Quality Measure Implementation Guide (STU4)
4.0.0 - STU4 United States of America flag

This page is part of the Quality Measure STU2 for FHIR R4 Implementation Guide (v4.0.0: STU4 (v4.0.0)) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. The current version which supersedes this version is 5.0.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Example Measure: EXM Measure

Active as of 2022-02-22
Download cql: EXMLogic-FHIR.cql
Url: EXM Measure
Version: 2.0.0

value: EXM

Name: MeasureEXM
Title: EXM Measure
Status: active
Experimental: true


Improvement Notation:

Increased score indicates improvement



Date: 2022-02-22
Publisher: Clinical Quality Information WG

An example FHIR-based measure

Use Context:
program eligible-provider
Jurisdiction: US
Topic: 57024-2

The purpose of this measure is to show how all the elements of a FHIR-based quality measure are represented.

Guidance (Usage): Users of this measure should be aware that this is intentionally simplified to show specific aspects of a measure.

Example Copyright Statement


Example disclaimer

Approval Date: 2019-02-17
Last Review Date: 2019-02-17
Effective Period: 2018-01-01..2018-12-31
Supplemental Data Elements: SDE Ethnicity SDE Race SDE Payer SDE Sex
Example Logic Library
Related Artifact Dependencies:
  • http://fhir.org/guides/cqf/common/Library/FHIRHelpers|4.0.1
  • Diagnosis Role
  • Payer
  • Psychiatric/Mental Health Diagnosis
  • Parameters:
    Measurement Period in 0 1 Period
    SDE Sex out 0 1 Coding
    Stratifier 3 out 0 * Encounter
    Stratifier 4 out 0 * Encounter
    SDE Payer out 0 * Resource
    Initial Population out 0 * Encounter
    SDE Ethnicity out 0 * Coding
    SDE Race out 0 * Coding
    Stratifier 1 out 0 * Encounter
    Stratifier 2 out 0 * Encounter
    TypeMust SupportValueset NameValueset
    Patient url extension value
    Patient url extension value
    Encounter period
    Coverage type period Payer Payer
    Direct Reference Codes:
    Billing billing Diagnosis Role
    Logic Definitions:
    GroupScoringPopulation CriteriaExpression
    group-1 Measure scoring:


    Initial Population
    define "Initial Population" :
      "Inpatient Encounter" Encounter
    Library NameName
    EXMLogic-FHIR SDE Sex
    define "SDE Sex":
        when Patient.gender = 'male' then Code { code: 'M', system: 'http://hl7.org/fhir/v3/AdministrativeGender', display: 'Male' }
        when Patient.gender = 'female' then Code { code: 'F', system: 'http://hl7.org/fhir/v3/AdministrativeGender', display: 'Female' }
        else null
    Library NameName
    EXMLogic-FHIR Inpatient Encounter
    define "Inpatient Encounter" :
      ["Encounter"] Encounter
        where LengthInDays(Encounter.period) <= 120
          and Encounter.period ends during "Measurement Period"
    Library NameName
    EXMLogic-FHIR Stratifier 3
    define "Stratifier 3" :
      "Inpatient Encounter" Encounter
        where PrincipalDiagnosis(Encounter) is null
    Library NameName
    EXMLogic Stratifier 4
    define "Stratifier 4" :
      "Inpatient Encounter" Encounter
        where PrincipalDiagnosis(Encounter) is null
    Library NameName
    EXMLogic-FHIR SDE Payer
    define "SDE Payer":
        [Coverage: type in "Payer"] Payer
          return {
            code: Payer.type,
            period: Payer.period
    Library NameName
    EXMLogic Initial Population
    define "Initial Population" :
      "Inpatient Encounter" Encounter
    Library NameName
    EXMLogic-FHIR SDE Ethnicity
    define "SDE Ethnicity":
      (flatten (
        Patient.extension Extension
          where Extension.url = 'http://hl7.org/fhir/us/core/StructureDefinition/us-core-ethnicity'
            return Extension.extension
      )) E
        where E.url = 'ombCategory'
          or E.url = 'detailed'
        return E.value as Coding
    Library NameName
    EXMLogic SDE Race
    define "SDE Race":
      (flatten (
        Patient.extension Extension
          where Extension.url = 'http://hl7.org/fhir/us/core/StructureDefinition/us-core-race'
            return Extension.extension
      )) E
        where E.url = 'ombCategory'
          or E.url = 'detailed'
        return E.value as Coding
    Library NameName
    EXMLogic-FHIR Stratifier 1
    define "Stratifier 1" :
      "Inpatient Encounter" Encounter
        where not (PrincipalDiagnosis(Encounter).code in "Psychiatric/Mental Health Patient")
    Library NameName
    EXMLogic-FHIR Stratifier 2
    define "Stratifier 2" :
      "Inpatient Encounter" Encounter
        where PrincipalDiagnosis(Encounter).code in "Psychiatric/Mental Health Patient"

    Contained resources