FHIR Tooling Extensions IG
0.4.1 - Release 0.2.0 International flag

This page is part of the HL7 Tools Extension IG (v0.4.1: Releases - Informative) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) v5.0.0. This is the current published version in its permanent home (it will always be available at this URL). For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Logical Model: CDSHooks Response (Logical Definition) ( Experimental )

Official URL: http://hl7.org/fhir/tools/StructureDefinition/CDSHooksResponse Version: 0.4.1
Standards status: Informative Maturity Level: 1 Computable Name: CDSHooksResponse
Other Identifiers: OID:2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.

This structure is defined to allow the FHIR Validator to validate a CDSHooks Response body. TODO: This content will be moved to the CDS Hooks specification in the future


  • This Logical Model Profile is not used by any profiles in this Implementation Guide

Formal Views of Profile Content

Description of Profiles, Differentials, Snapshots and how the different presentations work.

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. CDSHooksResponse 0..* CDSHooksElement
Elements defined in Ancestors:extension
The response to the discovery endpoint
... extension 0..1 CDSHooksExtensions Object that has Named Extension Properties
This element can be extended by named JSON elements
... cards C 0..* CDSHooksElement An array of Cards that provide information, suggested actions, and links
JSON: The type of this element is inferred from the JSON type in the instance
cds-resp-1: only one action can be suggested if selectionBehavior = at-most-one
cds-resp-6: If suggestions are present, selectionBehavior MUST also be provided.
.... extension 0..1 CDSHooksExtensions Object that has Named Extension Properties
This element can be extended by named JSON elements
.... uuid 0..1 uuid Unique identifier of the card (for logging/feedback)
When this element is read urn:uuid: is prefixed to the value before validation
.... summary 1..1 string Summary message for display to the user (<140 char)
.... detail 0..1 markdown Optional detailed information to display (GitHub Flavored Markdown)
.... indicator 0..1 code info, warning, critical - Urgency/importance of what this card conveys
Binding: CDSIndicator Codes ValueSet (required)
.... source 1..1 CDSHooksElement The primary source of guidance for the content the card represents.
..... extension 0..1 CDSHooksExtensions Object that has Named Extension Properties
This element can be extended by named JSON elements
..... label 1..1 string Short, human-readable label to display for the source.
..... url 0..1 url Link for when user clicks for more information about the source
..... icon 0..1 url absolute URL to an icon for the source (<100x100 PNG))
..... topic 0..1 Coding Describes the content of the card - can be useful for filtering, searching or ordered display
.... suggestions C 0..* CDSHooksElement Suggest a set of changes in the context of the current activity
cds-resp-5: All suggestion actions must have a description
..... extension 0..1 CDSHooksExtensions Object that has Named Extension Properties
This element can be extended by named JSON elements
..... label 1..1 string Human-readable label to display for this suggestion
..... uuid 0..1 uuid Unique identifier, used for auditing and logging suggestions
When this element is read urn:uuid: is prefixed to the value before validation
..... isRecommended 0..1 boolean
..... actions C 0..* CDSHooksElement Defines a suggested action (all apply)
cds-resp-2: A resourceId not a resource must be provided when type = delete
...... extension 0..1 CDSHooksExtensions Object that has Named Extension Properties
This element can be extended by named JSON elements
...... type 1..1 code create, update, delete - type of action performed
Binding: CDSActionType Codes ValueSet (required)
...... description C 0..1 string Human-readable description of the suggested action (MAY be presented to the end-user)
...... resource 0..1 Resource FHIR resource to create/update
...... resourceId 0..1 url A relative reference to the relevant resource.
.... selectionBehavior C 0..1 code at-most-one, any - intended selection behavior of the suggestions in the card
Binding: CDSSelectionBehavior Codes ValueSet (required)
.... overrideReasons C 0..* Coding Can be selected by the end user when overriding a card without taking the suggested recommendations.
cds-resp-4: the CDS Service MUST populate a display value for each reason's Coding
.... links C 0..* CDSHooksElement Link to an app that the user might want to run for additional information or to help guide a decision
cds-resp-3: AppContext only for smart Apps
..... extension 0..1 CDSHooksExtensions Object that has Named Extension Properties
This element can be extended by named JSON elements
..... label 1..1 string Human-readable label to display for this link (e.g. the CDS Client might render this as the underlined text of a clickable link).
..... url 1..1 url URL to load (via GET, in a browser context) when a user clicks on this link. Note that this MAY be a 'deep link' with context embedded in path segments, query parameters, or a hash.
..... type 0..1 code absolute, smart - how to use the link
Binding: CDSLinkType Codes ValueSet (required)
..... appContext 0..1 string Allows the CDS Service to share information from the CDS card with a subsequently launched SMART app
... systemActions 0..* See actions An array of Actions that the CDS Service proposes to auto-apply
JSON: This element may be present as a JSON Array even when there are no items in the instance

