This page is part of the HL7 FHIR Implementation Guide: minimal Common Oncology Data Elements (mCODE) Release 1 - US Realm | STU1 (v0.9.1: STU 1 Ballot 1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. The current version which supersedes this version is 4.0.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions
SurgicalProcedureVS ValueSet
Codes describing surgical procedures. Includes codes from SNOMED CT under the hierarchy of 387713003 'Surgical procedure'. Codes from ICD-10-PCS and CPT are acceptable. CPT codes are not listed here due to intellectual property restrictions. ICD-10-PCS codes are not listed because of a limitation in the FHIR Implementation Guide publisher. For CPT and ICD-10-PCS, only codes representing surgical procedures should be included. Conformance note: If an ICD-10-PCS code is used, and a semantically equivalent SNOMED CT or CPT code is available, the resulting Procedure instance will not be compliant with [US Core Profiles](
Defining URL: | |
Version: | 0.9.1 |
Name: | SurgicalProcedureVS |
Definition: | Codes describing surgical procedures. Includes codes from SNOMED CT under the hierarchy of 387713003 'Surgical procedure'. Codes from ICD-10-PCS and CPT are acceptable. CPT codes are not listed here due to intellectual property restrictions. ICD-10-PCS codes are not listed because of a limitation in the FHIR Implementation Guide publisher. For CPT and ICD-10-PCS, only codes representing surgical procedures should be included. Conformance note: If an ICD-10-PCS code is used, and a semantically equivalent SNOMED CT or CPT code is available, the resulting Procedure instance will not be compliant with US Core Profiles. |
Publisher: | HL7 International Clinical Interoperability Council |
Source Resource: | XML / JSON / Turtle |
This value set contains 1000 concepts
All codes from system
Code | Display | Definition |
104001 | Excision of lesion of patella | |
119000 | Thoracoscopic partial lobectomy of lung | |
135007 | Arthrotomy of wrist joint with exploration and biopsy | |
142007 | Excision of tumor from shoulder area, deep, intramuscular | |
146005 | Repair of nonunion of metatarsal with bone graft | |
153001 | Cystourethroscopy with resection of ureterocele | |
174000 | Harrison-Richardson operation on vagina | |
176003 | Anastomosis of rectum | |
189009 | Excision of lesion of artery | |
230009 | Miller operation, urethrovesical suspension | |
245002 | Division of nerve ganglion | |
267001 | Anal fistulectomy, multiple | |
285008 | Incision and drainage of vulva | |
294002 | Excisional biopsy of joint structure of spine | |
295001 | Nonexcisional destruction of cyst of ciliary body | |
316002 | Partial dacryocystectomy | |
351005 | Urinary undiversion of ureteral anastomosis | |
374009 | Costosternoplasty for pectus excavatum repair | |
388008 | Blepharorrhaphy | |
401004 | Distal subtotal pancreatectomy | |
406009 | Fulguration of stomach lesion | |
445004 | Repair of malunion of tibia | |
456004 | Total abdominal colectomy with ileostomy | |
459006 | Closed condylotomy of mandible | |
474008 | Esophagoenteric anastomosis, intrathoracic | |
494004 | Excision of lesion of tonsil | |
531007 | Open pulmonary valve commissurotomy with inflow occlusion | |
533005 | Repair of vesicocolic fistula | |
535003 | Closure of ureterovesicovaginal fistula | |
543008 | Choledochostomy with transduodenal sphincteroplasty | |
545001 | Operative procedure on lower leg | |
549007 | Incision of intracranial vein | |
550007 | Excision of lesion of adenoids | |
559008 | Excision of varicose vein | |
603006 | Synchondrotomy | |
617002 | Bone graft of mandible | |
618007 | Frontal sinusectomy | |
625000 | Removal of supernumerary digit | |
629006 | Lysis of adhesions of urethra | |
637003 | Lysis of adhesions of nose | |
647000 | Excision of cervix by electroconization | |
657004 | Operation on bursa | |
665001 | Partial meniscectomy of temporomandibular joint | |
670008 | Electrosurgical epilation of eyebrow | |
671007 | Transplantation of testis | |
695009 | Destructive procedure of lesion on skin of trunk | |
710006 | Thromboendarterectomy with graft of mesenteric artery | |
730005 | Incision of subcutaneous tissue | |
741007 | Operation on prostate | |
754000 | Total urethrectomy | |
764009 | Arthrodesis of interphalangeal joint of great toe | |
789003 | Cranial decompression, subtemporal, supratentorial | |
791006 | Dressing and fixation procedure | |
807005 | Excision of brain | |
817000 | Excision of cyst of spleen | |
867007 | Hypoglossofacial anastomosis | |
881009 | Separation of ciliary body | |
897004 | Radical maxillary antrotomy | |
911003 | Removal of subarachnoid-ureteral shunt | |
926001 | Embolectomy with catheter of radial artery by arm incision | |
935008 | Excision of bulbourethral gland | |
948007 | Phlebectomy of intracranial varicose vein | |
969009 | Incision and exploration of larynx | |
971009 | Prosthetic construction and fitting | |
1001000 | Cauterization of Bartholin's gland | |
1008006 | Operation on nerve ganglion | |
1019009 | Removal of corneal epithelium | |
1021004 | Repair of scrotum | |
1032004 | Enucleation of parotid gland cyst | |
1054002 | Sphincterotomy of papilla of Vater | |
1071001 | Proximal splenorenal anastomosis | |
1084005 | Excision of perinephric cyst | |
1093006 | Excision of abdominal varicose vein | |
1103000 | Transcrural mobilization of stapes | |
1104006 | Triad knee repair | |
1115001 | Decortication | |
1127003 | Interstitial radium application | |
1133007 | Removal of intact mammary implant, bilateral | |
1163003 | Ureteroenterostomy | |
1176009 | Incision of inguinal region | |
1181000 | Excision of tendon for graft | |
1198000 | Excisional biopsy of bone of scapula | |
1209007 | Arthroscopic repair lateral meniscus | |
1227005 | Incision of subvalvular tissue for discrete subvalvular aortic stenosis | |
1235008 | Muscle transfer | |
1238005 | Epiphyseal arrest by stapling of distal radius | |
1251000 | Incisional biopsy of testis | |
1253002 | Refusion of spine | |
1258006 | Excision of meniscus of wrist | |
1266002 | Closure of tympanic membrane perforation | |
1267006 | Electrocoagulation of lesion of vagina | |
1278003 | Open reduction of closed shoulder dislocation with fracture of greater tuberosity | |
1279006 | Repair of cardiac pacemaker pocket in skin AND/OR subcutaneous tissue | |
1299000 | Excision of appendiceal stump | |
1315009 | Reconstruction of eyebrow | |
1328002 | Ilioiliac shunt | |
1329005 | Division of congenital web of larynx | |
1337002 | Colosigmoidostomy | |
1352009 | Anterior spinal rhizotomy | |
