Breast Radiology Reporting - 1st STU ballot
0.2.0 - STU 1 Ballot 2020May

Breast Radiology Reporting - 1st STU ballot - Local Development build (v0.2.0). See the Directory of published versions

Component Slice Codes CodeSystem


Defining URL:
Title:Component Slice Codes CodeSystem
Content:All the concepts defined by the code system are included in the code system resource

Component Slice Codes code system

Publisher:Hl7 - Clinical Interoperability Council
Source Resource:XML / JSON / Turtle

This Code system is referenced in the content logical definition of the following value sets:

This CodeSystem is not used

Component Slice Codes CodeSystem

Component Slice Codes code system

This code system defines the following codes:

abnormalityCystType Component code for 'Cyst Type' sliceCode to identify the component slice AbnormalityCystType.
abnormalityDuctType Component code for 'Duct Type' sliceCode to identify the component slice AbnormalityDuctType.
mgAbnormalityFibroAdenomaType Component code for 'FibroAdenoma Type' sliceCode to identify the component slice AbnormalityFibroAdenomaType.
abnormalityForeignObjectType Component code for 'Foreign Object Type' sliceCode to identify the component slice AbnormalityForeignObjectType.
abnormalityLymphNodeType Component code for 'Lymph Node Type' sliceCode to identify the component slice AbnormalityLymphNodeType.
abnormalityMassType Component code for 'Abnormality Mass Type' sliceCode to identify the component slice AbnormalityMassType.
targetBiRads Component code for 'BiRads Code' sliceCode to identify the component slice BiRads.
consistentWithValue Component code for 'Consistent With Value' sliceCode to identify the component slice ConsistentWithValue.
consistentWithQualifier Component code for 'Consistent With Qualifier' sliceCode to identify the component slice ConsistentWithQualifier.
correspondsWith Component code for 'Corresponds With' sliceCode to identify the component slice CorrespondsWith.
prevDemBy Component code for 'Previously Demonstrated By' sliceCode to identify the component slice Previously Demonstrated By.
margin Component code for 'Margin' sliceCode to identify the component slice Margin.
mgDensity Component code for 'MG Density' sliceCode to identify the component slice MGDensity.
notPreviouslySeen Component code for 'Not Previously Seen' sliceCode to identify the component slice Not Previously Seen.
obsChanges Component code for 'Observed Changes' sliceCode to identify the component slice Observed Changes.
obsCount Component code for 'Observed Count' sliceCode to identify the component slice ObservedCount.
obsDistribution Component code for 'Observed Distribution' sliceCode to identify the component slice ObservedDistribution.
obsSize Component code for 'Observed Size' sliceCode to identify the component slice ObservedSize.
featureType Component code for 'Feature Type' sliceCode to identify the component slice ObservedFeatureType.
orientation Component code for 'Orientation' sliceCode to identify the component slice Orientation.
shape Component code for 'Shape' sliceCode to identify the component slice Shape.
mgAbnormalityAsymmetryType Component code for 'Abnormality Asymmetry Type' sliceCode to identify the component slice MGCodeAbnormalityAsymmetryType.
mgAbnormalityDensityType Component code for 'Abnormality Density Type' sliceCode to identify the component slice MGCodeAbnormalityDensityType.
mgCalcificationType Component code for 'Calcification Type' sliceCode to identify the component slice MGCalcificationType.
mgCalcificationDistribution Component code for 'Distribution' sliceCode to identify the component slice MGCalcificationDistribution.