This page is part of the Quality Improvement Core Framework (v5.0.0-ballot: STU 5 Ballot 1) based on FHIR R4. The current version which supercedes this version is 4.1.1. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions 
This page lists the change history for each version of QI Core.
STU4.1 Release with 1 Technical Errata for FHIR R4 (v4.1.1)
- FHIR-35873: Corrected version-independent links to USCore throughout
- FHIR-35802: Corrected negation examples and added guidance for usage of valueset-based negation
STU4.1 Release for FHIR R4
STU4.1 (v4.1.0)
- Applied:Broken Link for QUICK AdverseEvent actuality value set binding (FHIR-23934)
- Applied:Immunization.occurrence should remove the String choice (FHIR-26407)
- Applied:MedicationNotDispensed (FHIR-26409)
- Applied:Naming of QUICK vs QI-Core Logical View (FHIR-26592)
- Applied:Medication list patient reported medications use Intent = Plan (not order) (FHIR-26829)
- Applied:wrong link in QDM to QICore mapping (FHIR-27031)
- Applied:Remove imagingStudy must support from the QICoreDiagnosticReportLab profile (FHIR-27163)
- Applied:Add TIN to QICore Organization Profile (FHIR-27804)
- Applied:DEQM Practitioner and DEQM Organization Profile should be added to QI Core (FHIR-28157)
- Applied:Patient resource generalpractitioner needs to consider PractitionerRole (
- Applied:Can you add my affiliation? (FHIR-28231)
- Applied:change D.role to D.use in example with Encounter.diagnosis (FHIR-28241)
- Applied:Add MUST HAVE for MedicationRequest timing elements (FHIR-28286)
- Applied:Update Present On Admission in QDM to QI Core Mapping (FHIR-29703)
- Applied:Change mapping of "Encounter, Performed" code from Encounter.class to Encounter.type (FHIR-29819)
- Applied:QDM to QI-Core mapping for AdverseEvent error (FHIR-30098)
- Applied:Add QICoreModelInfo (FHIR-30771)
- Applied:Include US Core errata (3.1.1) to QI-Core Update process (FHIR-31350)
- Applied:Add MedicationDispense.whenPrepared MUST SUPPORT (FHIR-31609)
- Applied:Update QDM to QI-Core Mapping to address QDM 5.6 (FHIR-31629)
- Applied:Add guidance about use of references in profiles QI-Core inherits from US Core and FHIR (FHIR-31738)
- Applied:Update QDM to QI-Core mapping for (FHIR-31740)
- Applied:Profile Procedure NOT Done - why is element code not required (FHIR-31929)
- Applied:Procedure NOT Done - what is the intent of the valueset-reference in Code element (FHIR-31930)
- Applied:Procedure NOT Done - recorded does not have a clear description (FHIR-31931)
- Applied:Coverage.period shows in Differential but we cannot identify the change from FHIR Core (FHIR-31932)
- Applied:QI Core Observation.code binding is just example to LOINC (FHIR-31933)
- Applied:QI Core IG does not have a Table of Contents page (FHIR-31935)
- Applied:QDM to QI-Core mapping Section 8.1 correct text to QDM 5.6 (FHIR-31974)
- Applied:Adverse Event QDM-to-QI-Core mapping errata (FHIR-31975)
- Applied:QDM to Qi-Core mapping AllergyIntolerance (FHIR-31976)
- Applied:QDM to Qi-Core sections 8.4.1, 8.4.3 Assessment Order/Recommended (FHIR-31977)
- Applied:QDM to QI-Core mapping Communication, Performed (FHIR-31978)
- Applied:QDM to Qi-Core mapping for Device Order, Device Recommended (FHIR-31979)
- Applied:QDM to QI-Core mapping Diagnostic Study corrections (FHIR-31980)
- Applied:QDM to QI-Core mapping - Encounter (FHIR-31981)
- Applied:QDM to QI-Core mapping Immunization Administered status error (FHIR-31982)
- Applied:QDM to QI-Core mapping Intervention performed errors (FHIR-31983)
- Applied:QDM to QI-Core mapping Laboratory order and recommended error (FHIR-31984)
- Applied:QDM to QI-Core mapping Medication Administered error (FHIR-31985)
- Applied:QDM to QI-Core mapping Medication, Discharge error (FHIR-31987)
- Applied:QDM to QI-Core mapping update for Medication, Dispensed (FHIR-31988)
- Applied:QDM to QI-Core mapping Physical Exam Order and Recommended error (FHIR-31989)
- Applied:QDM to QI Core mapping changes for Procedure, Order, Procedure, Recommended and Procedure, Performed (FHIR-31990)
- Applied:QDM to QI-Core mapping - error in Immunization, Administered not done mapping ([FHIR-32005](
