US Public Health Profiles Library
1.0.0-ballot - STU Ballot US

This page is part of the US Public Health Profiles Library (v1.0.0-ballot: STU 1 Ballot 1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. The current version which supersedes this version is 1.0.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Artifacts Summary

This page provides a list of the FHIR artifacts defined as part of this implementation guide.

Architecture Profiles

US Public Health Content Bundle

Bundle Resource profile for exchanging public health messages, knowledge artifacts or content.

US Public Health Reporting Bundle

Bundle Resource profile for exchanging one of public health messages, knowledge artifacts or content.

US Public Health Composition

This Composition profile represents a public health composition.

US Public Health Endpoint

This is the Endpoint Resource profile for the IG used to specify receivers addresses

US Public Health Supplemental ValueSet Library

Defines the library containing the US Public Health supplemental value sets.

US Public Health Triggering ValueSet Library

Defines the library containing the US Public Health triggering value sets.

US Public Health Executable ValueSet

Defines an executable value set as one that SHALL have an expansion included, as well as a usage warning indicating the expansion is a point-in-time snapshot and must be maintained over time for production usage.

US Public Health Computable ValueSet

Defines a computable value set as one that SHALL have an expression-based definition (i.e. a value set defined intensionally using expressions of the code systems involved) and MAY have an expansion included. The expression-based definition SHALL be represented in only one of three ways; using the compose element, using the expression extension, or using the rules-text extension to provide a step-by-step process for expanding the value set definition

US Public Health Triggering ValueSet

This profile describes the US Public Health Triggering value set.

US Public Health Supplemental ValueSet

This profile describes the US Public Health Supplemental value set.

US Public Health ValueSet

This profile describes US Public Health value sets.

US Public Health Executable Library

This profile sets the minimum expectations for an executable CQL library. Specifically, the profile requires that the library contain one of ELM XML or JSON content, the compiled representation of the CQL logic.

US Public Health Computable Library

The computable library profile sets the minimum expectations for a computable CQL library.

US Public Health ValueSet Library

Defines the library containing US Public Health value sets.

US Public Health CodeSystem

This profile describes the US Public Health CodeSystem.

US Public Health CodeSystem Property Binding Extension

A reference to a CodeSystem or ValueSet that establishes the allowable values for a code system property

US Public Health MessageHeader

This is the MessageHeader Resource profile for the IG.

US Public Health Document Bundle

This Bundle profile represents a Public Health Document Bundle. It contains a US Public Health Composition.

US Public Health Supplemental Library

Defines the asset-collection library containing the US Public Health supplemental assets.

US Public Health Specification Library

Defines the asset-collection library containing the US Public Health specification assets.

US Public Health FHIR Query Pattern Extension

Supports communicating the FHIR query for a given data requirement. The query is server-specific, and will need to be created as informed by a CapabilityStatement. The $data-requirements operation should be extended to be able to provide an Endpoint or CapabilityStatement to provide this information. If no endpoint or capability statement is provided, the capability statement of the server performing the operation is used. This is not a resolveable URL, and that it will contain 1) No base canonical (so it’s a relative query), and 2) Parameters using tokens that are denoted using double-braces and the context parameters are dependent solely on the subjectType, according to the following: Patient: context.patientId, Practitioner: context.practitionerId, Organization: context.organizationId, Location: context.locationId, Device: context.deviceId

Content Profiles: Entities

US Public Health Patient

This Patient profile represents a US Public Health Patient.

It is based on the US Core Patient profile with further constraints to require and/or allow masking of some data elements, and the addition of the US Public Health Gender Identity extension.

For ONC’s USCDI requirements, it also adds Must Support constraints to the following:

  • contact detail (e.g. a telephone number or an email address)
  • a communication language
  • a race
  • an ethnicity
  • a birth sex
US Public Health Survey Practitioner Group

Group Resource profile for specifying survey participant groups, research groups.

US Public Health Organization

This Organization profile represents an organization involved in public health. It is based on the US Core Organization profile and establishes the core elements, extensions, vocabularies and value sets for representing organizations for public health.

US Public Health Location

This Location profile represents the location/facility in which care was provided. It is based on the US Core Location profile.

US Public Health PractitionerRole

This PractitionerRole profile represents the roles and organizations of the practitioner.

It is based on the US Core PractitionerRole profile with a further restriction of mandatory practitioner*, **identifier, and telecom data elements and US Public Health Location and US Public Health Organization references.

