This page is part of the electronic Case Reporting (eCR) (v2.1.0: STU 2) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. The current version which supersedes this version is 2.1.1. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions
Generated Narrative: Composition
Resource Composition "composition-eicr-zika" Version "22" Updated "2021-08-17 03:24:45+0000"
Information Source: #vMaRLlyzDNjGkVuc!
versionNumber: 1
identifier: id: c03eab8c-11e8-4d0c-ad2a-b385395e27db
status: FINAL
type: Public Health Case Report (LOINC#55751-2)
encounter: Encounter/encounter-eicr-eve-everywoman-outpatient: Ambulatory Office Visit
date: 2018-01-02 10:13:23+0000
author: PractitionerRole/practitionerrole-henry-seven: Henry Seven, MD
title: Initial Public Health Case Report - Zika Example
custodian: Organization/organization-ecr-salem-medical-center: Salem Medical Center "Salem Medical Center"
title |
Reason for Visit Section
code |
Reason for Visit: Bad cough |
title |
Chief complaint Narrative - Reported
code |
Chief Complaint: Bad cough |
title |
History of Present Illness Section
code |
Persistent Cough REPORTED starting on 2018/03/05 Whooping Respiration not reported Paroxysms Of Coughing REPORTED starting on 2018/03/06 Post-tussive vomiting not reported |
title |
Problems Section
code |
entry |
Common cold (disorder)
title |
Medications Administered Section
code |
entry |
Azithromycin 500 MG Oral Tablet
title |
Admission Medications Section
code |
entry | naloxone HCl 0.4 MG in 1 ML Injection |
title |
Medications Section
code |
entry | Azithromycin 500 MG Oral Tablet |
title |
Results Section
code |
entry |
Lymphocytes [#/volume] in Blood by Automated count - Interpretation: High
title |
Plan of Treatment Section
code |
entry |
title |
Immunizations Section
code |
entry | pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine |
entry | Vaccine Credential Patient Assertion Observation Example |
title |
Procedures Section
code |
entry | Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (procedure) |
title |
Vital Signs Section
code |
entry | Blood pressure systolic and diastolic |
title |
Social History Section
code |
entry |
eICR Travel History: Eve Everywoman 2018-01
title |
Pregnancy Section
code |
entry |
eICR Pregnancy Status Example
title |
Emergency Outbreak Information Section
code |
entry | US Public Health Emergency Outbreak Information Example |
title |
Past Medical History Section
code |
Past medical history |
title |
Review of Systems Section
code |
Review of systems |
2. (MedicationAdministration/medicationadministration-eve-everywoman-azithromycin)
Generated Narrative: MedicationAdministration
Resource MedicationAdministration "medicationadministration-eve-everywoman-azithromycin" Version "6" Updated "2021-08-17 07:53:28+0000"
Information Source: #O8n4DNqcDuNHPfTJ!
subject: Patient/patient-ecr-eve-everywoman: Eve Everywoman ""
- Text Route Method Dose * Two tablets at once Oral route (SNOMED CT#26643006) Swallow - dosing instruction imperative (qualifier value) (SNOMED CT#421521009) 2 TAB (Details: code TAB = 'Tablet')
3. (Procedure/us-ph-procedure-ecmo)
Generated Narrative: Procedure
Resource Procedure "us-ph-procedure-ecmo" Version "5" Updated "2021-06-28 08:12:56+0000"
Information Source: #A9FdbPgUT95j7Itd!
Profile: eICR Procedure
identifier: id: urn:uuid:b2a737f2-2fdb-49c1-b097-dac173d07afd
code: Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (procedure) (SNOMED CT#233573008)
subject: Patient/patient-ecr-eve-everywoman ""
- Manipulated * Device/device-ecmo
4. (MedicationAdministration/medicationadministration-eve-everywoman-naloxone-response)
Generated Narrative: MedicationAdministration
Resource MedicationAdministration "medicationadministration-eve-everywoman-naloxone-response" Version "5" Updated "2021-08-17 07:53:28+0000"
Information Source: #5sOf7BOr595JpyG7!
US Public Health Therapeutic Medication Response Extension: Patient's condition improved (finding) (SNOMED CT#268910001)
subject: Patient/patient-ecr-eve-everywoman: Eve Everywoman ""
- Route Method Dose * Gluteus maximus muscle (SNOMED CT#206007) Inject - dosing instruction imperative (qualifier value) (SNOMED CT#422145002) 1 mL (Details: UCUM code mL = 'mL')
5. (ServiceRequest/servicerequest-eicr-zika)
Generated Narrative: ServiceRequest
Resource ServiceRequest "servicerequest-eicr-zika" Version "5" Updated "2021-08-17 08:02:21+0000"
Information Source: #w4zRDqhjQ9EZHgCs!
