This page is part of the MCC eCare Plan Implementation Guide (v1.0.0-ballot: STU 1 Ballot 1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. The current version which supersedes this version is 1.0.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions
Resource CareTeam "MCCCareTeamexample" Version "2" Updated "2022-04-21 17:30:10+0000"
Information Source: #fOlntPRC97ZmQthM!
Profile: US Core CareTeam Profile
status: active
name: US-Core MCC example CareTeam
subject: Patient/cc-pat-pnoelle: Amy V. Shaw " NOELLE"
role: Nephrologist (SNOMED CT#11911009)
member: Practitioner/practitionerMCC-1: Henry Levin VII, MD " LEVIN"
role: Nurse Practitioner (SNOMED CT#224571005)
member: Practitioner/practitionerMCC-2: Nancy Nurse, RN NP " NURSE"
role: Primary care provider (SNOMED CT#453231000124104)
member: Practitioner/practitionerMCC-3: Peter Primary, MD " PRIMARY"
role: Patient (person) (SNOMED CT#116154003)
member: Patient/cc-pat-pnoelle: Patricia Noelle " NOELLE"