Pharmaceutical Quality - Chemistry, Manufacturing and Controls (PQ-CMC) Submissions to FDA
1.0.0-ballot - STU 1-ballot United States of America flag

This page is part of the Pharmaceutical Quality - Chemistry, Manufacturing and Controls (PQ-CMC) Submissions to FDA (v1.0.0-ballot: STU1 Ballot 1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) v5.0.0. The current version which supersedes this version is 1.0.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Description and Composition of the Drug Product (3.2.P.1)

Domain Overview

The Description and Composition of the Drug Product bundle profile provides a mechanism for the industry to submit Module 3 of CTD 3.2.P.1 folder content to the FDA. The contents of this section include a description of the drug product, its container closure, and its components and constituents. At this time, the profile is scoped to support only products that have a solid oral dose form; other dose forms will be supported in future iterations of the profile.

For the purposes of the PQ/CMC IG, the Example 1 below of a two-layer Tablet provides description of the terms used to explain the 2-layer tablet.

Example 1: A 2 layer tablet with 1 purple layer and 1 white layer

  • A Drug Product is the dose unit, i.e., the whole tablet.
  • Components are the “parts” of the Drug Product, i.e., each of the two layers in the tablet is considered a Component. If the tablet was coated, the coating would be another (third) Component.
    • A Drug Product must have at least one Component.
  • Constituents are the active and inactive ingredients used in the manufacture of the Drug Product
    • Constituent information is included with respect to the Drug Product and with respect to each relevant Component.

The additional example illustrations below of drug products are included as an aid to understanding the terms or semantics in the context of the PQ/CMC IG.

Example 2: Capsule with 3 components: capsule shell, one type of beads, and a minitablet

Example 3: Tablet with two coatings

Drug Product content includes information such as: the dosage form, routes of administration, a narrative description of the product, a schematic, the type of container and container closure used for the dosage form, quality standard and release profile of the dose unit, and the amount of each constituent (both active and inactive ingredients) contained in the drug product.

Component content includes information such as: a component identifier, component type, and release profile of the component and the amount of each constituent (both active and inactive ingredients) contained in the component as well as the function of the constituent in the component.

Implementer Instructions

  • Each 32P1 XML bundle is for a single Drug Product and specific dosage form.
  • Multiple dosage forms of a drug product must be submitted via distinct separate 32P1 bundles.
  • For drug products that are co-packaged with additional items, e.g., a reconstitution diluent, the additional items must be provided in a separate 32P1 bundle.

Representation in FHIR

The domain concepts of Description and Composition of the Drug Product are represented in FHIR in this IG section. Below is a high-level FHIR resource mapping to guide the understanding of how the domain concepts are represented using profiles on FHIR resources. Detail study of the profiles and each of the resources will be needed to develop a deeper understanding of this Description and Composition of the Drug Product FHIR bundle profile. Concepts that are key to this domain include the following:

Note: profile computable names (in parenthesis above) map to names in the Profile Map below.

eCTD 3.2.P.1 Profile Map

eCTD Heading 3.2.P.1 BundleDrugProductDescriptionEctdComposition32P10DrugProductContainerClosureSponsorOrganizationFinishedProductMfgTestSiteOrganizationDrugProductComponentComponentSubstanceBase64DocumentReferenceBundle Reference:StructureDefinition-cmc-ectd-document-32p10.htmlParent:MedicinalProductDefinitionReference:StructureDefinition-pqcmc-drug-product-description.htmlValueSets:Drug Route Of Administration TerminologyPharmaceutical Dosage Form TerminologyName Part TerminologyParent:CompositionReference:StructureDefinition-ectd-composition-32p10.htmlValueSets:eCTD sections Value SetParent:MedicinalProductDefinitionReference:StructureDefinition-pqcmc-drugproduct-container-closure.htmlValueSets:Container Type TerminologyClosure Type TerminologyExtensionsContainer ClosureParent:OrganizationReference:StructureDefinition-cmc-sponsor-organization.htmlValueSets:Sponsor Identifier Type TerminologyGENC Country CodesParent:ManufacturedItemDefinitionReference:StructureDefinition-pqcmc-product-part.htmlValueSets:Capsule Classification Category Value SetCoating Purpose value setDrug Product Component Function Category TerminologyExcipient Function TerminologyProduct Part Ingredient Physical Location value setProduct Part Type Value SetRelationship types Value SetRelease Mechanism value setRelease Profile value setStrength Operator TerminologyStrength Type TerminologyUnits Of Measure TerminologyExtensionsContent PercentOptional DenominatorParent:OrganizationReference:StructureDefinition-mfg-test-site-organization.htmlValueSets:Testing Site and Organization Identifier Type TerminologyGENC Country CodesParent:IngredientReference:StructureDefinition-pqcmc-component.htmlExtensionsAdditional InformationStrength ExtensionParent:SubstanceDefinitionReference:StructureDefinition-pqcmc-component-substance.htmlValueSets:EVMPD Substance ClassificationQuality Standard TerminologySource Type TerminologyGENC Country CodesChemical Structure Data File Type TerminologyParent:DocumentReferenceReference:StructureDefinition-cmc-document-reference.html

Use the zoom feature in the browser to enlarge the profile map for reading.

Usage Patterns

Not Applicable


This image demonstrates a multilayer tablet displayed with narrative inserted in the composition text element. It has two parts. The XML can be found on the Artifacts page and does not contain the narrative in the image, rather it contains the narrative generated for all examples by the IG publisher program. It is on the artifacts page and in the Bundle profile. bd0f0a7a-27ea-4884-801d-bd0546e80888