CodeX Radiation Therapy
1.0.0 - STU 1 United States of America flag

This page is part of the CodeX™ Radiation Therapy (v1.0.0: STU 1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. The current version which supersedes this version is 2.0.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

: Search by code:in in Conditions - XML Representation

Draft as of 2023-07-28

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<SearchParameter xmlns="">
  <id value="Condition-code"/>
    <status value="generated"/>
    <div xmlns=""><h2>ConditionCodeSearchParameter</h2><p>Parameter <code>code</code>:<code>uri</code></p><div><p>This SearchParameter enables query of conditions by code with the <code>in</code> modifier.</p>
</div><table class="grid"><tr><td>Resource</td><td><a href="">Condition</a></td></tr><tr><td>Expression</td><td><code>Condition.code</code></td></tr><tr><td>Processing Mode</td><td>Normal</td></tr><tr><td>Multiples</td><td>The parameter cannot repeat or have multiple values</td></tr><tr><td>Modifiers</td><td>Allowed: in</td></tr></table></div>
  <version value="1.0.0"/>
  <name value="ConditionCodeSearchParameter"/>
  <status value="draft"/>
  <experimental value="false"/>
  <date value="2023-07-28T13:07:08+00:00"/>
  <publisher value="HL7 Cross Group Projects Work Group"/>
    <name value="HL7 Cross Group Projects Work Group"/>
      <system value="url"/>
      <value value=""/>
      <system value="email"/>
      <value value=""/>
               value="This SearchParameter enables query of conditions by code with the `in` modifier."/>
      <system value="urn:iso:std:iso:3166"/>
      <code value="US"/>
      <display value="United States of America"/>
  <code value="code"/>
  <base value="Condition"/>
  <type value="uri"/>
  <expression value="Condition.code"/>
  <xpathUsage value="normal"/>
  <modifier value="in"/>