Content Profiles: Clinical

US Public Health Emergency Outbreak Information

This profile represents information that is required during a public health emergency/outbreak. This information can be highly variable, so a generic structure has been chosen to represent it.

This information will be recorded using a question/answer pattern with questions specific to the public health emergency/outbreak.

US Public Health Condition

This Condition profile represents the signs, symptoms, and diagnoses related to a public health event.

It is based on the US Core Condition profile with further restriction of a Must Support constraint on the onset[x] and verificationStatus data elements.

In the case of a condition being mistakenly entered into the system and later corrected:

  • verificationStatus of ‘entered-in-error’ must be set
US Public Health Encounter

This Encounter profile represents the encounter related to the event. It is based on the US Core Encounter.

US Public Health Characteristics of Home Environment

This Observation profile represents characteristics of the patient’s home environment.

Such characteristics include, but are not limited to, type of residence (trailer, single family home, assisted living), living arrangement (e.g., alone, with parents), and housing status (e.g., evicted, homeless, home owner). Congregate living situations would be represented in this profile - such shared housing includes a broad range of settings, such as apartments, condominiums, student or faculty housing, national and state park staff housing, transitional housing, and domestic violence and abuse shelters.

US Public Health Disability Status

This profile represents the Disability Element defined here:

The six item set of questions used on ACS and other major surveys to gauge disability is the data standard for survey questions on disability. Note the age thresholds for survey participants for the different disability questions.

Data Standard for Disability Status

  1. Are you deaf or do you have serious difficulty hearing?
  2. Are you blind or do you have serious difficulty seeing, even when wearing glasses?
  3. Because of a physical, mental, or emotional condition, do you have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions? (5 years old or older)
  4. Do you have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs? (5 years old or older)
  5. Do you have difficulty dressing or bathing? (5 years old or older)
  6. Because of a physical, mental, or emotional condition, do you have difficulty doing errands alone such as visiting a doctor’s office or shopping? (15 years old or older)
US Public Health Postpartum Status

This profile represents the postpartum status of a patient.

If the profile is present, the patient is in the postpartum period and further information about the postpartum status is communicated by the code chosen.

The postpartum period, also known as the puerperium, refers to the time after delivery when maternal physiological changes related to pregnancy return to the nonpregnant state. There is consensus that the postpartum period begins upon delivery of the infant. The end is less well defined but is often considered the six to eight weeks after delivery because the effects of pregnancy on many systems have largely returned to the pre-pregnancy state.

US Public Health Pregnancy Outcome Observation

This profile represents a result of the pregnancy such as live birth, still birth, miscarriage, etc.

The subject of this profile is the mother. The focus of this profile is the related Pregnancy Status Observation.

The order born in the delivery, live born or fetal death (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, etc.) is contained in Observation.component. All live births and fetal losses are included. If the pregnancy plurality is 1 then this value will also be 1.

There will be one Pregnancy Outcome Observation for each fetus delivered live or dead at any time in the pregnancy, regardless of gestational age or if the fetuses were delivered at different dates in the pregnancy. All live births and fetal losses are included. The order born in the delivery, live born or fetal death is contained in Observation.component.

US Public Health Pregnancy Status Observation

This profile represents current and/or prior pregnancy statuses and their date ranges, enabling investigators to determine if a patient was pregnant, possibly pregnant, not pregnant or whether the pregnancy status was unknown during a particular date range.

The subject of this profile is the mother.

This profile includes the determination method, determination date, and recorded date of the pregnancy status.

Use the effectivePeriod to indicate the date range over which the patient was pregnant/possibly pregnant/not pregnant/unknown. To record the date that the pregnancy status was recorded, use the date-recorded-extension and to record the date on which the pregnancy status determination was made, use the date-determined-extension. If the effectivePeriod.end is not present it is assumed that the date range over which the pregnancy status is asserted is from effectivePeriod.start to the date in the date-recorded-extension. For example, if the effectivePeriod.start has been recorded as two months prior to the date contained in the date-recorded-extension, and there is no effectivePeriod.end recorded, no assumptions can be made about the pregnancy status after the date contained in the date-recorded-extension.

US Public Health Exposure Contact Information

This Observation profile represents potential patient exposure and contact information.

The type of exposure/contact is contained in Observation.code (environmental, activity, event, location, person, animal, etc.). If the exposure/contact is an entity (person, animal, location) then it is represented in Observation.focus which is a reference to a Patient, RelatedPerson, Location, Group, etc.. (An animal would be represented by a RelatedPerson that contains the Extension Practitioner Animal Species. Free text information about the exposure/contact can be recorded in Observation.valueString and the date or period of exposure is held in Observation.effective[x]. If an address where the exposure/contact took place is known then it can be contained in the address-extension.

