This page is part of the National Healthcare Query (v1.0.0-ballot: STU 1 Ballot 1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. No current official version has been published yet. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions
This page provides a list of the FHIR artifacts defined as part of this implementation guide.
The following artifacts define the specific capabilities that different types of systems are expected to have in order to comply with this implementation guide. Systems conforming to this implementation guide are expected to declare conformance to one or more of the following capability statements.
directory-query-basic-endpoint |
Capabilities for a basic Query Server for Health Services where Endpoint search capabilities are met |
directory-query-basic-expanded |
Capabilities for a Basic Federated Query Server for where expanded search capabilities are met |
directory-query-health-or-human-services-endpoint |
Capabilities for a Federated Query Server for Health or Human Services where endpoint search capabilities are met |
directory-query-health-or-human-services-expanded |
Capabilities for a Federated Query Server for Health or Human Services where expanded search capabilities are met |
directory-query-human-services-endpoint |
Capabilities for a Federated Query Server for Health Services where endpoint search capabilities are met |
directory-query-human-services-expanded |
Capabilities for a Federated Query Server for Health Services where expanded search capabilities are met |
directory-query-provider-endpoint |
Capabilities for a Federated Query Server for a Provider where endpoint search capabilities are met |
directory-query-provider-expanded |
Capabilities for a Federated Query Server for a Provider where minimum search capabilities are met |
These define the properties by which a RESTful server can be searched. They can also be used for sorting and including related resources.
Search by Connection Type in Endpoints |
Accesses the connection type of an Endpoint |
Search by Indentifer in Endpoints |
Accesses the identifier of an Endpoint |
Search by mime-type in Endpoints |
Accesses the mime-type of an Endpoint |
Search by organization in Endpoints |
Accesses the organization of an Endpoint |
Search by payload-type in Endpoints |
Accesses the payload-type of an Endpoint |
Search by status in Endpoints |
Accesses the status of an Endpoint |
Search by usecase-standard in Endpoints |
Accesses the usecase-standard of an Endpoint |
Search by usecase-type in Endpoints |
Accesses the usecase-type of an Endpoint |
Search by coverage-area in HealthcareService with multipleOr |
This SearchParameter enables query of HealthcareService by |
Search by endpoint in HealthcareService with multipleOr |
This SearchParameter enables query of HealthcareService by |
Search by location in HealthcareService with multipleOr |
This SearchParameter enables query of HealthcareService by |
Search by name in HealthcareService with multipleOr |
This SearchParameter enables query of HealthcareService by |
Search by organization in HealthcareService with multipleOr |
This SearchParameter enables query of HealthcareService by |
Search by service-category in HealthcareService with multipleOr |
This SearchParameter enables query of HealthcareService by |
Search by service-type in HealthcareService with multipleOr |
This SearchParameter enables query of HealthcareService by |
Search by specialty in HealthcareService with multipleOr |
This SearchParameter enables query of HealthcareService by |
Search by administrated-by in InsurancePlan with multipleOr |
This SearchParameter enables query of InsurancePlan by |
Search by coverage-area in InsurancePlan with multipleOr |
This SearchParameter enables query of InsurancePlan by |
Search by coverage-benefit-type in InsurancePlan with multipleOr |
This SearchParameter enables query of InsurancePlan by |
Search by coverage-network in InsurancePlan with multipleOr |
This SearchParameter enables query of InsurancePlan by |
Search by identifier in InsurancePlan with multipleOr |
This SearchParameter enables query of InsurancePlan by |
Search by name in InsurancePlan with multipleOr |
This SearchParameter enables query of InsurancePlan by |
Search by owned-by in InsurancePlan with multipleOr |
This SearchParameter enables query of InsurancePlan by |
Search by type in InsurancePlan with multipleOr |
This SearchParameter enables query of InsurancePlan by |
Search by address in Location with multipleOr |
This SearchParameter enables query of Location by |
Search by endpoint in Location with multipleOr |
This SearchParameter enables query of Location by |
Search by organization in Location with multipleOr |
This SearchParameter enables query of Location by |
Search by partOf in Location with multipleOr |
This SearchParameter enables query of Location by |
Search by physicalType in Location with multipleOr |
This SearchParameter enables query of Location by |
Search by type in Location with multipleOr |
This SearchParameter enables query of Location by |
Search by coverage-area in Network with multipleOr |
This SearchParameter enables query of Network by |
Search by name in Network with multipleOr |
