Release 5 Snapshot #1

This page is part of the FHIR Specification (v5.0.0-snapshot1: R5 Snapshot #1). The current version which supercedes this version is 5.0.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

3.8 Topic-Based Subscriptions Framework

FHIR Infrastructure Work GroupMaturity Level: 0Standards Status: Draft

Subscriptions are used to establish proactive event notifications from a FHIR server to another system. Servers which have implemented support for Subscriptions will advertise their use via the resources Subscription and SubscriptionTopic. Interactions and operations allowed on these resources may be discovered via the FHIR Application's CapabilityStatement.

The FHIR Topic-Based Subscription model is composed of three parts:

  • Subscription Topic
    • What is it?
      • Defines what triggers a notification
      • Defines filters available to clients
      • Defines notification shape
      • Always referenced by a canonical URL
    • Overview (in this document)
    • SubscriptionTopic resource
  • Subscription
    • What is it?
      • Describes a request to be notified about a topic
        • Canonical URL to a SubscriptionTopic
        • Set filters, as allowed by the topic
      • Describe how to send to send notifications (channel information - e.g., transport type, endpoint, etc.)
      • Describe the contents of notifications (payload information - e.g., MIME type, content level, etc.)
    • Overview (in this document)
    • Subscription resource
  • Notification Bundle

Any FHIR application may support the use of Subscriptions. In this documentation:

  • Server refers to the FHIR application or applications acting as the subscription provider. This includes the responsibilities of implementing one or more SubscriptionTopics, managing Subscriptions, and sending notifications.
  • Client or Subscriber refers to the application or applications acting as subscriber. This includes the responsibilities of acting as a FHIR client (to create a Subscription) and receiving notifications on a supported channel.
Note: either role may be implemented by one or more applications across one or more systems.

The Subscriptions Framework in FHIR is a mechanism used to send notifications from a server to a client based on activity occuring in the server.

The Subscription mechanism is composed of three parts:

  • SubscriptionTopic resources
    • Define the data and change used to trigger notifications
    • Define the filters allowed to clients
    • Always referenced by canonical URL
  • Subscription resources
    • Describe a client's request to be notified about events defined by a SubscriptionTopic
    • Set filters on events (as defined in the referenced SubscriptionTopic)
    • Describe the channel and endpoint used to send notifications
    • Describe the payload included in notifications (MIME type, content level, etc.)
  • subscription-notification Bundles
    • Describe a notification (using a SubscriptionStatus)
    • Contain zero or more notification payloads

Definitionally, a Subscription requires a SubscriptionTopic - without a resource describing the change of interest, a Subscription has no meaning and will not trigger any client notifications.

While active, a Subscription relies on both Bundle and SubscriptionStatus for sending notifications.

When using the Subscription resource, the FHIR server combines the roles of publisher and information distributer. Some arrangements of the 'publish and subscribe' pattern describe separate agents for the two roles. This specification makes no recommendations towards the internal architecture of server implementations.

As an alternative to subscriptions, the FHIR REST API describes a polling-based method for observing events using bundles and the history operation. This method of polling allows for a more straightforward implementation, but can cause processing delays (e.g., time between polling operations) and may result in higher computational costs on the server (e.g., processing queries when there are no state changes).

FHIRcast is a framework for user-activity synchronization across applications. FHIRcast and Subscription are both conceptually based W3 WebSub , and while the mechanics of two projects look similar, they are fundamentally different projects used to address different use cases. In particular:

  • FHIRcast is designed to be used by multiple applications perhaps with the same user and typically on the same device

    Subscriptions are designed to be used by multiple distinct systems, often outside of a user workflow

  • FHIRcast sends only single-event notifications

    Subscriptions allow servers to batch multiple notifications in high-frequency scenarios

  • FHIRcast is designed around short-lived sessions

    Subscriptions are intented to be long-lived resources

FHIR Messaging is a message-based protocol which can be used for communication. When combining Messaging and Subscriptions, complete notifications are wrapped into Messaging Bundles. More details are provided below.

This section gives an overview of the workflow for both Servers and Clients to work with Subscriptions. Each channel MAY vary slightly from this general overview - specifically around interactions involving the Endpoint (e.g., when using a rest-hook the client must pre-configure an HTTP endpoint which the server validates, but when using a websocket the client simply connects to the server).

A workflow for creating a subscription is below:

Sequence diagram of creating a FHIR Subscription
Sequence diagram of creating a FHIR Subscription
  1. Server implements the core functionality required for topic-based subscriptions.
  2. Server implements one or more SubscriptionTopic resources. Implementation is specific to each topic, and will vary between servers.
  3. Client asks the server for the list of supported SubscriptionTopic resources, via querying the resource.
  4. Server responds with a searchset Bundle.
  5. Client ensures that the endpoint is prepared (if applicable - see channels).
  6. Client requests a Subscription (e.g., via HTTP POST, HTTP PUT, etc.).
  7. Server MAY accept the Subscription request (e.g., supported channel and payload). Note that the server MAY modify the request to be suitable (e.g., changing heartbeat timeouts, etc.). Clients SHALL check the returned resource or query for the accepted version if not returned to ensure an accepted request conforms with their expectations.
  8. Server MAY reject the Subscription request (e.g., unsupported channel type).
  9. If applicable, the server MAY send a handshake to the endpoint.
  10. If the Server sends a handshake, the endpoint SHOULD respond appropriately.