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings

CDSHooksResponse.cards.indicatorrequiredCDSIndicatorCodesVS (a valid code from CDSIndicator Codes)
from this IG
CDSHooksResponse.cards.suggestions.actions.typerequiredCDSActionTypeCodesVS (a valid code from CDSActionType Codes)
from this IG
CDSHooksResponse.cards.selectionBehaviorrequiredCDSSelectionBehaviorCodesVS (a valid code from CDSSelectionBehavior Codes)
from this IG
CDSHooksResponse.cards.links.typerequiredCDSLinkTypeCodesVS (a valid code from CDSLinkType Codes)
from this IG


cds-resp-1errorCDSHooksResponse.cardsonly one action can be suggested if selectionBehavior = at-most-one
: (selectionBehavior = 'at-most-one') implies suggestions.where(isRecommended).count() <= 1
cds-resp-2warningCDSHooksResponse.cards.suggestions.actionsA resourceId not a resource must be provided when type = delete
: (type = 'delete') implies (resourceId.exists() and resource.empty())
cds-resp-3errorCDSHooksResponse.cards.linksAppContext only for smart Apps
: (type != 'smart') implies (appContext.empty())
cds-resp-4errorCDSHooksResponse.cards.overrideReasonsthe CDS Service MUST populate a display value for each reason's Coding
: all(display.exists())
cds-resp-5errorCDSHooksResponse.cards.suggestionsAll suggestion actions must have a description
: actions.all(description.exists())
cds-resp-6errorCDSHooksResponse.cardsIf suggestions are present, selectionBehavior MUST also be provided.
: suggestions.exists() implies selectionBehavior.exists()

This structure is derived from CDSHooksElement

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. CDSHooksResponse 0..* CDSHooksElement
Elements defined in Ancestors:extension
The response to the discovery endpoint
... cards C 0..* CDSHooksElement An array of Cards that provide information, suggested actions, and links
JSON: The type of this element is inferred from the JSON type in the instance
cds-resp-1: only one action can be suggested if selectionBehavior = at-most-one
cds-resp-6: If suggestions are present, selectionBehavior MUST also be provided.
.... uuid 0..1 uuid Unique identifier of the card (for logging/feedback)
When this element is read urn:uuid: is prefixed to the value before validation
.... summary 1..1 string Summary message for display to the user (<140 char)
.... detail 0..1 markdown Optional detailed information to display (GitHub Flavored Markdown)
.... indicator 0..1 code info, warning, critical - Urgency/importance of what this card conveys
Binding: CDSIndicator Codes ValueSet (required)
.... source 1..1 CDSHooksElement The primary source of guidance for the content the card represents.
..... label 1..1 string Short, human-readable label to display for the source.
..... url 0..1 url Link for when user clicks for more information about the source
..... icon 0..1 url absolute URL to an icon for the source (<100x100 PNG))
..... topic 0..1 Coding Describes the content of the card - can be useful for filtering, searching or ordered display
.... suggestions C 0..* CDSHooksElement Suggest a set of changes in the context of the current activity
cds-resp-5: All suggestion actions must have a description
..... label 1..1 string Human-readable label to display for this suggestion
..... uuid 0..1 uuid Unique identifier, used for auditing and logging suggestions
When this element is read urn:uuid: is prefixed to the value before validation
..... isRecommended 0..1 boolean
..... actions C 0..* CDSHooksElement Defines a suggested action (all apply)
cds-resp-2: A resourceId not a resource must be provided when type = delete
...... type 1..1 code create, update, delete - type of action performed
Binding: CDSActionType Codes ValueSet (required)
...... description C 0..1 string Human-readable description of the suggested action (MAY be presented to the end-user)
...... resource 0..1 Resource FHIR resource to create/update
...... resourceId 0..1 url A relative reference to the relevant resource.
.... selectionBehavior C 0..1 code at-most-one, any - intended selection behavior of the suggestions in the card
Binding: CDSSelectionBehavior Codes ValueSet (required)
.... overrideReasons C 0..* Coding Can be selected by the end user when overriding a card without taking the suggested recommendations.
cds-resp-4: the CDS Service MUST populate a display value for each reason's Coding
.... links C 0..* CDSHooksElement Link to an app that the user might want to run for additional information or to help guide a decision
cds-resp-3: AppContext only for smart Apps
..... label 1..1 string Human-readable label to display for this link (e.g. the CDS Client might render this as the underlined text of a clickable link).
..... url 1..1 url URL to load (via GET, in a browser context) when a user clicks on this link. Note that this MAY be a 'deep link' with context embedded in path segments, query parameters, or a hash.
..... type 0..1 code absolute, smart - how to use the link
Binding: CDSLinkType Codes ValueSet (required)
..... appContext 0..1 string Allows the CDS Service to share information from the CDS card with a subsequently launched SMART app
... systemActions 0..* See actions An array of Actions that the CDS Service proposes to auto-apply
JSON: This element may be present as a JSON Array even when there are no items in the instance

