Release 5 Snapshot #1

This page is part of the FHIR Specification (v5.0.0-snapshot1: R5 Snapshot #1). The current version which supercedes this version is 5.0.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

10.5 Resource ImagingSelection - Content

Imaging Integration Work GroupMaturity Level: 0 Trial UseSecurity Category: Patient Compartments: Patient

A selection of DICOM SOP instances and/or frames within a single Study and Series. This might include additional specifics such as an image region, an Observation UID or a Segmentation Number, allowing linkage to an Observation Resource or transferring this information along with the ImagingStudy Resource.

This resource is an event resource from a FHIR workflow perspective - see Workflow.

A selection of DICOM SOP instances and/or frames within a single Study and Series. This might include additional specifics such as an image region, an Observation UID or a Segmentation Number, allowing linkage to an Observation or transferring this information along with the ImagingStudy.

A selection of DICOM SOP instances and/or frames within a single Study and Series. This might include additional specifics such as an image region, an Observation UID or a Segmentation Number, allowing linkage to an Observation or transferring this information along with the ImagingStudy.

Note: DICOM SOP Instances can include images, videos, waveforms or documents.

Uses for ImagingSelection resources include:

  • Referencing a specific image, frame or region in an Observation
  • Referencing the set of images, frames or segments constituting a volume in an Observation
  • Referencing the set of image coordinates that relate to a measurement in an Observation
  • Linking a node in a DICOM Structured Report SOP Instance to an Observation
  • Specifying key images or presentation states in an ImagingStudy
  • Providing additional context to imaging applications in a context-sharing environment

All DICOM SOP Instances referenced shall be part of the same DICOM Series (and therefore also the same DICOM Study).

An Observation might reference an ImagingSelection to specify the set of DICOM images, frames, waveforms or documents used to make the Observation. By contrast, an ImagingStudy might be referenced if the Observation does not depend on any specific set of images, frames, waveforms or documents.

>Additionally, an Observation might reference an ImagingSelection to specify an image region corresponding to the measurement value expressed in the Observation.

While an ImagingSelection is restricted to a single DICOM Study and Series, a single Observation might reference multiple ImagingSelection resources if it relates to multiple Studies and / or Series – for example, to reference multiple images over different cardiac phases or a PET and a CT image.

A DiagnosticReport might or might not directly reference an ImagingSelection but might include one or more Observations derived from ImagingSelection resources.

In contrast with a DocumentReference, an ImagingSelection includes the ability to specify a region within an image, an observation node within a DICOM Structured Reporting (SR) and the ability to specify one or more Endpoint resources for retrieval of the referenced images, frames, waveforms or documents. Additionally, DocumentReference has limited ability to reference multiple images or frames and can only specify the Study, Series and SOP Instance UIDs implicitly via the URL.

DocumentReference might still be appropriate for including a rendered DICOM image in cases where the full image context is not important.

No resources refer to this resource directly.

This resource implements the Event pattern.


NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. ImagingSelection TUDomainResourceA selection of DICOM SOP instances and/or frames
Elements defined in Ancestors: id, meta, implicitRules, language, text, contained, extension, modifierExtension
... identifier Σ0..*IdentifierBusiness Identifier for Imaging Selection
... basedOn Σ0..*Reference(CarePlan | ServiceRequest | Appointment | AppointmentResponse | Task)Associated request
... subject Σ0..1Reference(Patient | Group | Device | Location | Organization | Procedure | Practitioner | Medication | Substance | Specimen)Subject of the selected instances and / or frames
... performer Σ0..*BackboneElementAuthor (human or machine)
.... function Σ0..1CodeableConceptType of performer
ImagingStudy series performer function (Extensible)
.... actor Σ0..1Reference(Practitioner | PractitionerRole | Device | Organization | CareTeam | Patient | RelatedPerson | HealthcareService)Author (human or machine)
... code Σ1..1CodeableConceptImaging Selection description text or code
ImagingSelectionCode (Example)
... studyUid Σ0..1oidDICOM Study Instance UID
... derivedFrom Σ0..*Reference(ImagingStudy)The imaging study from which the imaging selection is derived
... endpoint Σ0..*Reference(Endpoint)The network service providing retrieval for the images referenced in the imaging selection
... seriesUid Σ0..1oidDICOM Series Instance UID
... frameOfReferenceUid Σ0..1oidThe Frame of Reference UID for the selected images
... bodySite Σ0..1CodingBody part examined
SNOMED CT Body Structures (Example)
... instance Σ0..*BackboneElementThe selected instances
.... uid Σ1..1oidDICOM SOP Instance UID
.... sopClass 0..1CodingDICOM SOP Class UID
sopClass (Extensible)
.... frameList 0..1stringList of selected frames encoded as a comma separated list of one or more non duplicate frame numbers
.... observationUid 0..*oidSelected observations in a DICOM SR
.... segmentList 0..1stringList of selected segments encoded as a comma separated list of one or more non duplicate segnent numbers
.... roiList 0..1stringList of selected regions of interest (ROI) encoded as a comma separated list of one or more non duplicate ROI numbers
... imageRegion 0..1BackboneElementA specific region in a DICOM image / frame
ImagingSelectionGraphicType (Required)
.... coordinateType 1..1code2d | 3d
ImagingSelectionCoordinateType (Required)
.... coordinates 1..*decimalSpecifies the type of coordinates that define the image region 2d | 3d

doco Documentation for this format

UML Diagram (Legend)

ImagingSelection (DomainResource)A unique identifier assigned to this imaging selectionidentifier : Identifier [0..*]A list of the diagnostic requests that resulted in this imaging selection being performedbasedOn : Reference [0..*] « CarePlan|ServiceRequest|Appointment| AppointmentResponse|Task »The patient, or group of patients, location, device, organization, procedure or practitioner this imaging selection is about and into whose or what record the imaging selection is placedsubject : Reference [0..1] « Patient|Group|Device|Location| Organization|Procedure|Practitioner|Medication|Substance| Specimen »The date and time this imaging selection was createdissued : instant [0..1]Describes the imaging selectioncode : CodeableConcept [1..1] « null (Strength=Example)ImagingSelectionCode?? »The Study Instance UID for the DICOM Study from which the images were selectedstudyUid : oid [0..1]The imaging study from which the imaging selection is madederivedFrom : Reference [0..*] « ImagingStudy »The network service providing retrieval access to the selected images, frames, etc. See implementation notes for information about using DICOM endpointsendpoint : Reference [0..*] « Endpoint »The Series Instance UID for the DICOM Series from which the images were selectedseriesUid : oid [0..1]The Frame of Reference UID identifying the coordinate system that conveys spatial and/or temporal information for the selected images or framesframeOfReferenceUid : oid [0..1]The anatomic structures examined. See DICOM Part 16 Annex L ( for DICOM to SNOMED-CT mappingsbodySite : Coding [0..1] « null (Strength=Example)SNOMEDCTBodyStructures?? »PerformerDistinguishes the type of involvement of the performerfunction : CodeableConcept [0..1] « null (Strength=Extensible)ImagingStudySeriesPerformerFu...+ »Author – human or machineactor : Reference [0..1] « Practitioner|PractitionerRole|Device| Organization|CareTeam|Patient|RelatedPerson|HealthcareService »InstanceThe SOP Instance UID for the selected DICOM instanceuid : oid [1..1]The SOP Class UID for the selected DICOM instancesopClass : Coding [0..1] « null (Strength=Extensible)sopClass+ »The set of frames within a multi-frame SOP Instance that are included in the imaging selection. Encoded as a comma separated list of one or more non duplicate frame numbers. If this is absent, all frames within the referenced SOP Instance are included in the selectionframeList : string [0..1]The unique identifier for the observation Content Item (and its subsidiary Content Items, if any) that are included in the imaging selectionobservationUid : oid [0..*]The set of segments within a segmentation SOP Instance that are included in the imaging selection. Encoded as a comma separated list of one or more non duplicate segment numbers. If this is absent, all segments within the referenced segmentation SOP Instance are included in the selectionsegmentList : string [0..1]The set of regions of interest (ROI) within a radiotherapy structure set instance that are included in the imaging selection. Encoded as a comma separated list of one or more non duplicate ROI numbers. If this is absent, all ROIs within the referenced radiotherapy structure set SOP Instance are included in the selectionroiList : string [0..1]ImageRegionSpecifies the type of image regionregionType : code [1..1] « null (Strength=Required)ImagingSelectionGraphicType! »Specifies the type of coordinate system that define the image regioncoordinateType : code [1..1] « null (Strength=Required)ImagingSelectionCoordinateType! »The coordinates describing the image region. If coordinateType is 2D this specifies sequence of (x,y) coordinates in the coordinate system of the image specified by the instance.uid element that contains this image region. If coordinateType is 3D this specifies sequence of (x,y,z) coordinates in the coordinate system specified by the frameOfReferenceUid elementcoordinates : decimal [1..*]Author – human or machineperformer[0..*]Each imaging selection includes one or more selected DICOM SOP instancesinstance[0..*]Each imaging selection might includes one or more image regions. Image regions are specified by a region type and a set of 2D or 3D coordinatesimageRegion[0..1]

