FHIR Tooling Extensions IG
0.4.1 - Release 0.2.0 International flag

This page is part of the HL7 Tools Extension IG (v0.4.1: Releases - Informative) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) v5.0.0. This is the current published version in its permanent home (it will always be available at this URL). For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Logical Model: Test Cases

Official URL: http://hl7.org/fhir/tools/StructureDefinition/TestCases Version: 0.4.1
Standards status: Informative Maturity Level: 3 Computable Name: TestCases
Other Identifiers: OID:2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.

A standard format for test cases used throughout the FHIR ecosystem


  • This Logical Model Profile is not used by any profiles in this Implementation Guide

Formal Views of Profile Content

Description of Profiles, Differentials, Snapshots and how the different presentations work.

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. TestCases 0..* Resource
Elements defined in Ancestors:id, meta, implicitRules, language
Test Suite - set of tests executed by a runner
... id Σ 0..1 id Logical id of this artifact
... meta Σ 0..1 Meta Metadata about the resource
ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children
... implicitRules ?!Σ 0..1 uri A set of rules under which this content was created
ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children
... url ΣC 0..1 uri Canonical identifier for these tests, represented as a URI (globally unique)
cnl-1: URL should not contain | or # - these characters make processing canonical references problematic
... version Σ 0..1 string Business version of the test set (semver)
... name Σ 0..1 string Name for these tests
... description Σ 0..1 markdown General Description of these tests
... runner 1..1 url URL Documentation for a runner that executes these tests
... mode 0..* Base A mode that can be passed to runner - affects test content
.... code 1..1 string The code that identifies the mode
.... description 0..1 string Description of what this mode exists / why it was defined
... suite 0..* Base A suite of tests that share a common set up
.... name 1..1 string The name of this suite - unique in the TestCases resource
.... description 0..1 string Description of what this suite does / why it was defined
.... mode 0..1 code mode required to run this suite
.... setup C 0..* Base Resources used in the tests in this suite
ts-2: Either a file, or a resource, but not both
..... name 0..1 string A name for this resource (per runner definition)
..... file 0..1 string A file containing a resource used in the tests
..... resource 0..1 Resource An inline resource used in the tests
..... mode 0..1 code A mode that must be true for this resource to be used
.... test 0..* Base A test in the test suite
..... name 1..1 string The name of this test - unique in the suite
..... description 0..1 string Description of what this test does / why it was defined
..... operation 0..1 code Operation that is executed during this test (per definition of runner)
..... mode 0..1 string mode required to run this test
..... parameter 0..* Base Parameter passed to the runner
...... name 1..1 string Name of parameter
...... value[x] 1..1 Value of this parameter
....... valueString string
....... valueBoolean boolean
....... valueInteger integer
....... valueDecimal decimal
....... valueDateTime dateTime
....... valueUri uri
....... valueCoding Coding
....... valueQuantity Quantity
...... mode 0..1 code A mode that must be true for this parameter to be used
..... input 0..* See setup Resources used when executing this test (per runner definition)
..... output 0..* See setup Resources expected as output from this test (per runner definition, often Matchetypes)

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings

from the FHIR Standard


cnl-1warningTestCases.urlURL should not contain | or # - these characters make processing canonical references problematic
: exists() implies matches('^[^|# ]+$')
ele-1error**ALL** elementsAll FHIR elements must have a @value or children
: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())
ts-2errorTestCases.suite.setupEither a file, or a resource, but not both
: file xor resource