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings (Differential)

CDSHooksResponse.cards.indicatorrequiredCDSIndicatorCodesVS (a valid code from CDSIndicator Codes)
from this IG
CDSHooksResponse.cards.suggestions.actions.typerequiredCDSActionTypeCodesVS (a valid code from CDSActionType Codes)
from this IG
CDSHooksResponse.cards.selectionBehaviorrequiredCDSSelectionBehaviorCodesVS (a valid code from CDSSelectionBehavior Codes)
from this IG
CDSHooksResponse.cards.links.typerequiredCDSLinkTypeCodesVS (a valid code from CDSLinkType Codes)
from this IG


cds-resp-1errorCDSHooksResponse.cardsonly one action can be suggested if selectionBehavior = at-most-one
: (selectionBehavior = 'at-most-one') implies suggestions.where(isRecommended).count() <= 1
cds-resp-2warningCDSHooksResponse.cards.suggestions.actionsA resourceId not a resource must be provided when type = delete
: (type = 'delete') implies (resourceId.exists() and resource.empty())
cds-resp-3errorCDSHooksResponse.cards.linksAppContext only for smart Apps
: (type != 'smart') implies (appContext.empty())
cds-resp-4errorCDSHooksResponse.cards.overrideReasonsthe CDS Service MUST populate a display value for each reason's Coding
: all(display.exists())
cds-resp-5errorCDSHooksResponse.cards.suggestionsAll suggestion actions must have a description
: actions.all(description.exists())
cds-resp-6errorCDSHooksResponse.cardsIf suggestions are present, selectionBehavior MUST also be provided.
: suggestions.exists() implies selectionBehavior.exists()
NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. CDSHooksResponse 0..* CDSHooksElement
Elements defined in Ancestors:extension
The response to the discovery endpoint
... extension 0..1 CDSHooksExtensions Object that has Named Extension Properties
This element can be extended by named JSON elements
... cards C 0..* CDSHooksElement An array of Cards that provide information, suggested actions, and links
JSON: The type of this element is inferred from the JSON type in the instance
cds-resp-1: only one action can be suggested if selectionBehavior = at-most-one
cds-resp-6: If suggestions are present, selectionBehavior MUST also be provided.
.... extension 0..1 CDSHooksExtensions Object that has Named Extension Properties
This element can be extended by named JSON elements
.... uuid 0..1 uuid Unique identifier of the card (for logging/feedback)
When this element is read urn:uuid: is prefixed to the value before validation
.... summary 1..1 string Summary message for display to the user (<140 char)
.... detail 0..1 markdown Optional detailed information to display (GitHub Flavored Markdown)
.... indicator 0..1 code info, warning, critical - Urgency/importance of what this card conveys
Binding: CDSIndicator Codes ValueSet (required)
.... source 1..1 CDSHooksElement The primary source of guidance for the content the card represents.
..... extension 0..1 CDSHooksExtensions Object that has Named Extension Properties
This element can be extended by named JSON elements
..... label 1..1 string Short, human-readable label to display for the source.
..... url 0..1 url Link for when user clicks for more information about the source
..... icon 0..1 url absolute URL to an icon for the source (<100x100 PNG))
..... topic 0..1 Coding Describes the content of the card - can be useful for filtering, searching or ordered display
.... suggestions C 0..* CDSHooksElement Suggest a set of changes in the context of the current activity
cds-resp-5: All suggestion actions must have a description
..... extension 0..1 CDSHooksExtensions Object that has Named Extension Properties
This element can be extended by named JSON elements
..... label 1..1 string Human-readable label to display for this suggestion
..... uuid 0..1 uuid Unique identifier, used for auditing and logging suggestions