This SearchParameter enables query of Network by |
Search by address in Organization with multipleOr |
This SearchParameter enables query of Organization by |
Search by endpoint in Organization with multipleOr |
This SearchParameter enables query of Organization by |
Search by identifier in Organization with multipleOr |
This SearchParameter enables query of Organization by |
Search by name in Organization with multipleOr |
This SearchParameter enables query of Organization by |
Search by partOf in Organization with multipleOr |
This SearchParameter enables query of Organization by |
Search by type in Organization with multipleOr |
This SearchParameter enables query of Organization by |
Search by endpoint in OrganizationAffiliation with multipleOr |
This SearchParameter enables query of Organization by |
Search by location in OrganizationAffiliation with multipleOr |
This SearchParameter enables query of Organization by |
Search by network in OrganizationAffiliation with multipleOr |
This SearchParameter enables query of Organization by |
Search by participating-organization in OrganizationAffiliation with multipleOr |
This SearchParameter enables query of Organization by |
Search by primary-organization in OrganizationAffiliation with multipleOr |
This SearchParameter enables query of Organization by |
Search by role in OrganizationAffiliation with multipleOr |
This SearchParameter enables query of Organization by |
Search by service in OrganizationAffiliation with multipleOr |
This SearchParameter enables query of Organization by |
Search by specialty in OrganizationAffiliation with multipleOr |
This SearchParameter enables query of Organization by |
Search by attestation-who in VerificationResult with multipleOr |
This SearchParameter enables query of VerificationResult by |
Search by primarysource-who in VerificationResult with multipleOr |
This SearchParameter enables query of VerificationResult by |
Search by target in InsurancePlan with multipleOr |
This SearchParameter enables query of VerificationResult by |
Search by category in CareTeam with multipleOr |
This SearchParameter enables query of Careteams by |
Search by endpoint in CareTeam with multipleOr |
This SearchParameter enables query of Careteams by |
Search by location in CareTeam with multipleOr |
This SearchParameter enables query of Careteams by |
Search by name in CareTeam with multipleOr |
This SearchParameter enables query of Careteams by |
Search by organization in CareTeam with multipleOr |
This SearchParameter enables query of Careteams by |
Search by service in CareTeam with multipleOr |
This SearchParameter enables query of Careteams by |
Search by family name in practitioner with multipleOr |
This SearchParameter enables query of practitioner by |
Search by given name in practitioner with multipleOr |
This SearchParameter enables query of practitioner by |
Search by identifier in practitioner with multipleOr |
This SearchParameter enables query of practitioner by |
Search by identifier-assigner in practitioner with multipleOr |
This SearchParameter enables query of practitioner by |
Search by name in practitioner with multipleOr |
This SearchParameter enables query of practitioner by |
Search by qualification-code in practitioner with multipleOr |
This SearchParameter enables query of practitioner by |
Search by qualification-issuer in practitioner with multipleOr |
This SearchParameter enables query of practitioner by |
Search by endpoint in practitionerRole with multipleOr |
This SearchParameter enables query of practitionerRole by |
Search by location in practitionerRole with multipleOr |
This SearchParameter enables query of practitionerRole by |
Search by network in practitionerRole with multipleOr |
This SearchParameter enables query of practitionerRole by |
Search by organization in practitionerRole with multipleOr |
This SearchParameter enables query of practitionerRole by |
Search by practitioner in practitionerRole with multipleOr |
This SearchParameter enables query of practitionerRole by |
Search by role in practitionerRole with multipleOr |
This SearchParameter enables query of practitionerRole by |
Search by service in practitionerRole with multipleOr |
This SearchParameter enables query of practitionerRole by |
Search by specialty in practitionerRole with multipleOr |
This SearchParameter enables query of practitionerRole by |
These define constraints on FHIR resources for systems conforming to this implementation guide
National Directory Endpoint Qry Care Team |
Defines the basic constraints and extensions on the CareTeam resource for use in a Validated Healthcare Directory |
National Directory Endpoint Qry Exchange Endpoint |
The technical details of an endpoint that can be used for electronic services, such as a portal or FHIR REST services, messaging or operations, or DIRECT messaging. |
National Directory Endpoint Qry Exchange HealthcareService |
The HealthCareService resource typically describes services offered by an organization/practitioner at a location. The resource may be used to encompass a variety of services covering the entire healthcare spectrum, including promotion, prevention, diagnostics, pharmacy, hospital and ambulatory care, home care, long-term care, and other health-related and community services. |
