14.15.17 composed-of Parameter composed-of
What resource is being referenced
Resources Expression Library.relatedArtifact.where(type='composed-of').resource
Usage Normal Multiples The parameter cannot repeat or have multiple values
14.15.18 content-type Parameter content-type
The type of content in the library (e.g. text/cql)
Resource Library Expression Library.content.contentType
Multiples The parameter cannot repeat or have multiple values
14.15.19 context Parameter context
A use context assigned to the library
Resources Expression (Library.useContext.value as CodeableConcept)
Usage Normal Multiples The parameter cannot repeat or have multiple values
14.15.20 context-quantity Parameter context-quantity
A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the library
Resources Expression (Library.useContext.value as Quantity) | (Library.useContext.value as Range)
Usage Normal Multiples The parameter cannot repeat or have multiple values
14.15.21 context-type Parameter context-type
A type of use context assigned to the library
Resources Expression Library.useContext.code
Usage Normal Multiples The parameter cannot repeat or have multiple values
14.15.22 context-type-quantity Parameter context-type-quantity
A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the library
Resources Expression Library.useContext
Usage Normal Multiples The parameter cannot repeat or have multiple values
context-type code
context-quantity value.ofType(Quantity) | value.ofType(Range)
14.15.23 context-type-value Parameter context-type-value
A use context type and value assigned to the library
Resources Expression Library.useContext
Usage Normal Multiples The parameter cannot repeat or have multiple values
context-type code
context value.ofType(CodeableConcept)
14.15.24 date Parameter date
The library publication date
Resources Expression
Usage Normal Multiples The parameter cannot repeat or have multiple values
14.15.25 depends-on Parameter depends-on
What resource is being referenced
Resources Expression Library.relatedArtifact.where(type='depends-on').resource
Usage Normal Multiples The parameter cannot repeat or have multiple values
14.15.26 derived-from Parameter derived-from
What resource is being referenced
Resources Expression Library.relatedArtifact.where(type='derived-from').resource
Usage Normal Multiples The parameter cannot repeat or have multiple values
14.15.27 description Parameter description
The description of the library
Resources Expression Library.description
Usage Normal Multiples The parameter cannot repeat or have multiple values
14.15.28 effective Parameter effective
The time during which the library is intended to be in use
Resources Expression Library.effectivePeriod
Usage Normal Multiples The parameter cannot repeat or have multiple values
14.15.29 identifier Parameter identifier
External identifier for the library
Resources Expression Library.identifier
Usage Normal Multiples The parameter cannot repeat or have multiple values
14.15.30 jurisdiction Parameter jurisdiction
Intended jurisdiction for the library
Resources Expression Library.jurisdiction
Usage Normal Multiples The parameter cannot repeat or have multiple values
14.15.31 name Parameter name
Computationally friendly name of the library
Resources Expression
Usage Normal Multiples The parameter cannot repeat or have multiple values
14.15.32 predecessor Parameter predecessor
What resource is being referenced
Resources Expression Library.relatedArtifact.where(type='predecessor').resource
Usage Normal Multiples The parameter cannot repeat or have multiple values
14.15.33 publisher Parameter publisher
Name of the publisher of the library
Resources Expression Library.publisher
Usage Normal Multiples The parameter cannot repeat or have multiple values
14.15.34 status Parameter status
The current status of the library
Resources Expression Library.status
Usage Normal Multiples The parameter cannot repeat or have multiple values
14.15.35 successor Parameter successor
What resource is being referenced
Resources Expression Library.relatedArtifact.where(type='successor').resource
Usage Normal Multiples The parameter cannot repeat or have multiple values
14.15.36 title Parameter title
The human-friendly name of the library
Resources Expression Library.title
Usage Normal Multiples The parameter cannot repeat or have multiple values
14.15.37 topic Parameter topic
Topics associated with the module
Resources Expression Library.topic
Usage Normal Multiples The parameter cannot repeat or have multiple values
14.15.38 type Parameter type
The type of the library (e.g. logic-library, model-definition, asset-collection, module-definition)
Resource Library Expression Library.type
Multiples The parameter cannot repeat or have multiple values
14.15.39 url Parameter url
The uri that identifies the library
Resources Expression Library.url
Usage Normal Multiples The parameter cannot repeat or have multiple values
14.15.40 version Parameter version
The business version of the library
Resources Expression Library.version
Usage Normal Multiples The parameter cannot repeat or have multiple values