HL7 FHIR Implementation Guide: minimal Common Oncology Data Elements (mCODE) Release 1 - US Realm | STU Ballot 1

This page is part of the HL7 FHIR Implementation Guide: minimal Common Oncology Data Elements (mCODE) Release 1 - US Realm | STU1 (v0.9.1: STU 1 Ballot 1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. The current version which supersedes this version is 4.0.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions


SurgicalMethodVS ValueSet

Codes describing additional information about the method of the surgery. Includes the technique used to reach the site of the procedure, and actions taken during the surgery. Value set includes SNOMED codes descending from 103379005 'Procedural approach' and descending from 129284003 'Surgical action'.

Defining URL:http://hl7.org/fhir/us/mcode/ValueSet/obf-SurgicalMethodVS

Codes describing additional information about the method of the surgery. Includes the technique used to reach the site of the procedure, and actions taken during the surgery. Value set includes SNOMED codes descending from 103379005 'Procedural approach' and descending from 129284003 'Surgical action'.

Publisher:HL7 International Clinical Interoperability Council
Source Resource:XML / JSON / Turtle
Downloads: XML, JSON, Turtle


This value set contains 538 concepts

All codes from system http://snomed.info/sct

6706003Transrectal approach
15748001Lumbar spinal approach
16770008Retroperitoneal approach
16796005Thoracolumbar approach
20922003Via nose
34459009Lateral approach
40186009Thoracoabdominal approach
43646003Subcutaneous approach
45741002Thoracoabdominoperineal approach
51853008Submucous approach
56745007Medial approach
65351007Transperitoneal approach
65519007Transfrontal approach
66739002Abdominal approach
83037006Anterior approach
103344008Via urinary bladder
103346005Transsplenic approach
103353001Transgastric approach
103381007Transhepatic approach
103382000Transtemporal approach
103384004Transtentorial approach
112238006Posterior approach
118437007Intrapelvic surgical approach
118438002Via mouth
129221009EO - Extraoral
129222002Intracapsular approach
129225000Extranasal approach
129226004Transorbital approach
129227008Pars plana approach
129228003Transscrotal approach
129230001Cranial approach
180603000Burrhole cranial approach
180604006Transsphenoidal burrhole approach to contents of cranium
180605007Frontal burrhole approach to contents of cranium
180606008Transoral burrhole approach to contents of cranium
180607004Transmastoid burrhole approach to contents of cranium
180608009Supratentorial burrhole approach to contents of cranium
180609001Infratentorial burrhole approach to contents of cranium
180612003Posterior spinal approach
180613008Laminectomy approach to cervical spine
180614002Laminectomy approach to thoracic spine
180615001Laminectomy approach to lumbar spine
180618004Median sternotomy approach
180619007Transthoracic approach to spine
180625006Transperitoneal approach to spine
180632002Via gastrointestinal stoma
180633007Approach to organ through esophagostomy
180634001Approach via gastrostomy
180635000Approach to organ through ileostomy
180636004Approach via colostomy
180640008Approach via tracheostomy
180641007Approach to organ through urethrostomy
180643005Approach to organ through cystostomy
255556003Extratympanic approach
255585009Transtympanic approach
258185004Via nasogastric tube
258190001Approach via vein graft from aorta
260518000Approach via subcutaneous tunnel
260527004Orthograde approach
260536000Via respiratory tract
260538004Transnasal-maxillary approach
260543006Transbronchial approach
260546003Via gastrointestinal tract
260550005Via gastrointestinal tube
260551009Via orogastric tube
260552002Via gastrostomy tube
260555000Transduodenal approach
260557008Transcolonic approach
260559006Via biliary tract
260560001Approach via cholecystostomy
260561002Via bile duct
260562009Via bile duct puncture
260563004Approach via cystic duct stump
260564005Via cystic duct
260565006Via accessory papilla
260566007Via gallbladder
260567003Approach via T-tube track
260570004Transpulmonary artery approach
260571000Horizontal left atrial incision
260572007Vertical left atrial approach
260573002Superior left atrial incision
260574008Transseptal nasal approach
260575009Septal-splitting incision
260577001Transventricular cardiac approach
260580000Transaortic approach
260581001Via aortopulmonary window
260582008Via carotid artery
260583003Via axillary artery
260585005Via brachial artery
260586006Via abdominal aorta
260587002Via renal artery
260589004Via iliac artery
260590008Via femoral artery
260591007Via popliteal artery
260593005Via portal vein
260594004Via splenic vein
260595003Via umbilical vein
260596002Via mesenteric vein
260597006Via cephalic vein
260598001Via subclavian vein
260599009Via internal jugular vein
260600007Via external jugular vein
260601006Via femoral vein
260603009Via urogenital tract
260605002Transcervical approach - uterine
260608000Via orbital floor
260609008Via medial orbital wall
260610003Via lateral orbital wall
260611004Open sky approach
260612006Transvitreal approach
260614007Extended facial recess approach
260617000Intranasal approach
260618005Midfacial degloving approach
260619002Permeatal approach
260621007Retrolabyrinthine approach
260623005Suboccipital approach
260625003Suboccipital-petrosal approach
260628001Transfacial approach
260630004Translabyrinthine-transtentorial approach
260632007Transnasopharyngeal approach
260634008Transpupillary approach
260638006Translabial approach
260640001Supraduodenal approach
261042002Preperitoneal approach
261066008Deltopectoral approach
261068009Dorsovolar approach
261099005I/O - Intraoral
261102005Intravesical approach
261118004Lateral parapatellar approach
261126007Transperitoneal approach to lumbar spine
261127003Medial parapatellar approach
261134001Midline with patella reflected laterally
261135000Midline with patella reflected medially
261163003Posterior cranial fossa - retrosigmoid approach
261164009Posterior cranial fossa-suboccipital transmeatal approach
261166006Transgluteal approach
261176009Retrosigmoid approach
261360005Charnley approach
261434005Chamberlain approach
261435006Infra-inguinal approach
261438008Low approach
261442006Parastomal approach
261444007Thigh approach
261447000Transsigmoid approach
261449002Transluminal approach
261451003Transotic approach
261452005Transpapillary approach - duodenal
261457004Via airway
261458009Via antecubital vein
261459001Via arm vein
261460006Via distal duct
261461005Approach via pancreatic duct incision
261462003Via endobronchial tube
261463008Via endotracheal tube
261467009Via jugular vein
261468004Via middle cranial fossa
261470008Via posterior cranial fossa
261472000Via subclavian artery
261473005Via suction catheter
261474004Via T-tube
261475003Via tracheal tube
261476002Approach via tracheostomy tube
261508000Combined intra and extravesical approach
261761006Deltoid splitting approach
261822007Hardinge approach
261965009Muscle splitting hip approach
262097009Retrograde and orthograde approach
262184005Stracathro approach
262292006Paraspinal approach
264237001Transtracheal approach
264945003Via internal mammary artery
272445006Parapatellar approach
272492005Via main papilla
272495007Approaches via devices
278740008Transileal approach
278742000Transintestinal approach
297211001Transvascular approach
303219001High approach
303578004Subclavicular approach
304114006Spinal approach
304115007Trans-stomal approach
304116008Approach via jejunostomy
304117004Approach via urinary stoma
304141001Hip joint approach
304142008Anterior hip approach
304144009Lateral hip approach
304145005Posterior hip approach
304147002Knee joint approach
304148007Midline knee approach
304150004Shoulder joint approach
304151000Anterior shoulder approach
304152007Lateral shoulder approach
304153002Posterior shoulder approach
304154008Approach to joint
304155009Elbow joint approach
304156005Posterior elbow approach
304157001Posterolateral elbow approach
304158006Lateral elbow approach
304159003Ankle joint approach
304160008Anterior ankle approach
304161007Posterior ankle approach
304162000Medial ankle approach
304163005Lateral ankle approach
304164004Wrist joint approach
304165003Anterior wrist approach
304166002Posterior wrist approach
304167006Anterior spinal approach
304168001Posterolateral spinal approach
304169009Transoral spinal approach
304170005Retroperitoneal spinal approach
304171009Regional spinal approach
304172002Cervical spinal approach
304173007Thoracic spinal approach
304174001Anterior cervical spine approach
304187007Posterior cervical spine approach
304188002Posterior thoracic spinal approach
304201003Posterior lumbar spinal approach
309790006Via canine fossa
309791005Via nasal meatus
309792003Via inferior meatus
309793008Via middle meatus
309799007Posterolateral approach
309800006Via infratemporal fossa
310461002Supraclavicular approach
310463004Transsacral approach
311801003Head and neck approaches
311802005Ocular approaches
311818004Approaches via surgical artifacts
311836004Via cranial bone
311843005Aural approaches
311889003Midline approach
311894003Dorsal approach
311895002Via cranial fossa
311995003Cardiac approach
311998001Extraperitoneal approach
312026008Left atrial approach
312027004Approach via atrium
312208003Via axillary vein
312209006Via long saphenous vein
312431001Transglottic approach
312432008Transcricoid approach
312433003Transuterine approach
360139003Extracapsular approach
360187008Approach via cecostomy
360190002External approach
360192005Internal approach
367323001Inferior temporal route
416139006Cervicothoracic approach
416896004Axillary approach
417219008Infraclavicular approach
417346001Transforaminal approach
417637000Translaminar approach
431184004Periorbital approach
431194009Auditory canal approach
431195005Bicoronal approach
431239005Frontal approach
431240007Transcochlear approach
431311007Coccygeal approach
431317006Coronal approach
431318001Antero-latero-vertical approach
431319009Anterovertical approach
431320003Costovertebral approach
431336001Extratemporal approach
431546000Craniofacial approach
431584006Orbitocranial zygomatic approach
431586008Intracranial approach
431724005Transcondylar approach
431738003Scrotal approach
431739006Lateral extracavitary approach
431758002Sacroperineal approach
431813001Transzygomatic approach
431876000Orbitocranial approach
431877009LeFort I maxillary osteotomy approach
431913000Laterovertical approach
432975003Pelvic approach
433148004Intraperitoneal approach
444850002Via radial artery
449357009Approach via appendicostomy
710787008Subxiphoid approach
715998004Transapical approach
129286001Microsurgery - action
129287005Incision - action
129288000Exploratory incision - action
129291000Drilling - action
129293002Dissection - action
129294008Discission - action
129295009Slitting - action
129296005Bisection - action
129297001Bifurcation - action
129298006Surgical division
129299003Release - action
129301005Scarification - action
129304002Excision - action
129305001Wedge excision - action
129306000Surgical removal - action
129308004Reexcision - action
129309007Amputation - action
129310002Transfixion - action
129311003Evisceration - action
129312005Enucleation - action
129313000Trephine - action
129315007Incision biopsy
129318009Saucerization - action
129319001Curettage - action
129321006Trimming - action
129322004Shaving - action
129323009Scraping - action
129324003Filleting - action
129344009Surgical recession - action
129345005Resection-recession - action
129346006Radial incision - action
129347002Transfer - action
129348007Z-plasty - action
129349004Lengthening procedure
129353002Suspension and fixation - action
129354008Exteriorization - action
129355009Marsupialization - action
129356005Reinforcement - action
129357001Closure - action
129358006Layered closure - action
129360008Oversewing - action
129366002Closure by buckling - action
129368001Cerclage - action
129369009Ligation - action
129371009Fixation - action
129372002Cryopexy - action
129373007Plication - action
129374001Imbrication - action
129377008Reconstruction - action
129379006Fusion - action
129380009Anchoring - action
129381008Enlargement - action
129382001Destruction - action
129383006Avulsion - action
129384000Decortication - action
129385004Stripping - action
129386003Stripping and ligation - action
129387007Abrasion - action
129389005Grinding - action
129390001Coagulation - action
129391002Obliteration - action
129392009Cauterization - action
129393004Cryosurgery - action
129394005Thermocautery - action
129395006Fulguration - action
