Quality Measure Implementation Guide
1.0.0-ballot - ballot International flag

This page is part of the Quality Measure Implementation Guide (v1.0.0-ballot: STU1 (v1.0.0) Ballot 1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. No current official version has been published yet. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Measure: EXM55 - Median Emergency Department Visit Duration (Experimental)

Official URL: http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/cqm/Measure/EXM55-FHIR Version: 5.0.0
Active as of 2022-02-22 Computable Name: EXM55
Other Identifiers: http://example.org/fhir/cqi/ecqm/Measure/Identifier/exm#55 (use: official, )

Usage:Venue: EH

This example illustrates a continuous variable measure represented as a FHIR eCQM

Title: EXM55 - Median Emergency Department Visit Duration
Version: 5.0.0
Url: EXM55 - Median Emergency Department Visit Duration


Effective Period: 2018-01-01..2018-12-31
Experimental: true
Publisher: HL7 International / Clinical Quality Information

This example illustrates a continuous variable measure represented as a FHIR eCQM

Use Context:
code value
Jurisdiction: 001
Topic: 57024-2

Continuous Variable



Improvement Notation:

Decreased score indicates improvement

EXM55 - Median Emergency Department Visit Duration Library (Example Continuous Variable Measure Library)
Terminology and Other Dependencies:
  • http://fhir.org/guides/cqf/common/Library/FHIRHelpers|4.0.1
  • Diagnosis Role
  • http://cts.nlm.nih.gov/fhir/ValueSet/2.16.840.1.113883.
  • http://cts.nlm.nih.gov/fhir/ValueSet/2.16.840.1.113883.
  • http://cts.nlm.nih.gov/fhir/ValueSet/2.16.840.1.113762.1.4.1111.126
  • Parameters:
    name use min max type
    Measurement Period In 0 1 Period
    Stratification 3 Out 0 * Encounter
    Stratification 2 Out 0 * Encounter
    Measure Population Exclusion Out 0 * Encounter
    Stratification 1 Out 0 * Encounter
    Initial Population Out 0 * Encounter
    Measure Population Out 0 * Encounter
    Resource Type Resource Elements Valueset Name Valueset
    Encounter(Encounter) period hospitalization hospitalization.admitSource type status Emergency Department Visit http://cts.nlm.nih.gov/fhir/ValueSet/2.16.840.1.113883.
    Encounter(Encounter) period
    Condition(Condition) id
    Direct Reference Codes:
    display code system
    Billing billing http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/diagnosis-role
    Logic Definitions:
    Group Scoring Population Criteria Expression
    Measure scoring:

    Continuous Variable

    Initial Population
    define "Initial Population" :
      "Inpatient Encounter" Encounter
        with ["Encounter" : "Emergency Department Visit"] ED
         such that ED.status = 'finished'
           and ED.period ends 1 hour or less before start of Encounter.period
    Measure Population
    define "Measure Population" :
      "Initial Population"
    Measure Population Exclusion
    define "Measure Population Exclusion" :
      "Inpatient Encounter" Encounter
        with ["Encounter" : "Emergency Department Visit"] ED
          such that ED.period ends 1 hour or less before start of Encounter.period
            and ED.status = 'finished'
            and ED.hospitalization.admitSource in "Hospital Settings"
    Measure Observation
    Stratification 1
    define "Stratification 1" :
      "Inpatient Encounter" Encounter
        where not (PrincipalDiagnosis(Encounter).code in "Psychiatric/Mental Health Patient")
    Stratification 2
    define "Stratification 2" :
      "Inpatient Encounter" Encounter
        where PrincipalDiagnosis(Encounter).code in "Psychiatric/Mental Health Patient"
    Stratification 3
    define "Stratification 3" :
      "Inpatient Encounter" Encounter
        where PrincipalDiagnosis(Encounter) is null
    Library Name Name
    EXM55-FHIR Inpatient Encounter
    define "Inpatient Encounter" :
      ["Encounter"] Encounter
        where LengthInDays(Encounter.period) <= 120
          and Encounter.period ends during "Measurement Period"
    Library Name Name
    EXM55-FHIR Stratification 3
    define "Stratification 3" :
      "Inpatient Encounter" Encounter
        where PrincipalDiagnosis(Encounter) is null
    Library Name Name
    EXM55-FHIR Stratification 2
    define "Stratification 2" :
      "Inpatient Encounter" Encounter
        where PrincipalDiagnosis(Encounter).code in "Psychiatric/Mental Health Patient"
    Library Name Name
    EXM55-FHIR Measure Population Exclusion
    define "Measure Population Exclusion" :
      "Inpatient Encounter" Encounter
        with ["Encounter" : "Emergency Department Visit"] ED
          such that ED.period ends 1 hour or less before start of Encounter.period
            and ED.status = 'finished'
            and ED.hospitalization.admitSource in "Hospital Settings"
    Library Name Name
    EXM55-FHIR Stratification 1
    define "Stratification 1" :
      "Inpatient Encounter" Encounter
        where not (PrincipalDiagnosis(Encounter).code in "Psychiatric/Mental Health Patient")
    Library Name Name
    EXM55-FHIR Initial Population
    define "Initial Population" :
      "Inpatient Encounter" Encounter
        with ["Encounter" : "Emergency Department Visit"] ED
         such that ED.status = 'finished'
           and ED.period ends 1 hour or less before start of Encounter.period
    Library Name Name
    EXM55-FHIR Measure Population
    define "Measure Population" :
      "Initial Population"