Code | Display | Definition | Copy |
oneTailedTest |
one-tailed test (1 threshold) |
Used for one-tailed test (1 threshold), no additional elements needed |
twoTailedTest |
two-tailed test (2 thresholds) |
Used for two-tailed test (2 threshold), no additional elements needed |
zTest |
z-test |
Used for z-test, no additional elements needed |
oneSampleTTest |
1-sample t-test |
Used for 1-sample t-test, may be paired with "value" to express degrees of freedom |
twoSampleTTest |
2-sample t-test |
Used for 2-sample t-test, may be paired with "value" to express degrees of freedom |
pairedTTest |
paired t-test |
Used for paired t-test, may be paired with "value" to express degrees of freedom |
chiSquareTest |
Chi-square test |
Used for Chi-square test, may be paired with "value" to express degrees of freedom |
chiSquareTestTrend |
Chi-square test for trend |
Used for Chi-square test for trend, may be paired with "value" to express degrees of freedom |
pearsonCorrelation |
Pearson correlation |
Used for Pearson correlation, no additional elements needed |
anova |
ANOVA (ANalysis Of VAriance) |
Used for ANOVA method of analysis, may be paired with "value" to express degrees of freedom |
anovaOneWay |
one-way ANOVA |
Used for one-way ANOVA method of analysis, may be paired with "value" to express degrees of freedom |
anovaTwoWay |
2-way ANOVA without replication |
Used for 2-way ANOVA without replication method of analysis, may be paired with "value" to express degrees of freedom |
anovaTwoWayReplication |
2-way ANOVA with replication |
Used for 2-way ANOVA with replication method of analysis, may be paired with "value" to express degrees of freedom |
manova |
multivariate ANOVA (MANOVA) |
Used for multivariate ANOVA (MANOVA) method of analysis, may be paired with "value" to express degrees of freedom |
anovaThreeWay |
3-way ANOVA |
Used for 3-way ANOVA method of analysis, may be paired with "value" to express degrees of freedom |
signTest |
sign test |
Used for sign test, no additional elements needed |
wilcoxonSignedRankTest |
Wilcoxon signed-rank test |
Used for Wilcoxon signed-rank test, no additional elements needed |
wilcoxonRankSumTest |
Wilcoxon rank-sum test |
Used for Wilcoxon rank-sum test, no additional elements needed |
mannWhitneyUTest |
Mann-Whitney U test |
Used for Mann-Whitney U test, no additional elements needed |
fishersExactTest |
Fisher’s exact test |
Used for Fisher's exact test, may be paired with "value" to express degrees of freedom |
mcnemarsTest |
McNemar’s test |
Used for McNemar's test, no additional elements needed |
kruskalWallisTest |
Kruskal Wallis test |
Used for Kruskal Wallis test, may be paired with "value" to express degrees of freedom |
spearmanCorrelation |
Spearman correlation |
Used for Spearman correlation, no additional elements needed |
kendallCorrelation |
Kendall correlation |
Used for Kendall correlation, no additional elements needed |
friedmanTest |
Friedman test |
Used for Friedman test, no additional elements needed |
goodmanKruskasGamma |
Goodman Kruska’s Gamma |
Used for Goodman Kruska’s Gamma, no additional elements needed |
glm |
GLM (Generalized Linear Model) |
Used for GLM (Generalized Linear Model), no additional elements needed |
glmProbit |
GLM with probit link |
Used for GLM with probit link, no additional elements needed |
glmLogit |
GLM with logit link |
Used for GLM with logit link, no additional elements needed |
glmIdentity |
GLM with identity link |
Used for GLM with identity link, no additional elements needed |
glmLog |
GLM with log link |
Used for GLM with log link, no additional elements needed |
glmGeneralizedLogit |
GLM with generalized logit link |
Used for GLM with generalized logit link, no additional elements needed |
glmm |
Generalized linear mixed model (GLMM) |
Used for Generalized linear mixed model (GLMM), no additional elements needed |
glmmProbit |
GLMM with probit link |
Used for GLMM with probit link, no additional elements needed |
glmmLogit |
GLMM with logit link |
Used for GLMM with logit link, no additional elements needed |
glmmIdentity |
GLMM with identity link |
Used for GLMM with identity link, no additional elements needed |
glmmLog |
GLMM with log link |
Used for GLMM with log link, no additional elements needed |
glmmGeneralizedLogit |
GLMM with generalized logit link |
Used for GLMM with generalized logit link, no additional elements needed |
linearRegression |
Linear Regression |
Used for linear regression method of analysis, no additional elements needed |
logisticRegression |
Logistic Regression |
Used for logistic regression method of analysis, no additional elements needed |