When this element is read urn:uuid: is prefixed to the value before validation
..... isRecommended 0..1 boolean
..... actions C 0..* CDSHooksElement Defines a suggested action (all apply)
cds-resp-2: A resourceId not a resource must be provided when type = delete
...... extension 0..1 CDSHooksExtensions Object that has Named Extension Properties
This element can be extended by named JSON elements
...... type 1..1 code create, update, delete - type of action performed
Binding: CDSActionType Codes ValueSet (required)
...... description C 0..1 string Human-readable description of the suggested action (MAY be presented to the end-user)
...... resource 0..1 Resource FHIR resource to create/update
...... resourceId 0..1 url A relative reference to the relevant resource.
.... selectionBehavior C 0..1 code at-most-one, any - intended selection behavior of the suggestions in the card
Binding: CDSSelectionBehavior Codes ValueSet (required)
.... overrideReasons C 0..* Coding Can be selected by the end user when overriding a card without taking the suggested recommendations.
cds-resp-4: the CDS Service MUST populate a display value for each reason's Coding
.... links C 0..* CDSHooksElement Link to an app that the user might want to run for additional information or to help guide a decision
cds-resp-3: AppContext only for smart Apps
..... extension 0..1 CDSHooksExtensions Object that has Named Extension Properties
This element can be extended by named JSON elements
..... label 1..1 string Human-readable label to display for this link (e.g. the CDS Client might render this as the underlined text of a clickable link).
..... url 1..1 url URL to load (via GET, in a browser context) when a user clicks on this link. Note that this MAY be a 'deep link' with context embedded in path segments, query parameters, or a hash.
..... type 0..1 code absolute, smart - how to use the link
Binding: CDSLinkType Codes ValueSet (required)
..... appContext 0..1 string Allows the CDS Service to share information from the CDS card with a subsequently launched SMART app
... systemActions 0..* See actions An array of Actions that the CDS Service proposes to auto-apply
JSON: This element may be present as a JSON Array even when there are no items in the instance

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings

CDSHooksResponse.cards.indicatorrequiredCDSIndicatorCodesVS (a valid code from CDSIndicator Codes)
from this IG
CDSHooksResponse.cards.suggestions.actions.typerequiredCDSActionTypeCodesVS (a valid code from CDSActionType Codes)
from this IG
CDSHooksResponse.cards.selectionBehaviorrequiredCDSSelectionBehaviorCodesVS (a valid code from CDSSelectionBehavior Codes)
from this IG
CDSHooksResponse.cards.links.typerequiredCDSLinkTypeCodesVS (a valid code from CDSLinkType Codes)
from this IG


cds-resp-1errorCDSHooksResponse.cardsonly one action can be suggested if selectionBehavior = at-most-one
: (selectionBehavior = 'at-most-one') implies suggestions.where(isRecommended).count() <= 1
cds-resp-2warningCDSHooksResponse.cards.suggestions.actionsA resourceId not a resource must be provided when type = delete
: (type = 'delete') implies (resourceId.exists() and resource.empty())
cds-resp-3errorCDSHooksResponse.cards.linksAppContext only for smart Apps
: (type != 'smart') implies (appContext.empty())
cds-resp-4errorCDSHooksResponse.cards.overrideReasonsthe CDS Service MUST populate a display value for each reason's Coding
: all(display.exists())
cds-resp-5errorCDSHooksResponse.cards.suggestionsAll suggestion actions must have a description
: actions.all(description.exists())
cds-resp-6errorCDSHooksResponse.cardsIf suggestions are present, selectionBehavior MUST also be provided.
: suggestions.exists() implies selectionBehavior.exists()