This structure is derived from Resource

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. TestCases 0..* Resource
Elements defined in Ancestors:id, meta, implicitRules, language
Test Suite - set of tests executed by a runner
... url ΣC 0..1 uri Canonical identifier for these tests, represented as a URI (globally unique)
cnl-1: URL should not contain | or # - these characters make processing canonical references problematic
... version Σ 0..1 string Business version of the test set (semver)
... name Σ 0..1 string Name for these tests
... runner 1..1 url URL Documentation for a runner that executes these tests
... mode 0..* Base A mode that can be passed to runner - affects test content
.... code 1..1 string The code that identifies the mode
.... description 0..1 string Description of what this mode exists / why it was defined
... suite 0..* Base A suite of tests that share a common set up
.... name 1..1 string The name of this suite - unique in the TestCases resource
.... description 0..1 string Description of what this suite does / why it was defined
.... mode 0..1 code mode required to run this suite
.... setup C 0..* Base Resources used in the tests in this suite
ts-2: Either a file, or a resource, but not both
..... name 0..1 string A name for this resource (per runner definition)
..... file 0..1 string A file containing a resource used in the tests
..... resource 0..1 Resource An inline resource used in the tests
..... mode 0..1 code A mode that must be true for this resource to be used
.... test 0..* Base A test in the test suite
..... name 1..1 string The name of this test - unique in the suite
..... description 0..1 string Description of what this test does / why it was defined
..... operation 0..1 code Operation that is executed during this test (per definition of runner)
..... mode 0..1 string mode required to run this test
..... parameter 0..* Base Parameter passed to the runner
...... name 1..1 string Name of parameter
...... value[x] 1..1 Value of this parameter
....... valueString string
....... valueBoolean boolean
....... valueInteger integer
....... valueDecimal decimal
....... valueDateTime dateTime
....... valueUri uri
....... valueCoding Coding
....... valueQuantity Quantity
...... mode 0..1 code A mode that must be true for this parameter to be used
..... input 0..* See setup Resources used when executing this test (per runner definition)
..... output 0..* See setup Resources expected as output from this test (per runner definition, often Matchetypes)

doco Documentation for this format


cnl-1warningTestCases.urlURL should not contain | or # - these characters make processing canonical references problematic
: exists() implies matches('^[^|# ]+$')
ts-2errorTestCases.suite.setupEither a file, or a resource, but not both
: file xor resource
NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. TestCases 0..* Resource
Elements defined in Ancestors:id, meta, implicitRules, language
Test Suite - set of tests executed by a runner
... id Σ 0..1 id Logical id of this artifact
... meta Σ 0..1 Meta Metadata about the resource
... implicitRules ?!Σ 0..1 uri A set of rules under which this content was created
... url ΣC 0..1 uri Canonical identifier for these tests, represented as a URI (globally unique)
cnl-1: URL should not contain | or # - these characters make processing canonical references problematic
... version Σ 0..1 string Business version of the test set (semver)
... name Σ 0..1 string Name for these tests
... description Σ 0..1 markdown General Description of these tests
... runner 1..1 url URL Documentation for a runner that executes these tests
... mode 0..* Base A mode that can be passed to runner - affects test content
.... code 1..1 string The code that identifies the mode
.... description 0..1 string Description of what this mode exists / why it was defined
... suite 0..* Base A suite of tests that share a common set up
.... name 1..1 string The name of this suite - unique in the TestCases resource
.... description 0..1 string Description of what this suite does / why it was defined
.... mode 0..1 code mode required to run this suite
.... setup C 0..* Base Resources used in the tests in this suite
ts-2: Either a file, or a resource, but not both
..... name 0..1 string A name for this resource (per runner definition)
..... file 0..1 string A file containing a resource used in the tests
..... resource 0..1 Resource An inline resource used in the tests
..... mode 0..1 code A mode that must be true for this resource to be used
.... test 0..* Base A test in the test suite
..... name 1..1 string The name of this test - unique in the suite
..... description 0..1 string Description of what this test does / why it was defined
..... operation 0..1 code Operation that is executed during this test (per definition of runner)
..... mode 0..1 string mode required to run this test
..... parameter 0..* Base Parameter passed to the runner
...... name 1..1 string Name of parameter
...... value[x] 1..1 Value of this parameter
....... valueString string
....... valueBoolean boolean
....... valueInteger integer
....... valueDecimal decimal
....... valueDateTime dateTime
....... valueUri uri
....... valueCoding Coding
....... valueQuantity Quantity
...... mode 0..1 code A mode that must be true for this parameter to be used
..... input 0..* See setup Resources used when executing this test (per runner definition)
..... output 0..* See setup Resources expected as output from this test (per runner definition, often Matchetypes)