129396007Electrodesiccation - action
129397003Electrocoagulation - action
129399000Electrodestruction - action
129400007Crushing - action
129401006Fragmentation - action
129402004Emulsification - action
129403009Chemosurgery - action
129404003Chemical cautery
129405002Photocoagulation - action
129416009Surgical extraction - action
129419002Dilatation - action
129421007Dilation and stretching - action
129443004Electrolysis - action
129444005Surgical galvanism - action
245854003Proximal anastomosis
245855002Distal anastomosis
255595002Debulking - action
256644001Darning - action
257730008Chemical destruction
257739009Open adjustment
257742003Direct anastomosis - action
257743008Lecompte maneuver
257744002End-to-end anastomosis - action
257745001Double barrelled end-to-end anastomosis - action
257746000End-to-side anastomosis - action
257747009Roux-en-Y - action
257748004End-to-side anastomosis without tunnel
257749007End-to-side anastomosis with tunnel
257750007Side-to-side anastomosis
257751006Wallace "69" side-to-end anastomosis - action
257780002Mass closure
257781003Interrupted mass closure
257782005Continuous mass closure
257784006Semm thermal coagulation
257785007Wolf thermal coagulation
257808003Ultrasonic dissection
257822003Extracapsular extraction
257824002Intracapsular extraction
257825001Fenestration - action
257846005Ballistic fragmentation
257850003Mechanical fragmentation
257855008Electromagnetic pulse fragmentation
257859002High intensity focused ultrasound
257863009Radioactive destruction
257878002Keeling - action
257890000Peeling - action
257903006Surgical repair
257905004Keel repair
257906003Mayo repair
257907007Patching - action
257911001Repair of recurrence
257937003Soft tissue transfer
257938008Transfer of bone block
257940003Transposition - action
261027000Sequential anastomosis
261391004Resurfacing - action
261398005Alloplastic grafting
261498006Bone-patellar tendon-bone reconstruction
261499003Braided prosthetic ligament reconstruction
261519002Diathermy excision
261526002Electromagnetic fragmentation
261545006Loop diathermy excision
261576000Ultrasound fragmentation - action
262143007Side-to-end anastomosis - action
272381008Microvascular anastomosis - action
277261002Excision biopsy
277851003Conduit anastomosis
277852005Reservoir anastomosis
278312000Reattachment - action
281609006Cryoablation - action
281698007Cryocautery - action
281767003Manual dilatation
281838007Disarticulation - action
282015008Shave biopsy - action
282722008Ultrasound destruction
286553006Plastic operation
286637000Block dissection
287682008Application of caustics
288466002Diathermy incision
289928003Surgical reduction
289930001Enzyme destruction
289936007Shave excision
289938008Microsurgical repair
297179000Microsurgical anastomosis
298053008Devascularization - action
299712004Osteoclasis - action
299713009Osteotomy - action
299893001Interposition anastomosis - action
312336005Opening - action
313029009Brachytherapy - action
360020006Extirpation - action
360021005Bypass - action
360025001Harvesting - action
360028004Surgical biopsy - action
360032005Flap reconstruction - action
360038009Gluing - action
360082000Apposition - action
360084004Septation - action
360087006Indirect anastomosis - action
362939006Dissolution - action
369242005Hyfrecation - action
410756002Surgical decompression - action
410757006Decompressive excision - action
410758001Decompressive incision - action
410759009Decompressive division - action
410769003Elevation reduction - action
410814006Surgical reduction - action
410817004Dilation repair - action
410820007Surgical transplantation - action
424208002Shunt - action
424832003Surgical introduction - action
425362007Surgical insertion - action
425764006Transection - action
426530000Open reduction - action
428010000Open embolization - action
430975009Surgical piercing - action
439054007Surgical cataract aspiration - action
439315000Wedge osteotomy - action
439513008Surgical size reduction - action
441504007Surgical manipulation - action
442837002Excision debridement - action
445103003Fixation by wedging - action
713295009Surgical replacement - action
899991000168109Unroofing - action


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