Making EHR Data More available for Research and Public Health (MedMorph)
0.2.0 - STU 1 draft

This page is part of the Making EHR Data MOre available for Research and Public Health (MedMorph) (v0.2.0: STU 1 Draft) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. The current version which supersedes this version is 1.0.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

ValueSet: US Public Health TriggerDefinition NamedEvent


Defining URL:
Title:US Public Health TriggerDefinition NamedEvent
Status:Active as of 9/6/20

The US Public Health TriggerDefinition NamedEvent Value Set is a 'starter set' of codes for uniquely identifying named events in TriggerDefinition instances contained within a PlanDefinition.

Publisher:HL7 International - Public Health Work Group
Source Resource:XML / JSON / Turtle


Logical Definition (CLD)



This value set contains 29 concepts

Expansion based on US Public Health TriggerDefinition Named Events v0.2.0 (CodeSystem)

All codes in this table are from the system

0encounter-changeIndicates a change in the patient's encounter recordsIndicates a change in the patient's encounter records which includes starting an encounter, closing an encounter, modifying data elements of an encounter. Encounter change events would be triggered by monitoring the Encounter resource.
1  encounter-startIndicates the start of an encounterIndicates the start of an encounter, where in encounter.period.low is populated with the start time.
1  encounter-closeIndicates the close of an encounterIndicates the closure of an encounter, where in encounter.period.high is populated with the end time.
1  encounter-modifiedIndicates modifications to data elements of an encounterIndicates changes to encounter codes, times, reason codes, diagnosis, discharge dispositions, locations etc.
0diagnosis-changeIndicates a change in the patient's diagnosisIndicates a change in the patient's diagnosis and it includes new diagnosis or modifications to existing diagnosis. Diagnosis change events would be triggered by monitoring the Condition resource.
1  new-diagnosisNew Diagnosis addedIndicates that a new diagnosis has been added to the patient's chart in the EHR
1  modified-diagnosisExisting Diagnosis record has been modifiedIndicates that an existing diagnosis record in the patient's chart has been modified. Sometimes this is equivalent to removing an existing diagnosis record (which may have been entered in error) and adding a new diagnosis record.
0medication-changeIndicates a change in the patient's medicationsIndicates a change in the patient's medications and it includes changes to Administered medications or Requested medications or Dispensed medications. Medication change events would be triggered by monitoring the MedicationRequest, MedicationDispense, MedicationStatement and MedicationAdministration resources.
1  new-medicationNew Medication addedIndicates that a new MedicationRequest or MedicationDispense or MedicationAdministered or MedicationStatement has been added to the patient's chart in the EHR
1  modified-medicationExisting Medication record has been modifiedIndicates that an existing medication record in the patient's chart has been modified. Sometimes this is equivalent to removing an existing medication record (which may have been entered in error) and adding a new medication record.
0labresult-changeIndicates a change in the patient's lab resultsIndicates a change in the patient's lab results and it includes new lab results or modifications to existing lab results. Changes to lab results could be because of change in the lab result values, lab test names, times or other data elements of the Observation resource where the category is laboratory. LabResult events would be triggered by monitoring the Observation resource with an Observation.category=laboratory.
1  new-labresultNew Lab Result addedIndicates that a new Lab Result has been added to the patient's chart in the EHR
1  modified-labresultExisting Lab Result record has been modifiedIndicates that an existing lab result record in the patient's chart has been modified. Sometimes this is equivalent to removing an existing lab result record (which may have been entered in error) and adding a new lab result record. Changes to lab results could be because of change in the lab result values, lab test names, times or other data elements of the Observation resource where the category is laboratory.
0order-changeIndicates a change in the patient's ordersIndicates a change in the patient's orders and it includes new or modified ServiceRequests. Order change events would be triggered by monitoring the ServiceRequest resource.
1  new-orderNew Order addedIndicates that a new ServiceRequest has been added to the patient's chart in the EHR
1  modified-orderExisting Order record has been modifiedIndicates that an existing ServiceRequest record in the patient's chart has been modified. Sometimes this is equivalent to removing an existing ServiceRequest record (which may have been entered in error) and adding a new ServiceRequest record.
0procedure-changeIndicates a change in the patient's proceduresIndicates a change in the patient's procedures and it includes new procedures or modifications to existing procedures. Procedure events would be triggered by monitoring the Procedure resource.
1  new-procedureNew Procedure addedIndicates that a new procedure has been added to the patient's chart in the EHR
1  modified-procedureExisting Procedure record has been modifiedIndicates that an existing procedure record in the patient's chart has been modified. Sometimes this is equivalent to removing an existing procedure record (which may have been entered in error) and adding a new procedure record.
0immunization-changeIndicates a change in the patient's immunizationsIndicates a change in the patient's immunization and it includes new immunizations or modifications to existing immunization records. Immunization change events would be triggered by monitoring the Immunization resource.
1  new-immunizationNew Immunization addedIndicates that a new immunization has been added to the patient's chart in the EHR
1  modified-immunizationExisting immunization record has been modifiedIndicates that an existing immunization record in the patient's chart has been modified. Sometimes this is equivalent to removing an existing immunization record (which may have been entered in error) and adding a new immunization record.
0demographic-changeIndicates change in patient demographicsIndicates that the Patient demographic attributes such as Date of Birth, Race, Ethnicity, Deceased date, Address, Telecom, Names have changed. Demographic change events would be triggered by monitoring the Patient resource.
0received-public-health-reportIndicates receipt of a public health reportIndicates that a public health report was submitted and received by a specific system. This event could trigger downstream processing and hence is designated as a named event.
0received-public-health-responseIndicates receipt of a public health response for a submitted public health reportIndicates that a public health response was received by a specific system for an already submitted public health report. This event could trigger downstream processing and hence is designated as a named event.
0manual-notificationA Practitioner or their representatives notify the application about change in patient dataIn some cases where automated notifications are not supported, a practitioner or their representative can initiate the public health report processing by notifying the application about change in a patient's data.
0timer-eventA Timer is setup to kick off processing.Indicates a timer based approach to start processing.
1  periodic-timerSetup Periodic TimerIndicates that processing must be performed periodically based on a specified duration.
1  absolute-timerSetup Absolute TimerIndicates that processing must be performed at a specific time.

Explanation of the columns that may appear on this page:

Level A few code lists that FHIR defines are hierarchical - each code is assigned a level. In this scheme, some codes are under other codes, and imply that the code they are under also applies
Source The source of the definition of the code (when the value set draws in codes defined elsewhere)
Code The code (used as the code in the resource instance)
Display The display (used in the display element of a Coding). If there is no display, implementers should not simply display the code, but map the concept into their application
Definition An explanation of the meaning of the concept
Comments Additional notes about how to use the code