This page is part of the Clinical Guidelines (v0.1.0: STU 1 Ballot 1) based on FHIR R4. The current version which supercedes this version is 1.0.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions
library OpioidCDS_R4_Common version '0.1.0'
using FHIR version '4.0.0'
include FHIRHelpers version '4.0.0' called FHIRHelpers
include OMTKLogic version '0.0.0' called OMTKLogic
codesystem "SNOMED": ''
codesystem "Medication Request Category Codes": ''
valueset "Active Condition": ''
valueset "Benzodiazepines": ''
// TODO: Fix this name
valueset "End of Life Conditions": ''
// Harvested from VSAC - OID: 2.16.840.1.113762.1.4.1108.15
// NOTE: This harvest note is incorrect, none of the following 3 value sets contain any of the codes in the above referenced valueset
// Rob will construct an appropriate hospice value set aligned with current eCQM program usage and we will use that when available
valueset "Hospice Disposition": ''
valueset "Hospice Finding Codes": ''
valueset "Hospice Procedure Codes": ''
valueset "Illicit Drug Screening": ''
// Harvested from VSAC - OID: 2.16.840.1.113883.3.526.3.1259
valueset "Limited Life Expectancy Conditions": ''
valueset "Long Acting Opioids": ''
valueset "Naloxone": ''
valueset "Risk Assessment": ''
valueset "Opioid Drug Screening": ''
valueset "Ambulatory Abuse Potential Opioids": ''
valueset "Substance Abuse": ''
// TODO: Turn this into a valueset
code "Referral to Hospice": '306205009' from "SNOMED"
// TODO: Turn this into a valueset
code "Outpatient": 'outpatient' from "Medication Request Category Codes"
// TODO: Capture process decisions for long-term opioid use
define IsForChronicPain: true
define "Active Ambulatory Opioid Rx":
[MedicationRequest: "Ambulatory Abuse Potential Opioids"] Rx
where Rx.status = 'active'
and ToCodes(Rx.category.coding) contains "Outpatient"
define "Active Ambulatory Benzodiazepine Rx":
[MedicationRequest: "Benzodiazepines"] Rx
where Rx.status = 'active'
and ToCodes(Rx.category.coding) contains "Outpatient"
define "Active Ambulatory Naloxone Rx":
[MedicationRequest: "Naloxone"] Rx
where Rx.status = 'active'
and ToCodes(Rx.category.coding) contains "Outpatient"
define "Ambulatory Opioid Rx":
[MedicationRequest: "Ambulatory Abuse Potential Opioids"] Rx
where ToCodes(Rx.category.coding) contains "Outpatient"
define "End of Life Assessment":
// 1. Conditions indicating end of life or with limited life expectancy
exists (
[Condition: "End of Life Conditions"] C
where C.clinicalStatus in "Active Condition"
[Condition: code in "Limited Life Expectancy Conditions"] C
where C.clinicalStatus in "Active Condition"
// 2. Admitted/referred/discharged to hospice care
or exists (
[ServiceRequest: code in "Referral to Hospice"] RR
where RR.status in { 'active', 'completed' }
[ServiceRequest: code in "Hospice Procedure Codes"] P
where P.status in { 'in-progress', 'completed' }
[ServiceRequest: code in "Hospice Procedure Codes"] E
where E.status in { 'planned', 'arrived', 'in-progress', 'finished', 'onleave' }
[Observation: code in "Hospice Finding Codes"] O
where not (O.status in { 'unknown', 'entered-in-error', 'cancelled' })
[Encounter] E
if E.hospitalization.dischargeDisposition.coding is null
or not exists (E.hospitalization.dischargeDisposition.coding)
then false
else E.hospitalization.dischargeDisposition in "Hospice Disposition"
and E.status in { 'planned', 'arrived', 'in-progress', 'finished', 'onleave' }
define function Prescriptions(Orders List<MedicationRequest>):
Orders O
// NOTE: Assuming medication is specified as a CodeableConcept with a single RxNorm code
rxNormCode: ToCode(O.medication.coding[0]),
medicationName: OMTKLogic.GetMedicationName(rxNormCode),
// NOTE: Assuming a single dosage instruction element
dosageInstruction: O.dosageInstruction[0],
repeat: dosageInstruction.timing.repeat,
frequency: Coalesce(repeat.frequencyMax.value, repeat.frequency.value),
period: System.Quantity { value: repeat.period.value, unit: repeat.periodUnit.value },
// There should be a conversion from FHIR.SimpleQuantity to System.Quantity
if dosageInstruction.doseAndRate[0].dose is FHIR.Range
then ToString(ToQuantity(dosageInstruction.doseAndRate[0].dose.low))
+ '-' + ToString(ToQuantity(dosageInstruction.doseAndRate[0].dose.high))
+ dosageInstruction.doseAndRate[0].dose.high.unit.value
else ToString(ToQuantity(dosageInstruction.doseAndRate[0].dose)),
ToString(dosageInstruction.timing.repeat.frequency.value) +
'-' + ToString(dosageInstruction.timing.repeat.frequencyMax.value),
return {
rxNormCode: rxNormCode,
isDraft: O.status.value = 'draft',
// NOTE: Assuming asNeeded is expressed as a boolean
isPRN: dosageInstruction.asNeeded.value,
if dosageInstruction.text is not null then
medicationName + ' ' + dosageInstruction.text.value
// TODO: Shouldn't need the .value here on asNeededBoolean
medicationName + ' ' + doseDescription + ' q' + frequencyDescription + (if dosageInstruction.asNeeded.value then ' PRN' else ''),
// TODO: Shouldn't need the ToQuantity here...
