value |
followUp | .outboundRelationship[typeCode=COMP].target[classCode=ACT, moodCode=INT].code |
note | .inboundRelationship[typeCode=SUBJ].source[classCode=OBS, moodCode=EVN, code="annotation"].value |
focalDevice | .participation[typeCode=DEV].role[classCode=MANU] |
id | n/a |
extension | n/a |
modifierExtension | N/A |
action | .inboundRelationship[typeCode=SUBJ].source[classCode=OBS, moodCode=EVN, code="procedure device action"].value=:procedure device action codes |
manipulated | .participation[typeCode=DEV].role[classCode=SDLOC] |
usedReference | .participation[typeCode=DEV].role[classCode=MANU] or
.participation[typeCode=CSM].role[classCode=ADMM] (for Medication or Substance) |
usedCode | participation[typeCode=Dev].role[classCode=MANU] |
ProcedureBase |
Procedure | |
identifier | Some combination of ORC-2 / ORC-3 / OBR-2 / OBR-3 / IPC-1 / IPC-2 / IPC-3 / IPC-4 |
code | OBR-44/OBR-45 |
coding | C*E.1-8, C*E.10-22 |
coding (cptCode) | C*E.1-8, C*E.10-22 |
system | C*E.3 |
version | C*E.7 |
code | C*E.1 |
display | C*E.2 - but note this is not well followed |
userSelected | Sometimes implied by being first |
coding (snomedCode) | C*E.1-8, C*E.10-22 |
system | C*E.3 |
version | C*E.7 |
code | C*E.1 |
display | C*E.2 - but note this is not well followed |
userSelected | Sometimes implied by being first |
text | C*E.9. But note many systems use C*E.2 for this |
subject | PID-3 |
encounter | PV1-19 |
performed[x] | OBR-7 |
performer | |
function | Some combination of STF-18 / PRA-3 / PRT-4 / ROL-3 / ORC-12 / OBR-16 / PV1-7 / PV1-8 / PV1-9 / PV1-17 / OBX-25 |
actor | ORC-19/PRT-5 |
bodySite | OBX-20 |
coding | C*E.1-8, C*E.10-22 |
text | C*E.9. But note many systems use C*E.2 for this |
note | NTE |