HL7 FHIR Implementation Guide: minimal Common Oncology Data Elements (mCODE) Release 1 - US Realm | STU Ballot 1

This page is part of the HL7 FHIR Implementation Guide: minimal Common Oncology Data Elements (mCODE) Release 1 - US Realm | STU1 (v0.9.1: STU 1 Ballot 1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. The current version which supersedes this version is 4.0.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions


@prefix fhir: <http://hl7.org/fhir/> .
@prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> .
@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
@prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

# - resource -------------------------------------------------------------------

 a fhir:CodeSystem;
  fhir:nodeRole fhir:treeRoot;
  fhir:Resource.id [ fhir:value "obf-datatype-SettingCS"];
  fhir:DomainResource.text [
     fhir:Narrative.status [ fhir:value "generated" ];
     fhir:Narrative.div "<div xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\">\n<p><b>SettingCS CodeSystem</b></p>\n<p>What type of place is found at a given location. More than one descriptor may be applicable.</p>\n</div>"
  fhir:CodeSystem.url [ fhir:value "http://hl7.org/fhir/us/mcode/CodeSystem/obf-datatype-SettingCS"];
  fhir:CodeSystem.version [ fhir:value "0.9.1"];
  fhir:CodeSystem.name [ fhir:value "SettingCS"];
  fhir:CodeSystem.title [ fhir:value "SettingCS"];
  fhir:CodeSystem.status [ fhir:value "draft"];
  fhir:CodeSystem.date [ fhir:value "2019-08-01T00:00:00-04:00"^^xsd:dateTime];
  fhir:CodeSystem.publisher [ fhir:value "HL7 International Clinical Interoperability Council"];
  fhir:CodeSystem.contact [
     fhir:index 0;
     fhir:ContactDetail.telecom [
       fhir:index 0;
       fhir:ContactPoint.system [ fhir:value "url" ];
       fhir:ContactPoint.value [ fhir:value "http://www.hl7.org/Special/committees/cic" ]     ]
  fhir:CodeSystem.description [ fhir:value "What type of place is found at a given location. More than one descriptor may be applicable."];
  fhir:CodeSystem.caseSensitive [ fhir:value "true"^^xsd:boolean];
  fhir:CodeSystem.content [ fhir:value "complete"];
  fhir:CodeSystem.count [ fhir:value "34"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger];
  fhir:CodeSystem.concept [
     fhir:index 0;
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.code [ fhir:value "work" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.display [ fhir:value "At or during work, in a workplace setting." ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.definition [ fhir:value "At or during work, in a workplace setting." ]
  ], [
     fhir:index 1;
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.code [ fhir:value "home" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.display [ fhir:value "At home" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.definition [ fhir:value "At home" ]
  ], [
     fhir:index 2;
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.code [ fhir:value "residental" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.display [ fhir:value "In a residential setting" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.definition [ fhir:value "In a residential setting" ]
  ], [
     fhir:index 3;
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.code [ fhir:value "school" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.display [ fhir:value "A primary or secondary school" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.definition [ fhir:value "A primary or secondary school" ]
  ], [
     fhir:index 4;
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.code [ fhir:value "vehicle" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.display [ fhir:value "In a parked or moving vehicle" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.definition [ fhir:value "In a parked or moving vehicle" ]
  ], [
     fhir:index 5;
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.code [ fhir:value "office" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.display [ fhir:value "An non-manufacturing, indoor business setting" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.definition [ fhir:value "An non-manufacturing, indoor business setting" ]
  ], [
     fhir:index 6;
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.code [ fhir:value "factory" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.display [ fhir:value "A manufacturing-oriented business setting" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.definition [ fhir:value "A manufacturing-oriented business setting" ]
  ], [
     fhir:index 7;
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.code [ fhir:value "business" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.display [ fhir:value "A place of business" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.definition [ fhir:value "A place of business" ]
  ], [
     fhir:index 8;
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.code [ fhir:value "restaurant" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.display [ fhir:value "A setting where food is served" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.definition [ fhir:value "A setting where food is served" ]
  ], [
     fhir:index 9;
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.code [ fhir:value "food_prep" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.display [ fhir:value "A place where food is prepared" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.definition [ fhir:value "A place where food is prepared" ]
  ], [
     fhir:index 10;
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.code [ fhir:value "worksite" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.display [ fhir:value "Workplace that is primarily outdoors" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.definition [ fhir:value "Workplace that is primarily outdoors" ]
  ], [
     fhir:index 11;
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.code [ fhir:value "manufacturing" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.display [ fhir:value "A setting where manufacturing takes place" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.definition [ fhir:value "A setting where manufacturing takes place" ]
  ], [
     fhir:index 12;
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.code [ fhir:value "owned" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.display [ fhir:value "A building or residence that is owned" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.definition [ fhir:value "A building or residence that is owned" ]
  ], [
     fhir:index 13;
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.code [ fhir:value "rental" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.display [ fhir:value "A building or residence that is rented" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.definition [ fhir:value "A building or residence that is rented" ]
  ], [
     fhir:index 14;
