R6 Ballot (2nd Draft)

Publish-box (todo)

Financial Management icon Work Group Maturity Level: 2Trial Use Compartments: N/A

This operation is used to submit a Claim, Pre-Authorization or Pre-Determination (all instances of Claim resources) for adjudication either as a single Claim resource instance or as a Bundle containing the Claim and other referenced resources, or Bundle containing a batch of Claim resources, either as single Claims resources or Bundle resources, for processing. The only input parameter is the single Claim or Bundle resource and the only output is a single ClaimResponse, Bundle of ClaimResponses or an OperationOutcome resource.

The canonical URL for this operation definition is


Formal Definition (as a OperationDefinition).

URL: [base]/Claim/$submit

This is not an idempotent operation

In Parameters:
Name Scope Cardinality Type Binding Profile Documentation
resource 1..1 Resource

A Claim resource or Bundle of claims, either as individual Claim resources or as Bundles each containing a single Claim plus referenced resources.

Out Parameters:
Name Scope Cardinality Type Binding Profile Documentation
return 1..1 Resource

A ClaimResponse resource or Bundle of claim responses, either as individual ClaimResponse resources or as Bundles each containing a single ClaimResponse plus referenced resources.

Note: as this is the only out parameter, it is a resource, and it has the name 'return', the result of this operation is returned directly as a resource


POST [baseurl]/Claim/$submit

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Claim xmlns="http://hl7.org/fhir" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://hl7.org/fhir ../../schema/coverage.xsd">
	<id value="100150"/>

		<status value="generated"/>
		<div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">A human-readable rendering of the Oral Health Claim</div>

		<system value="http://happyvalley.com/claim"/>
		<value value="12345"/>

	<status value = "active"/>

			<system value="http://hl7.org/fhir/claim-type"/>
			<code value="oral"/>

	<use value="claim"/>

		<reference value="Patient/1"/>

	<created value="2014-08-16"/>

		<reference value="Organization/2"/>

		<reference value="Organization/1"/>

			<code value="normal"/>

				<code value="provider"/>

		<sequence value="1"/>
			<reference value="Practitioner/example"/>

		<sequence value="1"/>
				<code value="123456"/>

		<sequence value="1"/>
		<focal value="true"/>
			<system value="http://happyvalley.com/claim"/>
			<value value="12345"/>
			<reference value="Coverage/9876B1"/>

		<sequence value="1"/>
		<careTeamLinkId value="1"/>
				<code value="1200"/>
		<servicedDate value="2014-08-16"/>
			<value value="135.57"/>
			<code value="USD"/> 
			<value value="135.57"/>
			<code value="USD"/> 



HTTP/1.1 200 OK

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ClaimResponse xmlns="http://hl7.org/fhir" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://hl7.org/fhir ../../schema/claimresponse.xsd">

	<id value="R3500"/>

		<status value="generated"/>
		<div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">A human-readable rendering of the ClaimResponse</div>

		<system value="http://www.BenefitsInc.com/fhir/remittance"/>
		<value value="R3500"/>

	<status value="active"/>
			<system value="http://hl7.org/fhir/claim-type"/>
			<code value="oral"/>
	<use value="claim"/>

		<reference value="Patient/1"/>

	<created value="2014-08-16"/>

			<system value="http://www.jurisdiction.org/insurers"/>
			<value value="555123"/>

		<reference value="Practitioner/1"/>

		<reference value="Organization/1"/>

		<reference value="http://www.BenefitsInc.com/fhir/oralhealthclaim/15476332402"/>

	<outcome value="complete" />
	<disposition value="Claim settled as per contract."/>

			<system value="http://hl7.org/fhir/payeetype"/>
			<code value="provider"/>

	<!-- Adjudication details -->


		<sequenceLinkId value="1"/> 

					<code value="eligible"/>
				<value value="135.57"/>
				<code value="USD"/>

					<code value="copay"/>
				<value value="10.00"/>
				<code value="USD"/>

					<code value="eligpercent"/>
			<value value="80.00"/>
					<code value="benefit"/>
					<system value="http://hl7.org/fhir/adjudication-reason"/>
					<code value="ar002"/>
					<display value="Plan Limit Reached"/>
					<!-- should have paid 100.47 -->
				<value value="90.47"/>
				<code value="USD"/>


		<value value="135.57"/>
		<code value="USD"/>

		<value value="90.47"/>
		<code value="USD"/>

	<!-- Payment details -->
				<system value="http://hl7.org/fhir/ex-paymenttype"/>
				<code value="complete"/>

		<date value="2014-08-31"/>

			<value value="100.47"/>
			<code value="USD"/>

			<system value="http://www.BenefitsInc.com/fhir/paymentidentifier"/>
			<value value="201408-2-1569478"/>


For more information about operations, including how they are invoked, see Operations.