Common Data Models Harmonization
1.0.0 - STU 1 Publication

This page is part of the Common Data Models Harmonization FHIR IG (v1.0.0: STU 1) based on FHIR R4. This is the current published version. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Artifacts Summary

This page provides a list of the FHIR artifacts defined as part of this implementation guide.

Behavior: Capability Statements

The following artifacts define the specific capabilities that different types of systems are expected to have in order to comply with this implementation guide. Systems conforming to this implementation guide are expected to declare conformance to one or more of the following capability statements.

Cdmh EHR Capability Statement

This profile defines the expected capabilities of the ‘‘EHR’’ actor when conforming to the CDMH IG. This role is responsible for allowing creation and retrieval of ResearchStudy, and Group resources, along with retrieval of clinical data using the Group/$export operation.

Structures: Resource Profiles

These define constraints on FHIR resources for systems conforming to this implementation guide


This is the AdverseEvent Resource profile for the IG.


This is the Condition Resource profile for the IG.


This is the Encounter Resource profile for the IG.


This is the Group Resource profile for the IG.


This is the Location Resource profile for the IG.


This is the MedicationDispense Resource profile for the IG.


This is the MedicationRequest Resource profile for the IG.


This is the MedicationStatement Resource profile for the IG.


This is the Observation Resource profile to represent Lab Results for the IG.


This is the Observation Resource profile to represent Vital Signs for the IG.


This is the Organization Resource profile for the IG.


This is the Patient Resource profile for the IG.


This is the Procedure Resource profile for the IG.


This is the ResearchStudy Resource profile for the IG.


This is the Specimen Resource profile for the IG.

Structures: Extension Definitions

These define constraints on FHIR data types for systems conforming to this implementation guide


Death Source Type.


Death Match Confidence.


Death Cause Confidence.


Death Cause.


Death Cause Code.


Death Cause Source.


Death Cause Type.


Condition Source.


Diagnosis Related Group - The DRG is used for reimbursement for inpatient encounters. It is a Medicare requirement that combines diagnoses into clinical concepts for billing. Frequently used in observational data analyses.


DRG code version.


Diagnosis Classification.


Discharge Status.


Admitting Source Facility Type.


Lab Loinc Code Source.


Lab Result Source.


Lab Test Priority.


Vital Source.


Body Position during vital sign measurement.


Indicates the sexual orientation of the person.


Indicates the race code desired by PCORNet data marts.


Indicates the ethnicity code desired by PCORNet data marts.


Procedure information origin source within a healthcare organization.

Terminology: Value Sets

These define sets of codes used by systems conforming to this implementation guide

PCORNet Admitting Source Facility Type

The PCORNet Admitting Source Facility Type contains the codes to be used by PCORNet data marts to indicate the facility type from where the Patient came to be hospitalized..

PCORNet Birth Sex

The PCORNet Birth Sex Codes contains the codes to be used by PCORNet data marts.

PCORNet BP Position

The PCORNet BP Position Codes contains the codes to be used by PCORNet data marts to indicate the position of the body during BP measurement.

PCORNet Clinical Status

The PCORNet Condition Clinical Status contains the codes to be used by PCORNet data marts.

PCORNet Condition Source

The PCORNet Condition Source Codes contains the codes to be used by PCORNet data marts to indicate from where the data originated.

PCORNet Death Cause Code

The PCORNet Death Cause Code contains the codes to be used by PCORNet data marts.

PCORNet Death Cause Type

The PCORNet Death Cause Type Codes contains the codes to be used by PCORNet data marts.

PCORNet Death Confidence Code

The PCORNet Death Cause or Match Confidence Code contains the concepts for death match or cause confidence to be used by PCORNet data marts.

PCORNet Death Source

The PCORNet Death Source Codes contains the codes to be used by PCORNet data marts.

PCORNet Diagnosis Classification

The PCORNet Diagnosis Classification contains the codes to be used by PCORNet data marts.

PCORNet Discharge Disposition

The PCORNet Discharge Disposition Codes contains the codes to be used by PCORNet data marts.

PCORNet Discharge Status

The PCORNet Discharge Status contains the codes to be used by PCORNet data marts.

PCORNet DRG Group Version

The PCORNet Diagnosis Related Group Version contains the codes to be used by PCORNet data marts.

PCORNet Encounter Type

The PCORNet Encounter Type contains the codes to be used by PCORNet data marts.

PCORNet Enrollment Basis

The PCORNet Enrollment Basis Codes contains the codes to be used by PCORNet data marts to indicate the source of the Enrollment.