Profile: eICR ServiceRequest
identifier: id: 061ef612-344f-4e7b-81a8-1059ae7bbe19
intent: ORDER
category: Diagnostics Procedure (SNOMED CT#103693007 "Diagnostic procedure (procedure)")
code: Zika RT-PCR (LOINC#80825-3 "Zika virus envelope E gene [Presence] in Serum by NAA with probe detection")
subject: Patient/patient-ecr-eve-everywoman: Eve Everywoman ""
performer: Organization/organization-ecr-acme-laboratory: Acme Labs "Acme_Labs"
6. (Condition/condition-eicr-eve-everywoman-common-cold)
Generated Narrative: Condition
Resource Condition "condition-eicr-eve-everywoman-common-cold" Version "6" Updated "2021-07-15 01:54:14+0000"
Information Source: #4g0ZpTNqldHFYLzr!
Profile: US Public Health Condition
category: Problem List Item (Condition Category Codes#problem-list-item)
code: Common cold (disorder) (SNOMED CT#82272006)
subject: Patient/patient-ecr-eve-everywoman: Eve Everywoman ""
onset: 2017-09-23
7. (Encounter/encounter-eicr-eve-everywoman-outpatient)
Not done yet
8. (Observation/observation-pregnancy-status-eve-everywoman)
Generated Narrative: Observation
Resource Observation "observation-pregnancy-status-eve-everywoman" Version "8" Updated "2021-08-17 07:59:00+0000"
Information Source: #bBlVx7OsNPsZVCbu!
US Public Health Date Recorded Extension: 2017-10-01
US Public Health Date Determined Extension: 2017-10-01
status: FINAL
code: Pregnancy status (LOINC#82810-3)
subject: Patient/patient-ecr-eve-everywoman: Eve Everywoman ""
effective: 2017-08-26 --> (ongoing)
value: Pregnancy (finding) (SNOMED CT#77386006)
method: Diagnostic ultrasonography (procedure) (SNOMED CT#16310003)
US Public Health Date Determined Extension: 2017-10-01
code: Gestational age Estimated from patient reported estimated date of conception (LOINC#53691-2)
value: 143 d
US Public Health Date Determined Extension: 2017-10-01
code: Delivery date Estimated from date fundal height reaches umb (LOINC#57064-8)
value: 2018-05-01
9. (Observation/observation-vaccine-credential-assertion-eve-everywoman)
Generated Narrative: Observation
Resource Observation "observation-vaccine-credential-assertion-eve-everywoman" Version "2" Updated "2021-08-13 04:25:18+0000"
Information Source: #12yO2DqhRxbXmEOy!
status: FINAL
code: Immunization status - Reported (LOINC#11370-4)
subject: Patient/patient-ecr-eve-everywoman: Eve Everywoman ""
effective: 2020-11-10 10:33:22+0000
value: Yes (expandedYes-NoIndicator#Y)
10. (Observation/observation-us-ph-emergency-outbreak-info-eve-everywoman)
Generated Narrative: Observation
Resource Observation "observation-us-ph-emergency-outbreak-info-eve-everywoman" Version "4" Updated "2021-07-15 01:22:52+0000"
Information Source: #oAXhG2HyvbL70uEB!
status: FINAL
code: Employee desk distance from mail sorter ()
subject: Patient/patient-ecr-eve-everywoman: Eve Everywoman ""
effective: 2020-11-18 10:33:22+0000
value: 2 m
11. (Observation/observation-country-of-nationality-eve-everywoman)
Generated Narrative: Observation
Resource Observation "observation-country-of-nationality-eve-everywoman" Version "1" Updated "2021-08-19 09:30:49+0000"
Information Source: #ABFWLRjmURVC23y1!
Profile: eICR Country of Nationality
status: FINAL
code: Ethnicity / related nationality data (observable entity) (SNOMED CT#186034007)
subject: Patient/patient-ecr-eve-everywoman: Eve Everywoman ""
effective: 2020-11-10 10:33:22+0000
value: Australia (unknown#AU)
12. (Patient/patient-ecr-eve-everywoman)
Identifier 1032702 Address 5101 Peachtree St NE
Atlanta GA USDate of birth 24 November 1974
13. (Immunization/immunization-ecr-pneumo)
Generated Narrative: Immunization
Resource Immunization "immunization-ecr-pneumo" Version "8" Updated "2021-08-17 07:51:35+0000"
Information Source: #EdjaILZHXKHi4bdN!
