This page is part of the FHIR Core Extensions Registry (v0.1.0: Release 1.0 Draft) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) v5.0.0 . The current version which supersedes this version is 5.2.0 . For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions
Extension: StructureDefinition FHIR Type
Official URL :
Version :
Standards status:
Maturity Level : 1
Computable Name : SDFhirType
Other Identifiers: id: urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.5.1013
The FHIR type of a property - used on the value property of a primitive type (for which there is no type in the FHIR typing system), and,, and Extension.url. All of these have a non-FHIR type in thir structure definition, and this specifies the applicable FHIR type.
Context of Use
This extension may be used on the following element(s):
Element ID ElementDefinition.type
Usage info
Examples for this Extension: objectClass , objectClassProperty , PermittedValueConceptmap , PermittedValueValueset , additionalIdentifier , Abatement , AIAssertedDate , AICertainty , AIDuration , AIReasonRefuted , AIResolutionAge , AISubstanceExposureRisk , AlternateCanonical , AlternateCodes , AlternateReference , ArtifactAuthor , ArtifactContact , contactDetailReference , ArtifactCopyright , ArtifactCopyrightLabel , ArtifactDate , ArtifactDescription , ArtifactEditor , ArtifactEndorser , ArtifactExperimental , ArtifactIdentifier , ArtifactJurisdiction , knowledgeCapability , knowledgeRepresentationLevel , ArtifactName , periodDuration , ArtifactPublisher , ArtifactPurpose , ArtifactRelatedArtifact , ArtifactReviewer , ArtifactStatus , ArtifactTitle , ArtifactTopic , ArtifactUrl , ArtifactUseContext , ArtifactVersion , ArtifactVersionAlgorithm , AEAccession , AEAlternativeUserID , AEAnonymized , AEEncrypted , AEInstance , AELifecycle , AEMPPS , AENumberOfInstances , AEParticipantObjectContainsStudy , AESOPClass , BDPCollectionProcedure , BDPManipulation , BDPProcessing , BodyStructureReference , CRShortDescription , Capabilities , CSDeclaredProfile , CSExpectation , CSProhibited , CSSearchMode , CSSearchParameterCombination , CSSearchParameterUse , CSSupportedSystem , CSWebsocket , CPActivityTitle , CTAlias , CharacteristicExpression , CSAlternate , CSAuthoritativeSource , CSConceptComments , CSConceptOrder , CSHistory , CSKeyWord , CSLabel , CSMap , CSOtherName , CSPropertiesMode , CSReplacedby , CSSourceReference , CSTrustedExpansion , CSUsage , CSUseMarkdown , CSWarning , CSWorkflowStatus , CodingConformance , CodingPurpose , Sctdescid , CMedia , CRInitiatingLocation , COtherConfidentiality , CDVersionNumber , CSectionSubject , CMBidirectional , ConditionAssertedDate , ConditionDiseaseCourse , ConditionDueTo , ConditionOccurredFollowing , ConditionOutcome , ConditionRelated , ConditionReviewed , ConditionRuledOut , ConsentNotificationEndpoint , ConsentResearchStudyContext , ConsentTranscriber , ConsentWitness , ConsentLocation , ContactPointArea , ContactPointComment , ContactPointCountry , ContactPointExtension , ContactPointLocal , AlternativeExpression , artifactComment , calculatedValue , cdsHooksEndpoint , CQFCertainty , CQFCitation , ContactAddress , ContactReference , ContributionTime , CQFCQLOptions , directReferenceCode , encounterClass , encounterType , CQFExpression , initialValue , initiatingOrganization , initiatingPerson , inputParameters , IsPrefetchToken , knowledgeCapability , knowledgeRepresentationLevel , CQFLibrary , logicDefinition , measureInfo , ParameterDefinition , qualityOfEvidence , receivingOrganization , receivingPerson , recipientLanguage , recipientType , relativeDateTime , strengthOfRecommendation , supportedCqlVersion , systemUserLanguage , systemUserTaskContext , systemUserType , targetInvariant , CValidityPeriod , DataAbsentReason , Datatype , ResourceDerivationReference , DesignNote , DevCommercialBrand , DevImplantStatus , DRPatientInstruction , DRAddendumOf , DRExtends , DRFocus , DRLocationPerformed , DRReplaces , DRRisk , DRSummaryOf , DisplayName , DRSourcepatient , DRThumbnail , Conditions , AllowedUnits , BestPracticeExplanation , BestPractice , BindingName , Conceptmap , DefaultType , Equivalence , GraphConstraint , Identifier , InheritedExtensibleValueSet , IsCommonBinding , MaxValueSet , MinValueSet , Namespace , Pattern , ProfileElement , Question , Selector , Suppress , Translatable , TypeMustSupport , EncAssociatedEncounter , EncModeOfArrival , EncReasonCancelled , entryFormat , basedOn , eventHistory , EventLocation , partOf , performerFunction , statusReason , ExtendedContactAvailability , QuantityTranslation , FMHObservation , FMHParent , FMHSibling , FMHAbatement , FMHPatientRecord , FMHSeverity , FMHType , FirstCreated , FlagDetail , FlagPriority , Geolocation , GoalAcceptance , GoalReasonRejected , GoalRelationship , BundleHttpResponseHeader , AssemblyOrder , FathersFamily , MothersFamily , OwnName , OwnPrefix , PartnerName , PartnerPrefix , IDCheckDigit , ValidDate , ImmProcedure , IGSourceFile , PGenderIdentity , PPronouns , RecordedSexOrGender , ADUse , ADXPAdditionalLocator , ADXPBuildingNumberSuffix , ADXPCareOf , ADXPCensusTract , ADXPDelimiter , ADXPDeliveryAddressLine , ADXPDeliveryInstallationArea , ADXPDeliveryInstallationQualifier , ADXPDeliveryInstallationType , ADXPDeliveryMode , ADXPDeliveryModeIdentifier , ADXPDirection , ADXPHouseNumber , ADXPHouseNumberNumeric , ADXPPostBox , ADXPPrecinct , ADXPStreetAddressLine , ADXPStreetName , ADXPStreetNameBase , ADXPStreetNameType , ADXPUnitID , ADXPUnitType , ENQualifier , ENRepresentation , ENUse , TELAddress , CodedString , nullFlavor , Preferred , Uncertainty , UncertaintyType , ItemWeight , HumanLanguage , LargeValue , LastSourceSync , ListCategory , ListChangeBase , ListFor , LocBoundaryGeojson , LocCommunication , BundleLocationDistance , BundleMatchGrade , maxDecimalPlaces , maxSize , maxValue , MedManufacturingBatch , MedQuantityRemaining , MedRefillsRemaining , MsgResponseRequest , mimeType , minLength , minValue , NSCheckDigit , NarrativeLink , PatNoFixedAddress , NttAdaptiveFeedingDevice , OAuthUris , Obligation , ObsBodyPosition , ObsDelta , ObsDeviceCode , ObsFocusCode , ObsGatewayDevice , ObsPrecondition , ObsReagent , ObsReplaces , Obs SecondaryFinding , ObsSequelTo , ObsSpecimenCode , ObsTimeOffset , AIAdministration , AICareplan , AIExposureDate , AIExposureDescription , AIExposureDuration , AILocation , AIManagement , ODProfile , OOAuthority , OODetectedIssue , OOSourceFile , OOIssueCol , OOIssue-line , OOIssue-source , OOIssueSource , OrgPeriod , OrgPreferredContact , OrgPrimaryInd , OriginalText , Parameters Definition , ParamFullUrl , PatAdoptionInfo , PatAnimal , PatBirthPlace , PatBirthTime , PatCadavericDonor , PatCitizenship , PatCongregation , PatDisability , PatImportance , PatInterpreterRequired , PatMothersMaidenName , PatMultipleBirthTotal , PatNationality , PatPreferenceType , PatProficiency , PatRelatedPerson , PatReligion , PatSexForClinicalUse , PRAnimalSpecies , PRJobTitle , PRPrimaryInd , PRApproachBodyStructure , PRCausedBy , PRDirectedBy , PRIncisionDateTime , PRMethod , PRProgressStatus , PRTargetBodyStructure , Precision , QBaseType , QChoiceOrientation , QConstraint , QDefinitionBased , QDisplayCategory , QFhirType , QHidden , QItemControl , QMaxOccurs , QMinOccurs , QOptionExclusive , QOptionPrefix , QOptionRestriction , referenceFilter , QReferenceProfile , QReferenceResource , QSignatureRequired , QSliderStepValue , QSupportLink , QUnit , QRUnitOption , QRUnitValueSet , QRUsageMode , QRAttester , QRAuthor , QRCompletionMode , QRReason , QRReviewer , QRSignature , ReferencesContained , RelativeDateCriteria , RenderedValue , Markdown , RenderingStyle , styleSensitive , XhtmlRepresentation , Replaces , doNotPerform , RequestInsurance , performerOrder , relevantHistory , RequestReplaces , statusReason , RSSiteRecruitment , RSStudyRegistration , ResolveAsVersionSpecific , ResourceApprovalDate , ResourceEffectivePeriod , ResourceInstanceDescription , ResourceInstanceName , ReslastReviewDate , SRPertainsToGoal , ResourceSatifiesRequirement , SRPrecondition , SRQuestionnaireRequest , SpecCollectionPriority , SpecIsDryWeight , SpecProcessingTime , SpecSequenceNumber , SpecSpecialHandling , SDAncestor , SDApplicableVersion , SDCategory , SDCodegenSuper , SDcompliesWithProfile , SDStatusDerivation , SDDisplayHint , SDExplicitTypeName , SDExtensionMeaning , SDFhirType , SDFmmNoWarnings , SDFmmSupportDoco , SDFmm , SDHierarchy , SDimposeProfile , SDInheritanceControl , SDInterface , SDNormativeVersion , SDSecurityCategory , SDStandardsStatusReason , SDStandardsStatus , SDSummary , SDTableName , SDTemplateStatus , SDTypeCharacteristics , SDWorkGroup , SDXmlHasNoOrder , TargetElement , TargetPath , TaskReplaces , TxResourceIdentifierMetadata , TimezoneCode , TimingDayOfMonth , daysOfCycle , TimingExact , UncertainDate , Translation , TimezoneOffset , UncertainPeriod , Group , VSAuthoritativeSource , VSCaseSensitive , VSComposeCreatedBy , VSComposeCreationDate , VSIncludeVSTitle , VSConceptComments , VSConceptDefinition , VSConceptOrder , VSDeprecated , VSExpansionSource , VSExpression , VSExtensible , VSKeyword , VSLabel , VSMap , VSOtherName , VSOtherTitle , VSParameterSource , VSReference , VSRulesText , VSSourceReference , VSSpecialStatus , VSSupplement , VSSystem , VSSystemName , VSSystemReference , VSSystemTitle , VSToocostly , VSTrustedExpansion , VS Unclosed , VS Usage , VS Warning , WorkflowStatusDescription , Variable , adheresTo , WorkflowBarrier , compliesWith , episodeOfCare , followOnOf , generatedFrom , protectiveFactor , WorkflowReason , relatedArtifact , releaseDate , researchStudy , shallComplyWith , supportingInfo , triggeredBy
Formal Views of Extension Content
Description of Profiles, Differentials, Snapshots, and how the XML and JSON presentations work .
This structure is derived from Extension
Mandatory: 1 element Fixed Value: 1 element Prohibited: 1 element
Maturity : 1
This structure is derived from Extension
Mandatory: 1 element Fixed Value: 1 element Prohibited: 1 element
Maturity : 1
Differential View
This structure is derived from Extension
Other representations of profile: CSV , Excel , Schematron
Id Grade Path(s) Details Requirements
ele-1 error **ALL** elements All FHIR elements must have a @value or children : hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())
Search Parameters for this Extension
(none found)