The following are some exposures that might be captured in this profile:

  • Environmental exposures
    • Living facilities
    • Work facilities
    • School facilities
  • Contact exposures
    • Person
    • Animal
  • Event Exposures
    • Sporting event
    • Rally
    • Wedding
    • Activity
US Public Health Transportation Details

This Observation profile represents transportation details such as the type of transport (plane, train, ship, etc.) along with any associated information (e.g. name of cruise ship, flight number, airport, seat number, cabin number, etc.).

US Public Health PlanDefinition

This profile describes the US Public Health PlanDefinition.

US Public Health Travel History

This Observation profile represents a patient’s travel history.

The following data for a patient can be recorded:

  • travel history as a string, an address, or a coded location
  • the date or period of time spent in the location (Observation.effectiveTime)
    • it is important to accurately capture the most accurate dates possible
    • the focus should be on date of arrival and date of departure
    • the concepts of dates as related to travel are especially useful for determining need for Federal Public Health Notifications (FPHNs) and these dates are used to alert foreign ministries of health about their residents who may have been contacts of cases, or if a flight that was outbound from the USA had an infectious traveler on it
  • most uses will involve a single location (Observation.component), however, it is possible to specify multiple locations (but there is only a single effectiveTime)
    • this allows for cases where a patient cannot remember exact dates of travel (e.g. I traveled to London, Paris, and Berlin in July and August 2016)
  • free text describing the travel history details and location (Observation.component.valueCodeableConcept.text element)
  • use Observation.component.codeableConcept to record a coded location
  • use Observationcomponent.extension to record a specific address
  • where a more granular address than state is known (e.g. city, street) it is appropriate to use the extension to record an address rather than using the coded location
US Public Health MedicationAdministration

This profile constrains the base MedicationAdministration resource. The constraints are based on the requirements laid out in USCDI Level 2 for Medication Administration.

US Public Health Laboratory Result Observation Profile

Further constrains the US Core Lab Result Observation to set specimen to Must Support.

Architecture Extensions

US Public Health Alternative Expression Extension

This extension represents an US Public Health Alternative Expression

US Public Health Named Event Type Extension

Indicates the types of named events to subscribe to from the EHR.

US Public Health Usage Warning Extension

An extra warning about the correct use of the value set.

US Public Health Data Encrypted Extension

Indicates whether the data in the content bundle is encrypted or not.

US Public Health Message Processing Category Extension

Indicates how systems have to deal with messages in terms of duplicates, lack of responses.

US Public Health Expansion Parameters Extension

Supports the definition of expansion parameters for the ValueSet.

Content Extensions

US Public Health Tribal Affiliation Extension

This Extension profile represents an affiliated tribe name and whether or not the patient is an enrolled member

US Public Health Date Determined Extension

The date a status or observation was determined (date of determination).

US Public Health Date Recorded Extension

The date a status or observation was recorded (recorded date).

US Public Health Determination of Reportability Rule Extension

This Extension profile represents a rule that led to the determination of reportability.

US Public Health Address Extension

This Extension profile represents where the patient traveled to or visited as an address e.g.: country, state, city, street address (if applicable).

At the least, address must contain the country. State is required if the country is US. If country is something other than US, the state MAY be present but MAY be bound to different vocabularies.

US Public Health Determination of Reportability Extension

This Extension profile represents the determination of reportability.

Reportability is “the quality or state of being reportable or not”. Reportability does not equate to the patient having a condition or meeting a case definition (definitively being a case).

For each condition included in the report and the relevant public health agency(s), this element indicates the determination of whether the condition is reportable to public health.

The values that can be used for the Determination of Reportability are described below.

A possible condition is:

  • Reportable - The information provided meets reporting criteria for an associated PHA.

A possible condition:

  • May be Reportable - The information provided may meet reporting criteria if additional information is provided. The Reportability Response will also be able to share the information needed to definitively determine reportability.

A possible condition is:

  • Not Reportable - The information provided conclusively does not meet reporting criteria.

Some decision support systems may not be able to fully differentiate between possible conditions that are Not Reportable and those that May be Reportable if additional information is provided. In these circumstances there may only be a reportability determination of:

  • No Reporting Rule Met - The information provided does not meet reporting criteria or may meet reporting criteria if additional information is provided.