Profile: US Core Immunization Profile
vaccineCode: pneumococcal polysaccharide PPV23 (PH_VaccinesAdministeredCVX_CDC_NIP#33)
patient: Patient/patient-ecr-eve-everywoman: Eve Everywoman ""
occurrence: 2018-09-01
primarySource: true
14. (Observation/observation-country-of-residence-eve-everywoman)
Generated Narrative: Observation
Resource Observation "observation-country-of-residence-eve-everywoman" Version "1" Updated "2021-08-13 12:20:14+0000"
Information Source: #HDoLJzr0kfWKFp3F!
Profile: eICR Country of Residence
status: FINAL
code: Country of usual residence (LOINC#77983-5)
subject: Patient/patient-ecr-eve-everywoman: Eve Everywoman ""
effective: 2020-11-10 10:33:22+0000
value: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (unknown#GB)
15. (PractitionerRole/practitionerrole-henry-seven)
Generated Narrative: PractitionerRole
Resource PractitionerRole "practitionerrole-henry-seven" Version "11" Updated "2021-08-17 08:00:32+0000"
Information Source: #KJ942UxvfdYWoHCF!
Profile: US Public Health PractitionerRole
identifier: id: 9941339108
practitioner: Practitioner/practitioner-us-core-henry-seven: Henry Seven, MD " HENRY"
organization: Organization/organization-ecr-salem-medical-center: Salem Medical Center "Salem Medical Center"
code: Primary Care Clinic/Center (provider-taxonomy#261QP2300X)
specialty: Family practice (SNOMED CT#419772000)
location: Location/location-ecr-salem-medical-center: Salem Medical Center "Clinic Bldg A, Salem Medical Center"
16. (Observation/observation-blood-pressure-eve-everywoman)
Generated Narrative: Observation
Resource Observation "observation-blood-pressure-eve-everywoman" Version "2" Updated "2021-07-19 08:19:31+0000"
Information Source: #2PjceWUbU0gCYVZA!
Profile: US Core Blood Pressure Profile
status: FINAL
category: Vital Signs (Observation Category Codes#vital-signs)
code: Blood pressure systolic and diastolic (LOINC#85354-9 "Blood pressure panel with all children optional")
subject: Patient/patient-ecr-eve-everywoman: Eve Everywoman ""
encounter: : GP Visit
effective: 2020-07-02
code: Systolic blood pressure (LOINC#8480-6)
value: 109 mmHg (Details: UCUM code mm[Hg] = 'mm[Hg]')
code: Diastolic blood pressure (LOINC#8462-4)
value: 44 mmHg (Details: UCUM code mm[Hg] = 'mm[Hg]')
17. (Observation/observation-us-ph-exposure-contact-info-football-game)
Generated Narrative: Observation
Resource Observation "observation-us-ph-exposure-contact-info-football-game" Version "4" Updated "2020-12-01 07:17:32+0000"
Information Source: #pMvWUdCWz4XOnrDf!
status: FINAL
category: An interaction between entities that provides opportunity for transmission of a physical, chemical, or biological agent from an exposure source entity to an exposure target entity. (ActClass#EXPOS "exposure")
code: Mass gathering (football game) (Unified Medical Language System#C3841750 "Mass gathering")
subject: Patient/patient-ecr-eve-everywoman: Eve Everywoman ""
focus: Location/location-ecr-city-football-stadium: City Football Stadium "City Football Stadium"
effective: 2020-01-11 06:00:00+0000 --> 2020-01-11 09:30:00+0000
value: City Football Stadium (SNOMED CT#264379009 "Sports stadium (environment)")
18. (Observation/observation-travel-history-eve-everywoman-201801)
Generated Narrative: Observation
Resource Observation "observation-travel-history-eve-everywoman-201801" Version "9" Updated "2021-08-17 07:59:01+0000"
Information Source: #d6PrWfFFuxUIiLtX!
Profile: US Public Health Travel History
status: FINAL
code: Travel History (SNOMED CT#420008001 "Travel")
subject: Patient/patient-ecr-eve-everywoman: Eve Everywoman ""
effective: 2018-01-15 --> 2018-01-30
code: Location (ParticipationType#LOC)
value: Fiji (unknown#FJI)
code: Location (ParticipationType#LOC)
value: Vanuatu (unknown#VUT)
code: Type of activity (attribute) (SNOMED CT#280147009)
value: Active duty military (occupation) (SNOMED CT#702348006)
19. (Observation/observation-disability-status-eve-everywoman)
Generated Narrative: Observation
Resource Observation "observation-disability-status-eve-everywoman" Version "2" Updated "2021-06-30 05:33:12+0000"
Information Source: #AVCvf6gXu6hyNuWr!