1390003 | Laparoscopic sigmoid colectomy | |
1398005 | Direct thrombectomy of iliac vein by leg incision | |
1399002 | Incision and exploration of ureter | |
1411001 | Operation on papillary muscle of heart | |
1413003 | Penetrating keratoplasty with homograft | |
1417002 | Operation on face | |
1431002 | pexy | |
1440003 | Repair with resection-recession | |
1455007 | Cerclage | |
1457004 | Truncal vagotomy with pyloroplasty and gastrostomy | |
1500007 | Bilateral epididymovasostomy | |
1501006 | Altemeier operation, perineal rectal pull-through | |
1533002 | Ureteroplication | |
1576000 | Repair of intestinouterine fistula | |
1578004 | Reconstruction of ossicles with stapedectomy | |
1583007 | Tractotomy of mesencephalon | |
1585000 | Lengthening of gastrocnemius muscle | |
1614003 | Bilateral repair of inguinal hernia, direct | |
1638004 | Cineplasty with cineplastic prosthesis of extremity | |
1645004 | Transduodenal sphincterotomy | |
1651009 | Excision of tendon sheath | |
1653007 | Internal fixation of bone without fracture reduction | |
1683003 | Direct closure of laceration of conjunctiva | |
1689004 | Local excision of ovary | |
1704001 | Correction of tibial pseudoarthrosis | |
1709006 | Breast reconstruction, bilateral, with bilateral pedicle transverse rectus abdominis myocutaneous flaps | |
1730002 | Suture of skin wound of hindfoot | |
1746005 | Buckling of sclera using implant | |
1753001 | Resection of uveal tissue | |
1757000 | Arthroscopy of wrist with partial synovectomy | |
1770009 | Mitral valvotomy | |
1775004 | Submaxillary incision with drainage | |
1805005 | Take-down of stoma | |
1830008 | Open reduction of open sacral fracture | |
1836002 | Excision of diverticulum of ventricle of heart | |
1844002 | Plication of ligament | |
1854003 | Incision of nose | |
1862006 | Thoracic phlebectomy | |
1866009 | Bilateral total nephrectomy | |
1868005 | FB - Removal of foreign body from brain | |
1871002 | Repair of aneurysm of coronary artery | |
1872009 | Suture of male perineum | |
1876007 | Recession of prognathic jaw | |
1907003 | Bifurcation of bone | |
1924009 | Hepaticotomy with drainage | |
1958001 | Grafting of bone of thumb with transfer of skin flap | |
1983001 | Total urethrectomy including cystostomy in female | |
1995001 | Stripping of cerebral meninges | |
2002009 | Construction of subcutaneous tunnel without esophageal anastomosis | |
2021001 | Internal fixation of radius and ulna without fracture reduction | |
2078009 | Puncture of bursa of hand | |
2080003 | Angiectomy with anastomosis of lower limb artery | |
2098004 | Open reduction of open mandibular fracture with external fixation | |
2119009 | Repair of blood vessel | |
2137005 | Excision of pericardial tumor | |
2161003 | Operation on vulva | |
2166008 | Bicuspidization of aortic valve | |
2171001 | Remnant tonsillectomy | |
2181002 | Operation for bone injury of tarsals and metatarsals | |
2188008 | Suture of tendon to skeletal attachment | |
2193006 | Repair of ruptured aneurysm with graft of celiac artery | |
2199005 | Excision of lesion of cul-de-sac | |
2214008 | Curette test of skin | |
2234009 | Proctosigmoidopexy | |
2242005 | Reconstruction of eyelid | |
2244006 | Arthroscopy of wrist with internal fixation for instability | |
2250001 | Resection of ascending aorta with anastomosis | |
2270007 | Correction of cleft hand | |
2315006 | Brain meninges operation | |
2322003 | Suture of recent wound of eyelid, direct closure, full-thickness | |
2337004 | Adductor tenotomy | |
2344008 | Complicated cystorrhaphy | |
2364003 | Radical resection of tumor of soft tissue of wrist area | |
2371008 | Tympanoplasty type II with graft against incus or malleus | |
2393003 | Ligation of vein of lower limb | |
2407009 | Excision of mediastinal tumor | |
2409007 | Replantation of toe | |
2442008 | Incision of lacrimal canaliculus | |
2455009 | Revision of lumbosubarachnoid shunt | |
2459003 | Destructive procedure of artery of upper extremity | |
2474001 | Repair of malunion of metatarsal bones | |
2486003 | Destructive procedure of breast | |
2535006 | Removal of pulp - complete | |
2547000 | Excision of keloid | |
2552005 | Incision of cerebral subarachnoid space | |
2564002 | Creation of lumbar shunt including laminectomy | |
2566000 | Osteoplasty of radius | |
2567009 | Resection of rib by transaxillary approach | |
2580007 | Transplant of hair follicles to scalp | |
2598006 | Open heart surgery | |
2601001 | Removal of bone flap of skull | |
2607002 | Operation of supporting structures of uterus | |
2613006 | Implantation of joint prosthesis of hand | |
2616003 | Repair of bifid digit of hand | |
2632000 | Incision and drainage of infected bursa of upper arm | |
2643008 | Ligation of varicose vein of head and neck | |
2644002 | Cauterization of liver | |
2646000 | Incision and exploration of vas deferens | |
2659008 | Suture of ligament of lower extremity | |
2673004 | Incision and drainage of masticator space by extraoral approach | |
2677003 | Stripping | |
2697008 | Stripping and ligation of great saphenous vein | |
2716009 | Dermal-fat-fascia graft | |
2732007 | Recession of tendon of hand | |
2737001 | Exploratory craniotomy, infratentorial | |
2742009 | Destruction of Bartholin's gland | |
2745006 | Epiplopexy | |
2752008 | Incudopexy | |
2780005 | Osteoplasty of facial bones | |
2794006 | Cauterization of navel | |
2802005 | Manual dilation and stretching | |
2813008 | Nephroureterocystectomy | |
2837008 | Transposition of ulnar nerve at elbow | |
2843005 | Revision of urinary conduit | |
2851008 | Arthrotomy for synovectomy of sternoclavicular joint | |
2854000 | Bursectomy of hand | |
2857007 | Pinealectomy | |
2866006 | Obliteration of lymphatic structure | |
2875008 | Implantation of joint prosthesis of elbow | |
2891006 | Arthroscopy of elbow with partial synovectomy | |
2908005 | Cryotherapy to hemorrhoid | |
2914003 | Anterior sclerotomy | |
2915002 | Suture of capsule of ankle | |
2945004 | Suprapubic diverticulectomy of urinary bladder | |
2960001 | Closure of fistula of uterine cervix | |
2968008 | Craniectomy with treatment of penetrating wound of brain | |
2970004 | Metacarpal lengthening and transfer of local flap | |
2971000 | Closure of acquired urethrovaginal fistula | |
2977001 | Thrombectomy of lower limb vein | |
3001009 | Total lobectomy with bronchoplasty | |
3026000 | Tibiotalar arthrodesis | |
3041000 | Repair of stomach | |
3060007 | Forequarter amputation, right | |
3061006 | Complete excision of nail AND nail matrix | |
3078002 | Embolectomy with catheter of renal artery by abdominal incision | |