- Applied:QDM to QI-Core mapping for "Medication, Order" status constraints ([FHIR-32037](
- Applied:CommunicationNotDone code requires change in cardinality and modeling (FHIR-32052)
- Applied:DeviceRequestNotDone code binding and cardinality may require a specific slice for the eCQM use case (FHIR-32053)
- Applied:ImmunizationNotDone should allow indication an individual immunization was not performed and a slice to indicate none of the members of a value set was performed (FHIR-32054)
- Applied:MedicationNotAdministered requires ability to specify a single medication or an entire value set slice (FHIR-32055)
- Applied:MedicationNotDispensed should allow indication of a single medication not dispensed or a slice to indicate an entire value set was not dispensed (FHIR-32056)
- Applied:MedicationNotRequested should allow reference to a single medication not requested or a slice for a value set of all medications not requested (FHIR-32057)
- Applied:ObservationNotDone should allow reference to a single observation not performed or a slice for a value set for which none of the items were performed (FHIR-32058)
- Applied:ServiceNotRequested requires ability to specify a single service not requested or a slice for any one of a value set of services not requested (FHIR-32059)
- Applied:DiagnosticReportLab does not have Performer or Issued as Must Support even though the US Core Specification Does (FHIR-32235)
- Applied:How to reference TaskNotDone (FHIR-32273)
- Applied:Create QICorePresentOnAdmission value set (FHIR-32378)
- Applied:Add Must Support to Procedure.usedCode (FHIR-32991)
- Applied:Add Must Support for ServiceRequest.intent, MedicationRequest.intent, NutritionOrder.intent, NutritionOrder.status (FHIR-33027)
- Applied:Update identifiers throughout (FHIR-33085)
- Applied:Remove Authoring section (FHIR-33260)
The following tickets listed below were incorporated from the US Core errata (3.1.1):
- Add guidance for representing patient name suffix and previous patient name to the US Core Patient Profile (FHIR-28129)
- Correct copy/paste error in Goal Profile (FHIR-28109)
- Correct US Core Provider Speciality (NUCC) ValueSet to hide abstract grouping codes (FHIR-27975)
- Added example of US Core Direct Extension to Practitioner-2 Example (FHIR-27947)
- Corrected technical errors in pediatric profiles StructureDefinitions (FHIR-27946)
- Corrected errors in DiagnosticReport Cardiology Example (FHIR-27913)
- Update Federal Register link for OMB race and ethnicity category classifications. (FHIR-27907)
- Clarified token search syntax (FHIR-27897)
- Corrected US Core DocumentReference Profile to support multiple attachments (FHIR-25778)
- Fix FHIRPath Expression in USCoreGoalTargetDate (FHIR-27892)
- Fix FHIRPath Expression in USCoreProcedureDate (FHIR-27887)
- Add omitted ge comparators to SearchParameters (FHIR-27893)
- Remove Must Support References to non US Core Profiles (FHIR-27876)
- Add missing reaction to the US Core AllergyIntolerance Profile (FHIR-27867)
- Clarify reference to US Core Patient in Vitals Signs Profiles (FHIR-27857)
- Corrected US Core Pulse Oximetry Profile component.valueQuantity.code and component.valueQuantity.unit min from 0 to 1 to be consistent with the valueQuantity constraints within US Core (FHIR-27846)
- Correct UCUM Unit in US Core Pulse Oximetry Profile Text Summary (FHIR-27845)
- Update Procedure Codes Value Set to include ICD-10 PCS codes (FHIR-27836)
- Update Procedure Codes Value Set to include CDT codes (FHIR-27737)
- Clarify that pediatric vital sign percentile Observations should reference growth chart (FHIR-27549)
- Added Missing US core Head Occipital-frontal Circumference Percentile Profile (FHIR-27542)
- Correct requirements for supporting CLIA identifiers (FHIR-27158)
- Change Description of ICD-10-PCS Value Set (FHIR-27116)
- Correct AllergyIntolerance guidance for verificationStatus (FHIR-27096)
- Fix example US Core heart-rate example (FHIR-27086)
- Review period comments Update smoking status codes to align with USCDI (FHIR-27082)
- Fix invariant provenance-1 (FHIR-27065)
- Fix invalid json snippet (FHIR-27001)