This structure is derived from CDSHooksElement


Mandatory: 0 element(7 nested mandatory elements)

Maturity: 1

Key Elements View

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. CDSHooksResponse 0..* CDSHooksElement
Elements defined in Ancestors:extension
The response to the discovery endpoint
... extension 0..1 CDSHooksExtensions Object that has Named Extension Properties
This element can be extended by named JSON elements
... cards C 0..* CDSHooksElement An array of Cards that provide information, suggested actions, and links
JSON: The type of this element is inferred from the JSON type in the instance
cds-resp-1: only one action can be suggested if selectionBehavior = at-most-one
cds-resp-6: If suggestions are present, selectionBehavior MUST also be provided.
.... extension 0..1 CDSHooksExtensions Object that has Named Extension Properties
This element can be extended by named JSON elements
.... uuid 0..1 uuid Unique identifier of the card (for logging/feedback)
When this element is read urn:uuid: is prefixed to the value before validation
.... summary 1..1 string Summary message for display to the user (<140 char)
.... detail 0..1 markdown Optional detailed information to display (GitHub Flavored Markdown)
.... indicator 0..1 code info, warning, critical - Urgency/importance of what this card conveys
Binding: CDSIndicator Codes ValueSet (required)
.... source 1..1 CDSHooksElement The primary source of guidance for the content the card represents.
..... extension 0..1 CDSHooksExtensions Object that has Named Extension Properties
This element can be extended by named JSON elements
..... label 1..1 string Short, human-readable label to display for the source.
..... url 0..1 url Link for when user clicks for more information about the source
..... icon 0..1 url absolute URL to an icon for the source (<100x100 PNG))
..... topic 0..1 Coding Describes the content of the card - can be useful for filtering, searching or ordered display
.... suggestions C 0..* CDSHooksElement Suggest a set of changes in the context of the current activity
cds-resp-5: All suggestion actions must have a description
..... extension 0..1 CDSHooksExtensions Object that has Named Extension Properties
This element can be extended by named JSON elements
..... label 1..1 string Human-readable label to display for this suggestion
..... uuid 0..1 uuid Unique identifier, used for auditing and logging suggestions
When this element is read urn:uuid: is prefixed to the value before validation
..... isRecommended 0..1 boolean
..... actions C 0..* CDSHooksElement Defines a suggested action (all apply)
cds-resp-2: A resourceId not a resource must be provided when type = delete
...... extension 0..1 CDSHooksExtensions Object that has Named Extension Properties
This element can be extended by named JSON elements
...... type 1..1 code create, update, delete - type of action performed
Binding: CDSActionType Codes ValueSet (required)
...... description C 0..1 string Human-readable description of the suggested action (MAY be presented to the end-user)
...... resource 0..1 Resource FHIR resource to create/update
...... resourceId 0..1 url A relative reference to the relevant resource.
.... selectionBehavior C 0..1 code at-most-one, any - intended selection behavior of the suggestions in the card
Binding: CDSSelectionBehavior Codes ValueSet (required)
.... overrideReasons C 0..* Coding Can be selected by the end user when overriding a card without taking the suggested recommendations.
cds-resp-4: the CDS Service MUST populate a display value for each reason's Coding
.... links C 0..* CDSHooksElement Link to an app that the user might want to run for additional information or to help guide a decision
cds-resp-3: AppContext only for smart Apps
..... extension 0..1 CDSHooksExtensions Object that has Named Extension Properties
This element can be extended by named JSON elements
..... label 1..1 string Human-readable label to display for this link (e.g. the CDS Client might render this as the underlined text of a clickable link).
..... url 1..1 url URL to load (via GET, in a browser context) when a user clicks on this link. Note that this MAY be a 'deep link' with context embedded in path segments, query parameters, or a hash.
..... type 0..1 code absolute, smart - how to use the link
Binding: CDSLinkType Codes ValueSet (required)
..... appContext 0..1 string Allows the CDS Service to share information from the CDS card with a subsequently launched SMART app
... systemActions 0..* See actions An array of Actions that the CDS Service proposes to auto-apply
JSON: This element may be present as a JSON Array even when there are no items in the instance

