R6 Ballot (2nd Draft)

Publish-box (todo)

Orders and Observations icon Work Group  Maturity Level: 0 Trial Use Use Context: Any

Mappings for the bp Profile (see Mappings to Other Standards for further information & status).

Observation Event
   identifier Event.identifier
   instantiates[x] Event.instantiatesCanonical
   basedOn Event.basedOn
   partOf Event.partOf
   status Event.status
   category VSCat
   category BPCode
   code Event.code
   subject Event.subject
   encounter Event.encounter
   effective[x] Event.occurrence[x]
   performer Event.performer.actor
      value[x] valueQuantity
   component SystolicBP
      extension SBPCode
         value[x] valueCodeableConcept
      value[x] valueQuantity
   component DiastolicBP
      extension DBPCode
         value[x] valueCodeableConcept
      value[x] valueQuantity

Concept domain bindings link a resource or an element to a set of SNOMED CT concepts that represent the intended semantics of the instances (whether or not SNOMED CT is used to encode that data element). This set of concepts is represented using a SNOMED CT expression constraint. Note that the 'Concept domain binding' may be a superset of the 'value set binding'. These bindings help to support:

  • Quality checking FHIR resources by ensuring that (a) the intended semantics of the instances matches the valid range of the corresponding SNOMED CT attribute, and (b) the intended value set is appropriate for the intended semantics of the instances
  • Semantic checking of data instances by helping to detect potential inconsistencies caused by overlap between the semantics incorporated in two concept domains
Observation < 363787002 |Observable entity|
   status < 445584004 |Report by finality status|
   category VSCat
   category BPCode
   code < 363787002 |Observable entity| OR < 386053000 |Evaluation procedure|
   value[x] < 441742003 |Evaluation finding|
   interpretation < 260245000 |Findings values|
   bodySite < 123037004 |Body structure|
   specimen < 123038009 |Specimen|
   device < 49062001 |Device|
      type < 260245000 |Findings values| OR < 365860008 |General clinical state finding| OR < 250171008 |Clinical history or observation findings| OR < 415229000 |Racial group| OR < 365400002 |Finding of puberty stage| OR < 443938003 |Procedure carried out on subject|
      appliesTo < 260245000 |Findings values| OR < 365860008 |General clinical state finding| OR < 250171008 |Clinical history or observation findings| OR < 415229000 |Racial group| OR < 365400002 |Finding of puberty stage| OR < 443938003 |Procedure carried out on subject|
      code < 363787002 |Observable entity| OR < 386053000 |Evaluation procedure|
      value[x] 363714003 |Interprets| < 441742003 |Evaluation finding|
      value[x] valueQuantity 363714003 |Interprets| < 441742003 |Evaluation finding|
      interpretation < 260245000 |Findings values|
   component SystolicBP
      extension SBPCode
         value[x] valueCodeableConcept
      code < 363787002 |Observable entity| OR < 386053000 |Evaluation procedure|
      value[x] 363714003 |Interprets| < 441742003 |Evaluation finding|
      value[x] valueQuantity 363714003 |Interprets| < 441742003 |Evaluation finding|
      interpretation < 260245000 |Findings values|
   component DiastolicBP
      extension DBPCode
         value[x] valueCodeableConcept
      code < 363787002 |Observable entity| OR < 386053000 |Evaluation procedure|
      value[x] 363714003 |Interprets| < 441742003 |Evaluation finding|
      value[x] valueQuantity 363714003 |Interprets| < 441742003 |Evaluation finding|
      interpretation < 260245000 |Findings values|
Observation OBX
   identifier OBX-21 For OBX segments from systems without OBX-21 support a combination of ORC/OBR and OBX must be negotiated between trading partners to uniquely identify the OBX segment. Depending on how V2 has been implemented each of these may be an option: 1) OBR-3 + OBX-3 + OBX-4 or 2) OBR-3 + OBR-4 + OBX-3 + OBX-4 or 3) some other way to uniquely ID the OBR/ORC + OBX-3 + OBX-4.
   basedOn ORC
   triggeredBy ORC
   partOf Varies by domain
   status OBX-11
   category VSCat
   category BPCode
   code OBX-3
   subject PID-3
   focus OBX-3
   encounter PV1
   effective[x] OBX-14, and/or OBX-19 after v2.4 (depends on who observation made)
   issued OBR-22 (or MSH-7), or perhaps OBX-19 (depends on who observation made)
   performer OBX-15 / (Practitioner) OBX-16, PRT-5:PRT-4='RO' / (Device) OBX-18 , PRT-10:PRT-4='EQUIP' / (Organization) OBX-23, PRT-8:PRT-4='PO'
   value[x] OBX-2, OBX-5, OBX-6
   dataAbsentReason N/A
   interpretation OBX-8
   note NTE-3 (partner NTE to OBX, or sometimes another (child?) OBX)
   bodySite OBX-20
   method OBX-17
   specimen SPM segment
   device OBX-17 / PRT -10
   referenceRange OBX-7
      low OBX-7
      high OBX-7
      normalValue OBX-7
      type OBX-10
      appliesTo OBX-10
      text OBX-7
   hasMember Relationships established by OBX-4 usage
   derivedFrom Relationships established by OBX-4 usage
   component containment by OBX-4?
      code OBX-3
      value[x] OBX-2, OBX-5, OBX-6
      value[x] valueQuantity OBX-2, OBX-5, OBX-6
      dataAbsentReason N/A
      interpretation OBX-8
      referenceRange OBX-7
   component SystolicBP containment by OBX-4?
      extension SBPCode
         value[x] valueCodeableConcept
      code OBX-3
      value[x] OBX-2, OBX-5, OBX-6
      value[x] valueQuantity OBX-2, OBX-5, OBX-6