3090000 | Aneurysmectomy with graft replacement of lower limb artery | |
3164000 | Open reduction of closed mandibular fracture with interdental fixation | |
3166003 | Closure of fistula of salivary gland | |
3183007 | Closure of colostomy | |
3186004 | Excision of Skene gland | |
3204007 | Destructive procedure of nerve | |
3241008 | Correction of chordee with mobilization of urethra | |
3249005 | Surgical construction of filtration bleb | |
3268008 | Transplantation of tissue of pelvic region | |
3278006 | Lysis of adhesions of bursa of hand | |
3287002 | Cholecystogastrostomy | |
3324009 | Laser beam photocoagulation | |
3326006 | Excision of exostosis of head of fifth metatarsal | |
3328007 | Incision of vein of head and neck | |
3338002 | Open reduction of open radial shaft fracture | |
3360004 | Biliary anastomosis | |
3407002 | Creation of lesion of spinal cord by percutaneous method | |
3418002 | Discectomy of spine | |
3443008 | Pulp capping | |
3498003 | Total excision of pituitary gland by transsphenoidal approach | |
3499006 | Aspiration of vitreous with replacement | |
3546002 | CVG - Coronary vein graft | |
3559005 | Insertion of ureteral stent with ureterotomy | |
3562008 | Rodney Smith operation, radical subtotal pancreatectomy | |
3564009 | Removal of foreign body from fallopian tube | |
3575008 | Repair of fascia with graft of fascia | |
3605001 | Reduction of ciliary body | |
3607009 | Transplantation of mesenteric tissue | |
3654008 | Excision of lingula | |
3659003 | Incision of inner ear | |
3664004 | Closure of scleral fistula | |
3666002 | Repair of peripheral nerve by suturing | |
3673007 | Leadbetter urethral reconstruction | |
3686003 | Zancolli operation for tendon transfer of biceps | |
3690001 | Shunt of left subclavian to descending aorta by Blalock-Park operation | |
3691002 | Wedge osteotomy of tarsals and metatarsals | |
3700004 | Erysophake extraction of lens | |
3713005 | Release for de Quervain tenosynovitis of hand | |
3734003 | SSG - Split skin graft | |
3740005 | Removal of foreign body of canthus by incision | |
3786007 | Excision of lesion of pharynx | |
3796003 | Excision of redundant mucosa from jejunostomy | |
3826004 | Blepharotomy with drainage of abscess of eyelid | |
3828003 | Open biopsy of vertebral body of thoracic region | |
3861005 | Aneurysmectomy with anastomosis of lower limb artery | |
3864002 | Excisional biopsy of scrotum | |
3880007 | Excision of lesion of fibula | |
3881006 | Incision and drainage of submental space by extraoral approach | |
3887005 | Wart ligation | |
3889008 | Suture of lip | |
3907006 | Incision and drainage of retroperitoneal abscess | |
3911000 | Transplantation of muscle | |
3915009 | Excision of artery of thorax and abdomen | |
3917001 | Excisional biopsy of phalanges of foot | |
3918006 | Plastic repair with lengthening | |
3938007 | Cerclage for retinal reattachment | |
3942005 | Cystopexy | |
3957003 | Arteriectomy of thoracoabdominal aorta | |
3963007 | Operation on submaxillary gland | |
3968003 | Excision of spinal facet joint | |
3969006 | Removal of osteocartilagenous loose body from joint structures | |
3980006 | Partial excision of esophagus | |
4037006 | Removal of vascular graft or prosthesis | |
4044002 | Construction of permanent colostomy | |
4045001 | Drainage of cerebral ventricle by incision | |
4068005 | Removal of ventricular reservoir with synchronous replacement | |
4084006 | Repair of tendon of hand by graft or implant of muscle | |
4094001 | Reduction of retroversion of uterus by suppository | |
4101004 | Revision of spinal pleurothecal shunt | |
4116001 | Construction of window | |
4119008 | Intracranial phlebectomy with anastomosis | |
4139007 | Posterior spinal cordotomy | |
4154001 | Incision and drainage of penis | |
4176005 | Fothergill repair | |
4213001 | Implantation of Ommaya reservoir | |
4226002 | Excision of lesion of thoracic vein | |
4252008 | Aneurysmectomy with graft replacement by interposition | |
4304000 | Excision of cusp of tricuspid valve | |
4323007 | Destruction of lesion of sclera | |
4333004 | Incision and drainage of perisplenic space | |
4336007 | Lloyd-Davies operation, abdominoperineal resection | |
4339000 | Repair of nasolabial fistula | |
4341004 | Complete submucous resection of turbinate | |
4344007 | Cryopexy | |
4348005 | Musculoplasty of hand | |
4350002 | Removal of implant of cornea | |
4365001 | Surgical repair | |
4380007 | Transposition of vulvar tissue | |
4387005 | Valvuloplasty of pulmonary valve in total repair of tetralogy of Fallot | |
4388000 | Repair of splenocolic fistula | |
4407008 | Slitting of lacrimal canaliculus for passage of tube | |
4420006 | Incision and drainage of parapharyngeal abscess by external approach | |
4443002 | Decortication of ovary | |
4449003 | Manipulation of spinal meninges | |
4455008 | Open reduction of open elbow dislocation | |
4467005 | Excision of tumor of ankle area, deep, intramuscular | |
4489009 | Neurolysis of trigeminal nerve | |
4505003 | Tenolysis of flexor tendon of forearm | |
4507006 | Decompression fasciotomy of wrist, flexor and extensor compartment | |
4516005 | Iridencleisis and iridotasis | |
4520009 | Anastomosis of esophagus, antesternal or antethoracic, with insertion of prosthesis | |
4533003 | Ligation of artery of lower limb | |
4535005 | Incision of pelvirectal tissue | |
4539004 | Excision of cyst of bronchus | |
4544006 | Excision of subcutaneous tumor of extremities | |
4558008 | Anterior resection of rectum | |
4570007 | Chemopallidectomy | |
4581005 | Coreoplasty | |
4585001 | Decompression of tendon of hand | |
4587009 | Epiphysiodesis of distal radius | |
4593001 | Cauterization of sclera with iridectomy | |
4626009 | Take-down of arterial anastomosis | |
4636001 | Denker operation for radical maxillary antrotomy | |
4640005 | Ligation of fallopian tubes by abdominal approach | |
4642002 | Removal of inflatable penile prosthesis, with pump, reservoir and cylinders | |
4671001 | Excision of lesion from sphenoid sinus | |
4692001 | Transplantation of artery of upper extremity | |
4707009 | Partial excision of calcaneus | |
4756005 | Cryotherapy of subcutaneous tissue | |
4758006 | Incudostapediopexy | |
4770005 | Colporrhaphy for repair of urethrocele | |
4784000 | Operation on sublingual gland | |
4811009 | Reconstruction of diaphragm | |
4820000 | Incision of labial frenum | |
4829004 | Excision of small intestine for interposition | |
4862007 | Revision of anastomosis of large intestine | |
4877004 | Extracapsular extraction of lens with iridectomy | |
4891005 | Proctostomy | |
4895001 | Construction of sigmoid bladder | |