- Review period comments Remove Provenance requirement from Medication, Location, Practitioner, PractitionerRole, and Organization and correct copy and paste error to Medication and Provenance searchType support in CapabilityStatement (FHIR-26840),(FHIR-28161)
- Correction on USCDI Table change MedicationStatement to MedicationRequest and remove references to MedicationStatement in the Medication Profile and CapabilityStatements (FHIR-26840)
- Clarify that US Core Location/PractitionerRole are not being referenced by other resources (FHIR-26840)
- Correct editing error restoring Write and Operation capability guidance into DocumentReference QuickStart (FHIR-26840)
- Clarify guidance that servers SHALL support search with status if status required (FHIR-26840)
- Correct canonical url for ImplementationGuide (FHIR-26686)
- Correct system URI for ICD-10 procedure codes (FHIR-26679)
- Fix invariant us-core-1 (FHIR-26605)
- Change valueCode min from 0 to 1 for US Core Birth Sex Extension and valueBoolean min from 0 to 1 forUS Core Direct email Extension (FHIR-26459)
- Change valueQuantity min from 1 to 0 for US Core Pediatric BMI for Age Observation Profile and US Core Pediatric Weight for Height Observation Profile (FHIR-26363)
- Add page contents to Clinical Notes and Basic Provenance pages (FHIR-25785)
- Fix duplicate URL causing validation failure. (FHIR-25536)
- Fix Invariant us-core-8 (FHIR-25459)
- Corrected the wording should support to shall support in Clinical Notes Guidance (FHIR-25455)
- Fix Invariant us-core-8 to allow for Data Absent Reason Extension on Patient name.(FHIR-25249)
- Fix Link to LOINC LP29708-2 (FHIR-25213)
- Corrected guidance for conveying Patient-Reported medications (FHIR-25035)
STU4 Release for FHIR R4 (v4.0.0)
STU 4 (v4.0.0)
- Created negation profiles
- Added patterns pages and CQL examples
- Corrections throughout
- Updated QDM-to-QI-Core mapping
- Added negation reason value set and bindings
STU4 Ballot for FHIR R4 (v3.3.0)
STU 4 Ballot (v3.3.0)
- Updated profiles to be based on FHIR R4 and US Core STU 3
- #22645 Added profiles on Immunization and Evaluation
- #15012 Added a profile on NutritionOrder
- #20727 Updated Observation documentation to provide clarity on use of FHIR and US Core profiles
- #20610 Created the notDone extension and modified the DeviceUseStatement profile to use it; added the DeviceRequest profile, use the doNotPerform extension
- #22646 Relaxed Must Support requirement on some fields of Immunization and ImmunizationRecommendation profiles
- #14991 Added an example of using body position with an Observation
STU3.2 Release for FHIR STU3 (v3.2.0)
STU 3.2 (v3.2.0)
- Updated profiles to be based on US Core 2.0.0
- Derived Encounter and PractitionerRole profiles from US Core profiles
STU3 Release for FHIR STU3 (v3.1.0)
STU 3 (v3.1.0)
- Added profile for PractitionerRole and removed Practitioner.role extension
- Added profile for Task
- Established pattern for representing QDM Principal Diagnosis in Encounters
- Relaxed conformance requirements from all profiles to profiles that are relevant to a particular use case
STU3 Ballot for FHIR STU3 (v2.1.0)
STU 3 Ballot (v3.0.0)
- Incorporates ballot reconciliation from all comments from the September 2016 ballot which have been applied to FHIR 3.0 and US Core Release 1.0.1
- Includes mapping to QDM Version 5.3 Annotated available at:
- Includes an updated Mapping table from the QI-Core metadata to QDM 5.3
- Includes a direct mapping from QDM version 5.3 to QI Core
STU2 Release for FHIR STU3 (v2.0.0)
STU 2 (v2.0.0)
- Updated to FHIR STU3 (3.0.1)
- Changed from Universal Realm to US Realm
- Derived from US Core profiles where possible
- Added support for Claim and Coverage resources
- Changed AdverseEvent profile to use the base resource
- Numerous typographical and technical errors corrected
STU2 Ballot for FHIR STU3 Ballot (v1.6.0)
STU 2 Ballot
- Moved out of main FHIR publication package to its own home
- Updated QI-Core profiles for changes to underlying specification
- Added an additional profile on Condition
- The QUICK logical model is included
STU1 Release for FHIR DSTU2 (v1.0.2)
DSTU 1 (Permanent home)
DSTU1 Preview for FHIR STU1 (v1.0.0)”
DSTU1 Preview
DSTU1 Ballot for FHIR STU1 (v0.5.0)
DSTU1 Ballot