         value SN.2 / CQ - N/A
         comparator SN.1 / CQ.1
         unit (see OBX.6 etc.) / CQ.2
         system (see OBX.6 etc.) / CQ.2
         code (see OBX.6 etc.) / CQ.2
      dataAbsentReason N/A
      interpretation OBX-8
      referenceRange OBX-7
   component DiastolicBP containment by OBX-4?
      extension DBPCode
         value[x] valueCodeableConcept
      code OBX-3
      value[x] OBX-2, OBX-5, OBX-6
      value[x] valueQuantity OBX-2, OBX-5, OBX-6
         value SN.2 / CQ - N/A
         comparator SN.1 / CQ.1
         unit (see OBX.6 etc.) / CQ.2
         system (see OBX.6 etc.) / CQ.2
         code (see OBX.6 etc.) / CQ.2
      dataAbsentReason N/A
      interpretation OBX-8
      referenceRange OBX-7
Observation Entity, Role, or Act,Observation[classCode=OBS, moodCode=EVN]
   text Act.text?
   contained N/A
   extension N/A
   modifierExtension N/A
   identifier id
   instantiates[x] .outboundRelationship[typeCode=DEFN].target
   basedOn .inboundRelationship[typeCode=COMP].source[moodCode=EVN]
   triggeredBy .inboundRelationship[typeCode=COMP].source[moodCode=EVN]
      id n/a
      extension n/a
      modifierExtension N/A
      observation outBoundRelationship
      type code
      reason annotation
   partOf .outboundRelationship[typeCode=FLFS].target
   status status Amended & Final are differentiated by whether it is the subject of a ControlAct event with a type of "revise"
   category .outboundRelationship[typeCode="COMP].target[classCode="LIST", moodCode="EVN"].code
   category VSCat .outboundRelationship[typeCode="COMP].target[classCode="LIST", moodCode="EVN"].code
   category BPCode .outboundRelationship[typeCode="COMP].target[classCode="LIST", moodCode="EVN"].code
   code code
   subject participation[typeCode=RTGT]
   focus participation[typeCode=SBJ]
   encounter inboundRelationship[typeCode=COMP].source[classCode=ENC, moodCode=EVN]
   effective[x] effectiveTime
   issued participation[typeCode=AUT].time
   performer participation[typeCode=PRF]
   value[x] value
   dataAbsentReason value.nullFlavor
   interpretation interpretationCode
   note subjectOf.observationEvent[code="annotation"].value
   bodySite targetSiteCode
   bodyStructure targetSiteCode
   method methodCode
   specimen participation[typeCode=SPC].specimen
   device participation[typeCode=DEV]
   referenceRange outboundRelationship[typeCode=REFV]/target[classCode=OBS, moodCode=EVN]
      id n/a
      extension n/a
      modifierExtension N/A
      low value:IVL_PQ.low
      high value:IVL_PQ.high
      normalValue value:IVL_PQ.normal
      type interpretationCode
      appliesTo interpretationCode
      age outboundRelationship[typeCode=PRCN].targetObservationCriterion[code="age"].value
      text value:ST
   hasMember outBoundRelationship
   derivedFrom .targetObservation
   component outBoundRelationship[typeCode=COMP]
      id n/a
      extension n/a
      modifierExtension N/A
      code code
      value[x] value
      value[x] valueQuantity value
      dataAbsentReason value.nullFlavor
      interpretation interpretationCode
      referenceRange outboundRelationship[typeCode=REFV]/target[classCode=OBS, moodCode=EVN]
   component SystolicBP outBoundRelationship[typeCode=COMP]
      id n/a
      extension SBPCode
         id n/a
         url N/A
         value[x] N/A
         value[x] valueCodeableConcept N/A
      modifierExtension N/A
      code code
      value[x] value
      value[x] valueQuantity value
         id n/a
         extension n/a
         value PQ.value, CO.value, MO.value, IVL.high or IVL.low depending on the value
         comparator IVL properties
         unit PQ.unit
         system CO.codeSystem, PQ.translation.codeSystem
         code PQ.code, MO.currency, PQ.translation.code
      dataAbsentReason value.nullFlavor
      interpretation interpretationCode
      referenceRange outboundRelationship[typeCode=REFV]/target[classCode=OBS, moodCode=EVN]
   component DiastolicBP outBoundRelationship[typeCode=COMP]
      id n/a
      extension DBPCode
         id n/a
         url N/A
         value[x] N/A
         value[x] valueCodeableConcept N/A
      modifierExtension N/A
      code code
      value[x] value
      value[x] valueQuantity value
         id n/a
         extension n/a
         value PQ.value, CO.value, MO.value, IVL.high or IVL.low depending on the value
         comparator IVL properties
         unit PQ.unit
         system CO.codeSystem, PQ.translation.codeSystem
         code PQ.code, MO.currency, PQ.translation.code
      dataAbsentReason value.nullFlavor
      interpretation interpretationCode
      referenceRange outboundRelationship[typeCode=REFV]/target[classCode=OBS, moodCode=EVN]
Observation clinical.diagnostics
   identifier FiveWs.identifier
   status FiveWs.status
   category FiveWs.class
   category VSCat FiveWs.class
   category BPCode FiveWs.class
   code FiveWs.what[x]
   subject FiveWs.subject[x]
   focus FiveWs.subject[x]
   encounter FiveWs.context
   effective[x] FiveWs.done[x]
   issued FiveWs.recorded
   performer FiveWs.actor
      code FiveWs.what[x]
      value[x] valueQuantity
   component SystolicBP
      extension SBPCode
         value[x] valueCodeableConcept
      code FiveWs.what[x]
      value[x] valueQuantity
   component DiastolicBP
      extension DBPCode
         value[x] valueCodeableConcept
      code FiveWs.what[x]
      value[x] valueQuantity