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings

from the FHIR Standard


cnl-1warningTestCases.urlURL should not contain | or # - these characters make processing canonical references problematic
: exists() implies matches('^[^|# ]+$')
ele-1error**ALL** elementsAll FHIR elements must have a @value or children
: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())
ts-2errorTestCases.suite.setupEither a file, or a resource, but not both
: file xor resource

This structure is derived from Resource


Mandatory: 0 element(6 nested mandatory elements)

Maturity: 3

Key Elements View

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. TestCases 0..* Resource
Elements defined in Ancestors:id, meta, implicitRules, language
Test Suite - set of tests executed by a runner
... id Σ 0..1 id Logical id of this artifact
... meta Σ 0..1 Meta Metadata about the resource
ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children
... implicitRules ?!Σ 0..1 uri A set of rules under which this content was created
ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children
... url ΣC 0..1 uri Canonical identifier for these tests, represented as a URI (globally unique)
cnl-1: URL should not contain | or # - these characters make processing canonical references problematic
... version Σ 0..1 string Business version of the test set (semver)
... name Σ 0..1 string Name for these tests
... description Σ 0..1 markdown General Description of these tests
... runner 1..1 url URL Documentation for a runner that executes these tests
... mode 0..* Base A mode that can be passed to runner - affects test content
.... code 1..1 string The code that identifies the mode
.... description 0..1 string Description of what this mode exists / why it was defined
... suite 0..* Base A suite of tests that share a common set up
.... name 1..1 string The name of this suite - unique in the TestCases resource
.... description 0..1 string Description of what this suite does / why it was defined
.... mode 0..1 code mode required to run this suite
.... setup C 0..* Base Resources used in the tests in this suite
ts-2: Either a file, or a resource, but not both
..... name 0..1 string A name for this resource (per runner definition)
..... file 0..1 string A file containing a resource used in the tests
..... resource 0..1 Resource An inline resource used in the tests
..... mode 0..1 code A mode that must be true for this resource to be used
.... test 0..* Base A test in the test suite
..... name 1..1 string The name of this test - unique in the suite
..... description 0..1 string Description of what this test does / why it was defined
..... operation 0..1 code Operation that is executed during this test (per definition of runner)
..... mode 0..1 string mode required to run this test
..... parameter 0..* Base Parameter passed to the runner
...... name 1..1 string Name of parameter
...... value[x] 1..1 Value of this parameter
....... valueString string
....... valueBoolean boolean
....... valueInteger integer
....... valueDecimal decimal
....... valueDateTime dateTime
....... valueUri uri
....... valueCoding Coding
....... valueQuantity Quantity
...... mode 0..1 code A mode that must be true for this parameter to be used
..... input 0..* See setup Resources used when executing this test (per runner definition)
..... output 0..* See setup Resources expected as output from this test (per runner definition, often Matchetypes)

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings

from the FHIR Standard


cnl-1warningTestCases.urlURL should not contain | or # - these characters make processing canonical references problematic
: exists() implies matches('^[^|# ]+$')
ele-1error**ALL** elementsAll FHIR elements must have a @value or children
: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())
ts-2errorTestCases.suite.setupEither a file, or a resource, but not both
: file xor resource

Differential View

This structure is derived from Resource

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. TestCases 0..* Resource
Elements defined in Ancestors:id, meta, implicitRules, language
Test Suite - set of tests executed by a runner
... url ΣC 0..1 uri Canonical identifier for these tests, represented as a URI (globally unique)
cnl-1: URL should not contain | or # - these characters make processing canonical references problematic
... version Σ 0..1 string Business version of the test set (semver)
... name Σ 0..1 string Name for these tests
... runner 1..1 url URL Documentation for a runner that executes these tests
... mode 0..* Base A mode that can be passed to runner - affects test content
.... code 1..1 string The code that identifies the mode
.... description 0..1 string Description of what this mode exists / why it was defined
... suite 0..* Base A suite of tests that share a common set up
.... name 1..1 string The name of this suite - unique in the TestCases resource
.... description 0..1 string Description of what this suite does / why it was defined
.... mode 0..1 code mode required to run this suite
.... setup C 0..* Base Resources used in the tests in this suite
ts-2: Either a file, or a resource, but not both
..... name 0..1 string A name for this resource (per runner definition)
..... file 0..1 string A file containing a resource used in the tests
..... resource 0..1 Resource An inline resource used in the tests
..... mode 0..1 code A mode that must be true for this resource to be used
.... test 0..* Base A test in the test suite
..... name 1..1 string The name of this test - unique in the suite
..... description 0..1 string Description of what this test does / why it was defined
..... operation 0..1 code Operation that is executed during this test (per definition of runner)
..... mode 0..1 string mode required to run this test
..... parameter 0..* Base Parameter passed to the runner
...... name 1..1 string Name of parameter
...... value[x] 1..1 Value of this parameter
....... valueString string
....... valueBoolean boolean
....... valueInteger integer
....... valueDecimal decimal
....... valueDateTime dateTime
....... valueUri uri
....... valueCoding Coding
....... valueQuantity Quantity
...... mode 0..1 code A mode that must be true for this parameter to be used
..... input 0..* See setup Resources used when executing this test (per runner definition)
..... output 0..* See setup Resources expected as output from this test (per runner definition, often Matchetypes)