Profile: US Public Health Disability Status
status: FINAL
code: Are you deaf, or do you have serious difficulty hearing? (LOINC#69856-3)
subject: Patient/patient-ecr-eve-everywoman: Eve Everywoman ""
effective: 2020-11-10 10:33:22+0000
value: true
20. (Observation/observation-us-ph-lab-result-eve-everywoman-lymphocytes)
Generated Narrative: Observation
Resource Observation "observation-us-ph-lab-result-eve-everywoman-lymphocytes"
Profile: US Public Health Laboratory Result Observation Profile
status: FINAL
category: Laboratory (Observation Category Codes#laboratory)
code: Lymphocytes [#/volume] in Blood by Automated count (LOINC#731-0)
subject: Patient/patient-ecr-eve-everywoman: Eve Everywoman ""
effective: 2018-03-07
value: 5.2 10*3/uL (Details: UCUM code 10*3/uL = '10*3/uL')
interpretation: High (ObservationInterpretation#H)
- Low High * 1 10*3/uL (Details: UCUM code 10*3/uL = '10*3/uL') 4.8 10*3/uL (Details: UCUM code 10*3/uL = '10*3/uL')
21. (Organization/organization-ecr-acme-laboratory)
Generated Narrative: Organization
Resource Organization "organization-ecr-acme-laboratory" Version "4" Updated "2021-06-30 04:13:19+0000"
Information Source: #xp7CXcY2lPaNsDQL!
Profile: US Public Health Organization
identifier: id: 1144221999
active: true
type: outpatient laboratory (RoleCode#OUTLAB)
name: Acme_Labs
telecom: +1-555-555-4444,
address: 7777 Laboratory Drive Ann Arbor MI 99999
22. (Location/location-ecr-salem-medical-center)
Generated Narrative: Location
Resource Location "location-ecr-salem-medical-center" Version "6" Updated "2021-08-17 07:53:02+0000"
Information Source: #VI2Nm5Ps5HqZ5HXV!
Profile: US Public Health Location
identifier: id: 1144221995
status: ACTIVE
name: Clinic Bldg A, Salem Medical Center
type: Hospital (RoleCode#HOSP)
telecom: ph: (+1) (555)555-3001, fax: (+1) (555)555-3002,
address: Clinic Bldg A 4444 Healthcare Drive Ann Arbor MI 99999
managingOrganization: Organization/organization-ecr-salem-medical-center "Salem Medical Center"
23. (Location/location-ecr-city-football-stadium)
Generated Narrative: Location
Resource Location "location-ecr-city-football-stadium" Version "1" Updated "2020-12-01 01:55:32+0000"
Information Source: #KLUFk4w6CXKqrFEC!
Profile: US Core Location Profile
status: ACTIVE
name: City Football Stadium
type: City Football Stadium (SNOMED CT#264379009 "Sports stadium (environment)")
address: 99 Football Stadium Road My City AZ 8562
24. (Organization/organization-ecr-salem-medical-center)
Generated Narrative: Organization
Resource Organization "organization-ecr-salem-medical-center" Version "5" Updated "2021-06-30 04:13:19+0000"
Information Source: #xa4yJZjn68xVavoM!
Profile: US Public Health Organization
identifier: id: 55555555
active: true
name: Salem Medical Center
telecom: +1-555-555-1111,
address: 22222 Health Authority Drive Ann Arbor MI 99999
25. (Condition/condition-eicr-eve-everywoman-zika)
Generated Narrative: Condition
Resource Condition "condition-eicr-eve-everywoman-zika" Version "5" Updated "2021-07-15 01:54:14+0000"
Information Source: #rM2Pw6getjoE2UTV!
category: Encounter Diagnosis (Condition Category Codes#encounter-diagnosis)
code: Zika virus disease (disorder) (SNOMED CT#3928002)
subject: Patient/patient-ecr-eve-everywoman: Eve Everywoman ""
onset: 2017-08-23
26. (Practitioner/practitioner-us-core-henry-seven)
Generated Narrative: Practitioner
Resource Practitioner "practitioner-us-core-henry-seven" Version "5" Updated "2021-08-17 08:00:32+0000"
Information Source: #2MfA6kIjmOmtAlIb!
Profile: US Core Practitioner Profile
identifier: id: 9941339108
name: Seven Henry
address: BMass Doctors 2100 North Ave Burlington MA 02368 US