XML Template

<ImagingSelection xmlns=""> doco
 <!-- from Resource: id, meta, implicitRules, and language -->
 <!-- from DomainResource: text, contained, extension, and modifierExtension -->
 <identifier><!-- 0..* Identifier Business Identifier for Imaging Selection --></identifier>
 <basedOn><!-- 0..* Reference(Appointment|AppointmentResponse|CarePlan|
   ServiceRequest|Task) Associated request --></basedOn>
 <subject><!-- 0..1 Reference(Device|Group|Location|Medication|Organization|
   Patient|Practitioner|Procedure|Specimen|Substance) Subject of the selected instances and / or frames --></subject>
 <issued value="[instant]"/><!-- 0..1 Date / Time when the selection of instances was made -->
 <performer>  <!-- 0..* Author (human or machine) -->
  <function><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept Type of performer --></function>
  <actor><!-- 0..1 Reference(CareTeam|Device|HealthcareService|Organization|
    Patient|Practitioner|PractitionerRole|RelatedPerson) Author (human or machine) --></actor>
 <code><!-- 1..1 CodeableConcept Imaging Selection description text or code  --></code>
 <studyUid value="[oid]"/><!-- 0..1 DICOM Study Instance UID -->
 <derivedFrom><!-- 0..* Reference(ImagingStudy) The imaging study from which the imaging selection is derived --></derivedFrom>
 <endpoint><!-- 0..* Reference(Endpoint) The network service providing retrieval for the images referenced in the imaging selection --></endpoint>
 <seriesUid value="[oid]"/><!-- 0..1 DICOM Series Instance UID -->
 <frameOfReferenceUid value="[oid]"/><!-- 0..1 The Frame of Reference UID for the selected images -->
 <bodySite><!-- 0..1 Coding Body part examined --></bodySite>
 <instance>  <!-- 0..* The selected instances -->
  <uid value="[oid]"/><!-- 1..1 DICOM SOP Instance UID -->
  <sopClass><!-- 0..1 Coding DICOM SOP Class UID  --></sopClass>
  <frameList value="[string]"/><!-- 0..1 List of selected frames encoded as a comma separated list of one or more non duplicate frame numbers -->
  <observationUid value="[oid]"/><!-- 0..* Selected observations in a DICOM SR -->
  <segmentList value="[string]"/><!-- 0..1 List of selected segments encoded as a comma separated list of one or more non duplicate segnent numbers -->
  <roiList value="[string]"/><!-- 0..1 List of selected regions of interest (ROI) encoded as a comma separated list of one or more non duplicate ROI numbers -->
 <imageRegion>  <!-- 0..1 A specific region in a DICOM image / frame -->
  <regionType value="[code]"/><!-- 1..1 POINT | MULTIPOINT | POLYLINE | POLYGON | ELLIPSE | ELLIPSOID -->
  <coordinateType value="[code]"/><!-- 1..1 2d | 3d -->
  <coordinates value="[decimal]"/><!-- 1..* Specifies the type of coordinates that define the image region 2d | 3d -->

