This page is part of the FHIR Specification (v5.0.0: R5 - STU). This is the current published version in it's permanent home (it will always be available at this URL). For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions
. Page versions: R5 R4B R4 R3
Raw ShEx
ShEx statement for detectedissue
PREFIX fhir: <>
PREFIX fhirvs: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
IMPORT <uri.shex>
IMPORT <code.shex>
IMPORT <Group.shex>
IMPORT <Device.shex>
IMPORT <Period.shex>
IMPORT <Patient.shex>
IMPORT <Location.shex>
IMPORT <dateTime.shex>
IMPORT <markdown.shex>
IMPORT <Resource.shex>
IMPORT <Reference.shex>
IMPORT <Procedure.shex>
IMPORT <Substance.shex>
IMPORT <Encounter.shex>
IMPORT <Identifier.shex>
IMPORT <Medication.shex>
IMPORT <Annotation.shex>
IMPORT <Organization.shex>
IMPORT <Practitioner.shex>
IMPORT <RelatedPerson.shex>
IMPORT <DomainResource.shex>
IMPORT <CodeableConcept.shex>
IMPORT <BackboneElement.shex>
IMPORT <NutritionProduct.shex>
IMPORT <PractitionerRole.shex>
IMPORT <BiologicallyDerivedProduct.shex>
start=@<DetectedIssue> AND {fhir:nodeRole [fhir:treeRoot]}
# Clinical issue with action
<DetectedIssue> EXTENDS @<DomainResource> CLOSED {
a [fhir:DetectedIssue]?;
fhir:nodeRole [fhir:treeRoot]?;
fhir:identifier @<OneOrMore_Identifier>?; # Unique id for the detected issue
fhir:status @<code> AND
{fhir:v @fhirvs:detectedissue-status}; # preliminary | final |
# entered-in-error | mitigated
fhir:category @<OneOrMore_CodeableConcept>?; # Type of detected issue, e.g.
# drug-drug, duplicate therapy, etc
fhir:code @<CodeableConcept>?; # Specific type of detected issue,
# e.g. drug-drug, duplicate therapy,
# etc
fhir:severity @<code> AND
{fhir:v @fhirvs:detectedissue-severity}?; # high | moderate | low
fhir:subject @<Reference> AND {fhir:link
@<BiologicallyDerivedProduct> OR
@<Device> OR
@<Group> OR
@<Location> OR
@<Medication> OR
@<NutritionProduct> OR
@<Organization> OR
@<Patient> OR
@<Practitioner> OR
@<Procedure> OR
@<Substance> ? }?; # Associated subject
fhir:encounter @<Reference> AND {fhir:link
@<Encounter> ? }?; # Encounter detected issue is part of
fhir:identified @<dateTime> OR
@<Period> ?; # When identified
fhir:author @<Reference> AND {fhir:link
@<Device> OR
@<Patient> OR
@<Practitioner> OR
@<PractitionerRole> OR
@<RelatedPerson> ? }?; # The provider or device that
# identified the issue
fhir:implicated @<OneOrMore_Reference_Resource>?; # Problem resource
fhir:evidence @<OneOrMore_DetectedIssue.evidence>?; # Supporting evidence
fhir:detail @<markdown>?; # Description and context
fhir:reference @<uri>?; # Authority for issue
fhir:mitigation @<OneOrMore_DetectedIssue.mitigation>?; # Step taken to address
# Supporting evidence
<DetectedIssue.evidence> EXTENDS @<BackboneElement> CLOSED {
fhir:code @<OneOrMore_CodeableConcept>?; # Manifestation
fhir:detail @<OneOrMore_Reference_Resource>?; # Supporting information
# Step taken to address
<DetectedIssue.mitigation> EXTENDS @<BackboneElement> CLOSED {
fhir:action @<CodeableConcept>; # What mitigation?
fhir:date @<dateTime>?; # Date committed
fhir:author @<Reference> AND {fhir:link
@<Practitioner> OR
@<PractitionerRole> ? }?; # Who is committing?
fhir:note @<OneOrMore_Annotation>?; # Additional notes about the
# mitigation
#---------------------- Cardinality Types (OneOrMore) -------------------
<OneOrMore_Identifier> CLOSED {
rdf:first @<Identifier> ;
rdf:rest [rdf:nil] OR @<OneOrMore_Identifier>
<OneOrMore_CodeableConcept> CLOSED {
rdf:first @<CodeableConcept> ;
rdf:rest [rdf:nil] OR @<OneOrMore_CodeableConcept>
<OneOrMore_Reference_Resource> CLOSED {
rdf:first @<Reference> AND {fhir:link
@<Resource> } ;
rdf:rest [rdf:nil] OR @<OneOrMore_Reference_Resource>
<OneOrMore_DetectedIssue.evidence> CLOSED {
rdf:first @<DetectedIssue.evidence> ;
rdf:rest [rdf:nil] OR @<OneOrMore_DetectedIssue.evidence>
<OneOrMore_DetectedIssue.mitigation> CLOSED {
rdf:first @<DetectedIssue.mitigation> ;
rdf:rest [rdf:nil] OR @<OneOrMore_DetectedIssue.mitigation>
<OneOrMore_Annotation> CLOSED {
rdf:first @<Annotation> ;
rdf:rest [rdf:nil] OR @<OneOrMore_Annotation>
#---------------------- Value Sets ------------------------
# Indicates the potential degree of impact of the identified issue on the patient.
fhirvs:detectedissue-severity ["high" "moderate" "low"]
# Indicates the status of a detected issue
fhirvs:detectedissue-status ["preliminary" "final" "entered-in-error" "mitigated"]
Usage note: every effort has been made to ensure that the
ShEx files are correct and useful, but they are not a normative part
of the specification.