0 Table of Contents |
  1 Home Page |
  2 The Specification |
  3 Terminology |
  5 Change Log |
  6 Artifacts Summary |
   6.1 Patient - Child - Vital Records |
   6.2 Patient - Decedent Fetus - Vital Records |
   6.3 Patient - Mother - Vital Records |
   6.4 Practitioner - Vital Records |
   6.5 Related Person - Parent - Vital Records |
   6.6 RelatedPerson - Father - Vital Records |
   6.7 RelatedPerson - Father Natural - Vital Records |
   6.8 RelatedPerson - Mother - Vital Records |
   6.9 RelatedPerson - Mother Gestational - Vital Records |
   6.10 Observation - APGAR Score - Vital Records |
   6.11 Observation - Birth Weight - Vital Records |
   6.12 Observation - Gestational Age at Delivery - Vital Records |
   6.13 Observation - Infant Living - Vital Records |
   6.14 Observation - Last Menstrual Period - Vital Records |
   6.15 Observation - Mother Delivery Weight - Vital Records |
   6.16 Observation - Mother Height - Vital Records |
   6.17 Observation - Mother Prepregnancy Weight - Vital Records |
   6.18 Observation - Number of Births Now Dead - Vital Records |
   6.19 Observation - Number of Births Now Living - Vital Records |
   6.20 Observation - Number of Fetal Deaths This Delivery - Vital Records |
   6.21 Observation - Number of Live Births This Delivery - Vital Records |
   6.22 Observation - Number of Other Pregnancy Outcomes - Vital Records |
   6.23 Observation - Number of Prenatal Visits - Vital Records |
   6.24 Observation - Number of Previous Cesareans - Vital Records |
   6.25 Observation - Parent Education Level - Vital Records |
   6.26 Observation - Plurality - Vital Records |
   6.27 Observation - Race - Vital Records |
   6.28 Observation - Tabulated Ethnicity - Vital Records |
   6.29 Condition - Eclampsia Hypertension - Vital Records |
   6.30 Condition - Gestational Diabetes - Vital Records |
   6.31 Condition - Gestational Hypertension - Vital Records |
   6.32 Condition - Prepregnancy Diabetes - Vital Records |
   6.33 Condition - Prepregnancy Hypertension - Vital Records |
   6.34 Observation - None Of Specified Pregnancy Risk Factors - Vital Records |
   6.35 Observation - Previous Cesarean - Vital Records |
   6.36 Observation - Previous Preterm Birth - Vital Records |
   6.37 Procedure - Artificial Insemination - Vital Records |
   6.38 Procedure - Assisted Fertilization - Vital Records |
   6.39 Procedure - Infertility Treatment - Vital Records |
   6.40 Extension - Partial Date - Vital Records |
   6.41 Extension - Patient Fetal Death - Vital Records |
   6.42 Extension - RelatedPerson Birth Place - Vital Records |
   6.43 Extension - RelatedPerson Deceased - Vital Records |
   6.44 Extension - Reported Parent Age At Delivery - Vital Records |
   6.45 Extension - Within City Limits Indicator - Vital Records |
   6.46 Location - Death - Vital Records |
   6.47 Location - Injury - Vital Records |
   6.48 Observation - Autopsy Performed Indicator - Vital Records |
   6.49 Observation - Cause of Death Part 1 - Vital Records |
   6.50 Observation - Contributing Cause of Death Part 2 - Vital Records |
   6.51 Observation - Death Date - Vital Records |
   6.52 Observation - Decedent Pregnancy - Vital Records |
   6.53 Observation - Injury Incident - Vital Records |
   6.54 Observation - Manner of Death - Vital Records |
   6.55 Observation - Tobacco Use Contributed to Death - Vital Records |
   6.56 Procedure - Death Certification - Vital Records |
   6.57 Parameters - Coding Status Values - Vital Records |
   6.58 Extension - Date Day - Vital Records |
   6.59 Extension - Date Month - Vital Records |
   6.60 Extension - Date Time - Vital Records |
   6.61 Extension - Date Year - Vital Records |
   6.62 Extension - Partial DateTime - Vital Records |
   6.63 Patient - Child - Baby G Quinn |
   6.64 Patient - Decedent Fetus - Fetus Not Named |
   6.65 Patient - Mother - Carmen Teresa Lee |
   6.66 Patient - Mother - Carmen Teresa Lee DOB Part Absent |
   6.67 Patient - Mother - Jada Ann Quinn |
   6.68 Practitioner - Vital Records - Janet Seito |
   6.69 RelatedPerson - Adoptive Father - Tony Lewis |
   6.70 RelatedPerson - Adoptive Mother - Carol Hoffer |
   6.71 RelatedPerson - Father - Tom Yan Lee |
   6.72 RelatedPerson - Father Natural - Tom Yan Lee |
   6.73 RelatedPerson - Mother Gestational - Carmen Teresa Lee |
   6.74 RelatedPerson - Stepmother |
   6.75 Observation - Apgar Score - - Baby G Quinn-5 min |
