US Meds Implementation Guide (Release 1.2.0)

This page is part of the US-Medication FHIR IG (v1.2.0: STU 2) based on FHIR R3. This is the current published version in it's permanent home (it will always be available at this URL). For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

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The US Meds Implementation Guide is based upon the FHIR Version 3.0.1 specification. It promotes consistent implementation of the pharmacy FHIR resources in US Realm Electronic Health Record Systems (EHRs) to provide patient and provider access to patient medications. This IG provides specific guidance on how to access a patient’s active and historical medications, including prescriptions, dispenses, administrations and statements. It also proposes future areas of guidance on how to create new outpatient prescriptions, record a dispensed medication, and mappings to support PDMP integration.


This guide applies to the general Argonaut Project use cases and adopts it specifically to enable a user to access, record, change a patient’s active medications as well as a medication history. This covers the Meaningful Use 2015 §?170.302(d) certification requirement for EHRs.


The following actors are defined:

  • US Meds Requestor: An application that initiates a data access request to retrieve patient medication data. This can be thought of as the client in a client-server interaction and the user is either a patient or provider.
  • US Meds Responder: A product that responds to the data access request providing patient medication data. This can be thought of as the server in a client-server interaction and typically is part of an EHRs.

Use Cases

The following specific uses case are defined:

  1. Patient and Provider access to a patient’s active and historical medication list
  2. Medication list updates
  3. Create new outpatient Prescription
  4. Dispense medication from Pharmacy

A detailed description and guidance for each is given in the General Guidance section.


This IG uses the following US Core Profiles from the US Core Implementation Guide:

In addition, two new profiles have been defined as part of this implementation guide:

  • MedicationAdministrationProfile
  • MedicationDispenseProfile
  • Each profile defines the minimum mandatory elements, extensions and terminology requirements that MUST be present. Requirements and guidance are given in a simple narrative summary. A formal hierarchical table that presents a logical view of the content in both a differential and snapshot view is also provided along with references to appropriate terminologies and examples. In addition each profile has a “Quick Start” section, which is intended as an implementer friendly overview of the required search and read operations.


    Refer to the US Core Implementation Guide’s General Security Considerations page for a discussion of the security conformance requirements.

    Primary Authors: Brett Marquard, Melva Peters, Eric Haas

    Sponsoring HL7 Workgroup : Pharmacy