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8.20.8 Resource Substance - Mappings
Mappings for the substance resource (see Mappings to Other Standards for further information & status).
Substance |
administrative.entity |
identifier |
FiveWs.identifier |
status |
FiveWs.status |
category |
FiveWs.class |
code |
FiveWs.what[x] |
Substance |
Material |
identifier |
.id |
status |
.statusCode |
category |
.code |
code |
.code |
description |
.player.desc |
expiry |
.expiryTime |
quantity |
.player.quantity |
ingredient |
.player.scopesRole[classCode=INGR] |
quantity |
.quantity |
substance[x] |
.player |
Substance |
fhir:Substance rdfs:subClassOf rim:Entity, [ a owl:Restriction; owl:onProperty rim:Act.classCode; owl:allValuesFrom cs:EntityClass\#MAT ]. |
identifier |
instance |
status |
category |
code |
fhir:Substance.code rdfs:subPropertyOf rim:Entity.code |
description |
expiry |
quantity |
ingredient |
quantity |
substance[x] |