   6.76 Observation - Birth Weight - Baby G Quinn |
   6.77 Observation - Gestational Age at Delivery - Baby G Quinn |
   6.78 Observation - Gestational Age at Delivery - Fetus Not Named |
   6.79 Observation - Infant Living - Baby G Quinn |
   6.80 Observation - Last Menstrual Period - Carmen Teresa Lee |
   6.81 Observation - Mother Delivery Weight - Jada Ann Quinn |
   6.82 Observation - Mother Height - Carmen Teresa Lee |
   6.83 Observation - Mother Prepregnancy Weight - Carmen Teresa Lee |
   6.84 Observation - Number Births Now Dead - Carmen Teresa Lee |
   6.85 Observation - Number Live Births This Delivery - Carmen Teresa Lee |
   6.86 Observation - Number of Births Now Living - Carmen Teresa Lee |
   6.87 Observation - Number of Fetal Deaths This Delivery - Carmen Teresa Lee |
   6.88 Observation - Number Other Pregnancy Outcomes - Jada Ann Quinn |
   6.89 Observation - Number Prenatal Visits - Jada Ann Quinn |
   6.90 Observation - Number Previous Cesareans - Carmen Teresa Lee |
   6.91 Observation - Parent Education Level - Carmen Teresa Lee |
   6.92 Observation - Parent Education Level - Tom Yan Lee |
   6.93 Observation - Plurality - Carmen Teresa Lee |
   6.94 Observation - Race - Jada Ann Quinn |
   6.95 Observation - Tabulated Ethnicity - Jada Ann Quinn |
   6.96 Condition - Eclampsia Hypertension - Jada Ann Quinn |
   6.97 Condition - Gestational Diabetes - Jada Ann Quinn |
   6.98 Condition - Gestational Hypertension - Jada Ann Quinn |
   6.99 Condition - Prepregnancy Diabetes - Jada Ann Quinn |
   6.100 Condition - Prepregnancy Hypertension - Jada Ann Quinn |
   6.101 Observation - Birth Weight - Fetus Not Named |
   6.102 Observation - None of Specified Risk Factors - Jada Ann Quinn |
   6.103 Observation - Previous Cesarean - Jada Ann Quinn |
   6.104 Observation - Previous Preterm Births - Jada Ann Quinn |
   6.105 Procedure - Assisted Fertilization - Jada Ann Quinn |
   6.106 Procedure - Infertility Treatment - Jada Ann Quinn |
   6.107 Prodecure - Artificial Insemniation - Jada Ann Quinn |
   6.108 Observation - Autopsy Performed - Fetus Not Named |
   6.109 Observation - Autopsy Performed Indicator - A Freeman |
   6.110 Observation - Cause of Death Part 1 - Freeman |
   6.111 Observation - Contributing Cause of Death Part 2 - Freeman |
   6.112 Observation - Death Date - Freeman |
   6.113 Observation - Decedent Pregnancy - Freeman |
   6.114 Observation - Injury Incident - Freeman |
   6.115 Observation - Manner of Death - A Freeman, accidental |
   6.116 Observation - Tobacco Use - A Freeman |
   6.117 Procedure - Death Certification - A Freeman |
   6.118 US Core Patient - Alice J. Freeman |
   6.119 US Core Patient - Unknown Name |
   6.120 US Core Practitioner - J Jones |
   6.121 US Core Practitioner - S Jones |
   6.122 Location - Death - Atlanta GA - Freeman |
   6.123 Location - Injury - Atlanta GA - Freeman |
   6.124 CodeSystem - Intentional Reject |
   6.125 CodeSystem - Local Components Codes Vital Records |
   6.126 CodeSystem - System Reject Vital Records |
   6.127 CodeSystem - Transax Conversion Vital Records |
   6.128 CodeSystem - Death Pregnancy Status Vital Records |
   6.129 CodeSystem - Death Reporting Codes Vital Records |
   6.130 ValueSet - APGAR Score Timing - Vital Records |
   6.131 ValueSet - Certifier Types - Vital Records |
   6.132 ValueSet - Education Level Person - Vital Records |
   6.133 ValueSet - Father Relationship - Vital Records |
   6.134 ValueSet - Mother Relationship - Vital Records |
   6.135 ValueSet - Intentional Reject - Vital Records |
   6.136 ValueSet - System Reject - Vital Records |
   6.137 ValueSet - Transax Conversion - Vital Records |
   6.138 ValueSet - Contributory Tobacco Use - Vital Records |
   6.139 ValueSet - Date Establishment Approach - Vital Records |
   6.140 ValueSet - Death Pregnancy Status - Vital Records |
   6.141 ValueSet - Manner of Death - Vital Records |
   6.142 ValueSet - Place of Death - Vital Records |
   6.143 ValueSet - Transportation Incident Role - Vital Records |
   6.144 ValueSet - Units of Age - Vital Records |
   6.145 ValueSet - Yes, No, Not Applicable - Vital Records |
   6.146 ValueSet - Yes, No, Unknown - Vital Records |
   6.147 ValueSet - Yes, No, Unknown, Not Applicable - Vital Records |
   6.148 Parameters - Coding Status Values |
   6.149 expansion-parameters-vr-common |