polynomialRegression |
Polynomial Regression |
Used for Polynomial regression method of analysis, no additional elements needed |
coxProportionalHazards |
Cox Proportional Hazards |
Used for Cox proportional hazards method of analysis, no additional elements needed |
binomialDistributionRegression |
Binomial Distribution for Regression |
Used for Binomial Distribution for Regression, no additional elements needed |
multinomialDistributionRegression |
Multinomial Distribution for Regression |
Used for Multinomial Distribution for Regression, no additional elements needed |
poissonRegression |
Poisson Regression |
Used for Poisson Regression, no additional elements needed |
negativeBinomialRegression |
Negative Binomial Regression |
Used for Negative Binomial Regression, no additional elements needed |
zeroCellConstant |
Zero-cell adjustment with constant |
Zero-cell adjustment done by adding a constant to all cells of affected studies, paired with "value" to define the constant |
zeroCellContinuityCorrection |
Zero-cell adjustment with continuity correction |
Zero-cell adjustment done by treatment arm continuity correction, no additional elements needed |
adjusted |
Adjusted analysis |
Used for adjusted analysis, paired with variable element(s) |
interactionTerm |
Interaction term |
Used for interaction term, paired with "value" and two or more variable elements |
manteHaenszelMethod |
Mantel-Haenszel method |
Used for Mantel-Haenszel method, no additional elements needed |
metaAnalysis |
Meta-analysis |
Used for meta-analysis, no additional elements needed |
inverseVariance |
Inverse variance method |
Used for inverse variance method of meta-analysis, no additional elements needed |
petoMethod |
Peto method |
Used for Peto method of meta-analysis, no additional elements needed |
hartungKnapp |
Hartung-Knapp adjustment |
Hartung-Knapp/Hartung-Knapp-Sidik-Jonkman adjustment used in meta-analysis, no additional elements needed |
modifiedHartungKnapp |
Modified Hartung-Knapp adjustment |
Modified Hartung-Knapp/Hartung-Knapp-Sidik-Jonkman adjustment used in meta-analysis, no additional elements needed |
effectsFixed |
Fixed-effects |
From a fixed-effects analysis, no additional elements needed |
effectsRandom |
Random-effects |
From a random-effects analysis, no additional elements needed |
chiSquareTestHomogeneity |
Chi-square test for homogeneity |
Used for Chi-square test for homogeneity, may be paired with "value" to express degrees of freedom |
dersimonianLairdMethod |
Dersimonian-Laird method |
Used for Dersimonian-Laird method of tau estimation, no additional elements needed |
pauleMandelMethod |
Paule-Mandel method |
Used for Paule-Mandel method of tau estimation, no additional elements needed |
restrictedLikelihood |
Restricted Maximum Likelihood method |
Used for Restricted Maximum Likelihood method of tau estimation, no additional elements needed |
maximumLikelihood |
Maximum Likelihood method |
Used for Maximum Likelihood method of tau estimation, no additional elements needed |
empiricalBayes |
Empirical Bayes method |
Used for Empirical Bayes method of tau estimation, no additional elements needed |
hunterSchmidt |
Hunter-Schmidt method |
Used for Hunter-Schmidt method of tau estimation, no additional elements needed |
sidikJonkman |
Sidik-Jonkman method |
Used for Sidik-Jonkman method of tau estimation, no additional elements needed |
hedgesMethod |
Hedges method |
Used for Hedges method of tau estimation, no additional elements needed |
tauDersimonianLaird |
Dersimonian-Laird method |
Dersimonian-Laird method for tau squared |
tauPauleMandel |
Paule-Mandel method |
Paule-Mandel method for tau squared |
tauRestrictedMaximumLikelihood |
Restricted Maximum Likelihood method |
Restricted Maximum Likelihood method for tau squared |
tauMaximumLikelihood |
Maximum Likelihood method |
Maximum Likelihood method for tau squared |
tauEmpiricalBayes |
Empirical Bayes method |
Empirical Bayes method for tau squared |
tauHunterSchmidt |
Hunter-Schmidt method |
Hunter-Schmidt method for tau squared |
tauSidikJonkman |
Sidik-Jonkman method |
Sidik-Jonkman method for tau squared |
tauHedges |
Hedges method |
Hedges method for tau squared |
poolMantelHaenzsel |
Mantel-Haenszel method |
Mantel-Haenszel method for pooling in meta-analysis |
poolInverseVariance |
Inverse variance method |
Inverse variance method for pooling in meta-analysis |
poolPeto |
Peto method |
Peto method for pooling in meta-analysis |
poolGeneralizedLinearMixedModel |
Generalized linear mixed model (GLMM) |
Generalized linear mixed model (GLMM) method for pooling in meta-analysis |