This page is part of the CodeX™ Radiation Therapy (v1.0.0: STU 1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. The current version which supersedes this version is 2.0.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions
Generated Narrative: BodyStructure
Resource BodyStructure "RadiotherapyVolume-04-PelvNs" Version "123" Updated "2020-07-03 10:07:41+0200"
Profiles: Radiotherapy Volume, Radiotherapy Volume Profile
identifier: id: urn:oid: (use: OFFICIAL), id: Pelv Ns (use: USUAL)
morphology: Planning target volume (observable entity) (SNOMED CT#228793007)
patient: Patient/Patient-6 " VENKMAN"
Instance: RadiotherapyVolume-04-PelvNs
InstanceOf: BodyStructure
Title: "RadiotherapyVolume-04-PelvNs"
Description: "Example target volume 'Pelvic Nodes'."
Usage: #example
* meta
* versionId = "123"
* lastUpdated = "2020-07-03T10:07:41.050+02:00"
* profile[0] = ""
* profile[+] = ""
* identifier[0]
* use = #official
* system = "urn:dicom:uid"
* value = "urn:oid:"
* identifier[+]
* use = #usual
* system = ""
* value = "Pelv Ns"
* morphology = "Planning target volume (observable entity)"
* patient = Reference(Patient-6)