PCORNet Ethnicity

The PCORNet Ethnicity Codes contains the codes to be used by PCORNet data marts.

PCORNet Facility Type

The PCORNet Facility Type contains the codes to be used by PCORNet data marts.

PCORNet Gender Identity

The PCORNet Gender Identity Codes contains the codes to be used by PCORNet data marts.

PCORNet Information Source HC Subtype

The PCORNet Information Source HC Subtype contains the codes to be used by PCORNet data marts to represent the source of the information within a healthcare organization.

PCORNet Lab Loinc Code Source

The PCORNet Lab Loinc Code Source valueset contains the codes to be used by PCORNet data marts to indicate the source of the lab test loinc code that produced the result.

PCORNet Lab Loinc Source

The PCORNet Lab Loinc Source Codes contains the codes to be used by PCORNet data marts to indicate the source of the lab test loinc code that produced the result.

PCORNet Lab Test Priority

The PCORNet Lab Test Priority valueset contains the codes to be used by PCORNet data marts to indicate the priority of the lab test.

PCORNet Race

The PCORNet Race Codes contains the codes to be used by PCORNet data marts.

PCORNet Sexual Orientation

The PCORNet Sexual Orientation Codes contains the codes to be used by PCORNet data marts.

PCORNet Vital Source

The PCORNet Vital Source Codes contains the codes to be used by PCORNet data marts to indicate from where the data originated.

Terminology: Code Systems

These define new code systems used by systems conforming to this implementation guide

PCORNet Admitting Source Facility Type Codes

The PCORNet Admitting Source Facility Type Codes contains the concepts to be used by PCORNet data marts to indicate the type of facility from where the patient came to be hospitalized.

PCORNet Birth Sex Codes

The PCORNet Birth Sex Codes contains the codes to be used by PCORNet data marts.

PCORNet Body Position Codes

The PCORNet Body Position codes contains the codes to be used by PCORNet data marts to indicate the body position when the vital sign was measured.

PCORNet Clinical StatusCodes

The PCORNet Clinical Status Codes contains the concepts to be used by PCORNet data marts to indicate the status of a Patients condition.

PCORNet Death Cause Codes

The PCORNet Death Cause Codes contains the concepts to be used by PCORNet data marts.

PCORNet Death Cause Types

The PCORNet Death Cause Types contains the codes to be used by PCORNet data marts.

PCORNet Death Confidence Codes

The PCORNet Death Confidence Codes contains the concepts for death confidence to be used by PCORNet data marts.

PCORNet Death Sources

The PCORNet Death Source contains the codes to be used by PCORNet data marts.

PCORNet Diagnosis Classification Codes

The PCORNet Diagnosis Classification Codes contains the concepts to be used by PCORNet data marts to represent the diagnosis classification.

PCORNet Diagnosis Source Origin

The PCORNet Diagnosis Source Origin contains the codes to be used by PCORNet data marts.

PCORNet Discharge Disposition Codes

The PCORNet Discharge Disposition Codes contains the codes to be used by PCORNet data marts.

PCORNet Discharge Status Codes

The PCORNet Discharge Status Codes contains the concepts to be used by PCORNet data marts to identify the discharge status of a Patient for Inpatient Stays.

PCORNet DPL Source

The PCORNet Diagnosis,Procedure and Lab Source contains the codes to be used by PCORNet data marts.

PCORNet DRG Group Versions

The PCORNet Diagnosis Related Group Version contains the codes to be used by PCORNet data marts.

PCORNet Encounter Type Codes

The PCORNet Encounter Type Codes contains the concepts to be used by PCORNet data marts to classify the encounter.

PCORNet Enrollment Basis codes

The PCORNet Enrollment Basis Codes contains the concepts to be used by PCORNet data marts to indicate the source of the enrollment.

PCORNet Ethnicity Codes

The PCORNet Ethnicity Codes contains the codes to be used by PCORNet data marts.

PCORNet Facility Type Codes

The PCORNet Facility Type contains the codes to be used by PCORNet data marts to represent the type of facility where care is delivered.

PCORNet Gender Identity Codes

The PCORNet Gender Identity Codes contains the codes to be used by PCORNet data marts.

PCORNet Information Source HC Subtypes

The PCORNet Information Source HC Subtyps contains the codes to be used by PCORNet data marts to represent the origin of information within a healthcare organization.

PCORNet Information Source

The PCORNet Information Sources contains the codes to be used by PCORNet data marts conveying how the information originated.

PCORNet Lab Loinc Source Codes

The PCORNet Lab Loinc Source Codes contains the concepts to be used by PCORNet data marts to indicate the source of the LOINC code of the Lab test that produced the lab result.