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings

CDSHooksResponse.cards.indicatorrequiredCDSIndicatorCodesVS (a valid code from CDSIndicator Codes)
from this IG
CDSHooksResponse.cards.suggestions.actions.typerequiredCDSActionTypeCodesVS (a valid code from CDSActionType Codes)
from this IG
CDSHooksResponse.cards.selectionBehaviorrequiredCDSSelectionBehaviorCodesVS (a valid code from CDSSelectionBehavior Codes)
from this IG
CDSHooksResponse.cards.links.typerequiredCDSLinkTypeCodesVS (a valid code from CDSLinkType Codes)
from this IG


cds-resp-1errorCDSHooksResponse.cardsonly one action can be suggested if selectionBehavior = at-most-one
: (selectionBehavior = 'at-most-one') implies suggestions.where(isRecommended).count() <= 1
cds-resp-2warningCDSHooksResponse.cards.suggestions.actionsA resourceId not a resource must be provided when type = delete
: (type = 'delete') implies (resourceId.exists() and resource.empty())
cds-resp-3errorCDSHooksResponse.cards.linksAppContext only for smart Apps
: (type != 'smart') implies (appContext.empty())
cds-resp-4errorCDSHooksResponse.cards.overrideReasonsthe CDS Service MUST populate a display value for each reason's Coding
: all(display.exists())
cds-resp-5errorCDSHooksResponse.cards.suggestionsAll suggestion actions must have a description
: actions.all(description.exists())
cds-resp-6errorCDSHooksResponse.cardsIf suggestions are present, selectionBehavior MUST also be provided.
: suggestions.exists() implies selectionBehavior.exists()

Differential View

This structure is derived from CDSHooksElement

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. CDSHooksResponse 0..* CDSHooksElement
Elements defined in Ancestors:extension
The response to the discovery endpoint
... cards C 0..* CDSHooksElement An array of Cards that provide information, suggested actions, and links
JSON: The type of this element is inferred from the JSON type in the instance
cds-resp-1: only one action can be suggested if selectionBehavior = at-most-one
cds-resp-6: If suggestions are present, selectionBehavior MUST also be provided.
.... uuid 0..1 uuid Unique identifier of the card (for logging/feedback)
When this element is read urn:uuid: is prefixed to the value before validation
.... summary 1..1 string Summary message for display to the user (<140 char)
.... detail 0..1 markdown Optional detailed information to display (GitHub Flavored Markdown)
.... indicator 0..1 code info, warning, critical - Urgency/importance of what this card conveys
Binding: CDSIndicator Codes ValueSet (required)
.... source 1..1 CDSHooksElement The primary source of guidance for the content the card represents.
..... label 1..1 string Short, human-readable label to display for the source.
..... url 0..1 url Link for when user clicks for more information about the source
..... icon 0..1 url absolute URL to an icon for the source (<100x100 PNG))
..... topic 0..1 Coding Describes the content of the card - can be useful for filtering, searching or ordered display
.... suggestions C 0..* CDSHooksElement Suggest a set of changes in the context of the current activity
cds-resp-5: All suggestion actions must have a description
..... label 1..1 string Human-readable label to display for this suggestion
..... uuid 0..1 uuid Unique identifier, used for auditing and logging suggestions
When this element is read urn:uuid: is prefixed to the value before validation
..... isRecommended 0..1 boolean
..... actions C 0..* CDSHooksElement Defines a suggested action (all apply)
cds-resp-2: A resourceId not a resource must be provided when type = delete
...... type 1..1 code create, update, delete - type of action performed
Binding: CDSActionType Codes ValueSet (required)
...... description C 0..1 string Human-readable description of the suggested action (MAY be presented to the end-user)
...... resource 0..1 Resource FHIR resource to create/update
...... resourceId 0..1 url A relative reference to the relevant resource.
.... selectionBehavior C 0..1 code at-most-one, any - intended selection behavior of the suggestions in the card
Binding: CDSSelectionBehavior Codes ValueSet (required)
.... overrideReasons C 0..* Coding Can be selected by the end user when overriding a card without taking the suggested recommendations.
cds-resp-4: the CDS Service MUST populate a display value for each reason's Coding
.... links C 0..* CDSHooksElement Link to an app that the user might want to run for additional information or to help guide a decision
cds-resp-3: AppContext only for smart Apps
..... label 1..1 string Human-readable label to display for this link (e.g. the CDS Client might render this as the underlined text of a clickable link).
..... url 1..1 url URL to load (via GET, in a browser context) when a user clicks on this link. Note that this MAY be a 'deep link' with context embedded in path segments, query parameters, or a hash.
..... type 0..1 code absolute, smart - how to use the link
Binding: CDSLinkType Codes ValueSet (required)
..... appContext 0..1 string Allows the CDS Service to share information from the CDS card with a subsequently launched SMART app
... systemActions 0..* See actions An array of Actions that the CDS Service proposes to auto-apply
JSON: This element may be present as a JSON Array even when there are no items in the instance

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings (Differential)

CDSHooksResponse.cards.indicatorrequiredCDSIndicatorCodesVS (a valid code from CDSIndicator Codes)
from this IG
CDSHooksResponse.cards.suggestions.actions.typerequiredCDSActionTypeCodesVS (a valid code from CDSActionType Codes)
from this IG
CDSHooksResponse.cards.selectionBehaviorrequiredCDSSelectionBehaviorCodesVS (a valid code from CDSSelectionBehavior Codes)
from this IG
CDSHooksResponse.cards.links.typerequiredCDSLinkTypeCodesVS (a valid code from CDSLinkType Codes)
from this IG


cds-resp-1errorCDSHooksResponse.cardsonly one action can be suggested if selectionBehavior = at-most-one
: (selectionBehavior = 'at-most-one') implies suggestions.where(isRecommended).count() <= 1
cds-resp-2warningCDSHooksResponse.cards.suggestions.actionsA resourceId not a resource must be provided when type = delete
: (type = 'delete') implies (resourceId.exists() and resource.empty())
cds-resp-3errorCDSHooksResponse.cards.linksAppContext only for smart Apps
: (type != 'smart') implies (appContext.empty())
cds-resp-4errorCDSHooksResponse.cards.overrideReasonsthe CDS Service MUST populate a display value for each reason's Coding
: all(display.exists())
cds-resp-5errorCDSHooksResponse.cards.suggestionsAll suggestion actions must have a description
: actions.all(description.exists())
cds-resp-6errorCDSHooksResponse.cardsIf suggestions are present, selectionBehavior MUST also be provided.
: suggestions.exists() implies selectionBehavior.exists()