National Directory Endpoint Qry Exchange InsurancePlan |
An InsurancePlan is a discrete package of health insurance coverage benefits that are offered under a particular network type. A given payer’s products typically differ by network type and/or covered benefits. A plan pairs a product’s covered benefits with the particular cost sharing structure offered to a consumer. A given product may comprise multiple plans (i.e. each plan offers different cost sharing requirements for the same set of covered benefits). InsurancePlan describes a health insurance offering comprised of a list of covered benefits (i.e. the product), costs associated with those benefits (i.e. the plan), and additional information about the offering, such as who it is owned and administered by, a coverage area, contact information, etc. |
National Directory Endpoint Qry Exchange Location |
A Location is the physical place where healthcare services are provided, practitioners are employed, organizations are based, etc. Locations can range in scope from a room in a building to a geographic region/area. |
National Directory Endpoint Qry Exchange Network |
A Network refers to a healthcare provider insurance network. A healthcare provider insurance network is an aggregation of organizations and individuals that deliver a set of services across a geography through health insurance products/plans. A network is typically owned by a payer. In the NatlDir IG, individuals and organizations are represented as participants in a National Directory Exchange Network through the practitionerRole and National Directory Exchange-organizationAffiliation resources, respectively. |
National Directory Endpoint Qry Exchange Organization |
An organization is a formal or informal grouping of people or organizations with a common purpose, such as a company, institution, corporation, community group, or healthcare practice. Guidance: When the contact is a department name, rather than a human (e.g., patient help line), include a blank family and given name, and provide the department name in |
National Directory Endpoint Qry Exchange OrganizationAffiliation |
The OrganizationAffiliation resource describes relationships between two or more organizations, including the services one organization provides another, the location(s) where they provide services, the availability of those services, electronic endpoints, and other relevant information. |
National Directory Endpoint Qry Exchange Practitioner |
Practitioner is a person who is directly or indirectly involved in the provisioning of healthcare. |
National Directory Endpoint Qry Exchange PractitionerRole |
PractionerRole describes details about a provider, which can be a practitioner or an organization. When the provider is a practitioner, there may be a relationship to an organization. A provider renders services to patients at a location. When the provider is a practitioner, there may also be a relationship to an organization. Practitioner participation in healthcare provider insurance networks may be direct or through their role at an organization. |
National Directory Endpoint Qry Exchange Verification |
Describes Verification requirements, source(s), status and dates for one or more elements |
National Directory Endpoint Qry Exchange Restriction |
Restriction on use/release of exchanged information |
These define constraints on FHIR data types for systems conforming to this implementation guide
Accessibility |
An extension to describe accessibility options offered by a practitioner or at a location. |
Associated Servers |
Associated Servers |
NatlDirEndpointQry Careteam Alias |
Alternate names by which the team is known |
Communication Proficiency |
An extension to express a practitioner’s spoken proficiency with the language indicated in practitioner.communication. |
Contactpoint Availabletime |
An extension representing the days and times a contact point is available |
Delivery Method |
An extension describing the service delivery method. If service delivery is virtual, one or more delivery modalities should be specified. |
Dynamic Registration |
Dynamic Registration |
NatlDirEndpointQry Practitioner Endpoint Reference |
The technical details of an endpoint that can be used for electronic services |
Endpoint Type |
Type of Endpoint |
Endpoint Usecase |
EndpointUseCase is an enumeration of the specific use cases (service descriptions) supported by the endpoint |
Funding Source |
The sources of funding for a service or organization |
NatlDirEndpointQry Healthcareservice Reference |
Reference to healthcareservice resource |
IGs Supported |
IGs Supported document the different types of IGs supported by the Endpoint. |
NatlDirEndpointQry Identifier Status |
Describes the status of an identifier |
Location Reference |
A reference to a Location resource (NatlDir-Location) defining the coverage area of a health insurance provider network |
Network Reference |
A reference to the healthcare provider insurance networks (NatlDirEndpointQry-Network) the practitioner participates in through their role |
New Patients |