4904006 | Dilation of anal sphincter under nonlocal anesthesia | |
4930005 | Repair of thoracogastric fistula | |
4957007 | Cervical spinal fusion for pseudoarthrosis | |
4974007 | Liver operation | |
4987001 | Osteoplasty of cranium with flap of bone | |
5034009 | Graft to hair-bearing skin | |
5057003 | Radical orbitomaxillectomy | |
5119000 | Epiglottidectomy | |
5121005 | Wedge osteotomy of pelvic bone | |
5130002 | Needling of lens for cataract | |
5147001 | Excision of lesion of ankle joint | |
5162004 | Excision of pressure ulcer | |
5165002 | Division of thoracic artery | |
5176003 | Thromboendarterectomy with graft of renal artery | |
5184004 | Osteotomy of shaft of femur with fixation | |
5186002 | Arthrotomy for synovectomy of glenohumeral joint | |
5191001 | Surgical treatment of missed miscarriage of second trimester | |
5212002 | Excision of lesion of lacrimal gland by frontal approach | |
5233006 | Lateral fasciotomy | |
5243009 | Suture of adenoid fossa | |
5245002 | Transplantation of peripheral vein | |
5267001 | Adrenal artery ligation | |
5270002 | Bilateral destruction of fallopian tubes | |
5282006 | Operation on oropharynx | |
5290006 | Incision and drainage of Ludwig angina | |
5298004 | Incision and drainage of deep hematoma of thigh region | |
5316002 | Closed osteotomy of mandibular ramus | |
5317006 | Radical amputation of penis with bilateral pelvic lymphadenectomy | |
5328005 | Shortening of Achilles tendon | |
5342002 | Prophylactic treatment of tibia with methyl methacrylate | |
5348003 | Repair of endocardial cushion defect | |
5384005 | Excision of part of frontal cortex | |
5393006 | Exploration of parathyroid with mediastinal exploration by sternal split approach | |
5415002 | Destruction of lesion of liver | |
5419008 | Lysis of adhesions of tendon of hand | |
5431005 | Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty | |
5446003 | Excision of cervical rib for outlet compression syndrome with sympathectomy | |
5456004 | Graft of lymphatic structure | |
5460001 | Removal of prosthesis from fallopian tube | |
5486006 | Delayed suture of tendon of hand | |
5506006 | Incision and exploration of abdominal wall | |
5521000 | Open reduction of fracture of phalanges of foot | |
5536002 | Arthrodesis of carpometacarpal joint of digits, other than thumb | |
5545001 | Repair of carotid body | |
5551006 | Direct laryngoscopy with arytenoidectomy with operating microscope | |
5570001 | Arthrotomy for infection with exploration and drainage of carpometacarpal joint | |
5571002 | Excision of lesion of aorta with end-to-end anastomosis | |
5572009 | Incision of kidney pelvis | |
5616006 | Osteoplasty of tibia | |
5621009 | Excision of malignant lesion of skin of extremities | |
5632009 | Open biopsy of bronchus | |
5636007 | Fistulectomy of bone | |
5648005 | Surgical repair and revision of shunt | |
5663008 | Phlebectomy of varicose vein of head and neck | |
5687005 | Removal of foreign body from ovary | |
5690004 | Incision of seminal vesicle | |
5721002 | Repair of eyebrow | |
5722009 | Surgical reanastomosis of colon | |
5745003 | Excision ampulla of Vater with reimplantation of common duct | |
5760000 | Osteoplasty of radius and ulna, shortening | |
5771004 | Blepharotomy | |
5777000 | Flexorplasty of elbow | |
5781000 | Operation on nasal septum | |
5787001 | Elevation of bone fragments of orbit of skull with debridement | |
5789003 | Lysis of adhesions of intestines | |
5796001 | Excision of external thrombotic hemorrhoid | |
5806001 | Revision of tracheostomy scar | |
5807005 | Fenestration of inner ear, initial | |
5809008 | Selective vagotomy with pyloroplasty and gastrostomy | |
5821007 | Ligation, division and complete stripping of long and short saphenous veins | |
5832007 | Partial ostectomy of thorax, ribs or sternum | |
5845006 | Emulsification procedure | |
5865004 | Open reduction of dislocation of toe | |
5870006 | Tertiary closure of abdominal wall | |
5892005 | Mastoid antrotomy | |
5925002 | Incision and drainage of hematoma of wrist | |
5961007 | Division of blood vessels of cornea | |
5971009 | Incision and drainage of axilla | |
5983006 | Repair of spermatic cord | |
5992009 | Midtarsal arthrodesis, multiple | |
5998008 | Radical dissection of groin | |
6005008 | Transplantation of vitreous by anterior approach | |
6025007 | Laparoscopic appendectomy | |
6029001 | Augmentation of outflow tract of pulmonary valve | |
6069000 | Panniculotomy | |
6082008 | Perforation of footplate | |
6100001 | Fenestration of stapes footplate with vein graft | |
6119006 | Local destruction of lesion of bony palate | |
6130009 | Surgical exposure of impacted or unerupted tooth to aid eruption | |
6146001 | Repair of heart septum with prosthesis | |
6148000 | Chondrectomy of semilunar cartilage of knee | |
6161000 | Excision of lesion of capsule of toes | |
6164008 | Osteoclasis of clavicle | |
6166005 | Nephropyeloureterostomy | |
6187000 | Repair of aneurysm with graft of common femoral artery | |
6188005 | Arthrotomy of knee | |
6189002 | Excision of aberrant tissue of breast | |
6190006 | Colopexy | |
6198004 | Repair of fracture with Sofield type procedure | |
6200005 | Excision of lesion of female perineum | |
6221005 | Suture of colon | |
6231003 | Graft of palate | |
6240004 | Operative procedure on knee | |
6255008 | Resection of abdominal artery with replacement | |
6274000 | Excision of aural glomus tumor, extended, extratemporal | |
6286002 | Destructive procedure on ovaries and fallopian tubes | |
6295005 | Sequestrectomy of pelvic bone | |
6307005 | Keratophakia | |
6337001 | Ligation of aortic arch | |
6355005 | Removal of internal fixation device of radius | |
6358007 | Capsulorrhaphy of joint | |
6363006 | Dilation of lacrimal punctum with irrigation | |
6370006 | Chemosurgery of stomach lesion | |
6399001 | Division of arteriovenous fistula with ligation | |
6402000 | Excision of common bile duct | |
6403005 | Lengthening of muscle of hand | |
6419003 | Excision of tumor from elbow area, deep, subfascial | |
6433003 | Closed heart valvotomy of mitral valve | |
6438007 | Exploration of ciliary body | |
6439004 | Destruction of lesion of peripheral nerve | |
6444006 | Enlargement of eye socket | |
6465000 | Arthrotomy of glenohumeral joint for infection with drainage | |
6473009 | Suture of old obstetrical laceration of uterus | |
6486000 | Curettage of sclera | |
6487009 | Hand tendon pulley reconstruction with tendon prosthesis | |
6499002 | Tsuge operation on finger for macrodactyly repair | |
6519001 | Operation on multiple extraocular muscles with temporary detachment from globe | |