doco Documentation for this format


cnl-1warningTestCases.urlURL should not contain | or # - these characters make processing canonical references problematic
: exists() implies matches('^[^|# ]+$')
ts-2errorTestCases.suite.setupEither a file, or a resource, but not both
: file xor resource

Snapshot View

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. TestCases 0..* Resource
Elements defined in Ancestors:id, meta, implicitRules, language
Test Suite - set of tests executed by a runner
... id Σ 0..1 id Logical id of this artifact
... meta Σ 0..1 Meta Metadata about the resource
... implicitRules ?!Σ 0..1 uri A set of rules under which this content was created
... url ΣC 0..1 uri Canonical identifier for these tests, represented as a URI (globally unique)
cnl-1: URL should not contain | or # - these characters make processing canonical references problematic
... version Σ 0..1 string Business version of the test set (semver)
... name Σ 0..1 string Name for these tests
... description Σ 0..1 markdown General Description of these tests
... runner 1..1 url URL Documentation for a runner that executes these tests
... mode 0..* Base A mode that can be passed to runner - affects test content
.... code 1..1 string The code that identifies the mode
.... description 0..1 string Description of what this mode exists / why it was defined
... suite 0..* Base A suite of tests that share a common set up
.... name 1..1 string The name of this suite - unique in the TestCases resource
.... description 0..1 string Description of what this suite does / why it was defined
.... mode 0..1 code mode required to run this suite
.... setup C 0..* Base Resources used in the tests in this suite
ts-2: Either a file, or a resource, but not both
..... name 0..1 string A name for this resource (per runner definition)
..... file 0..1 string A file containing a resource used in the tests
..... resource 0..1 Resource An inline resource used in the tests
..... mode 0..1 code A mode that must be true for this resource to be used
.... test 0..* Base A test in the test suite
..... name 1..1 string The name of this test - unique in the suite
..... description 0..1 string Description of what this test does / why it was defined
..... operation 0..1 code Operation that is executed during this test (per definition of runner)
..... mode 0..1 string mode required to run this test
..... parameter 0..* Base Parameter passed to the runner
...... name 1..1 string Name of parameter
...... value[x] 1..1 Value of this parameter
....... valueString string
....... valueBoolean boolean
....... valueInteger integer
....... valueDecimal decimal
....... valueDateTime dateTime
....... valueUri uri
....... valueCoding Coding
....... valueQuantity Quantity
...... mode 0..1 code A mode that must be true for this parameter to be used
..... input 0..* See setup Resources used when executing this test (per runner definition)
..... output 0..* See setup Resources expected as output from this test (per runner definition, often Matchetypes)

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings

from the FHIR Standard


cnl-1warningTestCases.urlURL should not contain | or # - these characters make processing canonical references problematic
: exists() implies matches('^[^|# ]+$')
ele-1error**ALL** elementsAll FHIR elements must have a @value or children
: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())
ts-2errorTestCases.suite.setupEither a file, or a resource, but not both
: file xor resource

This structure is derived from Resource


Mandatory: 0 element(6 nested mandatory elements)

Maturity: 3


Other representations of profile: CSV, Excel