JSON Template

  "resourceType" : "ImagingSelection",
  // from Resource: id, meta, implicitRules, and language
  // from DomainResource: text, contained, extension, and modifierExtension
  "identifier" : [{ Identifier }], // Business Identifier for Imaging Selection
  "basedOn" : [{ Reference(Appointment|AppointmentResponse|CarePlan|
   ServiceRequest|Task) }], // Associated request
  "subject" : { Reference(Device|Group|Location|Medication|Organization|
   Patient|Practitioner|Procedure|Specimen|Substance) }, // Subject of the selected instances and / or frames
  "issued" : "<instant>", // Date / Time when the selection of instances was made
  "performer" : [{ // Author (human or machine)
    "function" : { CodeableConcept }, // Type of performer
    "actor" : { Reference(CareTeam|Device|HealthcareService|Organization|
    Patient|Practitioner|PractitionerRole|RelatedPerson) } // Author (human or machine)
  "code" : { CodeableConcept }, // R!  Imaging Selection description text or code 
  "studyUid" : "<oid>", // DICOM Study Instance UID
  "derivedFrom" : [{ Reference(ImagingStudy) }], // The imaging study from which the imaging selection is derived
  "endpoint" : [{ Reference(Endpoint) }], // The network service providing retrieval for the images referenced in the imaging selection
  "seriesUid" : "<oid>", // DICOM Series Instance UID
  "frameOfReferenceUid" : "<oid>", // The Frame of Reference UID for the selected images
  "bodySite" : { Coding }, // Body part examined
  "instance" : [{ // The selected instances
    "uid" : "<oid>", // R!  DICOM SOP Instance UID
    "sopClass" : { Coding }, // DICOM SOP Class UID 
    "frameList" : "<string>", // List of selected frames encoded as a comma separated list of one or more non duplicate frame numbers
    "observationUid" : ["<oid>"], // Selected observations in a DICOM SR
    "segmentList" : "<string>", // List of selected segments encoded as a comma separated list of one or more non duplicate segnent numbers
    "roiList" : "<string>" // List of selected regions of interest (ROI) encoded as a comma separated list of one or more non duplicate ROI numbers
  "imageRegion" : { // A specific region in a DICOM image / frame
    "regionType" : "<code>", // R!  POINT | MULTIPOINT | POLYLINE | POLYGON | ELLIPSE | ELLIPSOID
    "coordinateType" : "<code>", // R!  2d | 3d
    "coordinates" : [<decimal>] // R!  Specifies the type of coordinates that define the image region 2d | 3d

Turtle Template

@prefix fhir: <> .doco

[ a fhir:ImagingSelection;
  fhir:nodeRole fhir:treeRoot; # if this is the parser root

  # from Resource: .id, .meta, .implicitRules, and .language
  # from DomainResource: .text, .contained, .extension, and .modifierExtension
  fhir:ImagingSelection.identifier [ Identifier ], ... ; # 0..* Business Identifier for Imaging Selection
  fhir:ImagingSelection.basedOn [ Reference(Appointment|AppointmentResponse|CarePlan|ServiceRequest|Task) ], ... ; # 0..* Associated request
  fhir:ImagingSelection.subject [ Reference(Device|Group|Location|Medication|Organization|Patient|Practitioner|Procedure|
  Specimen|Substance) ]; # 0..1 Subject of the selected instances and / or frames
  fhir:ImagingSelection.issued [ instant ]; # 0..1 Date / Time when the selection of instances was made
  fhir:ImagingSelection.performer [ # 0..* Author (human or machine)
    fhir:ImagingSelection.performer.function [ CodeableConcept ]; # 0..1 Type of performer [ Reference(CareTeam|Device|HealthcareService|Organization|Patient|Practitioner|
  PractitionerRole|RelatedPerson) ]; # 0..1 Author (human or machine)
  ], ...;
  fhir:ImagingSelection.code [ CodeableConcept ]; # 1..1 Imaging Selection description text or code
  fhir:ImagingSelection.studyUid [ oid ]; # 0..1 DICOM Study Instance UID
  fhir:ImagingSelection.derivedFrom [ Reference(ImagingStudy) ], ... ; # 0..* The imaging study from which the imaging selection is derived
  fhir:ImagingSelection.endpoint [ Reference(Endpoint) ], ... ; # 0..* The network service providing retrieval for the images referenced in the imaging selection
  fhir:ImagingSelection.seriesUid [ oid ]; # 0..1 DICOM Series Instance UID
  fhir:ImagingSelection.frameOfReferenceUid [ oid ]; # 0..1 The Frame of Reference UID for the selected images
  fhir:ImagingSelection.bodySite [ Coding ]; # 0..1 Body part examined
  fhir:ImagingSelection.instance [ # 0..* The selected instances
    fhir:ImagingSelection.instance.uid [ oid ]; # 1..1 DICOM SOP Instance UID
    fhir:ImagingSelection.instance.sopClass [ Coding ]; # 0..1 DICOM SOP Class UID
    fhir:ImagingSelection.instance.frameList [ string ]; # 0..1 List of selected frames encoded as a comma separated list of one or more non duplicate frame numbers
    fhir:ImagingSelection.instance.observationUid [ oid ], ... ; # 0..* Selected observations in a DICOM SR
    fhir:ImagingSelection.instance.segmentList [ string ]; # 0..1 List of selected segments encoded as a comma separated list of one or more non duplicate segnent numbers
    fhir:ImagingSelection.instance.roiList [ string ]; # 0..1 List of selected regions of interest (ROI) encoded as a comma separated list of one or more non duplicate ROI numbers
  ], ...;
  fhir:ImagingSelection.imageRegion [ # 0..1 A specific region in a DICOM image / frame
    fhir:ImagingSelection.imageRegion.regionType [ code ]; # 1..1 POINT | MULTIPOINT | POLYLINE | POLYGON | ELLIPSE | ELLIPSOID
    fhir:ImagingSelection.imageRegion.coordinateType [ code ]; # 1..1 2d | 3d
    fhir:ImagingSelection.imageRegion.coordinates [ decimal ], ... ; # 1..* Specifies the type of coordinates that define the image region 2d | 3d

Changes since R3

This resource did not exist in Release 2

This analysis is available as XML or JSON.


NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. ImagingSelection TUDomainResourceA selection of DICOM SOP instances and/or frames
Elements defined in Ancestors: id, meta, implicitRules, language, text, contained, extension, modifierExtension
... identifier Σ0..*IdentifierBusiness Identifier for Imaging Selection
... basedOn Σ0..*Reference(CarePlan | ServiceRequest | Appointment | AppointmentResponse | Task)Associated request
... subject Σ0..1Reference(Patient | Group | Device | Location | Organization | Procedure | Practitioner | Medication | Substance | Specimen)Subject of the selected instances and / or frames
... performer Σ0..*BackboneElementAuthor (human or machine)
.... function Σ0..1CodeableConceptType of performer
ImagingStudy series performer function (Extensible)
.... actor Σ0..1Reference(Practitioner | PractitionerRole | Device | Organization | CareTeam | Patient | RelatedPerson | HealthcareService)Author (human or machine)
... code Σ1..1CodeableConceptImaging Selection description text or code
ImagingSelectionCode (Example)
... studyUid Σ0..1oidDICOM Study Instance UID
... derivedFrom Σ0..*Reference(ImagingStudy)The imaging study from which the imaging selection is derived
... endpoint Σ0..*Reference(Endpoint)The network service providing retrieval for the images referenced in the imaging selection
... seriesUid Σ0..1oidDICOM Series Instance UID
... frameOfReferenceUid Σ0..1oidThe Frame of Reference UID for the selected images
... bodySite Σ0..1CodingBody part examined
SNOMED CT Body Structures (Example)
... instance Σ0..*BackboneElementThe selected instances
.... uid Σ1..1oidDICOM SOP Instance UID
.... sopClass 0..1CodingDICOM SOP Class UID
sopClass (Extensible)
.... frameList 0..1stringList of selected frames encoded as a comma separated list of one or more non duplicate frame numbers
.... observationUid 0..*oidSelected observations in a DICOM SR
.... segmentList 0..1stringList of selected segments encoded as a comma separated list of one or more non duplicate segnent numbers
.... roiList 0..1stringList of selected regions of interest (ROI) encoded as a comma separated list of one or more non duplicate ROI numbers
... imageRegion 0..1BackboneElementA specific region in a DICOM image / frame
ImagingSelectionGraphicType (Required)
.... coordinateType 1..1code2d | 3d
ImagingSelectionCoordinateType (Required)
.... coordinates 1..*decimalSpecifies the type of coordinates that define the image region 2d | 3d

doco Documentation for this format

UML Diagram (Legend)