Once the subscription is active, notifications will be sent according to the channel. Note that error states may occur, see Managing Subscriptions and Errors for more information.

The SubscriptionTopic resource is used to define conceptual or computable events for Subscription resources. Conceptually, subscription topics specify: a type of data (e.g., Observation, Condition, Encounters for Patients older than 'x', etc.), a type of change (e.g., create, delete, update to a specific value, etc.), and a set of allowed filters.

Subscription Topics are intended to be discoverable, reusable, and extensible. Definitions should be computably defined whenever possible, but the conceptual definition is the arbiter between any discrepancies. For example, a query-based and a FHIRPath-based definition may differ slightly because of what is expressable in each language. In such cases, the goal is correct implmentation of the concept - not literal translations between computable definitions.

More details about defining and deriving subscriptions topics can be found on the SubscriptionTopic resource page, specifically in the sections Defining Subscription Topics and Deriving from Existing Subscription Topics.

Example and Canonical Subscription Topics can be found at . It is strongly suggested that implementers reuse existing topics whenever possible for better compatibility.

The Subscription resource is used to request notifications for a specific client about a specific topic (as defined by a SubscriptionTopic). Conceptually, a subscription specifies: a topic (SubscriptionTopic), the notification channel (e.g., REST, websockets, email, etc.), and the notification payload (e.g., MIME type, amount of detail, etc.). Detailed information about channel-types and payload configuration can be found on the Subscription resource page.

When a FHIR Server accepts a request to create a Subscription, the server is indicating to the client that the server:

  • is capable of detecting when events covered by the requestion SubscriptionTopic occur, and
  • is willing to make a simple best effort attempt at delivering a notification for each occurance of a matching event.

When processing a request for a subscription, following are some checks that a server SHOULD validate:

  • that the SubscriptionTopic is valid and implemented by the server
  • that all requested filters are defined in the requested topic and are implemented in the server
  • that the channel type is known and implemented by the server
  • that the channel endpoint is valid for the channel provided (e.g., is it a valid URL of the expected type)
  • that the payload configuration is known and implemented by the server
  • that the payload configuration is valid for the channel type requested (e.g., complies with the server's security policy)

The SubscriptionStatus resource is used to encapsulate information about a subscription and meta-information about the notification itself (e.g., how many events are included, etc.). There are currently two areas where the resource is used: in subscription-notification Bundles and as the return type for the $status operation.

Unless otherwise specified by a server implementation and channel, the Subscriptions Framework does not involve guaranteed delivery of notifications. While the Subscriptions Framework is able to support such mechanisms, defining them is beyond the scope of the standard.

Subscribers should be aware of some limitations regarding delivery. In particular:

  • Some notifications might not be delivered.
  • Some notifications might be delivered multiple times.

In order to mitigate the impact from the above issues, the Subscriptions Framework includes mechanisms to detect both scenarios. More information can be found below.

Applications are responsible for following FHIR security guidance. Some recommendations specific to subscriptions are provided below.

A subscription is a request for future event notifications. As with any client-initiated interaction, a Subscription could request information a client is not allowed to see. Applications SHALL enforce authorization in accordance with their policy requirements. Applications SHOULD take a subscription's SubscriptionTopic and filters into account when authorizing the creation of a Subscription, and SHOULD ensure that authorization is (still) in place when sending any event notifications.

When sending an event notification, applications can adopt various strategies to ensure that authorization is still in place. Some strategies may provide imperfect assurance (e.g., a server might rely on signed tokens with some pre-specified lifetime as evidence of authorization). In addition to these strategies, servers can mitigate the risk of disclosing sensitive information by limiting the payload types it supports (e.g., by prohibiting certain clients from requesting full-resource notification payloads and relying instead on id-only payloads).

Subscription resources are not intended to be secure storage for secrets (e.g., OAuth Client ID or Tokens, etc.). Implementers MAY use their judgement on including limited-use secrets (e.g., a token supplied in Subscription.header to verify that a message is from the desired source).

Each notification sent by the application could reveal information about the application and subscriber relationship, as well as sensitive administrative or clinical information. Applications are responsible for ensuring appropriate security is employed for each channel they support. The Subscription resource does not address these concerns directly; it is assumed that these are administered by other configuration processes. For instance, an application might maintain a whitelist of acceptable endpoints or trusted certificate authorities for rest-hook channels.

Some topic and server implementation combinations may trigger internal notification workflows when notifications SHOULD NOT be sent. For example, if a topic is designed around Observation resources being removed (e.g., deleted), an implementation may be triggered if an Observation is moved to a higher security level and is no longer available to a user. These types of situations are implementation-specific, so this note is to raise awareness of potential pitfalls when implementing subscriptions.

