HL7 FHIR Implementation Guide: minimal Common Oncology Data Elements (mCODE) Release 1 - US Realm | STU Ballot 1

This page is part of the HL7 FHIR Implementation Guide: minimal Common Oncology Data Elements (mCODE) Release 1 - US Realm | STU1 (v0.9.1: STU 1 Ballot 1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. The current version which supersedes this version is 4.0.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions


TNMStageGroupVS ValueSet

This value set is intended to contain allowable values for Stage Group, according to TNM staging rules. SNOMED CT codes or AJCC codes (preferrably, version 8 for current cancers) are allowed, but are not listed here due to AJCC intellectual property restrictions. *AJCC terminology: examples of stage groups include 'Stage 0' and 'Stage IIA'. The full set of stage groups, as well rules on how to assign a stage group, can be accessed through the AJCC Staging Manual and any applicable updates and corrections, as well as the AJCC API. * SNOMED CT has content representing stage group under the hierarchy of 261612004 'Stages', such as 258215001 'Stage 1' and 261614003 'Stage2A'. In addition, SNOMED CT may not have complete TNM staging terminology and may require supplementation with codes from another controlled vocabulary (e.g. NCI Thesaurus).

Defining URL:http://hl7.org/fhir/us/mcode/ValueSet/onco-core-TNMStageGroupVS

This value set is intended to contain allowable values for Stage Group, according to TNM staging rules. SNOMED CT codes or AJCC codes (preferrably, version 8 for current cancers) are allowed, but are not listed here due to AJCC intellectual property restrictions.

*AJCC terminology: examples of stage groups include 'Stage 0' and 'Stage IIA'. The full set of stage groups, as well rules on how to assign a stage group, can be accessed through the AJCC Staging Manual and any applicable updates and corrections, as well as the AJCC API.

  • SNOMED CT has content representing stage group under the hierarchy of 261612004 'Stages', such as 258215001 'Stage 1' and 261614003 'Stage2A'. In addition, SNOMED CT may not have complete TNM staging terminology and may require supplementation with codes from another controlled vocabulary (e.g. NCI Thesaurus).
Publisher:HL7 International Clinical Interoperability Council
Source Resource:XML / JSON / Turtle
Downloads: XML, JSON, Turtle


No Expansion for this valueset (not supported by Publication Tooling)


This value set is used by the following logical models, profiles and extensions: