This page is part of the HL7 Tools Extension IG (v0.3.0: Releases - Informative) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) v5.0.0 . The current version which supersedes this version is 0.4.1 . For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions
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Version :
as of 2024-10-27
Computable Name : FHIRToolExtensionsIG
Other Identifiers: OID:2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.40.1
This IG defines extensions and their valuesets + code systems used internally by FHIR tools that support the
implementation community. These tools include:
Code Generators
Profile & Terminology tooling
Implementation Guide Authoring Tooling
These extensions are not intended to appear in health systems implementations
unless they are concerned with code generation from the FHIR packages.
In addition, there are a few extensions and logical models
that are defined in this IG to allow for experimental use; once
more experience has been gained, these are intended to move into the main FHIR Extensions package (at
which time their URL will change). Those extensions and the supporting
terminology resources are clearly labeled.
Extension Summary
Identity Conf. Type Context WG Status additional-binding 0..* (complex) ElementDefinition.binding , fhir Trial-Use : FMM4binding-definition 0..* markdown ElementDefinition.binding fhir Trial-Use : FMM4elementdefinition-binding-style 0..* code StructureDefinition fhir Trial-Use : FMM2elementdefinition-date-format 0..* string ElementDefinition fhir Trial-Use : FMM3elementdefinition-date-rules 0..* string ElementDefinition fhir Trial-Use : FMM3extension-style 0..* code StructureDefinition fhir Trial-Use : FMM2id-expectation 0..* code ElementDefinition , ElementDefinition.type fhir Trial-Use : FMM2ig-actor-example-url 0..* url ActorDefinition fhir Trial-Use : FMM2ig-example-actor 0..* canonical ImplementationGuide.definition.resource fhir Trial-Use : FMM2ig-internal-dependency 0..* code ImplementationGuide.definition fhir Trial-Use : FMM2ig-link-dependency 0..* code ImplementationGuide.definition fhir Trial-Use : FMM2ig-page-name 0..* url fhir Trial-Use : FMM4ig-parameter 0..* (complex) ImplementationGuide.definition fhir Trial-Use : FMM5igpublisher-bundle 0..* url ImplementationGuide.definition fhir Trial-Use : FMM4implementationguide-dependency-comment 0..* markdown ImplementationGuide.dependsOn fhir Trial-Use : FMM4implementationguide-resource-format 0..* code ImplementationGuide.definition.resource fhir Trial-Use : FMM4implementationguide-resource-fragment 0..* (complex) ImplementationGuide.definition.resource fhir Trial-Use : FMM4implementationguide-resource-logical 0..* canonical ImplementationGuide.definition.resource fhir Trial-Use : FMM4implementationguide-resource-uri 0..* (complex) ImplementationGuide fhir Trial-Use : FMM4implied-string-prefix 0..* string ElementDefinition fhir Trial-Use : FMM2inherit-obligations 0..* canonical StructureDefinition fhir Trial-Use : FMM2json-empty-behavior 0..* code ElementDefinition , ElementDefinition.type fhir Trial-Use : FMM2json-name 0..* string ElementDefinition fhir Trial-Use : FMM2json-nullable 0..1 boolean ElementDefinition , ElementDefinition.type fhir Trial-Use : FMM2json-primitive-choice 0..1 boolean ElementDefinition , ElementDefinition.type fhir Trial-Use : FMM2json-property-key 0..* code ElementDefinition , ElementDefinition.type fhir Trial-Use : FMM2logical-container 0..1 uri StructureDefinition fhir Trial-Use : FMM1logical-target 0..1 boolean StructureDefinition fhir Trial-Use : FMM1no-binding 0..1 boolean ElementDefinition , ElementDefinition.type fhir Trial-Use : FMM4obligation-profile 0..* boolean StructureDefinition fhir Trial-Use : FMM2package-scope 0..* code ImplementationGuide , ImplementationGuide.dependsOn fhir Trial-Use : FMM1profile-mapping 0..* (Choice) fhir Trial-Use : FMM2resource-sort 0..* integer ImplementationGuide.definition.resource fhir Trial-Use : FMM1searchparameter-base-type 0..* code SearchParameter.base fhir Trial-Use : FMM1select-by-map 0..* (complex) ValueSet.compose.include , ValueSet.compose.exclude fhir Trial-Use : FMM1type-parameter 0..* (complex) StructureDefinition fhir Trial-Use : FMM2type-specifier 0..* (complex) ElementDefinition fhir Trial-Use : FMM2valueset-expansion-parameter 0..* (complex) ImplementationGuide.definition fhir Trial-Use : FMM3web-source 0..1 url CanonicalResource fhir Trial-Use : FMM1xml-choice-group 0..* boolean ElementDefinition fhir Trial-Use : FMM4xml-name 0..* string ElementDefinition , StructureDefinition fhir Trial-Use : FMM2xml-namespace 0..1 uri ElementDefinition , StructureDefinition fhir Trial-Use : FMM3
Tooling IG Lifecycle
This IG is not subject to formal balloting. It is maintained
by the FHIR-I Working Group on behalf of the tooling providers,
and updated regularly to keep in sync with the various tools.
Changes are proposed and managed using the standard Jira process
(see right link on the footer).
Additional Documentation