Subscribers should ensure an appropriate process to validate incoming messages. For example, if the full-resource content type is used, clients should provide a header or some other secret to the server so that messages can be verified prior to being used for health decisions. Using content types of empty or id-only can mitigate this risk, as resources must be retrieved from a trusted location prior to use.

Subscribers should be aware of, and protect against, the possibility of being used as part of an attack on a FHIR server. For example, a malicious client may send a large volume of fake notifications with empty notifications, which would cause the subscriber to send many (potentially expensive) queries to a server.

Servers implementing Subscriptions are responsible for complying with their policies on information logging. Servers are encouraged to track all sent notifications, for example with the use of AuditEvent or Communication resources.

Unless otherwise specified by a server implementation and channel, the Subscriptions Framework does not involve guaranteed delivery of notifications. While the Subscriptions Framework is able to support such mechanisms, defining them are beyond the scope of the standard or this guide.

Servers SHOULD detect errors and take appropriate action where possible. In general, this boundary is when the notification is delivered. For example, during a REST-hook notification, the subscription server can detect errors up until the REST endpoint returns a HTTP status code (e.g., 200). This does not imply that a client successfully processed (or even received) a notification - simply that the server has sent the notification successfully.

Therefore, clients SHOULD be aware of some limitations regarding delivery. In particular:

  • Some notifications might not be delivered.
  • Some notifications might be delivered multiple times.

In order to mitigate the impact from the above issues, the Subscriptions Framework includes mechanisms to detect both scenarios.

The subscription resource is authored by the client with an initial status of requested. A new subscription is created on the server using the RESTful create or update interaction. After a successful transaction, the client parses the Location header and saves the new Subscription's logical id for use in subsequent operations.

When the server receives a subscription, it SHOULD check that it is prepared to accept/process the subscription. If it is, it sets the subscription to requested and process it like a normal create. If it isn't, it SHOULD return an error with an OperationOutcome instead of processing the create.

The criteria are subject to the same limitations as the client that created it, such as access to patient compartments etc. Note that the subscription MAY remain active after the client access tokens expire (e.g., if the client's authorization period outlasts the access token lifetime).

Once the server has activated the subscription, it sets the status to active. Note that the server MAY choose to activate a subscription immediately on creation (without any additional processing).

An appropriately authorized client can use search and/or history operations to see what subscriptions are currently active on the server. Once the subscription is no longer desired, the client deletes the subscription from the server.

The server may retry the notification a fixed number of times and/or refer errors to its own alert logs. If the notification fails, the server SHOULD set the status to error and mark the error in the resource. If the notification succeeds, the server SHOULD update the status to active and may remove any error codes. If a subscription fails consistently a server may choose set the subscription status to off and stop trying to send notifications.

Errors a server wishes to make accessible to clients are stored in Subscription.error. Servers should provide a mechanism for clearing errors (e.g., when resetting a Subscription.status back to requested after an error). Since Subscription.error represents server errors, a server SHOULD NOT allow clients to add errors.

There are several mechanisms available to subscribers in order to understand the current state of notification delivery. Below are some example error scenarios with details about how a subscriber can detect the problem state.

The diagram below shows how a subscriber can use the SubscriptionStatus.eventsSinceSubscriptionStart parameter on received notifications to determine that an event has been missed.

Diagram showing a missed-event detection and recovery workflow
Diagram showing a missed-event detection and recovery workflow

In the above sequence, the subscriber tracks the eventsSinceSubscriptionStart of each received notification (per Subscription). When the subscriber received event 23, the subscriber was aware that the last notification it received was a single notification for event 21. The subscriber then waited an amount of time to ensure that event 22 was indeed missing (and not, for example, still being processed) and started a recovery process. The recovery process itself will vary by subscriber, but should be a well-understood method for recovering in the event of errors.

The diagram below show how a subscriber can use the Subscription.heartbeatPeriod to determine errors which prevent notifications from reaching the endpoint.

Diagram showing broken communication detection and recovery workflow
Diagram showing broken communication detection and recovery workflow

In the above sequence, the subscriber is aware that the heartbeatPeriod has elapsed for a subscription without receiving any notifications. The subscriber then asks the server for the $status of the subscription, and seeing an error, begins a recovery process. As in the previous scenario, the recovery process itself will vary by subscriber, but should be a well-understood method for recovering in the event of errors.

Clients are responsible for devising an appropriate method for recovering from errors. Often, this process will include a series or batch of requests that allow a client to know the current state. For example, an application may need to query all relevant resources for a patient in order to ensure nothing has been missed. Once an application has returned to a functional state, it should request the subscription is reactivated by updating the status to either requested or active as appropriate.

Servers MAY choose to support the $events operation, as defined on the Subscription resource. The $events operation allows clients to request events which have occurred in the past. Servers which implement the operation MAY use implementation-specific criteria to restrict availability of events (e.g., most recent 10 events, events within the past 30 days, etc.).

During a recovery process, clients MAY try to retrieve missing events via the $events operation, which should allow processing to continue as normal.