Snapshot View

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. CDSHooksResponse 0..* CDSHooksElement
Elements defined in Ancestors:extension
The response to the discovery endpoint
... extension 0..1 CDSHooksExtensions Object that has Named Extension Properties
This element can be extended by named JSON elements
... cards C 0..* CDSHooksElement An array of Cards that provide information, suggested actions, and links
JSON: The type of this element is inferred from the JSON type in the instance
cds-resp-1: only one action can be suggested if selectionBehavior = at-most-one
cds-resp-6: If suggestions are present, selectionBehavior MUST also be provided.
.... extension 0..1 CDSHooksExtensions Object that has Named Extension Properties
This element can be extended by named JSON elements
.... uuid 0..1 uuid Unique identifier of the card (for logging/feedback)
When this element is read urn:uuid: is prefixed to the value before validation
.... summary 1..1 string Summary message for display to the user (<140 char)
.... detail 0..1 markdown Optional detailed information to display (GitHub Flavored Markdown)
.... indicator 0..1 code info, warning, critical - Urgency/importance of what this card conveys
Binding: CDSIndicator Codes ValueSet (required)
.... source 1..1 CDSHooksElement The primary source of guidance for the content the card represents.
..... extension 0..1 CDSHooksExtensions Object that has Named Extension Properties
This element can be extended by named JSON elements
..... label 1..1 string Short, human-readable label to display for the source.
..... url 0..1 url Link for when user clicks for more information about the source
..... icon 0..1 url absolute URL to an icon for the source (<100x100 PNG))
..... topic 0..1 Coding Describes the content of the card - can be useful for filtering, searching or ordered display
.... suggestions C 0..* CDSHooksElement Suggest a set of changes in the context of the current activity
cds-resp-5: All suggestion actions must have a description
..... extension 0..1 CDSHooksExtensions Object that has Named Extension Properties
This element can be extended by named JSON elements
..... label 1..1 string Human-readable label to display for this suggestion
..... uuid 0..1 uuid Unique identifier, used for auditing and logging suggestions
When this element is read urn:uuid: is prefixed to the value before validation
..... isRecommended 0..1 boolean
..... actions C 0..* CDSHooksElement Defines a suggested action (all apply)
cds-resp-2: A resourceId not a resource must be provided when type = delete
...... extension 0..1 CDSHooksExtensions Object that has Named Extension Properties
This element can be extended by named JSON elements
...... type 1..1 code create, update, delete - type of action performed
Binding: CDSActionType Codes ValueSet (required)
...... description C 0..1 string Human-readable description of the suggested action (MAY be presented to the end-user)
...... resource 0..1 Resource FHIR resource to create/update
...... resourceId 0..1 url A relative reference to the relevant resource.
.... selectionBehavior C 0..1 code at-most-one, any - intended selection behavior of the suggestions in the card
Binding: CDSSelectionBehavior Codes ValueSet (required)
.... overrideReasons C 0..* Coding Can be selected by the end user when overriding a card without taking the suggested recommendations.
cds-resp-4: the CDS Service MUST populate a display value for each reason's Coding
.... links C 0..* CDSHooksElement Link to an app that the user might want to run for additional information or to help guide a decision
cds-resp-3: AppContext only for smart Apps
..... extension 0..1 CDSHooksExtensions Object that has Named Extension Properties
This element can be extended by named JSON elements
..... label 1..1 string Human-readable label to display for this link (e.g. the CDS Client might render this as the underlined text of a clickable link).
..... url 1..1 url URL to load (via GET, in a browser context) when a user clicks on this link. Note that this MAY be a 'deep link' with context embedded in path segments, query parameters, or a hash.
..... type 0..1 code absolute, smart - how to use the link
Binding: CDSLinkType Codes ValueSet (required)
..... appContext 0..1 string Allows the CDS Service to share information from the CDS card with a subsequently launched SMART app
... systemActions 0..* See actions An array of Actions that the CDS Service proposes to auto-apply
JSON: This element may be present as a JSON Array even when there are no items in the instance

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings

CDSHooksResponse.cards.indicatorrequiredCDSIndicatorCodesVS (a valid code from CDSIndicator Codes)
from this IG
CDSHooksResponse.cards.suggestions.actions.typerequiredCDSActionTypeCodesVS (a valid code from CDSActionType Codes)
from this IG
CDSHooksResponse.cards.selectionBehaviorrequiredCDSSelectionBehaviorCodesVS (a valid code from CDSSelectionBehavior Codes)
from this IG
CDSHooksResponse.cards.links.typerequiredCDSLinkTypeCodesVS (a valid code from CDSLinkType Codes)
from this IG


cds-resp-1errorCDSHooksResponse.cardsonly one action can be suggested if selectionBehavior = at-most-one
: (selectionBehavior = 'at-most-one') implies suggestions.where(isRecommended).count() <= 1
cds-resp-2warningCDSHooksResponse.cards.suggestions.actionsA resourceId not a resource must be provided when type = delete
: (type = 'delete') implies (resourceId.exists() and resource.empty())
cds-resp-3errorCDSHooksResponse.cards.linksAppContext only for smart Apps
: (type != 'smart') implies (appContext.empty())
cds-resp-4errorCDSHooksResponse.cards.overrideReasonsthe CDS Service MUST populate a display value for each reason's Coding
: all(display.exists())
cds-resp-5errorCDSHooksResponse.cards.suggestionsAll suggestion actions must have a description
: actions.all(description.exists())
cds-resp-6errorCDSHooksResponse.cardsIf suggestions are present, selectionBehavior MUST also be provided.
: suggestions.exists() implies selectionBehavior.exists()

This structure is derived from CDSHooksElement


Mandatory: 0 element(7 nested mandatory elements)

Maturity: 1


Other representations of profile: CSV, Excel