6527005 | Uchida fimbriectomy with tubal ligation by endoscopy | |
6535008 | Excision of cyst of hand | |
6536009 | Implantation of tricuspid valve with tissue graft | |
6547002 | Repair with closure of non-surgical wound | |
6562000 | Destruction of lesion of tongue | |
6563005 | Transposition of muscle of hand | |
6567006 | Pulmonary valve commissurotomy by transvenous balloon method | |
6634001 | Destruction of hemorrhoids, internal | |
6639006 | Replacement of obstructed valve in shunt system | |
6661001 | King-Steelquist hindquarter operation | |
6670003 | Closure of external fistula of trachea | |
6682007 | Reattachment of amputated ear | |
6704000 | Repair of parasternal diaphragmatic hernia | |
6712008 | Piercing of nail | |
6719004 | Incision of bone of femur | |
6722002 | Nephrolithotomy for removal of calculus | |
6726004 | Incision and drainage of appendiceal abscess by transabdominal approach | |
6727008 | Excision of lesion of bone of humerus | |
6732009 | Type II, early periodontitis, moderate pocket therapy | |
6745008 | Indirect laryngoscopy with removal of foreign body | |
6759001 | Esophagojejunostomy by thoracic approach | |
6760006 | Excision of lesion of phalanges of foot | |
6774004 | Closure of tracheostomy | |
6776002 | Auricular aneurysmectomy | |
6779009 | Open treatment of slipped femoral epiphysis | |
6801000 | Resection of mesentery | |
6812000 | Mohs' chemosurgery, fixed tissue technique | |
6818001 | Excision of buccal mucosa | |
6832004 | Atherectomy | |
6833009 | Closed osteotomy of mandibular angle | |
6846004 | Incision of pituitary gland | |
6889000 | Shortening of sclera by scleral buckling | |
6898002 | Arthroscopically aided posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction | |
6909004 | Excisional biopsy of peripheral nerve ganglion | |
6915004 | Brunschwig operation, temporary gastrostomy | |
6948004 | Removal of calcareous deposit of tendon of hand | |
6951006 | Aponeurorrhaphy of hand | |
6967000 | Open reduction of separation of epiphysis of fibula | |
6976007 | Craniocervical spinal fusion | |
7001008 | Frenotomy of tongue | |
7012008 | Coagulation or electrocoagulation of spinal cord lesion | |
7017002 | Ligation of internal jugular vein | |
7026004 | Transfer of pectoralis major tendon | |
7040003 | Lysis of adhesions of nerve ganglion | |
7043001 | Repair of inguinal hernia with spermatocelectomy | |
7082004 | Reduction of fracture of hand with internal fixation | |
7105001 | Bosworth operation arthroplasty for acromioclavicular separation | |
7108004 | Osteoclasis | |
7122004 | Embolectomy of abdominal vein | |
7171009 | Shortening of round ligament of uterus | |
7177008 | Horizontal osteotomy of mandible | |
7190001 | Mandibular condylectomy | |
7216000 | Aneurysmectomy with graft replacement of head and neck artery | |
7221002 | Formation of tubed pedicle graft, head and neck | |
7223004 | Take-down of stoma of large intestine | |
7232002 | Adrenalectomy of remaining gland | |
7240008 | Total laryngectomy with partial pharyngectomy and synchronous tracheostomy | |
7260000 | Open biopsy of gallbladder | |
7298000 | Fulguration of skin | |
7304009 | Lysis of adhesions of vagina | |
7306006 | Partial ostectomy of tibia and fibula | |
7364007 | Ligature of femoral vein, complete | |
7365008 | Ligation of abdominal artery | |
7383000 | Anastomosis of intrathoracic artery | |
7388009 | Repair of graft-enteric fistula | |
7410008 | Incision of tarsals or metatarsals | |
7412000 | Incision of lymphangioma | |
7414004 | Intraoperative transluminal aortic angioplasty | |
7418001 | Suture of fascia to skeletal attachment of hand | |
7419009 | Destruction of cranial nerve | |
7459007 | Revision of arteriovenous fistula with thrombectomy with autogenous graft | |
7486007 | Reattachment of muscle | |
7495004 | Stromeyer-Little operation hepatotomy | |
7534000 | Repair of perineourethroscrotal fistula | |
7541006 | Exploration of testis | |
7553005 | Excisional biopsy of eye | |
7556002 | Ligation of ureter | |
7613004 | Dacryoadenotomy | |
7621005 | Transplantation of peritoneal tissue | |
7634006 | Arthrectomy of spine | |
7635007 | Incision of vertebral column | |
7642007 | Endarterectomy of abdominal artery | |
7647001 | Incision of salivary gland | |
7649003 | Orthopedic procedure on head | |
7663009 | Repair of injury of eyeball | |
7664003 | Incision of external auditory canal | |
7683005 | Incision of blood vessel | |
7709002 | Transfer of finger to opposite hand with amputation | |
7775009 | Ligation of abdominal varicose vein | |
7776005 | Reopening of canthorrhaphy | |
7782008 | Division of ligament of shoulder | |
7797006 | Excision of gastric polyp | |
7798001 | Conjunctivoplasty with conjunctival graft | |
7807006 | Ganglionectomy of tendon sheath site | |
7813002 | Esophagojejunostomy with interposition of small bowel | |
7818006 | Complete dermabrasion | |
7823006 | Primary repair of torn ligament of knee, cruciate | |
7824000 | Enlargement of pre-existing atrial septal defect | |
7833003 | Endoscopic excision of lesion of pancreatic duct | |
7839004 | Incision and exploration of male perineum | |
7876001 | Open reduction of closed sternoclavicular dislocation, acute, with fascial graft | |
7891004 | Periurethral suspension | |
7898005 | Destruction of lesion of retina by cryotherapy | |
7908000 | Operation on ileum | |
7937001 | Transplantation of adrenal gland | |
7949000 | Arthrotomy of glenohumeral joint for infection with exploration | |
7980005 | Cauterization of subcutaneous tissue | |
7981009 | Repair of endocardial cushion defect with tissue graft | |
7989006 | Removal of prosthesis of joint structures of hip | |
8020008 | Arthroplasty of shoulder with synthetic joint prosthesis | |
8021007 | Arthrotomy of elbow for infection with removal of foreign body | |
8069005 | Implantation of tricuspid valve prosthesis or synthetic device | |
8082002 | Removal of foreign body of lacrimal gland by incision | |
8085000 | Suction assisted lipectomy of upper extremity | |
8093000 | Transuretero-ureterostomy | |
8095007 | Aspiration curettage of uterus after abortion | |
8096008 | Capsulotomy of midfoot with tendon lengthening | |
8102001 | Aneurysmectomy of aorta | |
8126004 | Transposition of tissue of chest wall | |
8136007 | Revision of scar of skin | |
8142006 | Weir operation for correction of nostrils | |
8144007 | Removal of foreign body from trachea by incision | |
8152005 | Removal of internal fixation device of ulna | |
8155007 | Excision of basal ganglion | |
8174004 | Roux-en-Y cholecystoenterostomy | |
8189008 | Partial amputation of penis | |
