This page is part of the Using CQL with FHIR Implementation Guide (v1.0.0-snapshot: STU1 Draft) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. The current version which supersedes this version is 1.0.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions
This page provides a list of the FHIR artifacts defined as part of this implementation guide.
The following artifacts define the specific capabilities that different types of systems are expected to have in order to comply with this implementation guide. Systems conforming to this implementation guide are expected to declare conformance to one or more of the following capability statements.
CQL Evaluation Service |
Capability statement for a service supporting CQL evaluation use cases |
These are custom operations that can be supported by and/or invoked by systems conforming to this implementation guide.
The $cql operation evaluates a CQL expression and returns the result. The operation has a single return parameter that can be of any type to accommodate the possible result types of a CQL expression. |
CQL Library Evaluate |
Evaluates the contents of a library and returns the results as a Parameters resource. |
These define constraints on FHIR resources for systems conforming to this implementation guide.
CQL Capability Statement |
The CQL Capability Statement Profile enables capability statements to express supported CQL versions. |
CQL Evaluation Result |
The CQL Evaluation Result profile supports using the dataAbsentReason extension to indicate null evaluation results from operations. |
CQL ImplementationGuide |
Supports the description of model info configuration information as part of an implementation guide |
CQL Library |
The CQL Library profile defines conformance expectations for the use of a FHIR Library resource as a wrapper for a Clinical Quality Language (CQL) library |
CQL Model Info |
The CQL Model Information profile supports the FHIR representation and distribution of CQL ModelInfo such as the FHIR Model Info Library |
CQL Model Info Settings |
CQL ModelInfo settings expressed using FHIR Parameters |
CQL Module |
The CQL Module profile describes the elements used to provide a structured representation of the declarations and data requirements of a logic library or operation |
CQL Options |
A parameters profile that defines supported CQL-to-ELM translator options used to translate CQL. Complete documentation of these options can be found in the Usage topic of the CQL-to-ELM translator overview. |
CQL StructureDefinition |
Supports configuration of model info information for a StructureDefinition |
ELM JSON Library |
The ELM Library supports distributing a Clinical Quality Language (CQL) library compiled to Expression Logical Model (ELM) in JSON format |
ELM XML Library |
The ELM CQL Library supports distributing a Clinical Quality Language (CQL) library compiled to Expression Logical Model (ELM) in XML format |
These define constraints on FHIR data types for systems conforming to this implementation guide.
CQL Access Modifier |
Surfaces the CQL access modifier of the parameter definition on which it appears. |
CQL Type |
Surfaces the CQL type of the parameter definition on which it appears. |
Is Empty List |
Indicates that the value of the parameter is an empty list. Because the parameter element of a Parameters resource must have a value, the value element must be present with either an actual value, or an extension, this extension supports the case when the actual parameter value being represented is an empty list. The type of the value element used should be appropriate to the element type of the list-valued expression. |
These are example instances that show what data produced and consumed by systems conforming with this implementation guide might look like.
ANC Cohort |
Example cohort definition for anteantal care |
CQL Example |
Example CQL Library illustrating the CQL Profile (a Library with only text/cql content) |
CQL IG Example Code System |
This code system contains example content used to support examples in the Using CQL IG |
CQL ImplementationGuide Example |
This implementation guide demonstrates the use of modelinfo settings |
Danger signs |
Before each contact, the health worker should check whether the woman has any of the danger signs listed here – if yes, she should refer to the hospital urgently; if no, she should continue to the normal contact |
ELM Example |
Example ELM library demonstrating the ELM XML and ELM JSON profiles (a CQL library with only ELM) |
Example |
Example CQL Library used to demonstrate common patterns used in CQL with FHIR-based models |
Example CQL Operations Parameters |
Example Parameters resource demonstrating the use of the CQLOptions profile to specify CQL translator options. This resource would typically be a contained resource in an implementation guide, artifact collection, or library. |
Example Danger Signs - Central cyanosis Codes |
Codes representing possible values for the Danger Signs - Central cyanosis element |
Example Danger Signs - No danger signs Codes |
Codes representing possible values for the Danger Signs - No danger signs element |
Example Danger signs Codes |
Codes representing possible values for the Danger signs element |
Example Danger signs Codes Grouper |
Group Valueset with codes representing possible values for the Danger signs Codes Grouper element |
Example Evaluation Result Parameters |
Example Parameters resource demonstrating the use of data-absent-reason extension to indicate a null evaluation result. |
Example Logic Library - Module Definition |
This library is used as an example module definition in the Using FHIR with CQL Implementation Guide |
Example ModelInfo Settings Parameters |
Example Parameters resource demonstrating the use of ModelInfo configuration parameters. This resource would typically be a contained resource in an implementation guide or artifact collection. |
Example Negation Observation |
Example Observation resource illustrating negation and the use of the |
Example Patient |
Example Patient resource used as part of the observation negation example. |
Example Specific health concern(s) Codes |
Codes representing possible values for the Specific health concern(s) element |
Example Type Mapping Evaluation Result Parameters |
Example Parameters resource showing the result of evaluating the TypeMappingExample library, demonstrating all possible CQL-to-FHIR type mappings. |
Library Evaluation Service Capability Statement Example |
Basic conformance statement for a Library Evaluation Service. A server can support more functionality than defined here, but this is the minimum amount |
Parameter Example |
Example CQL library with a parameter defined, used to illustrate calling the $cql and Library/$evaluate operations with libraries that have parameters |
Specific health concern(s) |
If the woman came to the facility with a specific health concern, select the health concern(s) from the list |
Type Mapping Example |
Example CQL library providing a complete set of expressions that cover all possible CQL and FHIR Type Mapping, for both input and output. See the Type Mapping Evaluation Result example for an illustration of the type mapping in a Parameters resource. |
USCore Model Definition |
Model definition for USCore (v3.1.0) Model |