ImagingSelection (DomainResource)A unique identifier assigned to this imaging selectionidentifier : Identifier [0..*]A list of the diagnostic requests that resulted in this imaging selection being performedbasedOn : Reference [0..*] « CarePlan|ServiceRequest|Appointment| AppointmentResponse|Task »The patient, or group of patients, location, device, organization, procedure or practitioner this imaging selection is about and into whose or what record the imaging selection is placedsubject : Reference [0..1] « Patient|Group|Device|Location| Organization|Procedure|Practitioner|Medication|Substance| Specimen »The date and time this imaging selection was createdissued : instant [0..1]Describes the imaging selectioncode : CodeableConcept [1..1] « null (Strength=Example)ImagingSelectionCode?? »The Study Instance UID for the DICOM Study from which the images were selectedstudyUid : oid [0..1]The imaging study from which the imaging selection is madederivedFrom : Reference [0..*] « ImagingStudy »The network service providing retrieval access to the selected images, frames, etc. See implementation notes for information about using DICOM endpointsendpoint : Reference [0..*] « Endpoint »The Series Instance UID for the DICOM Series from which the images were selectedseriesUid : oid [0..1]The Frame of Reference UID identifying the coordinate system that conveys spatial and/or temporal information for the selected images or framesframeOfReferenceUid : oid [0..1]The anatomic structures examined. See DICOM Part 16 Annex L ( for DICOM to SNOMED-CT mappingsbodySite : Coding [0..1] « null (Strength=Example)SNOMEDCTBodyStructures?? »PerformerDistinguishes the type of involvement of the performerfunction : CodeableConcept [0..1] « null (Strength=Extensible)ImagingStudySeriesPerformerFu...+ »Author – human or machineactor : Reference [0..1] « Practitioner|PractitionerRole|Device| Organization|CareTeam|Patient|RelatedPerson|HealthcareService »InstanceThe SOP Instance UID for the selected DICOM instanceuid : oid [1..1]The SOP Class UID for the selected DICOM instancesopClass : Coding [0..1] « null (Strength=Extensible)sopClass+ »The set of frames within a multi-frame SOP Instance that are included in the imaging selection. Encoded as a comma separated list of one or more non duplicate frame numbers. If this is absent, all frames within the referenced SOP Instance are included in the selectionframeList : string [0..1]The unique identifier for the observation Content Item (and its subsidiary Content Items, if any) that are included in the imaging selectionobservationUid : oid [0..*]The set of segments within a segmentation SOP Instance that are included in the imaging selection. Encoded as a comma separated list of one or more non duplicate segment numbers. If this is absent, all segments within the referenced segmentation SOP Instance are included in the selectionsegmentList : string [0..1]The set of regions of interest (ROI) within a radiotherapy structure set instance that are included in the imaging selection. Encoded as a comma separated list of one or more non duplicate ROI numbers. If this is absent, all ROIs within the referenced radiotherapy structure set SOP Instance are included in the selectionroiList : string [0..1]ImageRegionSpecifies the type of image regionregionType : code [1..1] « null (Strength=Required)ImagingSelectionGraphicType! »Specifies the type of coordinate system that define the image regioncoordinateType : code [1..1] « null (Strength=Required)ImagingSelectionCoordinateType! »The coordinates describing the image region. If coordinateType is 2D this specifies sequence of (x,y) coordinates in the coordinate system of the image specified by the instance.uid element that contains this image region. If coordinateType is 3D this specifies sequence of (x,y,z) coordinates in the coordinate system specified by the frameOfReferenceUid elementcoordinates : decimal [1..*]Author – human or machineperformer[0..*]Each imaging selection includes one or more selected DICOM SOP instancesinstance[0..*]Each imaging selection might includes one or more image regions. Image regions are specified by a region type and a set of 2D or 3D coordinatesimageRegion[0..1]

XML Template

<ImagingSelection xmlns=""> doco
 <!-- from Resource: id, meta, implicitRules, and language -->
 <!-- from DomainResource: text, contained, extension, and modifierExtension -->
 <identifier><!-- 0..* Identifier Business Identifier for Imaging Selection --></identifier>
 <basedOn><!-- 0..* Reference(Appointment|AppointmentResponse|CarePlan|
   ServiceRequest|Task) Associated request --></basedOn>
 <subject><!-- 0..1 Reference(Device|Group|Location|Medication|Organization|
   Patient|Practitioner|Procedure|Specimen|Substance) Subject of the selected instances and / or frames --></subject>
 <issued value="[instant]"/><!-- 0..1 Date / Time when the selection of instances was made -->
 <performer>  <!-- 0..* Author (human or machine) -->
  <function><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept Type of performer --></function>
  <actor><!-- 0..1 Reference(CareTeam|Device|HealthcareService|Organization|
    Patient|Practitioner|PractitionerRole|RelatedPerson) Author (human or machine) --></actor>
 <code><!-- 1..1 CodeableConcept Imaging Selection description text or code  --></code>
 <studyUid value="[oid]"/><!-- 0..1 DICOM Study Instance UID -->
 <derivedFrom><!-- 0..* Reference(ImagingStudy) The imaging study from which the imaging selection is derived --></derivedFrom>
 <endpoint><!-- 0..* Reference(Endpoint) The network service providing retrieval for the images referenced in the imaging selection --></endpoint>
 <seriesUid value="[oid]"/><!-- 0..1 DICOM Series Instance UID -->
 <frameOfReferenceUid value="[oid]"/><!-- 0..1 The Frame of Reference UID for the selected images -->
 <bodySite><!-- 0..1 Coding Body part examined --></bodySite>
 <instance>  <!-- 0..* The selected instances -->
  <uid value="[oid]"/><!-- 1..1 DICOM SOP Instance UID -->
  <sopClass><!-- 0..1 Coding DICOM SOP Class UID  --></sopClass>
  <frameList value="[string]"/><!-- 0..1 List of selected frames encoded as a comma separated list of one or more non duplicate frame numbers -->
  <observationUid value="[oid]"/><!-- 0..* Selected observations in a DICOM SR -->
  <segmentList value="[string]"/><!-- 0..1 List of selected segments encoded as a comma separated list of one or more non duplicate segnent numbers -->
  <roiList value="[string]"/><!-- 0..1 List of selected regions of interest (ROI) encoded as a comma separated list of one or more non duplicate ROI numbers -->
 <imageRegion>  <!-- 0..1 A specific region in a DICOM image / frame -->
  <regionType value="[code]"/><!-- 1..1 POINT | MULTIPOINT | POLYLINE | POLYGON | ELLIPSE | ELLIPSOID -->
  <coordinateType value="[code]"/><!-- 1..1 2d | 3d -->
  <coordinates value="[decimal]"/><!-- 1..* Specifies the type of coordinates that define the image region 2d | 3d -->