8192007 | Vaginal repair of enterocele | |
8194008 | Closure of pyelocutaneous fistula | |
8215004 | Lisfranc shoulder disarticulation | |
8223002 | Osseous labyrinthectomy | |
8224008 | Surgical occlusion of intracranial artery | |
8236002 | Replacement of Crutchfield tongs of skull | |
8253009 | Excision of Wolffian duct | |
8255002 | Repair of filtering bleb by suture | |
8271002 | Revision of total hip arthroplasty, both components, with allograft | |
8322005 | Closure of stomach ulcer | |
8324006 | Incision and drainage of rectal abscess | |
8332003 | Excision of deep jugular nodes | |
8335001 | Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty | |
8345004 | Wedge biopsy of liver | |
8353007 | Excision of lesion of lower limb vein | |
8363004 | Operative procedure on forearm | |
8366007 | Operation on nipple | |
8378006 | Trimming | |
8382008 | Creation of pulmonary-innominate artery shunt | |
8388007 | Partial horizontal laryngectomy | |
8401003 | Electrodesiccation | |
8403000 | Repair of nasopharyngeal fistula | |
8409001 | Femoral embolectomy | |
8420001 | Abrasion procedure | |
8422009 | Destruction of hemorrhoids by sclerotherapy | |
8430005 | Teflon implant into epiglottis | |
8444004 | Removal of gallstones from liver | |
8462008 | Arthrotomy of finger | |
8476009 | Operation on bone injury of femur | |
8500004 | Tenotomy of adductor of hip, subcutaneous, closed | |
8505009 | Neurolysis of peripheral nerve | |
8508006 | Osteotomy of metatarsal | |
8532004 | Operation on adrenal nerve | |
8550006 | Partial bilateral salpingectomy for sterilization | |
8558004 | Incision and drainage of deep pelvirectal abscess | |
8561003 | Destruction of epithelial downgrowth of anterior chamber of eye | |
8583004 | Incision and drainage of hip joint area for deep abscess | |
8596003 | Open reduction of open scapular fracture, juxta-articular | |
8613002 | Operation on appendix | |
8616005 | Rhinocheiloplasty repair for cleft lip | |
8645007 | Aorta-coronary sinus shunt | |
8667008 | Intertrochanteric osteotomy with internal fixation and cast | |
8673009 | Incision and drainage of buccal space | |
8703004 | Repair of endocardial cushion defect with prosthesis | |
8750008 | Avulsion of pudendal nerve | |
8768006 | Division of aponeurosis | |
8773000 | Transplantation of large intestine | |
8777004 | Incision and exploration of large intestine | |
8782006 | Radical perineal prostatectomy | |
8803008 | Iridosclerotomy | |
8811003 | Repair of hepatothoracic fistula | |
8828000 | Plication of peripheral vein | |
8842008 | Removal of prosthesis of joint structure of spine | |
8846006 | Synovectomy of hip joint | |
8863005 | Open biopsy of vertebral body of cervical region | |
8869009 | Endoscopic dilation of gastrojejunostomy site | |
8874001 | Arthroscopy of knee with medial and lateral meniscectomy | |
8876004 | Aortocoronary artery bypass graft with prosthesis | |
8888002 | Symphysiectomy of bone | |
8889005 | Excisional biopsy | |
8891002 | Partial removal of vitreous by anterior approach | |
8896007 | Osteotomy of acetabular bone | |
8898008 | Osteoplasty of tarsal or metatarsal | |
8902002 | Simple pyeloplasty | |
8903007 | Excision of omphalomesenteric duct | |
8906004 | Cecocolostomy | |
8917003 | Laryngotracheotomy | |
8920006 | Repair of retina for retinal detachment | |
8929007 | Esophagogastropexy | |
8932005 | Replacement of joint of foot and toe | |
8951004 | Excision of lesion of retroperitoneum | |
8979005 | Insertion of peritoneovenous shunt | |
8990000 | Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of peripheral artery | |
9036004 | Direct smear for ectoparasites | |
9047006 | Excision of lesion of bone of vertebra | |
9093009 | Thyrochondrotomy | |
9102008 | Proximal subtotal gastrectomy by thoracic approach | |
9121000 | Excision of lesion of large intestine | |
9132000 | Reopening of osteotomy site of facial bone | |
9137006 | Discission of membranous cataract, secondary | |
9150007 | Change of length of muscle of hand | |
9161004 | Excision of olecranon bursa | |
9162006 | Transplantation of scrotal tissue | |
9175006 | Parietal cell vagotomy with pyloroplasty and gastrostomy | |
9178008 | Implantation of nerve end into bone | |
9191009 | Suture of tonsillar fossa | |
9215005 | Colotomy | |
9217002 | Surgical fracture of nasal turbinates | |
9218007 | Therapeutic apical closure | |
9221009 | Surgical treatment of septic abortion | |
9225000 | Revision of stapedectomy | |
9227008 | Incision of rectovaginal septum | |
9238008 | Suture of stomach | |
9257004 | Revision of intracranial neurostimulator receiver | |
9274004 | Removal of intra-aortic balloon with repair of aorta with graft | |
9280007 | Proctoplasty for stenosis | |
9292007 | Esophageal hiatus hernia repair | |
9299003 | Coagulation of aneurysm of cerebral vessel | |
9316008 | Crushing of peripheral nerve | |
9328000 | Excision of lesion of fascia | |
9353002 | Muscle flap of trunk | |
9365003 | Stripping of lower limb varicose veins | |
9372002 | Drainage of cranial sinus by trephination | |
9373007 | Stripping of vocal fold | |
9394005 | Incision of fascial compartments of head | |
9407005 | Insertion of pin-retained palatal prosthesis | |
9409008 | Incisional biopsy of pancreas | |
9411004 | Incision of postzygomatic space | |
9421007 | Bougienage | |
9429009 | GP - Gastroplasty | |
9469005 | Operative procedure on cranial nerve | |
9503007 | Benenenti operation for rotation of bulbous urethra | |
9521005 | Anal fistulectomy, second stage | |
9524002 | Total pancreatectomy | |
9540004 | Laparoscopic adhesiolysis | |
9548006 | Creation of lumbar subarachnoid shunt with laminectomy | |
9552006 | Transposition of tissue of tongue | |
9555008 | Incision of chalazion | |
9577007 | Thermocauterization of cervix | |
9578002 | Incision and removal by magnet | |
9579005 | Subtalar arthrodesis | |
9580008 | Chemothalamectomy | |
9599004 | Biopsy of cervix with fulguration | |
9604005 | Division of aberrant vessel with reanastomosis | |
9624009 | Tenectomy of eye | |
9666005 | Esophagocolic anastomosis, antesternal or antethoracic | |
9667001 | Surgical evulsion | |
9693008 | Sequestrectomy of vertebra | |
9719003 | Operation on extraocular muscle and tendon | |
9722001 | Removal of implanted material from anterior segment of eye | |
9724000 | Repair of current obstetric laceration of uterus | |
9730000 | Arthrodesis of hip | |
9735005 | Repair of colon | |
9737002 | Colpotomy with drainage of pelvic abscess | |
9754005 | Repair of laceration of sclera with synchronous repair of conjunctiva | |
9782003 | Gross operation, herniorrhaphy | |