Attribute bindings link coded data elements in FHIR resources to a corresponding attribute in the SNOMED CT concept model. These bindings help to support:

  • clarifying the intended meaning of the data element
  • Quality checking the alignment between FHIR resource design and any coresponding SNOMED CT concept model
  • Composition and decomposition of data instances by indicating the SNOMED CT concept model attribute whose value may be used to decompose a precoordinated concept into this data element
   category VSCat
   category BPCode
   code 116680003 |Is a|
   value[x] 363714003 |Interprets|
   interpretation 363713009 |Has interpretation|
   bodySite 718497002 |Inherent location|
   specimen 704319004 |Inherent in|
   device 424226004 |Using device|
      value[x] 363714003 |Interprets|
      value[x] valueQuantity 363714003 |Interprets|
      interpretation 363713009 |Has interpretation|
   component SystolicBP
      extension SBPCode
         value[x] valueCodeableConcept
      value[x] 363714003 |Interprets|
      value[x] valueQuantity 363714003 |Interprets|
      interpretation 363713009 |Has interpretation|
   component DiastolicBP
      extension DBPCode
         value[x] valueCodeableConcept
      value[x] 363714003 |Interprets|
      value[x] valueQuantity 363714003 |Interprets|
      interpretation 363713009 |Has interpretation|