The determination of No Reporting Rule Met may be provided for a possible condition or for all conditions in the report.

US Public Health Determination of Reportability Reason Extension

This Extension profile represents the reason for the determination of reportability.

US Public Health Initiation Reason Extension

This extension contains an explanation for the manual or alternate initiation of the public health report.

If there are multiple distinct reasons for manual or alternate initiation then each reason should be contained in a separate US Public Health Initiation Reason Extension.

The reason may be entered either as:

  • free text (string)
  • coded value (valueCodeableConcept) (not necessarily initiated by a provider of care but might be “programmed-in” by the EHR implementer for some purpose)
US Public Health Information Recipient Extension

This extension represents a US Public Health Information Recipient

US Public Health Receiver Address Extension

Indicates the endpoint address where the report has to be sent.

US Public Health Gender Identity Extension

An individual’s personal sense of being a man, woman, boy, girl, nonbinary, or something else. This represents an individual’s identity, ascertained by asking them what that identity is. This is a copy of the draft FHIR individual-genderIdentity extension (

Structures: Extension Definitions

These define constraints on FHIR data types for systems conforming to this implementation guide

US Public Health Therapeutic Medication Response Extension

This Extension profile represents represents a therapeutic response (as opposed to an undesired reaction) to the administration of a medication.

US Public Health Related Data Extension

The relatedData extension allows indicating that an input to a parent action is an input to specific child actions. It also allows the output of one action to be identified as the input to a different action.

Terminology: Value Sets

These define sets of codes used by systems conforming to this implementation guide

US Public Health Pregnancy Status

This value set contains codes representing pregnancy statuses.

US Public Health Message Types ValueSet

The US Public Health Message Types Value Set is a ‘starter set’ of codes for uniquely identifying messages in MessageHeader instances contained within a reporting bundle.

US Public Health TriggerDefinition NamedEvent

The US Public Health TriggerDefinition NamedEvent Value Set is a ‘starter set’ of codes for identifying named events uniquely in TriggerDefinition instances contained within a PlanDefinition.

US Public Health PlanDefinition Action

The US Public Health PlanDefinition Action Value Set is a ‘starter set’ of codes for uniquely identifying actions in PlanDefinition instances.

US Public Health Message Significance Category

The impact of the content of a message.

US Public Health Supplemental Valueset Example

This valueset is a valueset created for the purposes of demonstrating, by example, the US Public Health Supplemental ValueSet profile.

US Public Health ValueSet Chlamydia Example

This example set of values contains laboratory observations test names that represent Chlamydia tests

US Public Health ValueSet Priority

This value set contains codes representing release priority for ValueSets.

Terminology: Code Systems

These define new code systems used by systems conforming to this implementation guide

US Public Health Message Types CodeSystem

The US Public Health Message Types CodeSystem is a ‘starter set’ of codes supported for identifying types of messages being exchanged.

US Public Health PlanDefinition Action Codes

The US Public Health PlanDefinition Actions CodeSystem is a ‘starter set’ of codes supported for identifying actions in PlanDefinition.

US Public Health TriggerDefinition NamedEvents

The US Public Health TriggerDefinition NamedEvents CodeSystem is a ‘starter set’ of codes supported for identifying named events to subscribe to in clinical workflows.

US Public Health Usage Context

This code system contains codes that identify the use context of a ValueSet or Library.

US Public Health Usage Context Type

This code system contains codes that identify the use context type of a ValueSet or Library.

US Public Health Endpoint Connection Type Example

This code system contains codes that identify the HL7 FHIR File type.

US Public Health CodeSystem Jurisdictions Example

This code system describes jurisdictions.

US Public Health Jurisdiction Types Example

This example code system describes the possible types of jurisdictions that require public health reporting.