New Patients indicates whether new patients are being accepted in general, or from a specific network. |
Org Description |
An extension to provide a human-readable description of an organization. |
Payment Accepted |
Methods of payment that can be used for a healthcare service. |
Practitioner Qualification |
An extension to add status and whereValid elements to a practitioner’s qualifications. |
Rating |
Rating |
Required Document |
Documents that are required in order to access or use services (eg. Gov’t issued ID, passport) |
Secure Endpoint |
Is the Endpoint Secured |
Secure Exchange Artifacts |
Secure Exchange Artifacts |
Trust Framework |
Trust Framework |
NatlDir Usage Restriction |
The FHIR specification contains a security meta tag which can be used to inform systems of the sensitivity of resources, as well as by access control mechanisms to ensure content isn’t exposed that shouldn’t be. This mechanism only goes to the resource level, this reference to a usage-restriction (consent) extends this further into the resource, and can be applied to any element, and may apply to all properties beneath the element (e.g. If applied to an identifier on a practitioner, then all the properties of the identifier should not be exposed unless it is understood) This will be expected to be used as a modifier extension. |
Via Intermediary |
A reference to an alternative point of contact (NatlDirEndpointQry-PractitionerRole, NatlDirEndpointQry-Organization, NatlDirEndpointQry-OrganizationAffiliation, or NatlDirEndpointQry-Location) for this organization |
These define sets of codes used by systems conforming to this implementation guide
Accepting Patients Codes Value Set |
Codes to identify if the practice is accepting new patients |
Accessibility Value Set |
Codes for documenting general categories of accommodations available. |
National Directory Consent Value Set |
Codes for use in defining access levels for sharing subsets of constrained content (as an example). |
Delivery Methods Value Set |
Codes for documenting delivery methods. |
Endpoint Connection Types Value Set |
Endpoint Connection Types |
Endpoint Payload Type Value Set |
Endpoint Payload Types are constrained to NA (Not Applicable) as part of this IG |
Endpoint Type Value Set |
Codes to identify Endpoint Type |
Endpoint Usecases Value Set |
Codes for documenting business use case by a general grouping by business area. |
Healthcare Service Category Value Set |
Broad categories of healthcare services being performed or delivered. |
HealthcareService Type Value Set |
HealthCareService type Value Set |
Identifier Status Value Set |
Codes for Identifier Status |
IG Type Value Set |
Codes to identify IG Type |
Individual and Group Specialties |
Individual and Group Specialties from National Uniform Claim Committee (NUCC) Health Care Provider Taxonomy code set. |
Individual Specialties, Degrees, Licenses, and Certificates Value Set |
Individual Specialties, Degrees, Licenses, and Certificates |
Insurance Plan Type Value Set |
Categories of cost-sharing used by plans. |
Insurance Product Type Value Set |
A distinct package of health insurance coverage benefits that are offered using a particular product network type. |
Language Proficiency Value Set |
Codes for documenting spoken language proficiency based on the Interagency Language Roundtable scale of abilities to communicate in a language. |
Minimum Endpoint Connection Types Value Set |
Minimum Endpoint Connection Types |
Network Type Value Set |
Single value describing networks. |
Non-Individual Specialties |
Non-Individual Specialties from National Uniform Claim Committee (NUCC) Health Care Provider Taxonomy code set. |
Non-Individual Specialties, Degrees, Licenses, and Certificates Value Set |
Non-Individual Specialties, Degrees, Licenses, and Certificates |
Organization Alias Typ Value Sete |
Categories of an organization’s Alias based on criteria in provider directories. |
Organization Type Value Set |
Categories of organizations based on criteria in provider directories. |
OrganizationAffiliation Roles |
Value Set for Organization Affiliation Roles |
PractitionerRole Code Value Set |
Codes for the capabilities that an individual, group, or organization is acknowledged to have in a payer network, including general codes from the HL7 PractitionerRole Code System. |
Qualification Status Value Set |
The state indicating if a qualification is currently valid. |
Specialties Value Set |
Specialties value set based on National Uniform Claim Committee (NUCC) Health Care Provider Taxonomy code set. |
Specialties, Degrees, Licenses, and Certificates Value Set |
Specialties and Degree License and Certificates |
Trust Framework Type Value Set |
Trust Framework Type |
Validation Type Value Set |
Codes to identify Validation Type |
Virtual Modalities Value Set |
Codes for virtual service delivery modalities . |
These define new code systems used by systems conforming to this implementation guide
Accepting Patients Codes Code System |
Codes to identify if the practice is accepting new patients |
Accessibility Code System |
General categories of accommodations available. |
CareTeam Category Code System |
This code system contains codes for Care Team Category. |
