Version 1.0.0 |
Current Build |
Difference |
Notes |
CodeSystems |
Research Subject Termination Reason CS | | Removed | |
Setting CS | | Removed | |
| Occupational Data for Health (ODH) | Added | |
ValueSets |
Research Subject Termination Reason VS | | Removed | |
Study Arm Type VS | | Removed | |
Treatment Intent VS | | Removed | |
Treatment Termination Reason VS | | Removed | |
Anatomical Direction VS | | Removed | |
Anatomical Orientation VS | | Removed | |
Landmark Type VS | | Removed | |
Laterality VS | | Removed | |
Setting VS | | Removed | |
Units Of Length VS | | Removed | |
Yes No VS | Yes No VS | Comparison | 1 Breaking Change, 0 Changes, 6 Notes |
| WorkClassificationODH | Added | |
| WorkScheduleODH | Added | |
| EmploymentStatusODH | Added | |
| Occupation CDC Census 2010 | Added | |
| Industry CDC Census 2010 | Added | |
| Job Supervisory Level or Pay Grade (ODH) | Added | |
| Industry NAICS Detail (ODH) | Added | |
| Occupation ONETSOC Detail (ODH) | Added | |
StructureDefinitions |
SimpleQuantity | SimpleQuantity | Comparison | 0 Breaking Changes, 0 Changes, 0 Notes |
US Core Patient Profile | US Core Patient Profile | Comparison | 3 Breaking Changes, 1 Change, 1 Note |
Accession Identifier | | Removed | |
Action Request | | Removed | |
Action Statement | | Removed | |
Annotation | | Removed | |
Based On | | Removed | |
Care Context | | Removed | |
Composition | | Removed | |
Dosage | | Removed | |
Endpoint | | Removed | |
Expected Performance Time | | Removed | |
Expected Performer | | Removed | |
Expected Performer Type | | Removed | |
Healthcare Service | | Removed | |
Medication Code Or Reference | | Removed | |
Medication Dispense | | Removed | |
National Provider Identifier | | Removed | |
Observation | | Removed | |
Participation | | Removed | |
Practitioner Role | | Removed | |
Reason Code | | Removed | |
Reason Reference | | Removed | |
Request Intent | | Removed | |
Requester | | Removed | |
Statement Date Time | | Removed | |
Status | | Removed | |
Subject Of Record | | Removed | |
Tax Identification Number | | Removed | |
Anatomical Orientation | | Removed | |
Category | | Removed | |
Code | | Removed | |
Identifier | | Removed | |
Laterality | | Removed | |
Occurrence Time Or Period | | Removed | |
Priority Code | | Removed | |
Relation To Landmark | | Removed | |
Combat Zone Period | Combat Zone Period | Comparison | 1 Breaking Change, 0 Changes, 6 Notes |
Employer | Employer | Comparison | 1 Breaking Change, 1 Change, 4 Notes |
Employment Status | Employment Status | Comparison | 1 Breaking Change, 0 Changes, 8 Notes |
Occupational Data For Health | Occupational Data For Health | Comparison | 2 Breaking Changes, 0 Changes, 15 Notes |
Past Or Present Job | Past Or Present Job | Comparison | 3 Breaking Changes, 4 Changes, 14 Notes |
Retirement Date | Retirement Date | Comparison | 1 Breaking Change, 0 Changes, 6 Notes |
Usual Work | Usual Work | Comparison | 2 Breaking Changes, 0 Changes, 13 Notes |
| ODHIsCurrentJob-extension | Added | |