9788004 | Lysis of penile adhesions | |
9790003 | Graft of penis | |
9811006 | Destruction of tissue of tongue | |
9835001 | Removal of cerebral ventricular catheter | |
9844000 | Autogenous graft of rib cartilage to ear | |
9860001 | Aneurysmectomy of descending aorta | |
9874008 | Arthrectomy of hip | |
9877001 | Repair of paraumbilical hernia | |
9888007 | Excision of intracranial lesion | |
9895003 | Destruction of lesion - large intestine | |
9905009 | Loop colostomy | |
9924007 | Excision and replacement | |
9938000 | Repair of stoma of ureter | |
9940005 | Excision of lesion of muscle of hand | |
9993006 | Incision of diaphragm | |
9996003 | Arthrotomy with drainage of tarsometatarsal joint | |
10002003 | Resection of stomach fundus | |
10006000 | Xenon photocoagulation of retina for detachment | |
10019001 | Incision and drainage of infected bursa of wrist | |
10046006 | Cystoureterolithotomy | |
10088002 | Revision of jejunoileal bypass | |
10090001 | Periosteotomy of facial bone | |
10107006 | Duodenoduodenoplasty | |
10116005 | Simple repair of superficial wounds of scalp and neck | |
10159000 | Revision of gastroduodenal anastomosis with reconstruction and vagotomy | |
10178000 | Extracapsular extraction of cataract by inferior temporal route | |
10185001 | Repair of hernia of fascia of hand | |
10190003 | Aortocoronary bypass of four or more coronary arteries | |
10220003 | Subclavian-axillary artery bypass graft with vein | |
10233009 | Intramedullary nailing of fibula | |
10236001 | Excision of intraductal papilloma of breast | |
10254002 | Excision of diverticula of small intestine | |
10255001 | Incision of ureter | |
10259007 | Proctopexy | |
10272008 | Closure of fistula of the diaphragm | |
10281002 | Scalenectomy | |
10289000 | Revision of gastroduodenal anastomosis with reconstruction | |
10311005 | Reduction of closed talus fracture with manipulation and percutaneous pinning | |
10326007 | Coronary artery bypass with autogenous graft, three grafts | |
10330005 | Destructive procedure on artery of head and neck | |
10359005 | Revision of obstructed valve in CSF shunt system | |
10388006 | Manipulation of tissue of diaphragm | |
10420000 | Lumbar and lumbosacral fusion by lateral transverse process technique | |
10428007 | Radiologic guidance for dilation of ureters | |
10431008 | Neuroplasty of median nerve at carpal tunnel | |
10444003 | Operation on omentum | |
10460004 | Phlebectomy with graft replacement | |
10489002 | Nasal endoscopy with nasal polypectomy | |
10492003 | Radionuclide therapy for glandular suppression | |
10516001 | Postpartum ligation of fallopian tubes | |
10522005 | Destruction of lesion of salivary gland | |
10525007 | Decompression of fingers, injection injury | |
10529001 | Repair of filtering bleb by suture with conjunctival flap | |
10536000 | Simple electrodesiccation of lesion of penis | |
10543006 | Hegar operation, perineorrhaphy | |
10558003 | Repair of bronchopleural fistula | |
10587002 | Fulguration of Skene's glands | |
10590008 | Fulguration of lesion of large intestine | |
10594004 | Bilateral excision of hydrocele | |
10615008 | Atrial aneurysmectomy | |
10624004 | Complete dacryocystectomy | |
10652008 | Fistulization of cisterna chyli | |
10658007 | Suture of sciatic nerve | |
10666003 | Exploration for removal of deep foreign body of forearm | |
10674002 | Arthrotomy of elbow for synovectomy | |
10683007 | Destruction of lesion of heart | |
10715004 | Arthroplasty of distal radius with prosthetic replacement | |
10719005 | Excision of xanthoma site | |
10724008 | Microsurgery | |
10726005 | Extensive excision of nasal polyps | |
10739009 | Excision of lesion of bone of thorax, ribs or sternum | |
10777003 | Removal of implant from hand | |
10795000 | Ventriculocaval shunt with valve | |
10804001 | Removal of foreign body from spinal meninges | |
10807008 | Scleral reinforcement with graft | |
10831003 | Direct closure of laceration of conjunctiva with nonperforating scleral laceration | |
10836008 | Decompression of spinal cord | |
10841000 | Osteotomy of iliac bone with femoral osteotomy | |
10855008 | Bypass graft with artificial transplant | |
10869008 | Hemigastrectomy with vagotomy | |
10870009 | Repair of atrial septal defect in total repair of total anomalous pulmonary venous connection | |
10871008 | Segmental osteotomy of maxilla | |
10881007 | Phenopeel of skin | |
10882000 | Bilateral ligation and division of fallopian tubes | |
10900009 | Reefing of joint capsule | |
10907007 | Release of high riding scapula | |
10913003 | Patch closure of endocardial cushion defect with repair of tricuspid cleft | |
10918007 | Incision and drainage of retropharyngeal tissue | |
10929006 | Myectomy for graft | |
10940003 | Excisional biopsy of breast with preoperative localization | |
10942006 | Plication | |
10943001 | Graft of amnionic membrane to skin | |
10971007 | Incision of soft tissue | |
10985002 | Gallbladder to intestine anastomosis | |
10988000 | Open reduction of lunate dislocation | |
10991000 | Insertion of vessel-to-vessel cannula | |
11050006 | Closure of vesicouterine fistula with hysterectomy | |
11053008 | Stapedectomy with reestablishment of ossicular continuity with use of foreign material | |
11101003 | Percutaneous transluminal coronary balloon angioplasty | |
11116000 | Incision of ingrown nail | |
11127003 | Esophagogastrostomy, antesternal or antethoracic | |
11150009 | Partial parotidectomy | |
11155004 | Mammoplasty with injection into one breast | |
11173001 | Bypass transplantation with allogeneic transplant | |
11227005 | Excision of ganglion of tendon sheath of hand | |
11228000 | Dieffenbach operation for hip disarticulation | |
11232006 | Lateral fasciotomy with annular ligament of finger resection | |
11236009 | Near-total pancreatectomy with preservation of duodenum | |
11242008 | Aneurysmectomy with graft replacement of thoracic artery | |
11245005 | Initial dilation of female urethra | |
11273007 | Division of artery of lower limb | |
11276004 | Lysis of adhesions of eyelid | |
11291002 | Excision of lesion of omentum | |
11315009 | Neuroplasty of nerve of foot | |
11328002 | Removal of foreign body from nose by incision | |
11346008 | Thrombectomy with catheter of vena cava by abdominal and leg incision | |
11347004 | FND - Functional neck dissection | |
11349001 | Incision of abscess of lip | |
11369006 | Oral vestibuloplasty | |
11377005 | Direct laryngoscopy with excision of tumor | |
11401008 | Dilatation and curettage | |
11445008 | Excision of infected graft | |
11466000 | CS - Cesarean section | |
11499003 | Destruction of lesion or structure by radiofrequency | |