dose: if dosageInstruction.doseAndRate[0].dose is FHIR.Range
then ToQuantity(dosageInstruction.doseAndRate[0].dose.high)
else ToQuantity(dosageInstruction.doseAndRate[0].dose),
dosesPerDay: Coalesce(OMTKLogic.ToDaily(frequency, period), 1.0)
define function MME(prescriptions List<MedicationRequest>):
(Prescriptions(prescriptions)) P
let mme: SingletonFrom(OMTKLogic.CalculateMMEs({ { rxNormCode: P.rxNormCode, doseQuantity: P.dose, dosesPerDay: P.dosesPerDay } }))
return {
rxNormCode: P.rxNormCode,
isDraft: P.isDraft,
isPRN: P.isPRN,
prescription: P.prescription,
dailyDose: mme.dailyDoseDescription,
conversionFactor: mme.conversionFactor,
mme: mme.mme
define function TotalMME(prescriptions List<MedicationRequest>):
System.Quantity {
value: Sum((MME(prescriptions)) M return M.mme.value),
unit: 'mg/d'
define function ProbableDaysInRange(Orders List<MedicationRequest>, daysPast Integer, numDaysInDaysPast Integer):
Orders orders
frequency: orders.dosageInstruction[0].timing.repeat.frequency.value,
period: orders.dosageInstruction[0].timing.repeat.period.value,
periodDays: GetPeriodDays(orders.dosageInstruction[0].timing.repeat.periodUnit.value),
if (frequency / (period * periodDays)) >= 1.0
then 1.0
else frequency / (period * periodDays),
repeat: orders.dispenseRequest.numberOfRepeatsAllowed.value,
supplyDuration: GetDurationInDays(orders.dispenseRequest.expectedSupplyDuration),
validityPeriod: days between orders.dispenseRequest.validityPeriod."start".value and Today(),
if orders.dispenseRequest.validityPeriod."end".value < Today()
then days between orders.dispenseRequest.validityPeriod."end".value and Today()
else 0
if (repeat * supplyDuration) < numDaysInDaysPast then false
(dosesPerDay * ((repeat * supplyDuration) / validityPeriod) * (daysPast - endDifference)) >= numDaysInDaysPast
define function GetPeriodDays(value System.String):
when value = 'a' then 365.0
when value = 'mo' then 30.0
when value = 'h' then 1.0/24.0
when value = 'min' then 1.0/24.0*60.0
when value = 's' then 1.0/24.0*60.0*60.0
when value = 'ms' then 1.0/24.0*60.0*60.0*1000.0
else 1.0
define function GetDurationInDays(value FHIR.Duration):
when StartsWith(value.unit.value, 'a') then value.value.value * 365.0
when StartsWith(value.unit.value, 'mo') then value.value.value * 30.0
when StartsWith(value.unit.value, 'wk') then value.value.value * 7.0
when StartsWith(value.unit.value, 'd') then value.value.value
when StartsWith(value.unit.value, 'h') then value.value.value / 24.0
when StartsWith(value.unit.value, 'min') then value.value.value / 60.0 / 24.0
when StartsWith(value.unit.value, 's') then value.value.value / 60.0 / 60.0 / 24.0
when StartsWith(value.unit.value, 'ms') then value.value.value / 60.0 / 60.0 / 24.0 / 1000.0
else Message(1000, true, 'Undefined', 'Error', 'Unsupported duration unit')
define function GetIngredient(rxNormCode Code):
define function GetIngredients(rxNormCodes List<Code>):
rxNormCodes rnc return GetIngredient(rnc)
define function GetMedicationNames(medications List<MedicationRequest>):
medications M
return OMTKLogic.GetIngredients(ToRxNormCode(M.medication.coding)).rxNormCode.display
* Conversion Functions
define function ToCode(coding FHIR.Coding):
System.Code {
code: coding.code.value,
system: coding.system.value,
version: coding.version.value,
display: coding.display.value
define function ToCodes(coding List<FHIR.Coding>):
coding c return ToCode(c)
define function ToRxNormCode(coding List<FHIR.Coding>):
singleton from (
coding C where C.system = ''
define function ToQuantity(quantity FHIR.Quantity):
System.Quantity { value: quantity.value.value, unit: quantity.unit.value }