HL7 FHIR Implementation Guide: minimal Common Oncology Data Elements (mCODE) Release 1 - US Realm | STU Ballot 1

This page is part of the HL7 FHIR Implementation Guide: minimal Common Oncology Data Elements (mCODE) Release 1 - US Realm | STU1 (v0.9.1: STU 1 Ballot 1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. The current version which supersedes this version is 4.0.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions


CancerRelatedSurgicalProcedureVS ValueSet

Includes selected SNOMED CT codes that may be used in the treatment of cancer tumors. Codes from ICD-10-PCS and CPT are acceptable. CPT codes are not listed here due to intellectual property restrictions. ICD-10-PCS codes are not listed because of a limitation in the FHIR Implementation Guide publisher. For CPT and ICD-10-PCS, only codes representing surgical procedures should be used. Conformance note: If an ICD-10-PCS code is used, and a semantically equivalent SNOMED CT code is available, the resulting FHIR Procedure instance will not be compliant with [US Core Profiles](http://hl7.org/fhir/us/core/STU3/index.html).

Defining URL:http://hl7.org/fhir/us/mcode/ValueSet/onco-core-CancerRelatedSurgicalProcedureVS

Includes selected SNOMED CT codes that may be used in the treatment of cancer tumors. Codes from ICD-10-PCS and CPT are acceptable. CPT codes are not listed here due to intellectual property restrictions. ICD-10-PCS codes are not listed because of a limitation in the FHIR Implementation Guide publisher. For CPT and ICD-10-PCS, only codes representing surgical procedures should be used.

Conformance note: If an ICD-10-PCS code is used, and a semantically equivalent SNOMED CT code is available, the resulting FHIR Procedure instance will not be compliant with US Core Profiles.

Publisher:HL7 International Clinical Interoperability Council
Source Resource:XML / JSON / Turtle
Downloads: XML, JSON, Turtle


This value set contains 162 concepts

All codes from system http://snomed.info/sct

174337000Destruction of lesion
49264007Excision of lesion
119894003Anus excision
24265000Operation on anus [NOS]
48185007Destruction of lesion
108034003Excision of lesion
112902005Partial cystectomy
63016009Total Cystectomy
64063003Radical Cystectomy
287716007Urinary bladder reconstruction
52224004Pelvic exenteration
149649000Cystectomy dome of bladder
14861000Operation on bladder [NOS]
18734000Destruction of lesion
68471001Excision of lesion
57168000Operation on bone [NOS]
68829005Destruction of lesion
64368001Partial mastectomy
70183006Subcutaneous mastectomy
172043006Total mastectomy
406505007Modified radical mastectomy
384723003Radical mastectomy
359740003Extended radical mastectomy
392090004Operation on breast [NOS]
31197001Destruction of lesion
36384005Excision of lesion
116140006Total hysterctomy
116142003Radical hysterectomy
406044008Pelvic exentration
112916000Operation on cervix [NOS]
176871003Destruction of lesion
236884004Excision of lesion
387643005Partial hysterectomy
79876008Operation on uterus [NOS]
18243008Destruction of lesion
386553005Excision of lesion
3980006Partial esophagectomy
14072009Total esophagectomy
76443003Total esophagectomy with gastropharyngostomy
48114000Operation on esophagus [NOS]
52785004Destruction of lesion
69762004Excision of lesion
81516001Partial nephrectomy
175905003Total nephrectomy
116033007Radical nephrectomy
175898006Kidney operation [NOS]
78923006Destruction of lesion
88623004Excision of lesion
80513001Partial laryngectomy
66478002Total laryngectomy
387636004Operation on larynx [NOS]
5415002Destruction of lesion
174431000Wedge resecton of liver
85946004Lobectomy of liver
15257006Lobectomy w/ partial excision of adjacent lobes
13580001000004101Excision of tumor of liver
27280000Liver transplant w/recipient hepatectomy
4974007Operation on liver [NOS]
450608000Destruction of lesion
119746007Excision of lesion
173170008Bilobectomy of lung
359623004Total lobectomy of lung
49795001Total pneumonectomy
91596000Complete excision of lung with mediastinal dissection
230859007Destruction of lesion
230810008Excision of lesion
446103006Partial excision of lesion of brain
17537007Resection of spinal cord
447115003Total excision of lesion of brain
67402009Partial lobectomy
171443003Total lobectomy
70586009Operation on brain [NOS]
177018009Destruction of lesion
35887003Excision of lesion
29827000Bilateral salpingectomy w/oophorectomy
78698008Unilateral salpingo-oophorectomy
446526009Debulking of neoplasm of ovary
55853002Pelvic exenteraion, female
64887002Operation on ovary [NOS]
414158004Destruction of lesion
287847009Partial pancreatectomy
69036001Total pancreaticoduodenectomy
9524002Total pancreatectomy
265459006Total pancreaticodudoenectomy with distal gastrectomy
29630005Operation on pancreas [NOS]
10522005Destruction of lesion
37804007Excision of lesion
11150009Partial parotidectomy
13358001Total parotidectomy
173486005Radical parotidectomy
58456002Operation on parotid gland [NOS]
107923001Destruction of lesion
3786007Excision of lesion
232546000Total pharyngolaryngectomy w/ laryngectomy
303621003Total pharyngectomy
23136006Operation on pharynx [NOS]
450514003Destruction of lesion
90199006Transurethral prostactomy
30426000Subtotal prostactomy
26294005Radical prostatectomy
65111004Pelvic exenteration
741007Operation on prostate [NOS]
177975003Destruction of lesion
87279008Excision of lesion
43075005Segmental colectomy
307656000Subtotal colectomy with ileosigmoid anastomosis
26390003Total colectomy
82874003Operation on colon [NOS]
52838002Destruction of lesion
79764004Excision of lesion
82035006Resection of polyp
116237003Excision of lesion of rectum
307009004Wedge resection
86789002Abdominoperineal pull through
235364003Total Proctectomy
118841000Operation on rectosigmoid [NOS]
74971002Operation on rectum [NOS]
87031008Destruction of lesion
67373001Excision of lesion
35646002Excision of lesion of skin
177302005Wide excision of skin lesion
392011001Operation on skin [NOS]
31468007Destruction of lesion
67097003Partial splenectomy
174776001Total splenectomy
59300005Operation on spleen [NOS]
45189000Destruction of lesion
32327002Excision of lesion
49209004Subtotal gastrectomy
26452005Total gastrectomy
24431004Esophagoduodenostomy w/complete gastrectomy
287816003Radical gastrectomy
438338008Total gastrecomy w/extended lymphadencectomy
16453004Operation on stomach [NOS]
12807004Destruction of lesion
176430002Excision of lesion
120001005Testis excision
396692006Radical Orchiectomy
236334001Total Orchiectomy
71657006Operation on testis [NOS]
20470003Destruction of lesion
171988007Excision of lesion
24443003Total thyroidectomy
30956003Subtotal thyroidectomy
15463004Operation on thyroid gland [NOS]


This value set is used by the following logical models, profiles and extensions: