
Prospective warnings of potential issues when providing care to the patient.

= Must Support, = Is Modifier, = QiCore defined extension

identifier0..*List<Identifier>Business identifiers assigned to this flag by the performer or other systems which remain constant as the resource is updated and propagates from server to server.
status1..1StringSupports basic workflow.
Binding: Indicates whether this flag is active and needs to be displayed to a user, or whether it is no longer needed or was entered in error. (required)
category0..*List<Concept>Allows a flag to be divided into different categories like clinical, administrative etc. Intended to be used as a means of filtering which flags are displayed to particular user or in a given context.
Binding: A general category for flags for filtering/display purposes. (example)
code1..1ConceptThe coded value or textual component of the flag to display to the user.
Binding: Detail codes identifying specific flagged issues. (example)
subject1..1QICorePatient | QICoreLocation | Group | QICoreOrganization | QICorePractitionerThe patient, location, group, organization, or practitioner etc. this is about record this flag is associated with.
period0..1Interval<DateTime>The period of time from the activation of the flag to inactivation of the flag. If the flag is active, the end of the period should be unspecified.
encounter0..1QICoreEncounterThis alert is only relevant during the encounter.
author0..1QICoreDevice | QICoreOrganization | QICorePatient | QICorePractitioner | QICorePractitionerRoleThe person, organization or device that created the flag.