JSON Template

  "resourceType" : "ImagingSelection",
  // from Resource: id, meta, implicitRules, and language
  // from DomainResource: text, contained, extension, and modifierExtension
  "identifier" : [{ Identifier }], // Business Identifier for Imaging Selection
  "basedOn" : [{ Reference(Appointment|AppointmentResponse|CarePlan|
   ServiceRequest|Task) }], // Associated request
  "subject" : { Reference(Device|Group|Location|Medication|Organization|
   Patient|Practitioner|Procedure|Specimen|Substance) }, // Subject of the selected instances and / or frames
  "issued" : "<instant>", // Date / Time when the selection of instances was made
  "performer" : [{ // Author (human or machine)
    "function" : { CodeableConcept }, // Type of performer
    "actor" : { Reference(CareTeam|Device|HealthcareService|Organization|
    Patient|Practitioner|PractitionerRole|RelatedPerson) } // Author (human or machine)
  "code" : { CodeableConcept }, // R!  Imaging Selection description text or code 
  "studyUid" : "<oid>", // DICOM Study Instance UID
  "derivedFrom" : [{ Reference(ImagingStudy) }], // The imaging study from which the imaging selection is derived
  "endpoint" : [{ Reference(Endpoint) }], // The network service providing retrieval for the images referenced in the imaging selection
  "seriesUid" : "<oid>", // DICOM Series Instance UID
  "frameOfReferenceUid" : "<oid>", // The Frame of Reference UID for the selected images
  "bodySite" : { Coding }, // Body part examined
  "instance" : [{ // The selected instances
    "uid" : "<oid>", // R!  DICOM SOP Instance UID
    "sopClass" : { Coding }, // DICOM SOP Class UID 
    "frameList" : "<string>", // List of selected frames encoded as a comma separated list of one or more non duplicate frame numbers
    "observationUid" : ["<oid>"], // Selected observations in a DICOM SR
    "segmentList" : "<string>", // List of selected segments encoded as a comma separated list of one or more non duplicate segnent numbers
    "roiList" : "<string>" // List of selected regions of interest (ROI) encoded as a comma separated list of one or more non duplicate ROI numbers
  "imageRegion" : { // A specific region in a DICOM image / frame
    "regionType" : "<code>", // R!  POINT | MULTIPOINT | POLYLINE | POLYGON | ELLIPSE | ELLIPSOID
    "coordinateType" : "<code>", // R!  2d | 3d
    "coordinates" : [<decimal>] // R!  Specifies the type of coordinates that define the image region 2d | 3d

Turtle Template

@prefix fhir: <> .doco

[ a fhir:ImagingSelection;
  fhir:nodeRole fhir:treeRoot; # if this is the parser root