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.code [ fhir:value "dorm" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.display [ fhir:value "Shared (unassisted) living residence, such as a dormitory or fraternity" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.definition [ fhir:value "Shared (unassisted) living residence, such as a dormitory or fraternity" ]
  ], [
     fhir:index 15;
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.code [ fhir:value "foster" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.display [ fhir:value "Foster care group home" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.definition [ fhir:value "Foster care group home" ]
  ], [
     fhir:index 16;
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.code [ fhir:value "assisted" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.display [ fhir:value "Assisted living or independent living facility" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.definition [ fhir:value "Assisted living or independent living facility" ]
  ], [
     fhir:index 17;
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.code [ fhir:value "snf" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.display [ fhir:value "Skilled nursing facility or other Long-Term Care" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.definition [ fhir:value "Skilled nursing facility or other Long-Term Care" ]
  ], [
     fhir:index 18;
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.code [ fhir:value "shelter" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.display [ fhir:value "Homeless or other type of shelter" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.definition [ fhir:value "Homeless or other type of shelter" ]
  ], [
     fhir:index 19;
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.code [ fhir:value "hotel" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.display [ fhir:value "Hotel or motel" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.definition [ fhir:value "Hotel or motel" ]
  ], [
     fhir:index 20;
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.code [ fhir:value "psh" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.display [ fhir:value "Permanent supportive housing for formerly homeless persons (such as SHP, S+C, or SRO Mod Rehab)" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.definition [ fhir:value "Permanent supportive housing for formerly homeless persons (such as SHP, S+C, or SRO Mod Rehab)" ]
  ], [
     fhir:index 21;
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.code [ fhir:value "psych" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.display [ fhir:value "Psychiatric hospital or other psychiatric facility" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.definition [ fhir:value "Psychiatric hospital or other psychiatric facility" ]
  ], [
     fhir:index 22;
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.code [ fhir:value "detox" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.display [ fhir:value "Substance abuse treatment facility or detox center" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.definition [ fhir:value "Substance abuse treatment facility or detox center" ]
  ], [
     fhir:index 23;
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.code [ fhir:value "prison" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.display [ fhir:value "Individual resides in a correctional facility, state hospital, jail, prison, youth authority facility, juvenile hall, boot camp or Boys Ranch." ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.definition [ fhir:value "Individual resides in a correctional facility, state hospital, jail, prison, youth authority facility, juvenile hall, boot camp or Boys Ranch." ]
  ], [
     fhir:index 24;
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.code [ fhir:value "transition" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.display [ fhir:value "Transitional housing, residential provier program, or any type of halfway house" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.definition [ fhir:value "Transitional housing, residential provier program, or any type of halfway house" ]
  ], [
     fhir:index 25;
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.code [ fhir:value "squat" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.display [ fhir:value "A homeless camp, abandoned building, shantytown, bus/train/subway station/airport, or squatter area" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.definition [ fhir:value "A homeless camp, abandoned building, shantytown, bus/train/subway station/airport, or squatter area" ]
  ], [
     fhir:index 26;
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.code [ fhir:value "outdoors" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.display [ fhir:value "Outside of any shelter, e.g., on a street" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.definition [ fhir:value "Outside of any shelter, e.g., on a street" ]
  ], [
     fhir:index 27;
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.code [ fhir:value "agricultural" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.display [ fhir:value "Agricultural setting" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.definition [ fhir:value "Agricultural setting" ]
  ], [
     fhir:index 28;
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.code [ fhir:value "farm" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.display [ fhir:value "A farm with livestock" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.definition [ fhir:value "A farm with livestock" ]
  ], [
     fhir:index 29;
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.code [ fhir:value "battlefield" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.display [ fhir:value "On a battlefield" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.definition [ fhir:value "On a battlefield" ]
  ], [
     fhir:index 30;
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.code [ fhir:value "deployed" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.display [ fhir:value "Deployed to a military camp or area" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.definition [ fhir:value "Deployed to a military camp or area" ]
  ], [
     fhir:index 31;
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.code [ fhir:value "ship" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.display [ fhir:value "On a boat" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.definition [ fhir:value "On a boat" ]
  ], [
     fhir:index 32;
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.code [ fhir:value "airplane" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.display [ fhir:value "On an airplane" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.definition [ fhir:value "On an airplane" ]
  ], [
     fhir:index 33;
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.code [ fhir:value "submarine" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.display [ fhir:value "Aboard a submarine" ];
     fhir:CodeSystem.concept.definition [ fhir:value "Aboard a submarine" ]

# - ontology header ------------------------------------------------------------

 a owl:Ontology;
  owl:imports fhir:fhir.ttl.