PCORNet Lab Test Priority Codes

The PCORNet Lab Test Priority Codes contains the concepts to be used by PCORNet data marts to indicate the immediacy of the lab test.

PCORNet Location Code

The PCORNet Location Code contains the codes to be used by PCORNet data marts.

PCORNet Principal Discharge Diagnosis

The PCORNet Principal Discharge Diagnosis contains the codes to be used by PCORNet data marts.

PCORNet Principal Flag

The PCORNet Principal Flag contains the codes to be used by PCORNet data marts.

PCORNet Pro Cat

The PCORNet Pro Cat contains the codes to be used by PCORNet data marts.

PCORNet Pro Method

The PCORNet Pro Method contains the codes to be used by PCORNet data marts.

PCORNet Pro Mode

The PCORNet Pro Mode contains the codes to be used by PCORNet data marts.

PCORNet Pro Type

The PCORNet Pro Type contains the codes to be used by PCORNet data marts.

PCORNet Race Codes

The PCORNet Race Codes contains the codes to be used by PCORNet data marts.

PCORNet Result Loc

The PCORNet Result Location contains the codes to be used by PCORNet data marts.

PCORNet Result Modifier

The PCORNet Result Modifier contains the codes to be used by PCORNet data marts.

PCORNet Sexual Orientation Codes

The PCORNet Sexual Orientation Codes contains the codes to be used by PCORNet data marts.

PCORNet Tobacco Type

The PCORNet Tobacco Type contains the codes to be used by PCORNet data marts.

PCORNet Tobacco

The PCORNet Tobacco contains the codes to be used by PCORNet data marts.

PCORNet VX Status Reason

The PCORNet VX Status Reason contains the codes to be used by PCORNet data marts.

PCORNet VX Status

The PCORNet VX Status contains the codes to be used by PCORNet data marts.

Terminology: Concept Maps

These define transformations to convert between codes by systems conforming with this implementation guide

Mapping from US Core to PCORNet Admitting Source Codes

This concept map defines a mapping from US Core Race to PCORNet Admitting Source codes.

Mapping from US Core to PCORNet Birth Sex Codes

This concept map defines a mapping from US Core Birth Sex to PCORNet Birth Sex codes.

Mapping from US Core to PCORNet Clinical Status Codes

This concept map defines a mapping from US Core Race to PCORNet Clinical Status codes.

Mapping from US Core to PCORNet Ethnicity Codes

This concept map defines a mapping from US Core Ethnicity to PCORNet Ethnicity codes.

Mapping from US Core to PCORNet Race Codes

This concept map defines a mapping from US Core Race to PCORNet Race codes.

Example: Example Instances

These are example instances that show what data produced and consumed by systems conforming with this implementation guide might look like

CDMH Patient - Example

An example showing a CDMH Patient record in FHIR extracted from an EMR.

CDMH Adverse Event - Example

An example showing a CDMH Adverse Event record in FHIR extracted from an EMR.

CDMH Condition - Example

An example showing a CDMH Condition record in FHIR extracted from an EMR.

CDMH Encounter - Example

An example showing a Encounter record in FHIR extracted from an EMR.

CDMH Group - Example

An example showing a Group record in FHIR extracted from an EMR.

CDMH MedicationDispense - Example

An example showing a MedicationDispense record in FHIR extracted from an EMR.

CDMH MedicationRequest - Example

An example showing a MedicationRequest record in FHIR extracted from an EMR.

CDMH MedicationStatement - Example

An example showing a MedicationStatement record in FHIR extracted from an EMR.

CDMH Specimen - Example

An example showing a Specimen record in FHIR extracted from an EMR.

CDMH Lab Results - Example

An example showing an example of Lab Result record in FHIR extracted from an EMR.

CDMH Vital Signs - Example

An example showing an example of Vital Signs record in FHIR extracted from an EMR.

CDMH Procedure - Example

An example showing an example of Procedure record in FHIR extracted from an EMR.

CDMH ResearchStudy - Example

An example showing an example of ResearchStudy record in FHIR extracted from an EMR.

CDMH Location - Example

An example showing an example of Location record in FHIR extracted from an EMR.

CDMH Organization - Example

An example showing an example of Organization record in FHIR extracted from an EMR.


These are resources that are used within this implementation guide that do not fit into one of the other categories

CDMH Medication - Example

An example showing a CDMH Medication record in FHIR extracted from an EMR.

CDMH Practitioner - Example

An example showing a Practitioner record in FHIR extracted from an EMR.