11516009 | Aneurysmectomy with graft replacement of abdominal aorta | |
11519002 | Repair of bronchoesophageal fistula | |
11524004 | Primary suture of ruptured ligament of ankle, collateral | |
11550000 | Incision of vas deferens | |
11574002 | Creation of endorectal ileal H-pouch with anastomosis to anus | |
11592005 | Spinal fusion of atlas-axis for pseudoarthrosis | |
11598009 | Excision of synovial cyst | |
11601004 | Complicated seminal vesiculotomy | |
11608005 | Open reduction of open shoulder dislocation with fracture of greater tuberosity | |
11626008 | Miles operation, complete proctectomy | |
11651009 | Proximal phalangectomy for hammer toe | |
11665006 | Incision of epididymis | |
11673002 | Local destruction of lesion of joint of finger | |
11682008 | Jejunoileostomy | |
11685005 | Recession of tendon | |
11686006 | Periosteal suture of radius | |
11703007 | Extensive retroperitoneal transabdominal lymphadenectomy | |
11707008 | Fallopian tube repair | |
11717003 | Wedge osteotomy of clavicle | |
11718008 | Excision of thoracic artery | |
11722003 | Freeing of adhesions of meninges of spinal cord | |
11748006 | Repair of atrial septal defect with prosthesis by open heart technique | |
11755008 | Arthrotomy of mediocarpal joint for infection with removal of foreign body | |
11759002 | Augmentation rhinoplasty with prosthetic material | |
11809004 | Operation on cecum | |
11810009 | Operation on male genital system | |
11812001 | Reconstruction for recurrent dislocating patella with extensor realignment | |
11848004 | Radical resection of tumor of soft tissue of hand | |
11856001 | Simple repair of wounds of trunk | |
11878008 | Excision of lesion of uterosacral ligament | |
11883000 | Arthrodesis of metacarpophalangeal joint with internal fixation | |
11912002 | Scraping of trachoma follicles | |
11922008 | Osteoplasty of femur, lengthening | |
11929004 | Lysis of adhesions of spinal cord and nerve roots | |
11933006 | Repair of atrial heart septum in total repair of tetralogy of Fallot | |
11954004 | Repair of liver | |
11964008 | Internal fixation of femur without fracture reduction | |
11972005 | Incision of nerve | |
11973000 | Excision of accessory spleen | |
11995001 | Suture of salivary gland | |
12012002 | Partial excision of vertebra of thoracic region | |
12038002 | Incision of endocardium | |
12044003 | Lacrimal apparatus operation | |
12047005 | Colporrhaphy for repair of enterocele | |
12054004 | Extensive destruction of lesion of vulva | |
12072005 | Maxillectomy with orbital exenteration | |
12074006 | Ligation of gastric varices | |
12077004 | Reduction of fracture of fibula with internal fixation | |
12084007 | Repair of fascia of hand by suture | |
12092003 | Repair of rectal prolapse | |
12093008 | Excisional biopsy of orbit | |
12099007 | Millin-Read operation for urethrovesical suspension | |
12102007 | Inversion of diverticulum of large intestine | |
12113005 | Scleral buckling with vitrectomy | |
12126009 | Resection of ulna | |
12132004 | Langenbeck operation, cleft palate repair | |
12135002 | Radical resection of tumor of soft tissue of ankle area | |
12142002 | Division of ligament of knee | |
12144001 | Ligation of inferior vena cava | |
12155001 | Total ostectomy of humerus | |
12158004 | Ostectomy for graft of mandible | |
12163000 | Needling of secondary cataract | |
12175005 | Repair of blood vessel with suture | |
12237002 | Achillorrhaphy | |
12240002 | Repair of umbilical hernia with prosthesis | |
12253004 | Insertion of graft of aorta with cardiopulmonary bypass | |
12265000 | Suture of ulcer of skin | |
12291004 | Revision of gastrojejunal anastomosis with reconstruction with bowel resection | |
12299002 | Osteotomy of phalanges of hand | |
12314005 | Repair of nonunion of humerus with iliac autograft | |
12317003 | Ligation of superior longitudinal sinus | |
12324002 | Exploratory laparotomy with biopsy | |
12330002 | Complete parathyroidectomy | |
12361006 | Osteotomy of radius and ulna | |
12363009 | Complete repair of tetralogy of Fallot with closure of previous shunt | |
12378002 | Incision and drainage of perigastric space | |
12385003 | Repair of mouth laceration | |
12392008 | Accessory-facial anastomosis | |
12398007 | Excision of endometrial synechiae | |
12410002 | Looposcopy orchiopexy | |
12415007 | Endoscopic destruction of lesion of duodenum | |
12418009 | Intermediate transfer of pedicle flap | |
12421006 | Closure of esophagostomy by thoracic approach | |
12445005 | Repair of ventricular septal defect with tissue graft | |
12481008 | Incision of middle ear | |
12483006 | Osteotomy of clavicle | |
12492009 | Delayed suture of tendon | |
12518007 | Operation on male perineum | |
12523007 | Joint capsulodesis | |
12528003 | Cross intrinsic transfer | |
12558009 | Dilation of intestinal stoma | |
12599003 | Deroofing procedure on vertebra | |
12600000 | Incision and drainage of ankle for deep abscess | |
12605005 | Incision of retroperitoneum | |
12617007 | Resection of lower limb artery with replacement by graft | |
12621000 | Reopening of laminectomy or laminotomy site | |
12644002 | Arthrodesis by posterior technique of atlas-axis with internal fixation | |
12646000 | Repair of incarcerated inguinal hernia | |
12647009 | Excision of lesion of male perineum | |
12649007 | Transposition of prostatic tissue | |
12651006 | Sclerectomy for retinal reattachment | |
12654003 | Transluminal prosthetic closure of patent foramen ovale | |
12658000 | Operation on female genital organs | |
12660003 | Repair of complete shoulder cuff avulsion, chronic | |
12663001 | Amputation below-knee conversion into above-knee amputation | |
12664007 | Excision with graft replacement of thoracic artery | |
12666009 | Cholecystocolostomy | |
12672009 | Proctolysis | |
12703009 | Excision of lesion of pelvic wall | |
12708000 | Excision of accessory nipple | |
12718005 | Excision of aberrant renal artery | |
12726002 | Removal of foreign body of tonsil by incision | |
12739003 | Revision of ileostomy, complicated | |
12745006 | Operative procedure on pelvis | |
12762001 | Suture of eyelid | |
12771005 | Partial excision of patella | |
12780005 | Indirect laryngoscopy with removal of lesion | |
12796008 | Transection of fallopian tube by abdominal approach | |
12807004 | Destruction of lesion of testis | |
12826007 | Dorrance operation, push-back operation for cleft palate | |
12827003 | Partial proctectomy | |
12838003 | Incision and exploration of neck | |
12846002 | Repair of blood vessel with patch graft | |
12863003 | Repair of uterorectal fistula |