National Healthcare Directory ConsentScopeCodes Code System |
This value set includes the four Consent scope codes. |
Credential Status Code System |
This code system contains codes for indicating the status of a credential, such as an identifier or qualification. |
Delivery Methods Code System |
Categories of healthcare service delivery methods. |
Endpoint Connection Types (additional) Code System |
Extension codes for |
Endpoint Payload Types Code System |
Endpoint Payload Types are constrained to NA (Not Applicable) as part of this IG |
Endpoint Type Code System |
Endpoint Type |
Healthcare Service Category Code System |
Broad categories of healthcare services being performed or delivered |
IG Type Code System |
IG Type |
Insurance Plan Type Code System |
Categories of cost-sharing used by plans |
Insurance Product Type Code System |
A distinct package of health insurance coverage benefits that are offered using a particular product network type. |
Language Proficiency Code System |
Codes for documenting spoken language proficiency based on the Interagency Language Roundtable scale of abilities to communicate in a language. |
Organization Alias Type Code System |
The state indicating if an Organization has an alias. |
Organization Type Code System |
Categories of organizations based on criteria in provider directories. |
Organization Affiliation Role |
Codes For Organization Affiliation Role |
Provider Role Codes Code System |
A capability that an individual, group, or organization is acknowledged to have in a payer network. |
Qualification Status Code System |
The state indicating if a qualification is currently valid. |
Trust FrameworkType Code System |
Trust Framework Type |
Validation Type Code System |
This code system contains codes for documenting the attributes of the FHIR resource Validation to reflect the business process of validating information in a Healthcare Directory.. |
Virtual Modalities Code System |
Categories of virtual service delivery modalities. |
These are example instances that show what data produced and consumed by systems conforming with this implementation guide might look like
Acme |
Payer Organization |
AcmeOfCTPortalEndpoint |
Endpoint for Acme of CT Portal |
AcmeQHPBronze |
Acme of CT QHP Bronze Plan |
AcmeQHPGold |
Acme of CT QHP Gold Plan |
AcmeofCTPremNet |
Acme of CT Premium Premium Network |
AcmeofCTStdNet |
Acme of CT Standard Network |
AnonRole |
Practitioner role that doesn’t refer to a specific practitioner |
BigBox |
Organization that Manages 2 of PharmChain’s pharmacies |
BurrClinic |
Burr Clinic provides service to Hartford Hospital |
BurrClinicAffil |
Burr Clinic’s affiliation with Acme of CT Provider Network and Hartford General Hospital |
BurrClinicServices |
Burr Clinic Services |
CancerClinic |
HartfordCancerClinicLLC |
CancerClinicLoc |
Location1 of Cancer Clinic |
CancerClinicService |
Cancer Clinic Services |
CareTeam1 |
Burr Clinic’s Care Team |
ConnHIE |
Connecticut HIE |
ConnHIEAffil |
Burr Clinic’s affiliation with Conn HIE |
Counselor |
Counselor Susie Smith |
CounselorRole1 |
Susie Smith is a counselor via Telemedicine |
HamiltonClinic |
Hamilton Clinic (a Division of Hartford Hospital) |
HamiltonClinicAffil |
Hamilton Clinic’s affiliation with Acme of CT Provider Network and Hartford General Hospital |
HamiltonClinicServices |
Hamilton Clinic Services |
HansSolo |
Solo Practitioner Hans Solo |
HansSoloClinic |
Location of Hans Solo’s clinic |
HansSoloRole1 |
Hans Solo is a solo practitioner |
HansSoloService |
Hans Solo Services |
HartfordOrthopedicAffil |
Hartford Orthopedic Services affiliation with Acme of CT Provider Network and Hartford General Hospital |
HartfordOrthopedicServices |
Hartford Orthopedic Services |
HartfordOrthopedics |
Hartford Orthpedic Services is a group providing Orthpods for Acme of CT at Hartford General Hospital |
HospERService |
Hartford General Hospital ER |
HospLoc1 |
Location1 of Hartford Hospital |
HospLoc2 |
Location2 of Hartford Hospital |
Hospital |
Hartford General Hospital |
JoeSmith |
Practitioner Dr Joe Smith |
JoeSmithRole1 |
Dr Smith moonlighting as ER Doc at Hartford Hospital |
JoeSmithRole2 |
Dr Smith Internal Medicine at Burr Clinic |
JoeSmithRole3 |
Dr Smith Admitting Privileges at Hartford General |
PatientConsent |
Patient that gives consent |
PharmChain |
Organization that Provides Pharmacy Services |
PharmChainAffil1 |
Organization Affiliation for PharmChain (Retail) |
PharmChainAffil2 |
Organization Affiliation for PharmChain (Compounding) |
PharmChainAffil3 |
Organization Affiliation for PharmChain (MailOrder) |
PharmChainCompService |
Compound Pharmacy Service provided by PharmacyOrganization A |
PharmChainMailService |
Mail Order Pharmacy Service provided by PharmacyOrganization A |
PharmChainRetailService |
Pharmacy Service provided by PharmChain |
PharmLoc1 |
Location of Pharmacy1 in PharmChain’s network |
PharmLoc2 |
Location of Pharmacy2 in PharmChain’s network |
PharmLoc3 |
Location of Pharmacy3 in PharmChain’s network |
PharmLoc4 |
Location of Pharmacy4 in PharmChain’s network |
ProviderAttestation |
Patient that gives consent |
StateOfCTLocation |
State of CT Area |
VirtualCounselService |
Virtual Counseling Service |