Example: Example Instances

These are example instances that show what data produced and consumed by systems conforming with this implementation guide might look like

US Public Health Postpartum Status - Eve Everywoman

US Public Health Postpartum Status: Eve Everywoman example

US Public Health Characteristics of Home Environment - Eve Everywoman

US Public Health Characteristics of Home Environment: Eve Everywoman example

US Public Health Laboratory Result - Eve Everywoman - Pertussis

US Public Health Laboratory Result: Eve Everywoman - Pertussis example

US Public Health Emergency Outbreak Information - Eve Everywoman

US Public Health Emergency Outbreak Information: Eve Everywoman example

US Public Health Disability Status - Eve Everywoman

US Public Health Disability Status: Eve Everywoman example

US Public Health Transportation Details - Eve Everywoman

US Public Health Transportation Details: Eve Everywoman example

US Public Health Travel History - Eve Everywoman 1999

US Public Health Travel History: Eve Everywoman 1999 example

US Public Health Pregnancy Outcome - Eve Everywoman

US Public Health Pregnancy Outcome: Eve Everywoman example

US Public Health Pregnancy Status - Eve Everywoman

US Public Health Pregnancy Status: Eve Everywoman example

US Public Health Exposure Contact Information - Football Game

US Public Health Exposure Contact Information: Football Game example

US Public Health Laboratory Result - Eve Everywoman - Lymphocytes

US Public Health Laboratory Result: Eve Everywoman - Lymphocytes example

US Public Health Travel History - Eve Everywoman 201610

US Public Health Travel History: Eve Everywoman 201610 example

US Public Health Travel History - Eve Everywoman 201801

US Public Health Travel History: Eve Everywoman 201801 example

US Public Health Patient - Eve Everywoman

US Public Health Patient: Eve Everywoman example

US Core Practitioner - Henry Seven

US Core Practitioner: Henry Seven example

US Public Health PractitionerRole - Henry Seven

US Public Health PractitionerRole: Henry Seven example

US Public Health Condition - Eve Everywoman - Diabetes

US Public Health Condition: Eve Everywoman - Diabetes example

US Public Health Encounter - Eve Everywoman

US Public Health Encounter: Eve Everywoman example

US Public Health Endpoint - YMCA

US Public Health Endpoint: YMCA example

US Public Health Endpoint - Salem Medical Center

US Public Health Endpoint: Salem Medical Center example

US Public Health Location - Clinic Bldg A, Salem Medical Center

US Public Health Location: Clinic Bldg A, Salem Medical Center example

US Public Health MedicationAdministration - Eve Everywoman - Azithromycin

US Public Health MedicationAdministration: Eve Everywoman Azithromycin example

US Public Health Organization - Salem Medical Center

US Public Health Organization: Salem Medical Center example

US Core Location - City Football Stadium

US Core Location: City Football Stadium example

US Public Health Organization - Acme Labs

US Public Health Organization: Acme Labs example

US Public Health Organization - Health Authority West

US Public Health Organization: Health Authority West example

US Public Health Organization - YMCA

US Public Health Organization: YMCA example

US Public Health PlanDefinition - Example

US Public Health PlanDefinition: example

US Public Health MessageHeader - Case Report

US Public Health MessageHeader: Case Report example

Device - Software YMCA

Device: Software YMCA example

US Public Health MedicationAdministration - Eve Everywoman - Naloxone

US Public Health MedicationAdministration: Eve Everywoman - Naloxone example

US Public Health ValueSet Library - Example

US Public Health ValueSet Library: example

US Public Health Triggering ValueSet - Chlamydia Example

US Public Health Triggering ValueSet: Chlamydia Example

US Public Health Triggering ValueSet Library - Example

US Public Health Triggering ValueSet Library: example

US Public Health Executable ValueSet - Chlamydia Example

US Public Health Executable ValueSet: Chlamydia example

US Public Health Survey Practitioner Group - Example

US Public Health Survey Practitioner Group: example

US Public Health PlanDefinition NamedEvent - Example

US Public Health PlanDefinition NamedEvent: example

US Public Health Supplemental ValueSet Library Example

Description of library

US Public Health Specification Library Example

Description of library

Rule Filters

An example logic library for eRSD - Chlamydia example.

US Public Health Composition Example

US Public Health Composition: example

US Public Health Extensions Example

US Public Health Extensions: Example to demonstrate extensions

US Public Health Document Bundle Example

US Public Health Document Bundle: example

US Public Health Supplemental Library Example

US Public Health Supplemental Library: example

US Public Health Reporting Bundle Example

US Public Health Reporting Bundle: example

US Public Health Content Bundle Example

US Public Health Content Bundle: example

US Public Health Computable ValueSet Example

US Public Health Computable ValueSet: example

US Public Health PlanDefinition Alternative Expression Example

US Public Health PlanDefinition: Alternative Expression example

US Public Health ValueSet Library Expansion Parameters Example

US Public Health ValueSet Library: Expansion Parameters example


These are resources that are used within this implementation guide that do not fit into one of the other categories

Parameters - SNOMED US Version

Parameters - SNOMED US Version