  # from Resource: .id, .meta, .implicitRules, and .language
  # from DomainResource: .text, .contained, .extension, and .modifierExtension
  fhir:ImagingSelection.identifier [ Identifier ], ... ; # 0..* Business Identifier for Imaging Selection
  fhir:ImagingSelection.basedOn [ Reference(Appointment|AppointmentResponse|CarePlan|ServiceRequest|Task) ], ... ; # 0..* Associated request
  fhir:ImagingSelection.subject [ Reference(Device|Group|Location|Medication|Organization|Patient|Practitioner|Procedure|
  Specimen|Substance) ]; # 0..1 Subject of the selected instances and / or frames
  fhir:ImagingSelection.issued [ instant ]; # 0..1 Date / Time when the selection of instances was made
  fhir:ImagingSelection.performer [ # 0..* Author (human or machine)
    fhir:ImagingSelection.performer.function [ CodeableConcept ]; # 0..1 Type of performer [ Reference(CareTeam|Device|HealthcareService|Organization|Patient|Practitioner|
  PractitionerRole|RelatedPerson) ]; # 0..1 Author (human or machine)
  ], ...;
  fhir:ImagingSelection.code [ CodeableConcept ]; # 1..1 Imaging Selection description text or code
  fhir:ImagingSelection.studyUid [ oid ]; # 0..1 DICOM Study Instance UID
  fhir:ImagingSelection.derivedFrom [ Reference(ImagingStudy) ], ... ; # 0..* The imaging study from which the imaging selection is derived
  fhir:ImagingSelection.endpoint [ Reference(Endpoint) ], ... ; # 0..* The network service providing retrieval for the images referenced in the imaging selection
  fhir:ImagingSelection.seriesUid [ oid ]; # 0..1 DICOM Series Instance UID
  fhir:ImagingSelection.frameOfReferenceUid [ oid ]; # 0..1 The Frame of Reference UID for the selected images
  fhir:ImagingSelection.bodySite [ Coding ]; # 0..1 Body part examined
  fhir:ImagingSelection.instance [ # 0..* The selected instances
    fhir:ImagingSelection.instance.uid [ oid ]; # 1..1 DICOM SOP Instance UID
    fhir:ImagingSelection.instance.sopClass [ Coding ]; # 0..1 DICOM SOP Class UID
    fhir:ImagingSelection.instance.frameList [ string ]; # 0..1 List of selected frames encoded as a comma separated list of one or more non duplicate frame numbers
    fhir:ImagingSelection.instance.observationUid [ oid ], ... ; # 0..* Selected observations in a DICOM SR
    fhir:ImagingSelection.instance.segmentList [ string ]; # 0..1 List of selected segments encoded as a comma separated list of one or more non duplicate segnent numbers
    fhir:ImagingSelection.instance.roiList [ string ]; # 0..1 List of selected regions of interest (ROI) encoded as a comma separated list of one or more non duplicate ROI numbers
  ], ...;
  fhir:ImagingSelection.imageRegion [ # 0..1 A specific region in a DICOM image / frame
    fhir:ImagingSelection.imageRegion.regionType [ code ]; # 1..1 POINT | MULTIPOINT | POLYLINE | POLYGON | ELLIPSE | ELLIPSOID
    fhir:ImagingSelection.imageRegion.coordinateType [ code ]; # 1..1 2d | 3d
    fhir:ImagingSelection.imageRegion.coordinates [ decimal ], ... ; # 1..* Specifies the type of coordinates that define the image region 2d | 3d

Changes since Release 3

This resource did not exist in Release 2

This analysis is available as XML or JSON.


See the Profiles & Extensions and the alternate definitions: Master Definition XML + JSON, XML Schema/Schematron + JSON Schema, ShEx (for Turtle) + see the extensions, the spreadsheet version & the dependency analysis a

ImagingSelection.performer.function ExtensibleImagingStudySeriesPerformerFunction
ImagingSelection.code Example
ImagingSelection.bodySite ExampleSNOMEDCTBodyStructures
ImagingSelection.instance.sopClass Extensible
ImagingSelection.imageRegion.regionType RequiredImagingSelectionGraphicType
ImagingSelection.imageRegion.coordinateType RequiredImagingSelectionCoordinateType


Search parameters for this resource. The common parameters also apply. See Searching for more information about searching in REST, messaging, and services.

NameTypeDescriptionExpressionIn Common
based-onreferenceThe request associated with an imaging selectionImagingSelection.basedOn
(Appointment, AppointmentResponse, CarePlan, Task, ServiceRequest)
body-sitetokenThe body site associated with the imaging selectionImagingSelection.bodySite
codetokenThe imaging selection description text or codeImagingSelection.code
derived-fromreferenceThe imaging study from which the imaging selection was derivedImagingSelection.derivedFrom
identifiertokenIdentifiers for the imaging selectionImagingSelection.identifier
issued NdateThe date / time the imaging selection was createdImagingSelection.issued
patientreferenceWho the study is aboutImagingSelection.subject.where(resolve() is Patient)
(Practitioner, Group, Specimen, Organization, Device, Medication, Patient, Procedure, Substance, Location)
study-uiduriThe DICOM Study Instance UID from which the images were selectedImagingSelection.studyUid
subjectreferenceThe subject of the Imaging Selection, such as the associated PatientImagingSelection.subject
(Practitioner, Group, Specimen, Organization, Device, Medication, Patient, Procedure, Substance, Location)