This page is part of the FHIR Core Extensions Registry (v5.2.0: Release 5.2) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) v5.0.0 . This is the current published version in its permanent home (it will always be available at this URL). For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions
Extension: StructureDefinition Category
Official URL :
Version :
Standards status:
Maturity Level : 3
Computable Name : SDCategory
Other Identifiers: OID:2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.5.1022
The category under which the resource type is presented on the official resource list.
Context of Use
This extension may be used on the following element(s):
Usage info
Examples for this Extension: Account , ActivityDefinition , ActorDefinition , AdministrableProductDefinition ... Show 162 more , AdverseEvent , AllergyIntolerance , Appointment , AppointmentResponse , ArtifactAssessment , AuditEvent , Basic , Batch bundle , Batch response bundle , Binary , BiologicallyDerivedProduct , BiologicallyDerivedProductDispense , BodyStructure , Bundle , CapabilityStatement , CarePlan , CareTeam , ChargeItem , ChargeItemDefinition , Citation , Claim , ClaimResponse , ClinicalImpression , ClinicalUseDefinition , CodeSystem , Communication , CommunicationRequest , CompartmentDefinition , Composition , ConceptMap , Condition , ConditionDefinition , Consent , Contract , Coverage , CoverageEligibilityRequest , CoverageEligibilityResponse , DetectedIssue , Device , DeviceAssociation , DeviceDefinition , DeviceDispense , DeviceMetric , DeviceRequest , DeviceUsage , DiagnosticReport , Document bundle , DocumentReference , Encounter , EncounterHistory , Endpoint , EnrollmentRequest , EnrollmentResponse , EpisodeOfCare , EventDefinition , Evidence , EvidenceReport , EvidenceVariable , ExampleScenario , ExplanationOfBenefit , FamilyMemberHistory , Flag , FormularyItem , GenomicStudy , Goal , GraphDefinition , Group , GuidanceResponse , HealthcareService , History bundle , ImagingSelection , ImagingStudy , Immunization , ImmunizationEvaluation , ImmunizationRecommendation , ImplementationGuide
, Ingredient , InsurancePlan , InventoryItem , InventoryReport , Invoice , Library , Linkage , List , Location , ManufacturedItemDefinition , Measure , MeasureReport , Medication , MedicationAdministration , MedicationDispense , MedicationKnowledge , MedicationRequest , MedicationStatement , MedicinalProductDefinition , MessageDefinition , MessageHeader , MolecularSequence , NamingSystem , NutritionIntake , NutritionOrder , NutritionProduct , Observation , ObservationDefinition , OperationDefinition , OperationOutcome , Organization , OrganizationAffiliation , PackagedProductDefinition , Parameters , Patient , PaymentNotice , PaymentReconciliation , Permission , Person , PlanDefinition , Practitioner , PractitionerRole , Procedure , Provenance , Questionnaire , QuestionnaireResponse , RegulatedAuthorization , RelatedPerson , RequestOrchestration , Requirements , ResearchStudy , ResearchSubject , RiskAssessment , Schedule , Search Set Bundle , SearchParameter , ServiceRequest , Slot , Specimen , SpecimenDefinition , StructureDefinition , StructureMap , Subscription Notification bundle , Subscription , SubscriptionStatus , SubscriptionTopic , Substance , SubstanceDefinition , SubstanceNucleicAcid , SubstancePolymer , SubstanceProtein , SubstanceReferenceInformation , SubstanceSourceMaterial , SupplyDelivery , SupplyRequest , Task , TerminologyCapabilities , TestPlan , TestReport , TestScript
, Transaction bundle , Transaction response bundle , Transport , ValueSet , VerificationResult and VisionPrescription
Changes since version 1.0.0:
No changes
Formal Views of Extension Content
Description of Profiles, Differentials, Snapshots, and how the XML and JSON presentations work .
This structure is derived from Extension
Simple Extension of type string: The category under which the resource type is presented on the official resource list.
Maturity : 3
This structure is derived from Extension
Simple Extension of type string: The category under which the resource type is presented on the official resource list.
Maturity : 3
Differential View
This structure is derived from Extension
Other representations of profile: CSV , Excel , Schematron
Id Grade Path(s) Details Requirements
ele-1 error **ALL** elements All FHIR elements must have a @value or children : hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())
ext-1 error **ALL** extensions Must have either extensions or value[x], not both : extension.exists() != value.exists()
Search Parameters for this Extension
(none found)